1 October 2014) summary of changes changes the cost caps for acs quota categories (Para b )

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Fully Funded Graduate Programs

Policy and Procedures

Fiscal Year 2015

(1 October 2014)

Changes the cost caps for ACS quota categories (Para B.4.)

Changes the cost cap for EGSP (Para B.4.a and C.2.b)

Requires that GrADSO and EGSP students get in-state rates for tuition (Para B.4.b)

Updates the fees that are not paid by ACS/EGSP/GRADSO (Para B.5.)

Updates packet submission timelines for ACS, AFIT and NPS (Para B.9.)

Highlights OCONUS School Attendance Restrictions (Paras C.1.d and f and C.2.d)

Changes early report approval authority (Para C.1.j)

Changes process for tracking ADSO (Para C.1.s.)

Adds guidance for Proponent Funded and Managed Education Programs (C.3)

Updates minimum waiverable GRE scores (para D.2)

Highlights approval authority for removing GrADSO officers (Para D.3.)

Requires school acceptance letter for participants, not training agency letter (Para D.5.b. iii)

Requires DA Form 2125 for all participants except NPS, NIU and NDU. (Para D.5.b. ix)

Adds EGSP/GrADSO Slating process para (Para D.6.)

Updates Summary of in-processing requirements (Para E.1.b)

Clarifies tuition and fees process for student accounts (Para E.2)

Updates TDY and PDY processes (Para E.4)

Suggested improvements: Users are invited to send comments and suggested improvements on DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms) to Commander, U.S. Army Human Resources Command (AHRC–OPL-C), 1600 Spearhead Division Avenue, Fort Knox, KY 40122 or send DA 2028 via email to usarmy.knox.hrc.mbx.opmd-army-acs@mail.mil

Table of Contents

  1. References

  2. Key Highlights

  3. Advanced Education Programs (AEP) Overview

    1. Advanced Civilian Schools (ACS) Program

    2. Graduate School for Active Duty Service Obligation (GrADSO) and residual Expanded Graduate Student Program (EGSP)

    3. (New) Proponent Funded and Managed Programs

    1. Funding POCs

  1. Advanced Education Programs Process

    1. Guidance for Filling ACS Quotas

    2. Eligibility Criteria and Requirements for ACS

    3. Guidance for Filling EGSP/GRADSO Quotas

    4. Eligibility Criteria and Requirements for EGSP/GrADSO

    5. ACS Nomination Process

      1. Example of Student Guidance from Training Agency

    6. ACS Nomination Packet

      1. Instructions for Electronic Nomination submission process

    7. EGSP /GrADSO Slating Process

    8. EGSP /GrADSO Nomination Packet

    9. Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) Application Procedures

    10. Request for Waivers

    11. Exceptions to Policy

    12. Utilization Tour and Deferrals

    13. ACS Active Duty Service Obligation (ADSO) and Recoupment

    14. GrADSO Active Duty Service Obligation, Recoupment and Waiver

  2. Student Oriented Section

    1. ACS In-processing and Student Report Requirements

      1. AR 621-1 Highlights

      2. Summary of In-processing Requirements

      3. Welcome letter example

      4. DA Form 2125 (Report to Training Agency)

      5. ROTC or USAREC Duty memorandum requirement

      6. DA Form 1059-1 (Academic Evaluation Report)

    2. Tuition and Fees

      1. General

      2. Guide to Negotiating Tuition Reduction

      3. Procedures and Guidelines for Negotiating Tuition

      4. Prohibition of Paying Tuition “Out of Pocket”

      5. States Granting Resident Tuition Rates to ACS Students

    3. Changes to Program of Academic Study and its affect on funding

    4. Temporary Duty (TDY) and Permissive TDY (PTDY)

    5. Doctorate (Ph.D.) Degree Time Limits and AER Processing

    6. Recommended Thesis/Dissertation Topics and Publication

  1. References

  1. AR 621-1, Training of Military Personnel at Civilian Institutions (28 August 2007)

  1. AR 350-100, Officer Active Duty Service Obligations (8 August 2007)

  1. AR 621-7, Army Fellowships and Scholarships (8 August 1997)

  1. AR 621-108, Military Personnel Requirements for Civilian Education (26 March 2007)

  1. AR 621-5, Army Continuing Education System (11 July 2006)

  1. AR 623-3, Evaluation Reporting System (10 August 2007)

  1. DA PAM 623-3, Evaluation Reporting System (13 August 2007)

  1. DoD Instruction 1322.10, Policy on Graduate Education for Military Officers (29 April 2008)

  1. DoD Instruction 1322.06, Fellowships, Scholarships, Training with Industry (TWI) and Grants for DoD Personnel (15 November 2007)

  1. Director OPMD Memorandum, Guidance for Management of Career Satisfaction Program (CSP) Graduate School for Active Duty Service Obligation (GrADSO) Officers, 18 Sep 2014

  1. ACS Home Page: https://www.hrc.army.mil/site/protect/branches/officer/LeaderDev/CivSchool/index.htm

(Note: This link requires AKO userid and password login.)

  1. Key Highlights

    1. This Policy and Procedures document covers the Advanced Civil Schooling (ACS), Expanded Graduate School Program (EGSP) and Graduate School for Active Duty Service Obligation (GrADSO), and proponent funded and managed program processes.

For Degree Completion Program (DCP), Cooperative Degree Program (CDP), Scholarship/ Fellowship/Internship and Training with Industry (TWI) information and points of contact, please reference the AEPB Home Page (Note: This link requires AKO userid and password login.):


    1. The Advanced Education Programs Branch (including the ACS Section) accepts correspondence at (prefer electronic):

Mail to: Commander Human Resources Command


1600 Spearhead Division Ave

Fort Knox, KY 40122

Email: usarmy.knox.hrc.mbx.opmd-army-acs@mail.mil

    1. Once a graduate school nomination packet is approved by the Advanced Education Programs Branch (AEPB), the AEPB will notify the applicable Professional Services Branch (PSB) to request assignment instructions/request for orders (RFO). NO RFO WILL BE CUT UNTIL THE PACKET HAS BEEN APPROVED.

    1. (CHANGE) Annual ACS cost caps for tuition and fees for FY15 are: low cost – less than $26,000; medium cost – less than $43,000; high cost – less than $55,000. This is expressed as an amount including tuition and the mandatory fees covered by the Army for a complete academic year. Academic year is defined as three semesters or the number of term/quarter equivalents (Fall, Spring, Summer, or Spring Summer, Fall, or Summer, Fall and Spring) depending on the start date of the student. Students are required to obtain the detailed, itemized cost of the entire program when they submit their application. Quota allocations in each cost category are provided to each Branch and Functional Area Manager. Schools requested by the student officer must fit into the cost category of the quota they are filling.

      1. (CHANGE) EGSP (MOI or CP) Cost Cap changes to $26,000 per academic year

      2. (CHANGE) Career Satisfaction Program (CSP) GrADSO has no cost cap, but student officers are encouraged to seek a tuition agreement to lessen the burden to the government. Officers must obtain in-state tuition rates where available.

    1. (CHANGE) AEP pays the tuition and most mandatory fees for students enrolled in fully funded programs. Certain fees will not be paid nor reimbursed and they are the responsibility of the officer such as application fees, transcripts, health insurance, registration, parking/transportation, graduation fees, student ID, reservation fees, or books. AEP does NOT pay for pre-requisites. If pre-requisites are required, the officer will accomplish them on his/her own, at his/her own cost.

    1. Programs of study are expressed and agreed to during the application packet process. The payments to the school are predicated on that agreement as outlined in the Tuition Agreement and the initial DA Form 2125 required in the nomination packet. Any changes to that program of study (including re-arranging courses) or costs require approval by the officer’s career manager and AEPB in advance. No pre-requisites, undergraduate courses or other courses not required for the degree program will be paid by the Army. The Army will not pay for retaking courses for which the officer has not achieved a passing grade.

    2. Night Courses, Weekend programs, On-line courses or attendance at “satellite campus” are not supported and are not within the intent of AR 621-1.

    3. Key Student Requirements - See Section E

    4. (UPDATE)FY15 (September 2014 to October 2015) Timeline Highlights

AUG 14 FY15 GrADSO/EGSP Quota Allocation approved by Director and distributed

1 OCT 14 Winter 2014 ACS Packet Submission Deadline for NPS Students (Jan starts).

15 OCT 14 Winter 2014 ACS Packets Submission Deadline (AFIT and NPS) (Mar starts)

24 OCT 14 Spring 2014 ACS Packet Submission Deadline (other than NPS and AFIT)

*23 JAN 15 Quota Usage Intent Due to AEPB

**13 FEB 15 FY15 ACS Quotas Redistributed

1 FEB 15 National Defense University (NDU) Nominees Due

25 MAR 15 Last day Summer 15 ACS Nomination Packets will be accepted (including


MAY 15 GrADSO Quota Allocation coordination meetings for FY16-17

22 May 15 Last day Fall 15 (Aug-Sep Starts) Nomination Packets will be accepted

(Including NPS and AFIT)

MAY 15 Career Divisions input for out-year ACS quota allocations due

20 JUL 15 GrADSO FY16 by-name slating finalized. FY16-17 GrADSO quota book

submitted to Director OPMD for approval.

JUL 15 AERS Utilization Tour Validation Meeting

JUL 15 AEPB FY 16 Budget Submission

AUG 15 FY16 ACS Quotas Released to PSB’s and other training agencies

1 OCT 15 Winter 2016 ACS Packet Submission Deadline for NPS Students (Jan starts).

16 OCT 15 Winter 2016 ACS Packets Submission Deadline (AFIT and NPS) (Mar starts)

23 OCT 15 Spring 2016 ACS Packet Submission Deadline (other than NPS and AFIT)

* During the January 2015 Quota Usage intent meeting, Branches will be required to submit a by name roster of officers that they have programmed for school. Any unfilled or un-programmed quotas will be taken back at that time.
** Unused or un-programmed quotas will be redistributed by the Chief, LDD pending funding and valid requirements throughout all career fields. Deputies will no longer "trade" or redistribute within their own Career Division.

  1. Advanced Education Programs Overview

The AEP facilitates the education of approximately 1400 students, Scholars and Fellows in any given school year. The Advanced Education Program Branch (AEPB) within the Officer Personnel Management Directorate (OPMD) manages officer participation in the following programs:

Advanced Civil Schooling (ACS)

Expanded Graduate School Program (EGSP)

  • Commanders Program and Menu of Incentives (EGSP)

  • Graduate School for Active Duty Service Obligation (GrADSO) (Career Satisfaction Program)

Degree Completion Program (DCP)

Cooperative Degree Program (CDP)

Scholarships/Fellowships/Internships (Non-MEL Producing)

Senior Service College Fellowships

Training with Industry (TWI)

For information about participation in DCP, CDP, Scholarships/Fellowships/Internships SSC, or TWI, please see the AEPB web page.

Although the AEPB hosts the programs stated above there are other key players (Training Agencies) involved in the process. Training Agencies per AR 621-1 para 1-5 include Career Branches (Army Acquisition Corps, Funded Legal Education Program, LLM-Master of Laws, Chaplains), Career Divisions of Human Resources Command (basic branches and functional areas), United States Military Academy, Professor Army War College, JCS/OSD intern, G3 Harvard Strategist, OCLL, Special Operations Low-Intensity Conflict.
There are several programs covered by this Policy and Procedures Document thru which officers pursue fully funded masters or PhD Degrees:

- The Advanced Civil Schooling Program (ACS) (including proponent funded, HRC managed programs)

- Retention incentive programs such as the Expanded Graduate School Program (which includes both the Commanders Program/Menu of Incentives (EGSP) as well as the Career Satisfaction Program initiatives (GrADSO).

- Proponent funded and managed programs

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