what is parquet file and have you used it?Very imp To maintain more secured manner, we will go with Parquet. To configure Parquet, we need other pre activities to make it succesful. We need a tool to encrypt the data from parquet. what is arm template? If you need a way of deploying infrastructure-as-code to Azure, then Azure Resource Manager (ARM) Templates are the obvious way of doing it simply and repeatedly. They define the objects you want, their types, names and properties in a JSON file which can be understood by the ARM API. what is type of format for ARM template? Json templates one is parameter file another one is main source code what is major issues you have faced in your pipeline orchestration? Very imp Drop will take more time, so instead of that we used delete for full load activities. Query tuning joins got stuck and it went into multiple loops. Sometimes timeout issues, to avoid this we kept wait activity to release the connections. We checked the table level distributions and made it as a suitable one’s what is query tuning/performance tuning? Very imp to improve SQL queries in a way it runs as fast as possible and streamlines the database performance. No matter how complex SQL statements are, Oracle performance Tuning simplifies the process and improves the response times.
Name some data flow Transformation in ADF? Very imp Aggregate, Alter Row, Conditional Split, Join, Lookup, New Branch, select, sink, Sort, Surrogate, Union, filter, Exists.
What is the difference between Lookup and Joins in Dataflow? Very imp If you want to find rows matching in source 2 based on source 1 input and if you know there will be only one match for every input row, then I would suggest to use Lookup operation. An example would be you Order Details table and you want to find the matching Order Id and Customer Number, then Lookup is a better option