Z ERO -P OINT V ACUUM F LUCTUATION T OWARDS Ab bUbbNIFIED E LECTRODYNAMIC V IEW OF THE F UNDAMENTAL F IELDS OF N ATURE B Y D ON R EED , RAUM & ZEIT , V OL 3, N O 2, 1992 We surveyed a novel electromagnetic field based on the topology of ab bMoebius band or a Klein bottle. This field is apparently the agent for the production of unique phenomena, chief of which among these is the decrease of gravitational potential or mass of certain substances placed within the proximity of the field. Such phenomena are clearly foreign to present scientific understanding. from the standpoint of the bodies of knowledge underlying relativity. quantum physics, and even classical electromagnetic theory. However. it is not entirely inconceivable that the structure of nature at its primordial subatomic level might be the seat of a ubiquitous groundform energy field. Furthermore. its dynamical characteristics could account for known phenomena in the relativistic and quantum domains, as well ascertain recorded anomalous phenomena which cannot as yet be incorporated into contemporary scientific paradigms. Exactly such a feature has played an important role in explicating many of the initially enigmatic findings of quantum electrodynamics in particular. It has been termed the "zero-point vacuum fluctuations" or ZPF. The name derives from the existence of this basic energy even at the lowest temperature in nature, Kelvin. One of the substantial effects of this postulated fluctuating vacuum groundform is the oscillatory feature ascribed to the electron as it interacts with the ZPF. known as the "Zitterbewegung" or jitter (ZBW will be suitable for our purposes. In view of the recent emergence of operating free energy machines. it will be advantageous to study the characteristics of the Zitterbewegung. In this light, focusing on the ZBW will provide us with a rational basis with which to ascribe the workings of such devices, to prevent the classification of them as perpetual motion machines. At this juncture. it would be prudent to outline to readers unfamiliar with these topics. the history of discoveries in the peculiarities of electron behavior that brought these notions to light. The initial difficulty came at the turn of the century with the aborted attempt by HA. Lorentz to compatibly integrate the electron into the electromagnetic field theory of Maxwell-Hertz.(1) The problems arose from Lorentz' assumption of a spherical charge distribution