You Are the Placebo: Making Your Mind Matter

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You Are The Placebo (1)
Candace Gets Busy
Even though Candace didn’t accept her condition, she had a lot of work ahead of her. She knew that to change her belief about her disease, she’d have to make a choice with an amplitude of energy that was greater than the hardwired programs in her brain and the emotional addictions in her body so that her body could respond to anew mind. Only then could she experience the necessary change in energy that she needed to rewrite her subconscious programs and erase her past neurologically and genetically

which is exactly what began to happen.
Although she had heard me say all of this before and knew the material intellectually, Candace had never embraced the information from personal experience. In the first workshop she attended after getting the diagnosis, she looked exhausted and kept falling asleep in her chair. I
knew she was struggling.
When she came to her next workshop, she’d been taking thyroid medication to regulate her imbalanced chemical state fora little over a month, and she was more alert and interested. Candace was incredibly inspired by the stories I told during the weekend. When she heard that others weren’t going to be victims of the circumstances in their external worlds and that uncommon healings could happen, she decided that she was going to be her own science project.
So Candace embarked on the journey. Having an understanding of epigenetics and neuroplasticity from my workshops, she knew she was no longer a victim of the disease and, instead, used her knowledge to become proactive. She assigned a different meaning to her future and so had a different intention. She awoke everyday at 4:30
to do her meditation and began to emotionally condition her body to anew mind.
She worked on finding the present moment, which she realized had been lost to her before.
Candace wanted to be happy and healthy, so she fought hard to regain her life. Even so, she struggled in the beginning and got very frustrated when she couldn’t sit for any extended period of time. Her body had been trained to be the mind of frustration, anger, impatience, and victimization, and it understandably rebelled. As though she were training an undisciplined animal, Candace had to keep settling her body down to the present moment. Every time she went through that process,
she was reconditioning her body to anew mind and freeing herself a bit more from the chains of her emotional addiction.
Every day in her meditations, Candace worked on overcoming her body, her environment, and time. She refused to getup as the same person who’d sat down to do the meditation, because the old Candace was the one who became angry and frustrated and was so chemically addicted to her external circumstances. She didn’t want to be that person anymore. She listened to her meditations, emulated anew state of being,
and wouldn’t stop until she was in love with life—in a true state of gratitude for no particular reason.
Candace applied all the knowledge that she’d learned from my workshops and from listening to every audio CD, reading every book
(more than once, and studying her notes from the courses. She was

wiring new information into her brain to prepare herself fora new experience of healing. More and more often, she found that she could refrain from firing and wiring the old neural connections of anger,
frustration, resentment, arrogance, and mistrust and that she could begin tore and wire the new neural connections of love, joy, compassion, and kindness. In doing so, Candace knew she was pruning away the old connections and sprouting new ones. And the more times she made the effort with a level of mental fortitude, the more she would transform.
In time, she became incredibly grateful to be alive, realizing that where harmony existed, incoherence couldn’t abide. She told herself, I am not
the old Candace, and I’m not reaffirming that existence any longer. For months on end, she persevered. And if she found herself being driven to that lowest common denominator, being angry or frustrated at the conditions in her external world, or feeling sick or unhappy, she would very quickly make a conscious shift. By swiftly changing her state of being, she could shorten the periods in which those emotions had a hold on her so that she was overall less moody, less temperamental, and less like her old personality.
Some days Candace felt so bad that she didn’t want to get out of bed,
but she got up anyway and meditated. She told herself that whenever she transmuted those lower emotions into elevated emotions, she was removing herself biologically from her past and priming her brain and body to anew future. She began to realize how worthwhile doing her inner work was, and it soon became less like effort and more like a gift.
Thanks to her daily persistence, Candace noticed a huge shift very quickly, and she started feeling better. She started communicating with others differently once she stopped looking at the world through a mind of fear and frustration, and instead looked through a lens of compassion,
love, and gratitude. Her energy increased, and she was able to think more clearly.
Candace realized that she didn’t react the same way to the familiar conditions in her life, because the old fear-based emotions were no longer within her body. She was overcoming her knee-jerk reactions, because she now saw that the people and conditions that used to upset her existed only in relation to how she was feeling. She was becoming free.
Part of her process of change included becoming conscious of the unconscious thoughts that typically slipped by her awareness during the day. In her meditations, she became determined that those thoughts would never go unnoticed again. Under no circumstances would she allow herself to return to the behaviors and habits connected to her old self. She erased the chalkboard biologically, neurologically, and genetically,

making room to create anew self, and her body began to liberate energy.
In other words, she was going from particle to wave by releasing the stored emotions as energy in her body. Her body was no longer living the past.
With this newly available energy that she’d freed up, Candace began to seethe landscape of anew future. She asked herself, How do I want to
behave? How do I want to feel How do I want to think? By getting up everyday for months on end in a state of gratitude, she was emotionally instructing her body that her new future had already arrived, which signaled new genes in new ways, moving her body back into homeostasis.
Right on the other side of Candace’s anger, she found compassion. Right on the other side of her frustration, she discovered patience and gratitude. And right on the other side of her victimization was a creator,
waiting to create joy and wellness. It was the same intense energy on either side, but she was now able to liberate it as she moved from particle to wave, from survival to creation.

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