You Are the Placebo: Making Your Mind Matter

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You Are The Placebo (1)
Receiving the Right Energetic Signal
So how does matter become lifted to anew mind Think of the preacher who moves into a state of religious ecstasy and drinks strychnine, with no biological effects. How did he overcome that chemistry that would normally poison the average person It was his level of energy that transcended thee ects of matter. He made a decision with such firm intention that his choice carried an amplitude of energy that transcended the laws of the environment, thee ects on the body, and linear time. In that moment, he was more energy and less matter, and as a result, it was anew energy that rewrote the circuitry in his brain, the

chemistry in his body, and his genetic expression. In that present moment, he wasn’t his identity that was connected to his familiar environment, nor was he his physical body, nor was he living in linear time. His elevated consciousness and energy were the epiphenomenon of matter. In other words, it’s both information and frequency that give rise to the blueprints of matter. And when we’re demonstrating an elevated level of awareness and energy, it’s these elements that influence matter—
because matter is created from a lowering of frequency and information.
It’s entirely possible that the preacher’s cell-receptor sites weren’t selectively open for the strychnine the cells doors were closed to poison and so were suspended from its effects. By being moved by the spirit—
that is, moved by energy—he instantly upregulated the cells in his body for immunity and downregulated the cells in his body for poison. The same thing is at work with the firewalkers; once they change their state of being, their cell receptors are no longer open to thee ects of heat. This is also what allowed the teenage girls to lift the pound tractor to free their father, as you read about in Chapter 1
. When they saw their father trapped and almost certain to die, their heightened state of energy turned off the cell receptors that normally would tell their bodies that the tractor was too heavy to lift and turned on the muscle-cell receptors to bear a greater load so that when they tried, their muscles responded and they were able to free their dad. It wasn’t matter (body) that was moving matter (tractor it was energy that was influencing matter.
You’d have to agree with me that your body is made up of avast array of atoms and molecules and that these atoms and molecules form chemicals. Those chemicals organize into cells, which form tissues that further organize into organs, which create various systems within your body. For example, a muscle cell is made of different chemicals (proteins,
ions, cytokines, growth factors, which are made of the different interactions of molecules, which are made of various atomic bonds those atoms share an invisible field of information to form molecules.
The chemicals that makeup a cell also share a field of information. It’s that invisible field of information that orchestrates the hundreds of thousands of functions of the cell at any given second. Scientists are beginning to realize that a field of information exists that’s responsible for myriad cellular functions existing beyond the boundaries of matter.
It’s this invisible field of consciousness that orchestrates all of the functions of the cells, tissues, organs, and systems of the body. How do certain chemicals and molecules of your cells know what to do and interact with such precision There’s an energetic field surrounding the cell that’s the summation of energy from atoms, molecules, and chemicals

working together in balance that gives birth to matter, and it’s that vital field of information that matter draws from.
For instance, the muscle cells in the previous example can further organize and specialize into tissues called muscle tissue Let’s say that the particular type of muscle tissue in this example is called cardiac muscle Cardiac muscle tissue forms an organ called the heart The tissues, which are made of cells, share a field of information that allows the heart to function in a coherent manner. The heart is part of the cardiovascular system of the entire body. As it shares this field of information, it organizes matter to function in a harmonic, holistic way.
So the field that’s created that gives birth to matter is what controls
matter. The greater the field, the faster the atoms vibrate—or the faster your subatomic fan blades spin.
The Newtonian model of biology is based on linear events in which chemical reactions occur in a sequence of steps. But that’s not actually how biology works you can no longer explain something even as simple as how a cut heals without the understanding of the interconnected coherent information pathways you just read about. Cells share an intercommunication of information in a nonlinear way. The universe and all the biological systems within it share an integration of independent,
entangled energy fields that, in turn, share information beyond space and time on a moment-to-moment basis.
Research confirms that most interactions between cells happen faster than the speed of light
—and since the limit of this physical reality is the speed of light, that means that cells must communicate via the quantum
field. The interactions between atoms and molecules form an intercommunication that unifies the physical, material world and the energy fields that makeup the whole. In the quantum, the linear,
predictable characteristics of the Newtonian world do not exist. Things interact in a holistic, cooperative manner.
So according to the quantum model of reality, we could say that all disease is a lowering of frequency. Think about stress hormones. When your nervous system is under the control of fight-or-flight mode, the chemicals of survival cause you to be more matter and less energy. You become a materialist, because you’re defining reality with your senses;
you overuse the vital energy surrounding the cell by mobilizing it for an emergency and all of your attention goes toward the outer world of the environment, the body, and time. If you keep the stress response turned on for extended periods of time, the long-term effects keep slowing down the frequency of the body such that it becomes more and more particle and less and less wave. That means that there’s less consciousness, energy,

and information available for atoms, molecules, and chemicals to share.
As a result, you become matter trying futilely to change matter—you area body trying without success to change a body.
All of the individual subatomic fans making up your body start spinning not only slower, but also out of rhythm with one another. This creates incoherence among the body’s atoms and molecules, which causes a weakened signal of communication such that the body begins to breakdown. The more your body is matter and the less it is energy, the more you’re at the mercy of the second law of thermodynamics—the law of
entropy—where material things in the universe tend to move toward disorder and breakdown.
Think what would happen if you had hundreds of fans in one enormous room, all working together and spinning in harmony, humming away in unison. That coherent humming would be like music to your ears,
because it would be rhythmic and consistent. That’s what it’s like in our bodies when the signals between our atoms, molecules, and cells are strong and coherent.
Now imagine how different it would be if there weren’t enough electricity (energy) getting to each of the fans, resulting in their spinning at different speeds or frequencies. The room would then belled with a cacophony of incoherent clanking, wobbling, stopping, and starting.
That’s what it’s like when the signals between our bodies atoms,
molecules, and cells are weaker and incoherent.
When you change your energy because you made a decision with firm intention, you increase the frequency of your atomic structure and create a more intentional, coherent electromagnetic signature (as depicted in
Figure 8.4
). You’re now affecting the physical matter of your body. By increasing your energy, you increase the electricity flowing to your atomic fans. The elevated frequency begins to entrain or to organize the cells of your body to become less particle (matter) and more wave
(energy). Or to put it another way, all of your matter has more energy—
or more information. Think of coherence as rhythm or orderliness, and

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