Whap – Era 1 & 2 Packet

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WHAP – Era 6 Packet

Must Know Dates

1905 Russo-Japanese War

1910-1920 Mexican Rev. (Diaz overthrown)

1911 Chinese Rev./End of Qing

1914-1918 World War I

1917 (March) Russian Rev. (Czar Abdicates)

1917 (Oct/Nov) Russian Rev. (Comm./Bolshevik)

1918 (Nov) Armistice (end of WWI fighting)

1919 Treaty of Versailles

1928 Kellogg-Briand Pact

1929 Stock Market Crash

1931 Japanese Invasion of Manchuria

1939 German Blitzkrieg in Poland

1941 Pearl Harbor

1945 (Sept) End of WWII (Japan surrenders)

1948 Birth of Israel

1949 (Apr) NATO Founded

1949 (Oct) Chinese Communist Revolution

1950-1953 Korean War

1954 Vietnam Expels France

1956 (fall) Nationalization of Suez Canal

1957 Sputnik

1959 Cuban Rev (Fidel Castro)

1962 Cuban Missile Crisis

1979 Iranian Revolution

1989 (June) Tiananmen Square

1989 (Nov) Fall of Berlin Wall

1991 (Jan) 1st Persian Gulf War

1991 (Dec) USSR Disbands

1994 (Apr) 1st All Race Elections in S. Africa

2001 9/11 Attacks

2003 Operation “Enduring Freedom”

2007 Global “Great Recession” Begins

Ch 20: World War, Depression, and the Rebalancing of Global Power


Archduke Franz Ferdinand (983)

Alliance System (983)

Militarism (984)

Conscription (984)

The Great War (985)

Trench Warfare (986)

Total War (987)

Woodrow Wilson (988)

Treaty of Versailles (989)

Armenian Genocide (989)

Mandates (989)

Fourteen Points (990)

League of Nations (990)

Great Depression (990)

Getulio Vargas (992)

Lazaro Cardenas (992)

New Deal (993)

Fascism (994)

Spanish Civil War (995)

Guernica *

Benito Mussolini (995)

Adolf Hitler (996)

Weimar Republic (997)

Nuremberg Laws (998)

Hiroshima and Nagasaki (1005)

Lebensraum (1006)

Appeasement (1006)

Blitzkrieg (1006)

Rape of Nanjing (1008)

Winston Churchill (1011)

United Nations (1012)

Marshall Plan (1013)

EEC/EU (1013)

NATO (1015)

Guiding Questions

  1. Explain the statement, “Europe’s imperial reach around the world likewise shaped the scope and conduct of the war.” (985)

  2. In what ways did WWI change society? (988)

  3. What impact did WWI have on the Ottoman Empire? (989)

  4. What impact did WWI have on Latin America? (989)

  5. What impact did WWI have on the U.S.? (989)

  6. Why did the Great Depression became a global phenomenon? (990)

  7. How did Japan’s experience during the 1920s and 1930s resemble that of Germany? How did it differ? (1000)

  8. Explain what was happening in the late 1920s and 1930s with Japan and China. (1003)

  9. How did WWII differ from WWI? (1008)


Pg. 986: Triple Alliance (label members), Triple Entente (label members)

Pg. 987: Label new states after WWI (they are underlined)

Pg. 1004: Allied-controlled territory, Japanese-controlled territory at surrender

Pg. 1007: Axis powers, German occupied, Allied powers, Neutral nations

Documents:20.1, 20.2

Adolph Hitler – Mein Kamph (My Struggle (Doc 20.1)

  1. How does Hitler distinguish between Aryans and Jews?

  2. What kind of political system does Hitler advocate?

  3. What goals for Germany did Hitler set?

  4. What aspects of Hitler’s thinking might have had wide appeal in Germany during the 1930s?

The Japanese Way (Doc 20.2)

  1. How did the authors compare Japan to the West?

  2. To whom might these ideas have been attractive? Why?

  3. How might this document have been used to justify Japan’s military and territorial expansion?

Visual Sources: Briefly describe EACH poster. Make sure to include the symbolism used in each and what POV is shown.

Defining the Enemy (Vis. 20.1)

Women and the War (Vis. 20.2)

War and the Colonies (Vis. 20.3)

The Battlefield (Vis. 20.4)

The Aftermath of War (Vis. 20.5)

Ch 21: Revolution, Socialism, and Global Conflict


Ho Chi Minh (1037)

Fidel Castro (1037)

Russian Revolution (1039)

Romanov Dynasty (1039)

Bolsheviks (1040)

Vladimir Lenin (1040)

USSR (1041)

Tito (1042)

CCP (1042)

Guomindang (1042)

Chiang Kai-shek (1042)

Mao Zedong (1043)

Joseph Stalin (1045)

Kulaks (1048)

The Great Leap Forward (1050)

Cultural Revolution (1051)

Great Purges (1052)

The Cold War (1054)

Korean War (1055)

Vietnam War (1055)

Nikita Khrushchev (1056)

Cuban Missile Crisis (1056)

Nonalignment (1057)

Deng Xiaoping (1062)

Tiananmen Square (1063)

Mikhail Gorbachev (1063)

Perestroika (1063)

Glasnost (1063)

Berlin Wall (1064)

Guiding Questions

  1. List places where communism was influential during the 20th century. (1036)

  2. What were the major differences between the Russian and Chinese Revolutions? (1039)

  3. What was the appeal of communism in China before 1949? (1042)

  4. What changes did communist regimes bring to the lives of women? (1046)

  5. How did the collectivization of agriculture differ between the USSR and China? (1047)

  6. In what ways did the U.S. play a global role after WWII? (1058)

  7. Explain how U.S. culture spread around the world. Give specific examples. (1058)

  8. According to the author, the communist era came to an end in “three acts”. What were these “three acts”? (1061)

  9. How did the end of communism in the Soviet Union differ from communism’s demise in China? (1063)


Pg. 1055: NATO countries, U.S. allies, Warsaw Pact, Communist countries


Joseph Stalin – The Results of the First Five-Year Plan (Doc 21.2)

  1. What larger goals for the country underlay Stalin’s report? Why did he believe those goals had to be achieved so rapidly?

  2. To what indications of success did Stalin point? Which of these claims do you find the most and least credible?

Personal Accounts of Soviet Industrialization (Doc 21.3)

  1. In what respects did Soviet workers benefit from Stalinist industrialization?

  2. What criticisms were voiced in these extracts?

  3. Which of these selections do you find most credible?

Personal Accounts of the Terror (Doc 21.4)

  1. Briefly describe each person’s experience during the Terror.

  2. How might you compare the Soviet Terror and the Nazi Holocaust?

Visual Sources: Briefly describe EACH poster. Make sure to include the symbolism used in each and what POV is shown.

Smashing the Old Society (Vis. 21.1)

Building the New Society (Vis. 21.2)

Women, Nature, and Industrialization (Vis. 21.3)

The Cult of Mao (Vis. 21.4)

Ch 22: The End of Empire


Decolonization (1088)

Mexican Revolution 1910 (1089)

Indian National Congress (1094)

Mohandas Gandhi (1094)

Jawaharlal Nehru (1096)

All-India Muslim League (1096)

Muhammad Ali Jinnah (1096)

Partition of India (1097)

Afrikaners (1097)

Apartheid (1099)

African National Congress (1100)

Nelson Mandela (1100)

Pan Africanist Congress (1102)

Kwame Nkrumah (1103)

Salvador Allende (1107)

Augusto Pinochet (1108)

Arab Spring *

Mustafa Kemal Ataturk (1113)

Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi (1115)

Ayatolla Ruholla Khomeini (1115)

Guiding Questions

  1. In what ways was the end of Europe’s African and Asian empires different from other cases of imperial disintegration? (1088)

  2. What international circumstances and social changes contributed to the end of colonial empires? (1091)

  3. What obstacles confronted the leaders of movements for independence? (1092)

  4. Why didn’t most people in India think of themselves as “Indians”? Why did this change under British colonial rule? (1093)

  5. Explain what the author means by “His (Gandhi’s) was a radicalism of a different kind? (1095)

  6. How did Gandhi view women? (1095)

  7. Why was African rule in South Africa delayed until 1994, when it had occurred decades earlier elsewhere? (1097)

  8. What led to the erosion of democracy and the establishment of military government in much of Africa and Latin America? (1105)

  9. What obstacles impeded the development of third-world countries? (1109)

  10. How did industrial development in East Asia differ from Latin America? (1111)


Mustafa Kemal Ataturk – Speech to the General Congress of the Republican Party (Doc 22.1)

  1. On what grounds did Ataturk justify the abolition of the caliphate?

  2. What additional actions did he take to remove Islam from a public or political role in the new Turkish state?

  3. What can you infer about Ataturk’s view of Islam?

  4. What kind of government does Ataturk foresee for Turkey?

Ayatollahh Khomeini – Sayings of the Ayatollah Khomeini (Doc 22.2)

  1. How does Khomeini define the enemies of Islam?

  2. How would you summarize his case against European imperialism and the shah’s government?

  3. In what ways does Khomeini seek to apply Islamic principles in the public life of Iran? What is his view of Iranian popular culture?

  4. What kind of government does Khomeini foresee for Iran?

Kabir Helminski – Islam and Human Values (Doc 22.3)

  1. Against what charges does Sheikh Kabir seek to defend Islam?

  2. In what ways are Sheik Kabir’s views critical of radical or “fundamentalist” ideas and practices?

  3. How might the Ayatollah Khomeini have responded to the arguments in this document?

  4. In what ways does this vision of a “liberal” or “moderate” Islam differ from those of Kemal Ataturk?

Visual Sources: Briefly describe EACH poster. Make sure to include the symbolism used in each and what POV is shown.

African National Congress (Vis. 22.1)

Vietnamese Independence and Victory over the United States (Vis. 22.2)

Winning a Jewish National State (Vis. 22.3)

A Palestinian Nation in the Making (Vis. 22.4
Ch 23: Capitalism and Culture


World Bank & IMF (1139)

Neoliberalism (1139)

Reglobalization (1140)

Transnational Corporations (1141)

North/South Gap (1144)

Chiapas Rebellion (1146)

Anti-globalization (1146)

World Trade Organization (1146)

Prague Spring (1150)

Che Guevara (1150)

Betty Friedan (1151)

Phyllis Schlafly (1154)

Fundamentalism (1156)

Bharatiya Janata Party (1157)

Osama bin Laden (1161)

Green Revolution (1164)

Rachel Carson (1166)

Guiding Questions

  1. Why does the author discuss Barbie in the intro to this chapter? (1137)

  2. What were the patterns of migration? (1142)

  3. What does the author mean by the statement, “nothing since the Great Depression more clearly illustrated the unsettling consequences of global connectedness in the absence of global regulation than the world-wide economic contraction that began in 2008.” (1143)

  4. Explain the author’s statement, “With the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the cold war by the early 1990s, U.S. military dominance was unchecked by any equivalent power. (1147)

  5. What protest movements took place during the 1960s? (1149)

  6. What distinguished feminism in the industrialized countries from that in the Global South? (1151)

  7. Describe how Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam continued to function as transregional cultures? (1155)

  8. In what different ways did Islamic renewal express itself? (1159)

Documents: 23.1, 23.2, 23.3, 23.4, 23.5

Alexandra Kollontai –Commmunism and the Family (Doc 23.1)

  1. What issues are described in this document?

Andrea Dworkin – Remember, Resist, Do Not Comply (Doc 23.2)

  1. What issues are described in this document?

Combahee River Collective – A Black Feminist Statement (Doc 23.3)

  1. What issues are described in this document?

Benazir Bhutto – Politics and the Muslim Woman (Doc 23.4)

  1. What issues are described in this document?

Indigenous Women’s Petition and The Women’s Revolutionary Law (Doc 23.5)

  1. What issues are described in this document?

After reading ALL the documents – What common concerns can you identify? What variations can you identify? Why did these variations occur?

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