You Are the Placebo: Making Your Mind Matter

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You Are The Placebo (1)
Changing Your Energy
So now we can see that if we want to change our beliefs and create a placebo effect to improve our health and our lives, we have to do the exact opposite of what the Cambodian women did by default. By holding a clear and firm intention and heightening our emotional energy, we have to create anew internal experience in our minds and bodies that’s greater than the past external experience. In other words, when we decide to create anew belief, the amplitude or energy of that choice must be high enough that it’s greater than the hardwired programs and emotional conditioning in the body.
To see what happens when we do just this, take a look at Figure 7.3
on the following page. Here, the energy of the choice in this new experience is greater than the energy of the trauma in the past experience (as we saw in Figure 7.2
), which is why the peak in this graph is higher than the peak in the first graph. And as a result, thee ects of this new experience
override the residue of the neural programming and emotional conditioning from the past experience.
This process, if we do it right, actually repatterns our brains and changes our biology the new experience will reorganize the old programming, and in so doing, it will remove the neurological evidence of that past experience. (Think of how a bigger wave breaking farther upon the beach erases any sign of whatever shell, seaweed, sea foam, or sand pattern was there before) Strong emotional experiences create long-term memories. So this new internal experience creates new long-term memories that override our past long-term memories, thus the choice becomes an experience that we never forget. There should be no evidence of our pasts in our brains and bodies any longer, and the new signal then rewrites the neurological program and genetically changes the body.

In order to change a belief or perception about yourself and your life, you have to make a decision with such firm intention that the choice carries an amplitude of energy that is greater than the hardwired programs in the brain and the emotional addiction in the body,
and the body must respond to anew mind. When the choice creates anew inner experience that becomes greater than the past outer experience, it will rewrite the circuits in your brain and resignal your body emotionally. Since experiences create long-term memories, when the choice becomes an experience that you never forget, you are changed. Biologically, the past no longer exists. We could say that your body in that present moment is in anew future.
Now look at Figure again and notice how the slope of the line in the graph goes all the way back down (whereas in Figure 7.2
, it descended but still remained higher than it was at the point where it started. That shows there’s no trace left of the past experience it no longer exists in this new state of being.
In addition to reorganizing your neurocircuitry, this new signal also begins to rewrite the body’s conditioning by breaking the emotional attachment to the past. When that happens, in that second, the body is living fully in the present it is no longer a prisoner of the past. That heightened energy is felt within the body and translated as a new emotion
(which is just another way of saying energy in motion or “e-motion”),
whether that emotion is feeling invincible, courageous, empowered,

compassionate, inspired, or whatever. And it’s energy that’s changing our biology, our neurocircuitry, and our genetic expression—not chemistry.
A similar process happens with the firewalkers, the glass chewers, and the snake handlers. They get clear that they’re going to move into a different state of mind and body. And when they hold that firm intention to make that shift, the energy of that decision creates internal changes in their brains and bodies that make them immune to the external conditions in the environment for an extended period of time. Their energy now is protecting them in away that, in that moment, transcends their biology.
As it happens, our neurochemistry isn’t the only thing that responds to heightened states of energy. The receptor sites on the outside of the body’s cells happen to be a hundred times more sensitive to energy and frequency than they are to the physical chemical signals, like neuropeptides, that we know gain access to our cells DNA.
Research consistently reveals that invisible forces of the electromagnetic spectrum influence every single aspect of cellular biology and genetic regulation.
Cell receptors are frequency-specific to incoming energy signals. The energies of the electromagnetic spectrum include microwaves, radio waves, x-rays, extremely low-frequency waves, sound harmonic frequencies, ultraviolet rays, and even infrared waves. Specific frequencies of electromagnetic energy can influence the behavior of DNA, RNA, and protein synthesis alter protein shape and function control gene regulation and expression stimulate nerve-cell growth and influence cell division and cell differentiation, as well as instruct specific cells to organize into tissues and organs. All of these cellular activities influenced by energy are part of the expression of life.
And if that’s true, then it has to be true for some reason. Remember the percent of our DNA that scientists call junk DNA because it doesn’t seem to serve much of a useful purpose Surely Mother Nature wouldn’t place all of this encoded information in our cells, waiting to be read,
without giving us the ability to create some type of signal to unlock it;
after all, nature doesn’t waste anything.
Could it be that your own energy and consciousness is what creates the right kind of signal outside of the cells to enable you to tap into that vast
“parts list of potentials And if that was true, if you changed your energy the way you read about earlier in this chapter, could that help you access your true ability to authentically heal your body When you change your energy, you change your state of being. And the rewiring in the brain and the new chemical emotions in the body trigger epigenetic changes, and

the result is that you become quite literally a new person. The person you were before is history apart of that person simply vanished along with the neurocircuitry, chemical-emotional addictions, and genetic expression that supported your old state of being.

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