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Bournemouth University is committed to building on areas of academic strength through an ambitious and sustained programme of investment. Research in the School of Services Management is organised around our research centres, each of which comprises both teaching staff and research students. The ICTHR is pleased to offer six of fully funded PhD studentships. Please note within the School of Services Management that only one of these studentships will be offered to an overseas fee-based candidate and the remainder to Home/EU fee-based candidates.
Candidates for the fully-funded PhD studentship must demonstrate outstanding qualities and be motivated to complete a PhD in 3 years. All candidates must satisfy the School’s minimum doctoral entry criteria for studentships of: an honours degree at Upper Second Class (2.1) and/or an appropriate Masters degree. An IELTS (Academic) score of 6.5 minimum is essential for candidates for whom English is not their first language. In addition to satisfying basic entry criteria, the Research Centre will look closely at the qualities, skills and background of each candidate and what they can bring to their chosen research project.
If you would like to contact a member of staff to find out more information then please email the project supervisor identified with a particular area of study. Alternatively, you can also arrange to view the School and its facilities by emailing the administrator, Karen Ward
Closing Date: The final closing date for applications is 31 July 2008. However, applications are assessed independently and offers may be made to ideal candidates throughout the process. As such – apply early to avoid disappointment. .


"America! America! L’immigration, son histoire et ses représentations"
journée d'étude organisée par la Cité nationale de l'histoire de l'immigration et l'EHESS (Centre de Recherches Historiques/Centre d’études nord-américaines)
Mercredi 19 décembre 2007, de 9h30 à 18h30 à l'Institut National de l’Histoire de l’Art2, rue Vivienne / 6 rue des petits champs- 75002 Paris
A l'occasion de l'exposition "Augustus Frederick Sherman. Portraits d'Ellis Island 1905-1920", la Cité nationale de l'histoire de l'immigration et l'EHESS organisent, sous la direction scientifique de Nancy Green, historienne des migrations, une journée consacrée à l'immigration en France et aux Etats-Unis. Une histoire qui fait une large part aux approches comparées, entre deux pays, entre deux époques, entre hommes et femmes. Une histoire qui interroge aussi les représentations de l'immigration, à travers plusieurs disciplines artistiques majeures : cinéma, photographie, littérature.
Réservations par mail :


Euroasylum Interviews
Eurasylum ( has just published its new monthly policy interview, featuring Mr. Louis Michel, EU Commissioner for Development and Humanitarian Aid, on : 'Recent and unfolding developments on the EU-Africa dialogue and partnership on migration’. The interview can be accessed from: Eurasylum’s interviews may be reproduced freely on condition that both the original source and the URL are explicitly acknowledged. Contact:


UN Human Development Report 2007/2008
Focus is on the development impact of climate change


Colloque International « Femmes et stratégies transnationales XVIIIe-XXIe siècles »
les 18, 19, 20 septembre 2008 à l’Université de Cergy-Pontoise
Appel à communications
En insérant l’étude de genre dans une perspective transnationale, ce colloque cherche à mettre en lumière le rôle des femmes dans un monde de plus en plus globalisé, tout comme l’influence de cette globalisation sur la situation et les revendications des femmes. Par l’analyse des passerelles qui permettent le passage du local au global et vice versa, il insistera sur les stratégies qui, non seulement extraient les femmes du strict domaine privé auquel les sociétés nationales les avaient traditionnellement cantonnées, mais plus largement portent leurs valeurs et leurs luttes hors des frontières nationales, les élevant alors au rang d’actrices (légitimes ?) sur la scène internationale.
Groupe du CICC, Civilisations et identités culturelles comparées des sociétés européennes et occidentales, EA 2529 du CNRS, de l’Université de Cergy-Pontoise. Mercedes YUSTA RODRIGO ( - Marie-Pierre ARRIZABALAGA (,) - Diana BURGOS-VIGNA ( )


Refugee Voices
"Refugee Voices" is a quarterly newsletter, prepared within hCa's Refugee Advocacy and Support Program. The winter edition of the newsletter, published in December 2007 includes articles about a wedding story of a young Somalian couple from Istanbul, organisation efforts of Congolese people in Istanbul and suspicious death of Festus Okey from Nigeria. The newsletter, published in Turkish and English, sometimes includes articles written in Arabic and French. You can download the 4th issue of Refugee Voices from this link.


European Council Conclusions on Migration
At the General Affairs Council meeting on 10 December, EU Ministers adopted Conclusions on mobility partnerships and circular migration in the framework of the global approach to migration. The Council stated that specific partnerships on migration with third countries could contribute to a coherent migration policy which combines measures aimed at facilitating well-managed legal migration opportunities and their benefits with those fighting illegal migration, protecting refugees and tackling the root causes of migration while at the same time impacting positively on development in countries of origin. Mobility partnerships between the European Union, Member States and third countries could be tested by way of a limited number of pilot par tnerships.


Desmarges aux frontières. Les îles méditerranéennes, enjeux de conquêtes et de souverainetés à l’époque moderne
Journées d’études, 25-26 avril 2008

L’intérêt de cette journée d’études, portant sur « Des marges aux frontières : les îles méditerranéennes, enjeux de conquêtes et de souverainetés », est de montrer comment, par quels biais, ces îles sont passées du statut de simple bordure à celui de frontière au sens anglo-saxon du terme, c’est-à-dire des lieux de centralité. Point de mire des puissances, expression de leur défense agressive (fortifications, course, police des mers, contrôle militaire), les îles deviennent, en tant que frontières, des mondes convoités, attaqués, et des espaces aux fonctions militaires hypertrophiées. Subissant toutes les formes de guerre, elles en deviennent des lieux spécialisés.

Date limite des propositions : 30 décembre 2007

A dresses électroniques d'envoi : et / ou

CMMC – Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis


Six new UNHCR research papers
Promoting integration through mobility: free movement and the ECOWAS Protocol, by Aderanti Adepoju, Alistair Boulton and Mariah Levin. Research Paper No. 150
International protection for trafficked persons and those who fear beingtrafficked, by Kari Saito. Research Paper No. 149
Secondary movement in Romania: the asylum-migration nexus,by Alison Munteanu. Research Paper No. 148
Refugee camps in Chad: planning strategies and the architect's involvement inthe humanitarian dilemma, by Manuel Herz. Research Paper No. 147
The protection of forced migrants in Islamic law, by Kirsten Zaat. Research Paper No. 146
The removal of failed asylum seekers: international norms and procedures, by John Gibson. Research Paper No. 145
Papers can be accessed here


L’escale portuaire : mythes et réalités d’un lieu d’échanges de l’Antiquité au XXIe siècle
Colloque interdisciplinaire –22-24 octobre 2008 (CIRTAI & GRIC – Université du Havre)

Faire escale : le colloque de l’université du Havre propose d’étudier sous différents angles et dans l’interdisciplinarité ces lieux d’étape de la navigation : topographie changeante des escales, réseaux de distribution des marchandises et des hommes, transformation des quartiers portuaires, enjeux de l’histoire militaire, droit des gens de passage et des marchandises, migrations, circulation et diffusion des épidémies, porte d’entrée dans l'univers colonial, imaginaire de la littérature, de la peinture, de la chanson ou du cinéma, etc.

Les propositions de communication sont à envoyer, avant le 31 décembre 2007, à :

John Barzman,

Jean-Pierre Castelain,

ou Eric Wauters,


The future of historic spa towns. The role of cultural heritage in the process of urban revitalisation and re-imaging
Thursday 13 & Friday 14 March 2008

Spa Balmoral-Belgium

The emphasis of the meeting lies on the exchange of theoretical knowledge and practical experiences with tourism development in traditional spa towns (mainly in Europe). The challenges for revitalisation policies are complex; although every place is unique, the options for the future need to be studied in the shared context of a global, dynamic and competitive market.
The objective of this symposium is to stimulate the interest of academic research in comparative studies about traditional spa destinations and to discuss a framework and agenda for joint research projects.
More information can be found on the ATLAS website


Lisbon / Óbidos, Portugal, 1-5 September 2008
We are inviting contributions to the following special session: A10 Special Session: EMERGING ENERGIES, EMERGING LANDSCAPES. Energy and landscape are intricately inter-connected. Landscapes embody and are significantly shaped by the energy decisions of previous generations and our own. Before the onset of the industrial revolution, renewable energy was virtually the only type of energy available to humankind (e.g. fire, crops to feed draught and riding animals, sailing ships, watermills, windmills). Their relative importance in our ‘energy mix’ became almost negligible during the industrial age, but renewable energies are currently undergoing a renaissance. Concerns about climate change and energy security have driven energy issues ever-higher up socio-political agendas, and the decisions which we make about our ‘energy futures’ will have far-reaching implications for landscapes, both directly (through infrastructure) and indirectly (by modulating climate change). The proposed transformation of our energy mix towards a much greater reliance on renewables thus greatly enhances the importance and topicality of the landscape-energy relationship. The ways in which sections of society interpret the diverse, diffuse and spatially heterogeneous impacts of (decentralized) renewable energies or contribute to these changes can be regarded as a re-composition of socio-technical links between energy generation and (territorial) identity. The idea underlying this session is that (changes in) the notion, practice and meaning of landscape can be studied through the ‘lens’ of energy developments, and vice versa. The planning and/or sitting processes for renewable energy developments create an opportunity to analyse the social (re)construction of landscape. The session aims to explore landscape-energy issues based on empirical, theoretical or synthetic contributions coming from various countries and disciplinary fields. They might deal with the development of renewable energies (e.g. wind power, biomass) or of more conventional types of energy generation and transmission (e.g. hydro, fossil fuel, nuclear, electricity grid networks), include landscape as a salient dimension and/or consider the ability of theoretical frameworks to capture the multi-dimensionality (i.e. relational, social, environmental, material, spatial, aesthetic) of the process of landscape construction.
DEADLINE FOR ABSTRACTS: 10th of January 2008. For discussion or further information, please contact one of the coordinators of the special session: Alain Nadai nadai@centre-cired.frCharles Warren Dan van der Horst


The Mobile City conference
27 & 28 February 2008

NAi (Netherlands Architecture Institute) Rotterdam, The Netherlands
"The Mobile City" is a two-day conference about locative & mobile technologies, urban culture and identity. The Mobile City brings academics, architects, urban professionals and media designers together to address the question: what happens to urban culture when physical and digital spaces merge?
Keynote speakers are Stephen Graham, Tim Cresswell, Malcolm McCullough and Christian Nold.
Background: The physical, geographical city with its piazza’s, its neighbourhoods and crossings intersects with the ‘virtual space’ of electronic communication-, information- and observation-networks of GSM, GPS, CCTV, UMTS, WIFI, RFID, etc. At the same time, the domain of digital space is increasingly becoming physical, an “internet of things” is emerging. Another example is the rise of 'pervasive games', digital games with a physical component in urban space. Is it still useful or even possible to talk about the city as being only physical? Or about the digital world as purely ‘virtual’ (in the sense of 'not real' or immaterial)? The physical city and the spaces of digital technologies merge into a new “hybrid space”. Hybrid spaces are shaped by the social processes that concurrently take place in digital and physical spaces. What is the influence of these developments on the ideas we have of time, space and place, citizenship and identity?
Conference questions: Locative and mobile media can be understood as interfaces between the digital domain and the city, as bridges between the social processes that formerly took place in more separated domains (digital or physical) but now are spilling over into each other. The Mobile City will ask the following questions:
• From a theoretical point of view, what are useful concepts to talk about the blurring/merging of physical and digital spaces?
• From a critical perspective, what does the emergence of locative and mobile media mean for urban culture, citizenship, and identities?
• From a professional point of view, what does all this mean for the work of urban professionals (architects, designers, planners), media designers, and academics?
The full program text is available at our website


Rethinking Solutions for Forced Migrants
5th Annual Forced Migration Postgraduate Student Conference, entitled “Rethinking

Solutions for Forced Migrants”, will be held on the 1st March 2008 at the University of

Oxford. Read more


Call for Participation - Expanding Citizenship in an Age of Migration
25th – 27th January 2008, Berlin
What is Citizens of Europe? We are a network of people from all over the continent. We believe that European integration is both a fortunate reality and our future. While most discussions and activities still take place in national contexts, we work together on the fields of debate, culture and training in order to contribute to the development of a European civil society. Bringing Europe together

is, for us, a matter of mental and cultural change rather than a technocratic process. Read more


Two Scholarships to attend the "Peacekeeping and International Conflict Resolution Course"
Ankara, Turkey, Apr 2008
In collaboration withUNITARPOCIThe United Nations Institute for Training and Research Programme ofCorrespondence in Peacekeeping Operations
Are proud to offer two scholarships (the scholarships will cover only thetuition fee of the course) to attend the Short Course on PEACEKEEPING and INTERNATIONAL CONFLICT RESOLUTION In English, April 26 -27, 2008 Ankara, Turkey
This short course is organized in three meetings and designed to offer tothe students a basic understanding of the field of Conflict Resolution andits application to peacekeeping intervention in contemporary internationalconflicts. The lectures will cover the following topics: The nature ofconflict; Key concepts of conflict resolutions; Contemporary conflictdynamics; Conflict mapping; Early warnings and conflict prevention;Peacekeeping and conflict resolution in war zones; Peace settlements andpost-conflict peace building; The role of culture in conflict resolution;Gender issue. Earning a Certificate of Completion from United Nations Institute for Training and Research: By the end of the course, and upon the payment of thefee, students who have achieved a passing grade of 75% or higher in the "UNPeacekeeping and International Conflict Resolution Final Exam" are awarded the Certificate-of-Completion from the United Nations Institute for Trainingand Research, Programme of Correspondence, Instruction in PeacekeepingOperations, College and ACCP Credits: The U.S. Army Institute for ProfessionalDevelopment (AIPD) has reviewed UNITAR POCI Courses and determined they merit Army Correspondence Course Program (ACCP) credits. US personnel who complete UNITAR POCI courses may have these ACCP credits recorded in their US Army personnel records. UNITAR POCI Peacekeeping and International Conflict Resolution Course provide 22 ACCP credits. Transfer Credit: The "American Military University-Transfer Credit Evaluation Center" recognises the UNITARPOCI Certificates for their undergraduate degree programs: Dr. Giovanni Ercolani, UNITARPOCI Research Associate, ICTSSecurity Adviser, Lecturer at Durham University and Nottingham Trent University.
Eligibility:. Turkish nationality. IR undergraduate student. Knowledge of Italian language. Age max 24 years old. Excellent CV DEADLINE: Apr 6, 2008 Contact:


7th Global Conference: Violence and the Contexts of Hostility
Monday 5th May - Wednesday 7th May 2008, Budapest, Hungary
This multi- and inter-disciplinary research and publications conference aimsto identify and understand violence in contemporary life. The project willpay particular attention to the different contexts and places where violencedevelops, occurs and where its effects are felt; from the interpersonal tothe international, from the empirical to the symbolic. Attention will also focus on uncovering the motives, dynamics and functions that violence hasfor individuals, groups, populations and societies, as well as for bonds andsocial relations in the private, institutional and public spheres of life.Exploring and understanding representations of violence in media, art andliterature is a key part of the conference. Violence has been part of societies and used as a political tool in multipleways: to unite or divide, to produce fear and compliance, to incite orneutralize mobilization, to resist domination or to impose subordination. Ithas been touted as the only path for liberation or the inevitable road toannihilation and destruction, as a necessary means for transformation or asthe ultimate form to avoid change and defend the status quo. And despiteglobal, national and local efforts to minimize, reduce or eliminate it violence remains a horrifying feature of today's world and life. Papers will also be considered on any related theme. 300 word abstractsshould be submitted by Friday 18th January 2008. If an abstract is acceptedfor the conference, a full draft paper should be submitted by Friday 18thApril 2008.


Miguel Ángel Moratinos presenta l'anuari de la Mediterrània Med.2007 a Madrid
Madrid, dijous 20 de desembre
El ministre d'Afers Exteriors i de Cooperació del Govern espanyol, Miguel Ángel Moratinos, presentarà a Madrid el proper dijous 20 de desembre el Med.2007, la nova edició de l'anuari de la Mediterrània. L'acte tindrà lloc a les 12 hores a la Representació a Espanya de la Comissió Europea (Paseo de la Castellana, 46).


Conferència de Baltasar Porcel "La Mediterrània: una història personal"
Sala d'actes de l'IEMed, dimecres 19 de desembre (19 hores)
La conferència "La Mediterrània: una història personal", anirà a càrrec de l'escriptor Baltasar Porcel, en un acte que comptarà també amb Senén Florensa, director general de l'IEMed, i Emili Rosales, director d'Ediciones Destino. La conferència té lloc amb motiu de l'aparició del llibre de Porcel Mediterráneo. Una historia personal.


Taula rodona "El conflicte de conflictes: Israel-Palestina i l'eterna fractura al Pròxim Orient"
Sala d'actes de l'IEMed, dimarts 18 de desembre (19 hores)
Taula rodona amb motiu de la presentació del darrer número de Vanguardia Dossier "El conflicto Israel-Palestina". Hi prendran part Ilan Pappé, professor de la Universitat de Haifa i director de l'Institut Àrab Jueu d'Israel; Ferran Izquierdo, professor de relacions internacionals de la UAB; Xavier Batalla, corresponsal diplomàtic de La Vanguardia i director adjunt de Vanguardia Dossier; Senén Florensa, director general de l'IEMed.


European Council Conclusions on migrations
At the General Affairs Council meeting on 10 December, EU Ministers adopted Conclusions on mobility partnerships and circular migration in the framework of the global approach to migration. The Council stated that specific partnerships on migration with third countries could contribute to a coherent migration policy which combines measures aimed at facilitating well-managed legal migration opportunities and their benefits with those fighting illegal migration, protecting refugees and tackling the root causes of migration while at the same time impacting positively on development in countries of origin. Mobility partnerships between the European Union, Member States and third countries could be tested by way of a limited number of pilot par tnerships.

eTourism: The View from the Future

23rd – 25th January 2008
Innsbruck Congress Centre will host the world’s foremost annual forum for Information and Communication Technologies in Travel and Tourism – the 15th ENTER Conference in January 2008. A world-class event in a world-class venue, in the Tyrol - the heart of the Austrian Alps.
The overall theme of ENTER 2008 is dedicated to ‘eTourism: The View from the Future’. The conference will be opened with a key note speech from Geoffrey Lipman, Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO). Eric Basha, Managing Director Tourism of Microsoft will address the attendees as keynote speaker on Thursday.

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