2010 Celebrating 12 years this season, the ACTS is returning to its roots catering to 3-PLAYER teams with1alternate per team &3 Divisions using STANDARD CLASSIFICATIONS (individual player):
ROOKIE (1st year ever in tourney play), NOVICE (2nd or 3rd year of tourney play), or OPEN (any
# of years tourney play). ID registration ($5.00) will be required of every player on a roster.
ENTRY FEE will be $185.00 per team, BYOP, air included. Cash prizes to 1st & 2nd based on entries & one Overall Sportsmanship Award to one team at each event. Final Championship trophies will be awarded to the 1st Place Team in Each Division. Each Division will require a minimum of SIX teams to format & the ACTS reserves the right to combine Rookie/Novice or Novice/Open at events.
Registration required ONE WEEK IN ADVANCE or pay $50 LATE FEE. Cut-off is 5pm Friday before event. NO ENTRIES or PAYMENT will be accepted on GAME DAY – no exceptions!
A team must participate in at least 6 of the 7 events to qualify for Final Championship placement.
The ACTS has a zero tolerance policy for cheating. Any player violating the rules or qualification definition will be ejected from the event & that player’s team will receive a penalty of deletion of highest score game in that event plus loss of any cash or award for that event. REFEREE/CAPTAINS BRIEFING 7:45 AM GAME START 8:00 AM