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Appendix A

Non-governmental organizations invited to
provide input into/comment on Australia’s
Common Core Document

Aboriginal Legal Rights Movement

ACT Chief Minister’s Multicultural Consultative Council

ACT Multicultural Council Inc

Advisory Commission of the Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative

Amnesty International Australia

Anglican Church of Australia - General Synod


Unit B’nai B’rith



Asia Pacific Forum of National Human Rights Institutions


Centre for Human Rights and the Prevention of Ethnic Conflict


Australia Baptist World Aid

Australia Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby

Australia Tibet Council

Australian Baha’i Community

Australian Catholic Migration and Refugee Office

Australian Catholic Social Justice Council

Australian Council for International Development

Australian Council for Lesbian and Gay Rights

Australian Council of Social Services

Australian Council of Trade Unions

Australian Education Union

Australian Federation of Homelessness Organisations

Australian Federation of Disability Organisations

Australian Federation of Human Rights Organisations

Australian Federation of Islamic Councils

Australian Forum of Human Rights Organisations

Australian Human Rights Centre

Australian Lawyers for Human Rights

Australian Library and Information Association

Australian Multicultural Foundation

Australian Muslim Civil Rights Advocacy Network

Australian Red Cross

Australian Section of the International Commission of Jurists

Australian Women’s Lawyers Association

Australians for Native Title and Reconciliation

Brahma Kumaris

Bravehearts Inc

Business and Professional Women Australia

Castan Centre for Human Rights Law

Catholic Commission for Justice, Development and Peace

Centre for Democratic Institutions

Centre for International and Public Law ANU

Christian Solidarity Australasia

Civil Liberties Australia

Combined Community Legal Centres Group (NSW) Inc.

Communications Law Centre

Creative Industries Research & Application Centre, Queensland University of Technology

Defence for Children International

Environmental Defenders Office (NSW)

Equal Rights Network

Evatt Foundation

Executive Council of Australian Jewry

Faculty of Information Technology, Monash University

Federation of Community Legal Services Vic. Inc

Federation of Ethnic Community Councils of Australia

Foundation for Aboriginal and Islander Research Action

Health Consumers Network

Homelessness Legal Rights Project

Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission

Human Rights Council of Australia

Human Rights International

Human Rights Law Resource Centre

Indigenous Law Centre

International Society for Human Rights

International Women’s Development Agency

Just Rights Queensland

Kingsford Legal Centre

Law Council of Australia

Law Institute of Victoria

Liberty Victoria

Maningrida Arts & Culture

Mooka Bula Indigenous Association Incorporated

Multicultural Disability Advocacy Association, NSW

National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation

National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Legal Services Secretariat

National Association of Community Legal Centres

National Children’s and Youth Law Centre

National Committee on Human Rights Education

National Council of Churches

National Council of Women of Australia

National Ethnic Disability Alliance

National Legal Commission

National Women’s Justice Coalition

National Youth Advocacy Network

NSW Council for Civil Liberties

Older Women’s Network

Oxfam Community Aid Abroad

People with Disability Australia Inc

Plan International Australia

Project Nuff Stuff

Public Interest Advocacy Centre

Public Interest Law Clearing House Inc, NSW

Public Interest Law Clearing House Inc, Vic

Quaker Service Australia

Refugee Council of Australia

Rights Australia

School of Law, Queensland University of Technology

Service for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture and Trauma Survivors

Sisters Inside

Southern Communities Advocacy Legal and Education Service

Tears of the Oppressed


United Nations Association of Australia

United Nations Children’s Fund

United Nations Youth Association of Australia

Uniting Church in Australia

Uniting Justice Australia

Uniya Jesuit Social Justice Centre

Victorian Council of Social Service

Vietnamese Community in Australia

Women with Disabilities Australia

Women’s Electoral Lobby

Women’s Rights Action Network Australia

Young Lawyers Human Rights Committee

Young Women’s Christian Association of Australia

Appendix B

Text of Australia’s reservations to international
human rights treaties

  • International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights


Article 10

In relation to paragraph 2(a) the principle of segregation is accepted as an objective to be achieved progressively. In relation to paragraph 2(b) and 3 (second sentence) the obligation to segregate is accepted only to the extent that such segregation is considered by the responsible authorities to be beneficial to the juveniles or adults concerned.

Article 14

Australia makes the reservation that the provision of compensation for miscarriage of justice in the circumstances contemplated in paragraph 6 of article 14 may be by administrative procedures rather than pursuant to specific legal provision.

Article 20

Australia interprets the rights provided for by articles 19, 21 and 22 as consistent with article 20; accordingly, the Commonwealth and the constituent States, having legislated with respect to the subject matter of the article in matters of practical concern in the interest of public order (ordre public), the right is reserved not to introduce any further legislative provision on these matters.

  • International Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination


The Government of Australia ... declares that Australia is not at present in a position specifically to treat as offences all the matters covered by article 4 (a) of the Convention. Acts of the kind there mentioned are punishable only to the extent provided by the existing criminal law dealing with such matters as the maintenance of public order, public mischief, assault, riot, criminal libel, conspiracy and attempts. It is the intention of the Australian Government, at the first suitable moment, to seek from Parliament legislation specifically implementing the terms of article 4 (a).

  • Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women


The Government of Australia States that maternity leave with pay is provided in respect of most women employed by the Commonwealth Government and the Governments of New South Wales, Victoria and the ACT. Unpaid maternity leave is provided in respect of all other women employed in the State of NSW and elsewhere to women employed under Federal and some State industrial awards. Social Security benefits subject to income tests are available to women who are sole parents.

The Government of Australia advises that it is not at present in a position to take the measures required by article 11(2) to introduce maternity leave with pay or with comparable social benefits throughout Australia.

The Government of Australia advises that it does not accept the application of the Convention in so far as it would require alteration of Defence Force policy which excludes women from combat duties.

  • Convention on the Rights of the Child


Australia accepts the general principles of article 37. In relation to the second sentence of paragraph (c), the obligation to separate children from adults in prison is accepted only to the extent that such imprisonment is considered by the responsible authorities to be feasible and consistent with the obligation that children be able to maintain contact with their families, having regard to the geography and demography of Australia. Australia, therefore, ratifies the Convention to the extent that it is unable to comply with the obligation imposed by article 37 (c).

The Australian Government has a policy of keeping existing reservations to human rights treaties actively under review, consistent with the Vienna Declaration and Program of Action.

Updates on the status of Australia’s treaty ratifications are available from the Australian Treaties Database. The Database is an on-line resource for researching treaties to which Australia is a signatory, or where Australia has taken other treaty action: <http://www.info.dfat.gov.au/treaties/>.

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