1. Personal data

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Curriculum Vitae
Seif Haridi
SICS, Stockholm 1998

1.Personal data

Identification number: 530101-2315
Date of birth: January 1, 1953
Citizenship: Swedish
Private address: Polarisvägen 29

S-17565 Järfälla


Phone: +46-8-739 20 63

Affiliation: Swedish Institute of Computer Science

Box 1263

S-16428 Kista


Phone: +46-8-752 15 30

Fax: +46-8-751 72 30

Email: seif@sics.se

WWW: http://sics.se/˜seif

Current Positions: Research Director,

Swedish Institute of Computer Science, SICS

Acting Professor of Computer Systems,

Department of Teleinformatics,

Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden

2.Academic degrees

Docent in Computer Systems, Royal Institute of Technology, 1984.
Ph.D. degree in Computer Systems:

Thesis title: Logic Programming Based on a Natural Deduction System,

Royal Institute of Technology, 1981.


  • Research Director, Swedish Institute of Computer Science, since 1993-07-01.

  • Acting Professor in Computer Systems, Department of Teleinformatics, Royal Institute of Technology, since 1997-04-01.

  • Adjunct Professor in Computer Science, Department of Computer Science, Uppsala University, 1993-07-01 until 1996-06-30.

  • Adjunct Professor in Computer Systems, Department of Teleinformatics, Royal Institute of Technology, 1986-07-01 until 1993-06-30.

  • Lab. Leader for Logic Programming and Parallel Systems Lab., Swedish Institute of Computer Science, 1986-01-01 until 1993-06-30.

  • Visiting scientist, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, New York, USA, 1984-07-01 until 1985-10-09.

  • Tenure university lecturer, Department of Telecommunication and Computer Systems, Royal Institute of Technology, 1984-01-01 until 1985-06-30.

  • Consultant on logic programming and expert systems, Infologics AB, 1983-09-01 until 1994-06-30.

  • Extra university lecturer, Department of Computer Science, Uppsala University, 1981-02-01 until 1983-12-31.

  • Research Engineer, Department of Telecommunication and Computer Systems, Royal Institute of Technology, 1980-07-01 until 1981-04-31.

  • Assistant, Department of Telecommunication and Computer Systems, Royal Institute of Technology, 1976-07-01 until 1980-06-30.


    Chester Carlsons Research Prize in Information Sciences 1991 (Chester Carlsons Forskningspris, 1991 för Informationsvetenskap), awarded by the Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences.

5.Ph. D. thesis advisor and examiner

  1. Johan Montelius, Exploiting Fine-grain Parallelism in Concurrent Constraint Languages, 1997, Uppsala University.

  2. Björn Carlsson, Compiling and Executing Finite Domain Constraints, 1995, Uppsala University.

  3. Torbjörn Keisu, Tree Constraints, 1994, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm.

  4. Sverker Janson, AKL — a Multiparadigm Programming Language, 1994, Uppsala University.

  5. Erik Hagersten, Towards Scalable Cache-Only Memory Architectures, 1992, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm.

  6. Roland Karlsson, A High Performance OR-parallel Prolog System, 1992, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, (Co-advisor with Docent Khayri Ali).

  7. Dan Sahlin, An Automatic Partial Evaluator for Full Prolog, 1991, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm.

  8. Nabiel El Shiewy, Robust Coordinated Reactive Computing in SANDRA, 1990, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm.

  9. Bogumil Hausman, Pruning and Speculative Work in OR-Parallel Prolog, 1990, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm.

  10. Mats Carlsson, Design and Implementation of an OR-parallel Prolog Engine, 1990, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm.

6.Ph. D. thesis advisor

The following two Ph.D. thesis I had the role of thesis advisor. The formal examiner was Prof. Lars Erik Thorelli.

  1. Khayri Ali, Garbage Collection of Distributed Heap Systems, 1985, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm.

  2. Andrzej Ciepielewski, Or-parallel Execution of Logic Programs, 1984, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm.

7.External Ph.D. thesis examiner

  1. Martin Henz, Objects in Oz, 1997, Universität des Saarlandes, Germany.

8.External Research Grants

  • The ESPRIT II project 2471, PEPMA Parallel Execution of Prolog on Multiprocessor Architectures, 1988 —1991.

  • The ESPRIT II project, GPMIMD General Purpose Multiple Instruction Multiple Data machines, 1989 —1992.

  • The ESPRIT III project, SODA Shared memory On Distributed Architectures, 1991 — 1993.

  • The ESPRIT III project 7195, ACCLAIM, Advanced Concurrent Constraint Languages: Applications, Implementations and Methodology, 1992 — 1995.

  • Nutek (Swedish National Board for Industrial and Technical Development) project, Perdio, PERsistance and DIstribution in Oz, 1996— 1998.

9. Inventions

Inventor together with (E. Hagersten, D.H.D Warren) of the Data Diffusion Machine, patent in (Sweden, Europe, USA and Japan).

10.Evaluation of professorships

I have acted as an expert for evaluating persons for either becoming professors, or for professor promotion:

  • Expert in the evaluation committee of Prof. L. Sterling, for promotion to full professor, Case Western Reserve University, USA.

  • Expert in the evaluation committee for a professor chair in computer science, Umeå University, Sweden.

  • Expert in the evaluation committee for a professor chair in computer architecture, Göteborg University, Sweden.

  • Expert in the evaluation committee of Prof. A. Gupta, for promotion to associate professor and tenure position at Stanford university, Ca, USA.

  • Expert in the evaluation committee of Prof. T. Hicky, for promotion to associate professor and tenure position at the Brandies university, Waltham MA, USA.

  • Expert in the evaluation committee of Prof. J. Conery, for promotion to associate professor and tenure position at the university of Oregon, Eugene USA.

  • Expert in the evaluation committee of Prof. D.S. Warren, for promotion to full professor at the state university of New York, USA.

11.Professional Activities

I include here only the major professional activities, others such as giving informal talks at various foreign organizations and universities are not included.

  • Invited speaker at ICLP’97, International Conferences on Logic Programming, 1997, Leuven Belgium.

  • Invited Speaker, Fifth Generation Computer Systems Symposium, Tokyo Japan,1994.

  • Invited speaker at ICLP’91, International Conference of Logic Programming, 1991 Paris France.

  • Invited speaker at PARLE 89, Conference on Parallel Architectures and Languages Europe, Eindhoven 1989.

  • Programme chairman for EuroPar 95, European Conference on Parallel Computing, 1995, Stockholm.

  • Programme chairman for IEEE Symposium on Logic Programming, California, 1987.

  • Member of the executive committee of EuroPar, the European conference series on parallel processing, since 1995.

  • Member of the executive committee of the Association of Logic Programming, 1988-1991.

  • Expert for the United Nations, Food and Agriculture Organization FAO, for developing a family of expert systems for various agriculture products in Egypt.

  • Project Coordinator for the European ESPRIT III project ACCLAIM, 1992.

  • Project Coordinator and scientific expert for the European CRIT II project, for supporting computer science research in Poland.

  • Member of the evaluation committee of TFR (the Swedish Research Council for Engineering Sciences) on computer science, since 1996.

  • Participant in the evaluation workshop for the fifth generation computer systems project 1992, Tokyo

  • Co-editor of EuroPar’95 proceeding, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 966.

  • Co-editor of a special issue of the International Journal of Logic Programming, 1989.

  • Member of the editorial board of the International Journal of Parallel Programming, 1985 until 1994.

  • Member of the editorial board of the International Journal of Logic programming.

  • Member of the editorial board of the New Generation Computing Journal.

  • Programme committee member on several international conferences. These include:

  • IEEE Symposium on Logic Programming, 1985, 1986.

  • International Conference on Logic Programming, 1986, 1990, 1991, 1992.

  • ACM Conference on Programming Languages Design and Implementation 1990.

  • Fifth Generation Computer Systems Conferences, 1988, and 1992.

  • Conference on Parallel Architectures and Languages Europe 1991, PARLE'91.

  • EuroPar’97, European Conference on Parallel Processing, 1997.

  • ACM International Conference on Compiler Construction 1994.

12.Teaching and course development

When I was a university lecturer I taught courses on Computer Architecture, Specification Methods using VDM at the Royal Institute of Technology, and Programming Languages Semantics and Implementations, and Theory of Computation at Uppsala university:

  • Program Theory, for DVL3 in computer science major, Uppsala university, 1983-1984.

  • Computers for Real-time Systems, for E3 in electrical engineering, Royal Institute of Technology, 1983-1984.

  • Software Development and Specification Methods, for E4 in computer science major, Royal Institute of Technology, 1982-1983, 1983-1984.

  • Semantics of Programs and Machines, for DVL2 in computer science major, Uppsala university, 1982-1983.

  • Applicative Programming Techniques, graduate course in computer systems, Royal Institute of Technology, 1982-1983.

Later after joining SICS I was responsible for two courses on logic programming systems for the computer science and engineering at the Royal Institute of Technology. The first course is on Prolog including programming techniques and implementations, held from 1986 until 1993. The second course on Concurrent Logic Programming, held every second year 1988 until 1994.

I held two Ph.D. courses, one on Scalable Shared Memory Architectures, and on Distributed Algorithms. The latter is being held again in Fall 1997 at the department of Teleinformatics, the Royal Institute of Technology (see http://www.it.kth.se/edu/Ph.D/courses.html)

13. Software tools and prototypes


The programming system Oz-2 has been developed together with the team of Prof. Gert Smolka at DFKI, Germany. Oz-2 is a multiparadigm programming language that is based on the concepts of concurrent constrain programming. The system has novel features for supporting distributed applications, such as mobile objects and replicable code over the Inter-net. I have participated in the design of the language, and in particular in the design of the distribution architecture of the system.

13.2.Agent Kernel Language

The first complete concurrent constraint language existing, Andorra Kernel Language AKL has been also developed in my lab. while being lab. leader at SICS. Together with my former Ph.D. student Sverker Janson we designed the concepts of AKL. AKL, and concurrent constraint programming is an active research topic by many researchers world-wide. The AKL system has been implemented fully. It served as a predecessor for the very successful multiparadigm programming language and systems Oz-1, and Oz-2.

13.3.SICStus Prolog

During the few years as a leader of the logic programming lab (LPSLAB), Members of LPSLAB developed the high quality Prolog system known as SICStus Prolog. This system is now the most spread and used Prolog system world-wide for educational and research purposes on UNIX workstations PC’s. I have been personally involved in several design decisions of the system. I also designed the object-oriented subsystem of SICStus known as SICStus Objects. This is being used in a large number of projects including: a large scale knowledge based system for agriculture products currently operational in Egypt, tools for configuring telephone exchanges, and a platform for agent-based market space (agent supported electronic commerce).

13.4.Parallel Prolog Systems

Members of LPSLAB developed together with researchers from Argonne National lab., USA and researchers from Bristol university the Aurora system which is the first full implementation of Prolog running on shared memory multiprocessors. I was involved in the design and supervised work on this system.

Also members of LPSLAB designed and implemented the parallel Prolog system MUSE, now an integrated part of SICStus Prolog. This system exploits or-parallelism and runs on shared memory multiprocessors.


DDM-lite, a general purpose multiprocessor prototype based on the DDM concept has been built at SICS. I am the co-inventor of DDM, as well as the concept of Cache-Only Memory Architecture (COMA) which is a hot topic of research currently within the computer architecture research community. Recently (1993) the first commercial COMA machine has appeared in the market by Kandel Square Research INC. This machine scales up to 1080 processors. Currently SUN Microsystems at PALO ALTO California, is building a large scale server based on the COMA concept. The chief architect is my former Ph.D. student Erik Hagersten.

14.My role as a research director of SICS

Since 1995 I became the research director of the Swedish Institute of Computer Science. My main duty is to structure and supervise the research activities of the institute and to support the various research groups scientifically. The institute was restructured into smaller research groups with the main focus on developing technologies and methodologies needed for the development of distributed and interactive systems. The main technical areas of SICS today are:

  • Computer and Network Architectures.

  • Software Technologies and Methods.

  • Human-System Interaction.

For more detailed information please consult the following documents which I mainly worked out together with the various group leader:

  1. SICS, Strategic Research Programme, 1995.

  2. SICS, Strategic Research Programme, 1997-1999.

SICS is currently a very successful research institute with 70% industrial funding, including support from EU, USA and Japan.

15.Research publications

In the following list, I include only major refereed research publications. This section is divided into publications in refereed scientific journals and book chapters, and refereed publications in international conferences. No workshop publications are included.

A division by subject is given in the associated document “Summary of Scientific and Pedagogical Accomplishments”.

15.1.Scientific Journals and Book Chapters

  1. Peter Van Roy, Seif Haridi, Per Brand, Micheal Mehl, Ralf Scheidhaur and Gert Smolka. Mobile Objects in Distributed Oz. ACM Transaction on Programming Languages and Systems TOPLAS, accepted for publication, June 1997.

  2. Tomas Axling and Seif Haridi. OBLICS, a Tool for Building Interactive Configuration Applications. Journal of Logic Programming, Dec 1995.

  3. Sverker Janson and Seif Haridi. An Introduction to AKL a Multi-paradigm Programming Language. In Constraint Programming, NATO-ASI Series, Springer-Verlag Computer and System Sciences Vol. 131, 1994.

  4. Sverker Janson, Johan Montelius and Seif Haridi. Ports for Objects in Concurrent Logic Programs. In Research Directions in Concurrent Object Oriented Programming, eds. P. Wagner, G. Agha, MIT press, 1993.

  5. Dan Sahlin, Torkel Franzen and Seif Haridi. An Intuitionistic Predicate Logic Theorem Prover. Journal of Logic and Computation, Vol. 2, No. 5, Oxford University Press, 1992.

  6. Seif Haridi, Sverker Janson and Catuscia Palamidessi. Structural Operational Semantics for AKL. Future Generation Computer Systems 8, North Holland, 1992.

  7. Torkel Franzen, Seif Haridi and Sverker Janson. An Overview of AKL. ELP’91, Extensions of Logic Programming, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 596, Springer-Verlag, 1991.

  8. Erik Hagersten, Anders Landin and Seif Haridi. DDM — A Cache-Only Memory Architecture. IEEE Computer September 1992.

  9. Seif Haridi. A Logic Programming Language Based on the Andorra Model. New Generation Computing, 1990.

  10. Erik Hagersten, Seif Haridi and David H.D. Warren. The Data Diffusion Machine and its Data Coherency Protocol. In Declarative Systems, North Holland, ed. B.D. Shriver, 1990.

  11. Ewing Lusk, David D.H.D. Warren, Seif Haridi, et al. The Aurora Or-parallel Prolog Systems. New Generation Computing, 1990.

  12. Andrzej Ciepielewski, Seif Haridi and Bogumil Hausman. Or-parallel Prolog on Shared Memory Multiprocessors. Journal of Logic Programming 1989.

  13. Karin Appleby, Mats Carlsson, Seif Haridi and Dan Sahlin. Garbage Collection for Prolog Based on WAM. Communication of the ACM June 1988.

  14. Khayri Ali and Seif Haridi. Global Garbage Collection for Distributed Heap Storage Systems. International Journal of Parallel Programming, October 1986.

  15. Andrzej Ciepielewski, Bogumil Hausman and Seif Haridi. Initial Evaluation of Or-parallel Execution of Logic Programs. In Fifth Generation Computer Architectures, IFIP, north-Holland, , edited by J.V. Woods, 1986

  16. Seif Haridi and Dan Sahlin. Efficient Implementation of Unification of Cyclic Structures. In Implementation Issues of Prolog, edited by J. Campell, Illis Horwood series on Artificial Intelligence, 1984.

  17. Åke Hansson, Seif Haridi and Sten-Åke Tärnlund. Properties of a Logic Programming Language. In Logic Programming edited by K. Clark and S-Å. Tärnlund, academic press, 1982.

15.2.International Conferences

  1. Seif Haridi, Peter Van Roy and Gert Smolka. An Overview of the Design of Distributed Oz. ACM International Symposium on Parallel Symbolic Computation, PASCO’97, Hawaii, 1997.

  2. Johan Montelius and Seif Haridi. An Evaluation of Penny: a System for Fine-grain Implicit Parallelism. ACM International Symposium on Parallel Symbolic Computation, PASCO’97, Hawaii, 1997.

  3. Tomas Axling, Seif Haridi and Lennart Fahlen. Concurrent Constraint Programming Virtual Application. The second international conference on the Military Applications of Synthetic Environments and Virtual Reality MASEVR’95, Dec 1995.

  4. Björn Carlson, Seif Haridi, Sverker Janson. AKL(FD) A Concurrent Language for FD Programming. International Symposium of Logic Programming, MIT press, 1994.

  5. Tomas Axling and Seif Haridi. A Tool for Developing Interactive Configuration Application. The International Conference on Practical Applications of Prolog 1994.

  6. Erik Hagersten, Anders Landin, Mats Grindal and Seif Haridi. Simulating the Data Diffusion Machine. PARLE '93 Parallel Architecture and Languages Europe, June 1993.

  7. Sverker Janson and Seif Haridi. Programming Paradigms of Andorra Kernel Language. Logic Programming: Proceedings of the 1991 International Symposium MIT Press, 1991.

  8. Seif Haridi and Catuscia Palamedissi. Structural Operational Semantics for Kernel Andorra Prolog. PARLE '91 Parallel Architecture and Languages Europe, June 1991.

  9. Anders Landin, Erik Hagersten and Seif Haridi. Race-free Networks and Multiprocessor Consistency. Joint ACM and IEEE International Symposium on Computer Architecture, ISCA’91, Toronto 1991.

  10. Seif Haridi and Sverker Janson. Kernel Andorra Prolog and its Computational Model. International Conference of Logic Programming, MIT Press, 1990.

  11. Seif Haridi and Erik Hagersten. The Cache Coherence Protocol of the Data Diffusion Machine, invited paper. PARLE '89 Parallel Architecture and Languages Europe, June 1989.

  12. David H.D. Warren and Seif Haridi. Data Diffusion Machine — A scalable shared virtual memory multiprocessor, invited paper. International Conference on Fifth Generation Computer systems 1988.

  13. Seif Haridi and Per Brand. ANDORRA Prolog - An Integration of Prolog and Committed Choice Languages. International Conference on Fifth Generation Computer systems 1988.

  14. Ewing Lusk, David D.H.D. Warren, Seif Haridi, et al. The Aurora Or-parallel Prolog Systems. International Conference on Fifth Generation Computer systems 1988.

  15. Bogumil Hausman, Andrzej Ciepielewski and Seif Haridi. Or-Parallel Prolog Made efficient on Shared Memory Multiprocessors. IEEE Symposium on Logic Programming, USA, 1987.

  16. Andrzej Ciepielewski and Seif Haridi. Execution of Bagof on the Or-parallel Token Machine. International Conference on Fifth Generation Computer Systems, Japan, 1984.

  17. Andrzej Ciepielewski and Seif Haridi. Control of Activities in the Or-parallel Token Machine. IEEE Symposium on Logic Programming, USA, 1984.

  18. Andrzej Ciepielewski and Seif Haridi . A Formal Model for Or-parallel Execution of Logic Programs. Information processing 83, Elsevier Science Publishers, north-Holland IFIP, France, 1984.

  19. Andrzej Ciepielewski, Seif Haridi and Lars-Erik Thorelli. CS a Real Time Language. Euromicro Conference, Sweden, 1979.

  20. Per Brand, Nils Franzen, Erik Klintskog and Seif Haridi. A Platform for Constructing Virtual Spaces, Virtual Worlds and Simulation Conference (VWSIM’98), San Diego 1998.

  21. Peter Van Roy, Seif Haridi, Per Brand and Gert Smolka. Three Moves are not as Bad as a Fire. The International Workshop on Programming Languages for the Internet, Chicago 1998.

16.Ph. D. Thesis

Logic programming based on Natural Deduction, 1981, Royal Institute of Technology.

17.The selected papers

For the evaluation I select the following 18 papers as primary ones. Since my research career is relatively long I include an optional list with 3 more papers. The paper are chosen to show the broad expertise of my research work. A guide on the order of reading the papers is given in the associated document “Summary of Scientific and Pedagogical Accomplishments”. Papers no. 2, 5 and 21 are optional.

17.1.Selected publication list

  1. Peter Van Roy, Seif Haridi, Per Brand, Micheal Mehl, Ralf Scheidhaur and Gert Smolka. Mobile Objects in Distributed Oz. ACM Transaction on Programming Languages and Systems TOPLAS, accepted for publication, June 1997.

  2. Tomas Axling and Seif Haridi. OBLICS, a Tool for Building Interactive Configuration Applications. Journal of Logic Programming, Dec 1995.

  3. Sverker Janson and Seif Haridi. An Introduction to AKL a Multi-paradigm Programming Language. In Constraint Programming, NATO-ASI Series, Springer-Verlag Computer and System Sciences Vol. 131, 1994.

  4. Sverker Janson, Johan Montelius and Seif Haridi. Ports for Objects in Concurrent Logic Programs. In Research Directions in Concurrent Object Oriented Programming, eds. P. Wagner, G. Agha, MIT press, 1993.

  1. Dan Sahlin, Torkel Franzen and Seif Haridi. An Intuitionistic Predicate Logic Theorem Prover. Journal of Logic and Computation, Vol. 2, No. 5, Oxford University Press, 1992.

  2. Seif Haridi, Sverker Janson and Catuscia Palamidessi. Structural Operational Semantics for AKL. Future Generation Computer Systems 8, North Holland, 1992

  1. Erik Hagersten, Anders Landin and Seif Haridi. DDM — A Cache-Only Memory Architecture. IEEE Computer September 1992.

  1. Erik Hagersten, Seif Haridi and David H.D. Warren. The Data Diffusion Machine and its Data Coherency Protocol. In Declarative Systems, North Holland, ed. B.D. Shriver, 1990.

  1. Ewing Lusk, David D.H.D. Warren, Seif Haridi, et al. The Aurora Or-parallel Prolog Systems. New Generation Computing, 1990.

  1. Andrzej Ciepielewski, Seif Haridi and Bogumil Hausman. Or-parallel Prolog on Shared Memory Multiprocessors. Journal of Logic Programming 1989.

  2. Karin Appleby, Mats Carlsson, Seif Haridi and Dan Sahlin. Garbage Collection for Prolog Based on WAM. Communication of the ACM June 1988.

  1. Khayri Ali and Seif Haridi. Global Garbage Collection for Distributed Heap Storage Systems. International Journal of Parallel Programming, October 1986.

  1. Seif Haridi, Peter Van Roy and Gert Smolka. An Overview of the Design of Distributed Oz. ACM International Symposium on Parallel Symbolic Computation, PASCO’97, Hawaii, 1997.

  1. Johan Montelius and Seif Haridi. An Evaluation of Penny: a System for Fine-grain Implicit Parallelism. ACM International Symposium on Parallel Symbolic Computation, PASCO’97, Hawaii, 1997.

  1. Tomas Axling, Seif Haridi and Lennart Fahlen. Concurrent Constraint Programming Virtual Application. The second international conference on the Military Applications of Synthetic Environments and Virtual Reality MASEVR’95, Dec 1995.

  2. Björn Carlson, Seif Haridi, Sverker Janson. AKL(FD) A Concurrent Language for FD Programming. International Symposium of Logic Programming, MIT press, 1994.

  1. Anders Landin, Erik Hagersten and Seif Haridi. Race-free Networks and Multiprocessor Consistency. Joint ACM and IEEE International Symposium on Computer Architecture, ISCA’91, Toronto 1991.

  1. David H.D. Warren and Seif Haridi. Data Diffusion Machine — A scalable shared virtual memory multiprocessor, invited paper. International Conference on Fifth Generation Computer systems 1988.

Seif Haridi, Curriculum Vitae

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