What is the use of Exists Transformations? The exists transformation is a row filtering transformation that checks whether your data exists in another source or stream. The output stream includes all rows in the left stream that either exist or don't exist in the right stream. The exists transformation is similar to SQL WHERE EXISTS and SQL WHERE NOT EXISTS. What is partition property inside Source and Sink in Dataflow Activity? It is divided the multiple partitions based on the partition types i.e. Round Robin, Hash and Dynamic etc. It will increase the ADF performance.
How are you implementing CI/CD integration in your project? Very imp As a code repository, we are using azure devops git repository. usually, I will work on future branch. Once I have completed my work I will create one full request.it will goes for next level approval. Once it got approved then code will move to master branch. We have separate devops team they will move code from one environment to another environment.
Daily getting 10 files need to check 10 files received and name also? Very imp By using get metadata activity we will get the length and we will store into set variable and cross verify. There are 100 files in my ADLS, How will u load these all files into different tables? Very imp lookup, foreach, copyactivity. Lookup will get first as a result which is my first file from adls and it will give that output to for each , this will iterate and go inside and do the copy activity and again it gives the contorl back to lookup for the next file. Same loop will process for till end.
Degree of copy parallelism? IMP 100 files read and load in parallel manner without having any dependency and all are diff tables. Degree of Copy Parallelism The degree of copy parallelism value specifies the maximum number of connections that can read from your source or write to your sink in parallel: