The Publisher does not specify the nature of the “change” to the object. The object could have been added, modified or deleted.
When an object is deleted the Publisher should send only the unique identifiers (UID’s) of the deleted object, regardless of the Subscription Template contents.
Because this manner of indicating a deleted object can be somewhat ambiguous, it is strongly recommended that a subscriber perform a STORE interface query to the originating system to verify that the object has in fact been deleted.
Subscriptions are maintained indefinitely - until cancelled by the Subscriber or by the administrator of the Publisher system. There is no mechanism in WITSML that notifies the subscriber about a cancellation so the verify action should be periodically utilized to insure that the subscription is still active. The Subscriber can always modify or cancel a subscription but the Publisher may allow others to modify or cancel a subscription depending on the user rights in that system.
A subscription is retained by the Publisher in a non-volatile store, such that no action is required by the Subscriber upon restart of the Publisher system; the subscription will still be present and active.
If connectivity is lost for any reason, there is no requirement for the Publisher to retain data objects for resending; it is expected that Publishers will simply discard documents that cannot be published.
Failure to publish a document to a Subscriber does not affect the subscription. The subscription will remain active, and the Publisher will continue publishing when the next document is available for that Subscriber.
8.5POST Request
The Publisher sends data objects to Subscribers using an HTTP/S POST Request.
The general syntax is: 6
POST request-uri HTTP/1.1 crlf
Host: host [ ":" port ]
Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8 crlf
Content-Length: length crlf
Authorization: BASIC credentials crlf
Where the text shown in italics indicates variable content as follows:
crlf is a US-ASCII CR, carriage return (13)
immediately followed by a
US-ASCII LF, linefeed (10)
request-uri specifies the resource upon which to apply the request
host and port specify the Internet host and optional port number of the
resource being requested:
length specifies the length of the message-body, in decimal octets
credentials is the userid and password, separated by a single colon (":")
character as a base64 encoded string
message-body is one or more WITSML data objects within a plural container
element, preceded by an element
► Text not in italics should be specified as-shown.
The Publisher places one or more WITSML data objects - in the form of a single XML document - in the message body of the HTTP/S POST request.
Multiple WITSML data objects of the same type may be sent in one request.
The root element of the XML document must be a plural container element of the same type as the data object(s), such as:
The plural root element must be included even if there is only one data object.
The Authorization field may be omitted if no authorization is required by the subscriber.
Other HTTP Request fields may be included as needed.
POST /witsml/listener HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/xml
Content-Length: 182
Authorization: BASIC QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==
8.6Authentication and Encryption
The PUBLISH interface uses HTTP/S Basic Authentication, as described in IETF RFC’s 2616 (HTTP 1.1) and 2617 (Authentication).
The userid and password transported via the HTTP/S Basic Authentication mechanism can be used by the Publisher and/or Subscriber implementations to perform authorization checking and control.
The capabilities and implementation of authorization checking, if any, are not specified by WITSML.
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) for HTTP (HTTPS) can be used to encrypt the HTTP traffic.
8.7Capabilities Objects
The PUBLISH interface uses two special objects to exchange information about the “capabilities” of the Subscriber and the Publisher. These special objects are called the Capabilities objects.
While the Capabilities objects are a type of “WITSML object” they cannot be published. The Capabilities objects are not persisted as data. They can only be accessed using the WMLP_GetCap function and the CapabilitiesIn/Out parameters of the various PUBLISH interface functions.
8.7.1Subscriber Capabilities (capSubscriber) Object
The Subscriber Capabilities or “capSubscriber” object is used to inform the Publisher of the Subscriber’s functional capabilities. The capSubscriber object is conveyed as the CapabilitiesIn parameter of the PUBLISH interface's WMLP_Subscribe function. It must be passed on each call; the value is not maintained across calls.
The CapabilitiesIn parameter may be set to a null string to indicate that no capSubscriber object is being provided. When a capSubscriber object is not provided, default values for the various Subscriber capabilities are assumed by the Publisher.
8.7.2Publisher Capabilities (capPublisher) Object
The Publisher Capabilities or “capPublisher” object is used to inform the Subscriber of the Publisher’s functional capabilities. The capPublisher object is returned in the CapabilitiesOut parameter of the PUBLISH interface’s WMLP_GetCap (Get Capabilities) function.
8.7.3Capabilities by Object
These are the presently-defined capabilities that can be exchanged using the capSubscriber and/or the capPublisher objects:
Capability: version of the API which the Subscriber or Publisher supports
Applies to: capSubscriber and capPublisher objects
Conveyed as: apiVers attribute of the capSubscriber or capPublisher element
Syntax: apiVers=”n.n.n”
Default: 1.3.1
Notes: this is the value to be used if it is necessary to dynamically adapt to
differing implementation levels (do not use the version element below)
Capability: contact information for the Subscriber or Publisher
Applies to: capSubscriber and capPublisher objects
Conveyed as: contact child element of the capPublisher or capSubscriber element
Default: none
Bob Junior
Notes: any descriptive text
Capability: description of the Subscriber or Publisher
Applies to: capSubscriber and capPublisher objects
Conveyed as: description child element of the capPublisher or capSubscriber element
Syntax: xxxx…xxxx
Default: none
Equip Rm A - Rack 12 - Slot 2
Notes: any descriptive text
Capability: name of the Subscriber or Publisher
Applies to: capSubscriber and capPublisher objects
Conveyed as: name child element of the capPublisher or capSubscriber element
Syntax: xxxx…xxxx
Default: none
Publisher #1
Notes: any descriptive text
Capability: vendor (producer) of the software
Applies to: capSubscriber and capPublisher objects
Conveyed as: vendor child element of the capPublisher or capSubscriber element
Syntax: xxxx…xxxx
Default: none
Acme Downhole Software
Capability: version (build) of the executable program
Applies to: capSubscriber and capPublisher objects
Conveyed as: version child element of the capPublisher or capSubscriber element
Syntax: n.n.n.n
Default: none
Capability: schema version(s) that are supported
Applies to: capSubscriber and capPublisher objects
Conveyed as: schemaVersion child element of the capPublisher or capSubscriber
Syntax: n.n.n.n,m.m.m.m schemaVersion >
Default: none
< schemaVersion >1.1.0,1.2.0, schemaVersion >
< schemaVersion > schemaVersion >
Notes: The values must match the version attribute in the plural object.
For capClient, the value is a comma separated list of values without
spaces. The oldest version should be listed first.
For Publishers, the value must match a value that is returned
by the WMLP_GetVersion function.
Capability: the PUBLISH functions, versions and data objects that the Publisher
supports for each function
Conveyed as: function element of the capPublisher element
apiVers attribute of the function element
dataObject element of the function element
Default: none (Subscriber should not assume capability exists if not explicitly
Notes: the example shows supports for only the three specified data object types
for WMLP_Subscribe. It supports version 1.3.1 for all functions. It also
supports the WMLP_GetVersion function. The capPublisher object does
not need to specify the WMLP_GetCap function, as this is implied if the
capPublisher object is returned to the Subscriber.
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