AR 600–85 • 23 July 2020 88
u. Serve as the coordinator of all substance abuse and risk reduction issues for the IPT, human resources councilor other similar appropriate forums.
v. Assist commanders and supervisors in the ID and referral of individuals suspected of problematic substance use.
w. Evaluate all prevention education and training aspects of ASAP at the end of the fiscal year, and
forward through the commander, USARC Substance Abuse Program, ARD, a written report of the command prevention program activities and accomplishments.
x. For military personnel only, restrict notification of positive drug test results with the ability to transition from using a Soldier’s SSN to DoD EDI
PI, located on the Soldiers common access card. The EDI
PI will serve as the primary means for Soldiers and sample ID for military drug testing collection procedures. Drug testing laboratories will continue to accept both SSN and EDI
PI during the transition. DoD will announce when SSN will no longer be accepted in future correspondence.
The notifications will be (1) The commander who ordered the test.
(2) The chain of command over the commander who ordered the test.
(3) The supporting legal office when they are acting on behalf of the commander who ordered the test.
y. Supervise the MRO review process and ensure the review timelines are being met. Prepare and submit all required reports in DAMIS or other electronic form as specified.
z. Ensure PCs will
(1) Promote ASAP and SUDCC services using marketing, networking, and consulting strategies.
(2) Provide training and any other services to assist organizations in ensuring all military and civilian personnel are provided prevention education training. The DOT-designated positions and other high risk civilian positions should receive targeted training pertaining to their jobs. The PCs will track all training conducted by unit or directorate, as appropriate.
(3) Coordinate with the command training officer to assist in integrating the preventive education and training efforts into the overall command training program.
(4) Design, develop, and administer target group-oriented alcohol and other drug prevention education and training programs in coordination with the ASAP staff and other command prevention professionals.
(5) Maintain liaison with schools serving
military Family members, civic organizations, civilian agencies, and military organizations to integrate the efforts of all community preventive education resources.
(6) Teach the UPL certification course, provide UPLs with education and training materials, and provide USARC with all training evaluations.
(7) Address military command risk levels and work toward reducing the risk factors.
(8) Enter into DAMIS
all substance abuse training, maintain rosters for all training within the command by units and enter into DAMIS.
(9) Conduct pre- and post-deployment, TDY, and area of operation substance abuse training.
(10) Develop with ASAP staff members, a substance abuse prevention plan annually.
(11) Serve as the coordinator for all RRP issues and the Command Prevention Team (CPT) Human resources councilor similar forum, if no RRPC is not available.
(12) Develop and implement a RRP policies.
(13) Coordinate, facilitate and collect RRP data.
(14) Ensure RRP data is collected from the data providers and input into the ASAP Web-based system by the 10th of the month following the previous month quarterly. The RRPC has the overall responsibility in terms of ensuring the data's accuracy.
(15) Coordinate with the EAP coordinator on assisting the commanders with
identifying high risk units, conducting
URI and R
URI surveys, and identifying appropriate intervention services.
(16) Ensure that the URI is administered to all Soldiers at least 30 dates before an operational deployment, annually, upon change of command, and the R
URI is administered to all Soldiers between 30 and 180 days after returning from an operational deployment.
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