25 Nature Activities for Kids

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25 Nature Activities for Kids, www.babble.com/kid/25-adventures-nature-activities-for-kids-natural-world-2/25-adventures-nature-activities-for-kids-natural-world-2-1/#./?&_suid=1353961519931016205607089523216. Offers a slide
show of ideas for parents and kids to explore nature together.

3D Glasses. www.3dglasses.net/3dglasses-%20How.htm. This website explains the history of 3D glasses.

4th Grade Lesson Plan—Fabulous Fibonacci and His Nifty Numbers. www.mensaforkids.org/lessons/fibonacci/mfklessons-fibonacci-all.pdf. Check out this site for other ways of explaining Fibonacci.

American Museum of Natural History’s Germs and infection. www.amnh.org/nationalcenter/infection. Site for kids explaining various bacteria and ways to prevent infections and diseases. Some sections require additional plug-ins.

American Science and Surplus. www.sciplus.com/. An online source for science-related items.

Animal Scat. www.bear-tracker.com/animalscat.html. Images of a variety of animal scat.

Animal Track Match-ups. http://kids.parks.ca.gov/?page_id=23259. Matching game to print and distribute.

At Your Command: Control Your Own Remotely Operated Vehicle. www.thetech.org/exhibits/online/robotics/atyourcommand/index.html. An online game that simulates how a robotic vehicle can be operated remotely.

Basic Color Schemes - Introduction to Color Theory. www.tigercolor.com/color-lab/color-theory/color-theory-intro.htm. A simple introduction to color for adults.

Bill Nye the Science Guy, on Simple Machines.
www.neok12.com/php/watch.php?v=zX554a617c740b6e45736e06&t=Simple-Machines. Watch this short program on machines.

Bill Nye the Science Guy. www.billnye.com/for-kids-teachers. This site features demonstrations of some cool science experiments used on the show along with lesson plans for teachers.

Bug Food: Edible Insects. www.ca.uky.edu/entomology/dept/bugfood2.asp. Insects as food around the world and suggestions for insect-themed party snacks.

Build a Film Canister Rocket. www.sciencebob.com/experiments/filmrocket.php. Science Bob’s instructions for building and launching a film canister rocket.

Building Big. www.pbs.org/wgbh/buildingbig/index.html. A PBS site based on the book of the same name by David Macaulay.

Channel. Science of a Blizzard. www.history.com/videos/science-of-a-blizzard#science-of-a-blizzard. Two-minute video explaining blizzards.

Color and Science. www.colormatters.com/color-and-science. A color and science resource for adults with some links to science projects and fun color facts for children.

Create an Insect. http://cdn.orkin.com/downloads/create-an-insect.pdf. See page 4 for an illustration of insect parts.

Discovery Kids, “So, You Want a Pet Parasite?”
kids.discovery.com/games/just-for-fun/so-you-want-a-pet-parasite. Adopt your own adorably awful parasite at the Parasite Pet Shop in this online game.

Eight Jules Verne Inventions That Became True. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2011/02/pictures/110208-jules-verne-google-doodle-183rd-birthday-anniversary/.
See eight real-life inventions dreamed up by
Jules Verne.

ENature.com. www.enature.com/fieldguides/intermediate.asp?curGroupID=1. Listen to songs of over 550 North American birds while viewing photos and information.

Engineer Your Own Tower Building Competition. http://sciencebug.org/blog/try-this/engineer-your-own-tower-building-competition/. A helpful site that includes a video clip of a competition to construct the tallest tower.

Eri·Doodle. Get into Gear. http://eridoodle.blogspot.com/2011/11/get-into-gear.html. Printable sheet of gears for the Bot-mobile project.

Exploring the Science of Light. Optical Illusions.
www.optics4kids.org/home/illusions. Explanation of optical illusions with several examples and some activities to try.

Fibonacci Art. www.csun.edu/~lmp99402/Math_Art/Fibonacci%20Art/Fibonacci%20Art.html. A site with some great examples of art incorporating the Fibonacci Sequence. The flash animation briefly explains the Fibonacci sequence, but a couple of obscenities make it inappropriate for children.

Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Section. www.maths.surrey.ac.uk/hosted-sites/R.Knott/Fibonacci/fib.html. This site introduces some of the occurrences of the Fibonacci series and the Golden Ratio in architecture, art and music.

Fibonacci, Art, and Quilts. www.susansfiberstudio.com/fibonacci.html. This site has good examples of quilts the artist made using Fibonacci proportions and also excellent examples of where you can find Fibonacci numbers in nature, art, the human body, poetry, music, and geometry.

First Palette. Paper Snowflakes. www.firstpalette.com/Craft_themes/Colors/papersnowflake/papersnowflake-6side12side.html. Directions for making six- and twelve-sided snowflakes.

Folding Paper Airplanes. www.vliegtuigjevouwen.nl/index2%20eng.html. Directions for folding twelve model airplanes.

Giggling Green Bean. Make Your Own Craft Stick Catapult. http://the-giggling-green-bean.com/blog/?p=682. Directions with photos for making a catapult with craft sticks and rubber bands.

Gizmos, Gadgets, and Goo (G3): The Mad Scientists Club. cheshirelibraryscience.wordpress.com/. Cheshire (CT) Library’s Mad Scientists Club for kids.

Grossology. www.grossologytour.com and www.grossologytour.com/animalgross.htm. Information on Touring Edutainment Exhibits available for Museums, Science Centers, Amusement Parks, Schools, and more.

Hazardous Duty Robots. www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/robots/hazard/. This is an online game where participants use the scenarios provided and assign duties to a particular robot.

Hobbylinc. www.hobbylinc.com. An online source for model rocket kits.

Hobey Ford. Butterfly Lifecycle. http://artsedge.kennedy-center.org/multimedia/VideoStories/hobey-ford/hobey-ford-butterfly.aspx. Watch the life cycle of a butterfly through puppeteer Hobey Ford’s ten-minute show.

How to Dissect Seed Parts for a Science Project. www.ehow.com/how_6364153_dissect-seed-parts-science-project.html. Instructions for the What’s in a Seed? Activity.

How to Make a Working Model Robotic Hand. www.sciencetoymaker.org/robothand/assembl.html. This project takes more than a day, but is fascinating.

Hurricane Katrina Image. weather.about.com/od/imagegallery/ig/Hurricane-Images/Hurricane-Katrina-Image.htm. Satellite image.

Interactive Weather Maker. www.scholastic.com/
. Interactive site for creating
different weather.

Is It Alive, or Not? www.teachersdomain.org/asset/tdc02_vid_alive. A short musical slide show of living and nonliving things.

Kids Growing Strong. Parts of a Plant. http://kidsgrowingstrong.org/PlantParts. A good visual of plant parts.

KidsHealth “Your Digestive System.” kidshealth.org/kid/htbw/digestive_system.html. Learn how the digestive system breaks down food.

Lawrence Hall of Science. www.lawrencehallofscience.org/kidsite/. Check out the online science games and the collection of 24/7 science activities. Many of these can be used in library programs.

Learning Games for Kids. www.learninggamesforkids.com/weather_games/tornado-jigsaw.html. Offers an online jigsaw puzzle of a tornado. There’s also a hurricane puzzle at www.learninggamesforkids.com/weather_games/hurricane-jigsaw.html.

Leonardo and His Flying Machine. http://ericwhitacre.com/blog/guest-blog-charles-anthony-silvestri-on-leonardo-dreams-of-his-flying-machine. This site includes the text for Leonardo Dreams of His Flying Machine and some more info.

Library of Congress Dgital Book: A Apple Pie. www.read.gov/books/pageturner/2003bit11404/#page/2/mode/2up. This digital version looks like the physical book.

Living Together: A Guide to Symbiosis on Coral Reefs, www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrWk2g-IMkE. Filmed in Thailand, this runs about ten minutes. Beautiful cinematography but the narration is a bit dull.

LooLeDo. Trash Bot. www.looledo.com/index.php/trash-bot.html. More ideas and photos for the Recycle Robot craft.

Make a Pinwheel. www.leslietryon.com/3dcolorcutout/makepinw/makepinwheel.html. Instructions for making a pinwheel as part of the Simple Machines program.

Make Your Own Musical Instruments. Atlanta Symphony Orchestra. www.atlantasymphony.org/aso/asoassets/downloadcenter/Symphony%20Street%20Activity%20Sheets.pdf. Instructions for making several musical instruments

Make Your Own Pop-ups. http://wp.robertsabuda.com/make-your-own-pop-ups./. This site shows you how to make pop-ups Sabuda style.

Mentos Diet Coke Geyser. www.stevespanglerscience.com/experiment/original-mentos-diet-coke-geyser. Steve Spangler’s description of the soda geyser activity.

Museum of Science. Welcome to Leonardo. http://legacy.mos.org/sln/Leonardo/. A resource for teachers and students developed by the Museum of Science, Boston, for the Science Learning Network.

Nature Journal Observation Sheet. www.kids.parks.ca.gov/pages/22743/files/blanknaturejournalpage.pdf. This is a sample format for kids’ nature journals.

NeoK-12, “Symbiotic Relationships,” at www.neok12.com/php/watch.php?v=zX47406078527e6f4c77685d&t=Ecosystems. A ten-minute video about animal partnerships in Central India. Very cool underwater scenes.

Paper Airplanes HQ. paperairplaneshq.com/easy-paper-airplane-designs.html. Instructions for building a variety of different paper airplanes.

Patterns in Nature—Spider Webs. http://photography.nationalgeographic.com/photography/photos/patterns-nature-spider-webs/spiny-spider.html. A slideshow of spider webs.

Pentatonic Scale Samples. http://bethsmusicnotes.blogspot.com/2012/02/pentatonic-songs.html. This site includes examples of many folksongs that are based on a pentatonic scale.

Pentatonic Scales. www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=ne6tB2KiZuk. In this three-minute YouTube video, musician Bobby McFerrin demonstrates the power of the pentatonic scale, using audience participation, at the event “Notes & Neurons: In Search of the Common Chorus,” from the 2009 World Science.

Reef Cleaning Stations—Meet the Cleaners. http://aquaviews.net/explore-the-blue/reef-cleaning-stations-meet-the-cleaners/#. Information and photographs of reef cleaners.

Reiman Gardens. Build an Insect. http://www.reimangardens.iastate.edu/en/butterflies/games/. Children can create an insect online at this site.

Robin Brinkman’s Coral Reef Mural Project. www.robinbrickman.com/coral_mural.htm. Pictures of coral reef murals.

Saffir-Simpson Scale. www.nhc.noaa.gov/aboutsshws.php and www.unc.edu/~rowlett/units/scales/saffir.html. This scale is used to measure hurricane strength.

Satellites to Go. coaps.fsu.edu/outreach/satellites/satellitestogo.pdf, This PDF includes directions for making a storm surge with paper plates and other simple materials.

Scanimation. http://scanimationbooks.com/about-scanimation/ or http://www.dudecraft.com/2010/01/scanimation-style-tutorial.html. Watch these clips on how scanimation books are put together.

Science Buddies. www.sciencebuddies.org/science-fair-projects/Intro-Music-Science.shtml. Great resource for projects about music and sound.

Science Daily. Measuring Lightning. www.sciencedaily.com/videos/2008/0907-measuring_lightning.htm. Two-minute video about how scientists measure lightning.

Science Is Fun. scifun.chem.wisc.edu/. Dr. Shakhashiri at the University of Wisconsin-Madison shares many ideas for kid-friendly science experiments, as well as lots of science information.

Science of Cooking. www.exploratorium.edu/cooking/index.html. Discover how a pinch of curiosity can improve your cooking. Explore recipes, activities, and Webcasts that will enhance your understanding of the science of cooking.

Sensational Color. www.sensationalcolor.com/color-meaning-symbolism-and-psychology. A site about the meaning and symbolism of color. The abundance of interesting facts about color could be used to create a trivia game or a multiple choice quiz. For example, did you know that yellow is considered the happiest color?

Sheppard Software Hidden Animal Games, www.sheppardsoftware.com/content/animals/hidden%20animals/Hidden%20Animals.htm, Invites viewers to find camouflaged animals in their habitats. Challenging!

Sniffing Out Good Taste. portal.acs.org/portal/PublicWebSite/education/whatischemistry/scienceforkids/characteristicsofmaterials/food/CSTA_014934. The chemistry behind the sensation
of smell and taste.

Spaghetti Box Kids. http://spaghettiboxkids.com/blog/how-to-make-a-catapult-for-kids/. Directions for making several different kinds of catapults for kids.

Steve Spangler Science. www.stevespanglerscience.com/. Steve Spangler’s website is a source for experiment ideas and purchasing kits and equipment.

The American Chemical Society. Science for Kids.
www.acs.org/kids. This great site offers ideas for activities on topics like chemical and physical changes, characteristics of materials, solids, liquids, and gases, motion and energy—all fun and engaging along with online quizzes that you could bookmark for kids or adapt for quizzes during programs or on bulletin boards.

The Language Menu. teachers.thelanguagemenu.com. Create, shuffle and print bingo cards at this site for the Smeller’s Bingo activity. You must register, but registration is free.

The Physics of Roller Coasters. physicsofrollercoasters.homestead.com/thebasics.html. See also Sheikra Busch Gardens. www.youtube.com/watch?v=DFZ_hve5K2s for a point of view ride on a roller coaster.

The Wright 3 Curriculum Guide. http://gowright.org/uploads/pdfs/Wright3_CurriculumGuide.pdf. Filled with interesting ideas. One suggestion is to design an art glass window using the Fibonacci Ratio (page 8 of the curriculum guide).

Unusual Popcorn Experiments. www.ehow.com/info_8366279_unusual-popcorn-experiments.html. Experiment on examining moisture levels in popcorn.

Weather WizKids. www.weatherwizkids.com. Weather Wiz Kids is a fun and safe website for kids about all the weather info they need to know.

Zoom Science. Engineering: Design It. http://pbskids.org/zoom/activities/sci/. This site includes dozens of projects for kids.

ZoomKids Science. pbskids.org/zoom/activities/sci/.
This website has lots of really good science experiments with everyday materials. There are nine different categories of experiments including the five senses, sound, engineering, forces and energy, and patterns, which has an experiment on snowflakes.

ZoomSci. pbskids.org/zoom/activities/sci/. An extensive list of science experiments and activities.

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