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It now appears no longer necessary to unite gravitation in an all encompassing theory with the other three fundamental powers of nature - the electromagnetic as well as the strong and weak nuclear forces. The creation of a unified field theory has hitherto caused physicists tremendous difficulties. Although the theory of electromagnetic fields could be tied to radioactive decay and the power that holds the atomic nucleus together, gravity did not fit into any of the mathematical concepts which grew into increasingly abstract Babylonian towers of physics, and were consequently unsuccessful. As a result of the ZPE, gravitation is not seen to be a fundamental power but is only a secondary effect, resulting from the alternating functioning of other fields. In this form gravity is already a component of the unified field theory. At the same time it becomes clear why gravity is so weak, always pushing and never pulling and -in contrast with electromagnetic fields - it cannot be shielded vacuum fluctuations penetrate space itself. The recently deceased Russian physicist, Andrei Sakarov, also saw gravitation as a result of the inter- workings of the vacuum energy and matter. This should make it possible to calculate the value of the gravitational constant G by parameters derived from the theory of ZPE. Puthoff followed Sakarov's ideas with some success. So particles that are coupled through vacuum fluctuation fields experience an attractive force on the order of gravitation. As far back as the s, physicist Timothy Boyer of New York city college combined formulas of classical physics with the random fields of
ZPE. It was his goal to reproduce the entire quantum theory with this approach. The result Boyer's "Stochastic Electrodynamics" produced in many cases the same results as Max Planks' Quantum Electrodynamics, among others in regard to the radiation of black bodies, with "harmonic oscillators, with Van der Walls forces as well as the Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle. "If the physicists had taken this path around 1900 they would have done much better with this classical approach than with Plank's quantum theory, commented Boyer's colleague Peter Milonni of the Los Alamos National Laboratory. The way this cosmic power could be used to generate energy is shown by the effect named after the Dutch Physicist, Hendrix B. Casimir. Two smooth metal plates held apart a very small distance must attract each other very powerfully. The reason in the space between the plates there are far fewer vacuum fluctuations than in the space outside. The pressure of the radiation, therefore, pushes the plates together - as it also pushes heavenly bodies together (accordingly gravity is a macro demonstration of the Casimir effect. At the meeting of the plates an enormous amount of heat is generated
- the vacuum energy is translated into useful energy. Of course this can only be done once with each pair of plates, because to separate the plates to

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