ZP OWER C ORPORATION PAGE OF 352 Z ERO P OINT E NERGY Until recently, the majority of the practitioners of quantum field theory attributed no real significance to the ZBW. It was held that the ZBW is a mathematical artifact of the one-particle Dirac theory. which does not appear in a correctly formulated quantum field theory. Others, inasimilarvein, claimed that the ZB\Al is an inconsequential erratic motion of the electron due to random electron-positron pair creation and annihilation. However. important new evidence has surfaced causing a growing group of the physics community to regard the ZBW in a more substantial role. Indeed, the findings reached by several prominent theoretical physicists) is that the ZBVY is a localized helical motion of the electron with an angular momentum which can be identified with the electron spin. In recasting the Dirac theory in the Clifford analysis of his multivector geometric algebra, D. Hestenes(6) has said to bare the geometric content of electron spin, which has been formerly shrouded by the formalistic artifice of matrix mechanics and quantum field theory. According to these findings, the ZBW need not be attributed to interference between positive and negative energy states as Schrodinger originally proposed. but provides the key to a complete understanding of the Dirac theory of the electrons, including a physical interpretation for the complex phase factor in the Dirac wave function. Furthermore. he has convincingly revealed. through mathematical argument. the unprecendented picture of the electron as the seat of abound oscillating electromagnetic field similar to de Brogue's concept of a pilot wave. Thus it tells us that the ZBW is responsible fora kind of electromagnetic wave-particle duality which is implicit not only in the Dirac theory. but has manifestations in every application in quantum mechanics. even in the non-relativistic domain covered by the Schrodinger theory. Contrary to orthodox opinion which views the electromagnetic field as merely incidental to quantum theory. the new findings by Hestenes and others. ascribes a central role to the electromagnetic field. In this sense, not only is the latter a generating source for ZPF. but it is the seat of the associated electron Zitterbewegung, its characteristic half-integral spin. and all other manifestations of quantum physics including the uncertainty in position and momentum of subatomic units. The uncertainty relations can now be viewed as consequences of a zero-point particle motion with a fixed zero-point angular momentum, the spin of the electron. This explains why the limiting constant h in the uncertainty relations (Ax * Ap = his exactly equal to the magnitude of the electron spin. In this regard, the once obscure paper of Furutsu(7) takes on the significance of landmark proportions. His two-part monograph investigation, in conjunction with Hestene's work and the work of Puthoff, to be described, deserves close scrutiny by all theorists concerned with explicating the fundamental questions of physics. Furutsu mathematically showed that the classical statistical theory of electomagnetic waves in a fluctuating medium