You Are the Placebo: Making Your Mind Matter

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You Are The Placebo (1)
incoherence as the lack of rhythm, lack of orderliness, or lack of synchrony.

From a quantum perspective, a higher, more coherent frequency is called health, and a slower, more incoherent frequency is called disease. All disease is a lowering of frequency, as well as the expression of incoherent information.
Imagine a group of a hundred drummers with no rhythm banging on drums all at the same time. That’s incoherence. Now imagine that a group of five professional drummers shows up among the mob of wannabe drummers, spreads out to different locations in the crowd, and starts to create a very rhythmic beat. In time, the five would entrain the entire hundred other drummers into perfect rhythm, orderliness, and synchrony.
That’s exactly what happens when your body responds to anew mind,
when the hair on the back of your neck stands up because you feel more like energy and less like matter. In that moment, you’re lifting matter to anew mind. You’re entraining the disease that exists as a lowering of frequency to an elevated frequency. At the same time, you’re also causing the incoherent information that existed among the atoms and molecules,
chemicals and cells, tissues and organs, and systems of the body to instead function from afield of more organized information.
It’s like hearing static on your radio and then tuning into a clear signal where, all of a sudden, the static disappears and you can hear the music.
Your brain and nervous system do the same by tuning into higher, more

coherent frequencies. Once that occurs, you’re no longer subject to the law of entropy. You experience reverse entropy, and the coherent signature of the energy field around your body causes you to be immune to the typical laws of physical reality. Now all of the atomic fans are spinning at a faster coherent frequency, and the physical molecules,
chemicals, and cells that makeup your body are receiving new information so that your energy is having a positive effect on your body.
Figures AB, and Con the following page illustrate how a higher, more coherent frequency of energy entrains a slower, more incoherent frequency of matter, lifting matter to anew mind.
The more organized and coherent your energy, the more you entrain matter at an organized frequency, and the faster that frequency, the better and the more profound the electromagnetic signal the cell receives. (Remember, as you learned in the previous chapter, cells area hundred times more sensitive to electromagnetic signals—energy—than to chemical signals, and it’s these signals that change DNA expression.)
The more incoherent and unsynchronized your energy is, on the other hand, the less able your cells are to communicate with one another. You’ll learn the science of how to create coherence very shortly.

When higher, more coherent energy interacts with slower, more incoherent energy, it begins to entrain matter to a more organized state.
Beyond the Quantum Doorway
Since the quantum field is an invisible field of information, is frequency beyond space and time that all things material come from, and is made of consciousness and energy, then everything physical in the universe is unified within and connected to this field. And since all things material are made of atoms, which are connected beyond space and time, then you and I, along with all things in the universe, are connected by this field of intelligence—personal and universal, both within us and all around us—
that gives life, information, energy, and consciousness to all things.
Call it what you will, but this is the universal intelligence that’s giving you life right now. It organizes and orchestrates the hundreds of thousands of notes in the harmonious symphony that is your physiology
—those things that are part of your autonomic nervous system. This

intelligence keeps your heart beating more than 101,000 times a day to pump more than two gallons of blood per minute, traveling more than miles in each hour period. As you finish reading this sentence,
your body will have made 25 trillion cells. And each of the 70 trillion cells that makeup your body execute somewhere between 100,000 to 6 trillion functions per second. You’ll inhale 2 million liters of oxygen today, and each time you inhale, that oxygen will be distributed to every cell in your body within seconds.
Do you consciously keep track of all that Or does something that has a mind so much greater than your mind, and a will so much greater than your will, do it for you That’s love In fact, that intelligence loves you so much that it loves you into life. It’s the same universal mind that animates every aspect of the material universe. This invisible field of intelligence exists beyond space and time, and it’s where all things material come from.
It causes supernovas to be born in distant galaxies and roses to bloom in Versailles. It keeps the planets revolving around our sun and the tides rising and falling at Malibu. Because it exists in all places and at all times,
and it’s both within you and all around you, this intelligence must be both personal and universal. So there’s a subjective, freewill consciousness
(the individual awareness) called you and there’s an objective consciousness (the universal awareness) that’s responsible for all life.
If you were to close your eyes and take your attention off your body and all of the people, things, and events arising at different times and places in your external environment, letting goof time fora moment,
you, as the quantum observer, would be removing your energy from your familiar life and investing your awareness into the unknown field of possibilities. Since where you place your attention is where you place your energy, then if you keep placing your awareness on your known life,
your energy is invested in that familiar life. But if you were to invest your energy in the unknown field of possibilities beyond space and time, and you instead became a consciousness (a thought in quantum potential),
you’d be drawing anew experience to yourself. As you enter a meditative state, your subjective, freewill consciousness would merge with the objective, universal consciousness, and you’d be planting a seed in possibility.
The self-organizing autonomic nervous system is your connection to that innate intelligence I mentioned that performs all of those automatic functions for you. It’s certainly not your thinking neocortex that’s responsible for the functions mentioned previously. Instead, it’s the lower brain centers below the neocortex that subconsciously run the show. This

loving intelligence is what you merge within meditation when you lay down the ego and go from selfish to selfless, when you become pure consciousness—no longer a body in the environment or in linear time but, instead, no body, no one, no thing, in no place and no time. That’s when you become simply an awareness in an infinite field of possibility.
You’re in the unknown. And from the unknown, all things are created.
You’re in the quantum field. And you and I already have all the biological machinery we need to accomplish this feat of becoming pure consciousness.

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