Term 1
Say what I do during the year
Write the present tense endings
Say what my favourite season is
Name four countries for holidays
Use ‘ich/es war’ to describe holidays
Use perfect tense with regular verbs
...and with irregular verbs
...and with verbs with ‘sein’
Give 5 details about a holiday
Later this year your son / daughter will be making choices about which subjects to study at GCSE level. We now offer three languages at GCSE level – French, German and Spanish and we see Year 9 as a preparation year for study at Key Stage 4. Effort in Year 9 pays rich dividends at GCSE!
In Year 9, all students continue to study French, building upon progress made at primary school, in Year 7 and Year 8. Students who studied German or Spanish in Year 8 will continue to study the language in Year 9.
The Year 9 French course is built around the “Expo 3” material, the German course around the “Echo Express 2” material and the Spanish course around the “Mira Express 2” published by Heinemann.
In class, we exploit a wide range of resources but the Expo 3 / Echo Express 2 / Mira Express 2 textbooks are the principle textbooks used. We do not have time in class to cover all the material in the books, especially the extension material at the end of each unit of work. We do however encourage students – especially the more able, talented or enthusiastic - to explore these exercises in their own time. The textbooks are available to loan out from the OLC at Gillotts. Some parents choose to purchase a copy of the book and the following ISBN numbers may be of use:
Expo 3 vert 9780435385347
Expo 3 rouge 9780435385934
Echo Express 2 9780435389512
Mira Express 2 9780435391614
Copies are available from amazon.co.uk for around £10 depending upon the supplier.
There are many useful online resources available for use outside of lessons. One particularly popular and useful website is www.linguascope.com
The username is “Gillotts” and the password is “School”. It helps support and extend learning in many different languages all the way through to GCSE.
Term 2
Buy fruit and vegetables
Order food and drink in a café
Say what someone ate and drank
Say what we ate and drank
Say what food tasted good and why
Name some shops
Say where I shop & what I buy there
Say what jobs I have & what I earn
Say what I do with my money
Term 3
Name 5 types of TV programme
...and give my opinion about them
Say what I like to do in my free time
Use the verb ‘müssen’ – to have to
Describe an after school trip
Write down the verb ‘sein’
...and use it in the past tense
Write down verb ‘ haben’
...and use it in the past tense
Term 4
Name parts of the body
Spell parts of the body
Describe three health problems
Say how long I have been ill
Use ‘kann’ and ‘muβ’
Use the verb ‘essen’ in the past
Use the verb ‘trinken’ in the past
Say how often I eat different foods
Use time expressions in three tenses
Term 6
Say three things I want to do
Use the Time Manner Place rule
Say what activities I have done
Describe an adventure holiday
Say three things I do locally
Use the future tense
Recite the verb ‘werden’
Ask three questions using ‘Sie’
Recognise past & future expressions