President: Sharon Stovall August 2016
Growing in Blessedness
Shalom from Sharon
I attended Annual Conference this June. Around 250 quilts were collected for distribution to agencies working with women, children and youth. You can pick up quilts to take with you when you attend the Annual Meeting on September 10 at Fowler United Methodist Church. Our speaker will be Ann Reinhart, who will help us learn more about environmental justice and how to be just and be green.
This week I will leave for Ellensburg and the Central Washington University campus. The studies I will take are on climate justice and the Bible and human sexuality. The other study is on Latin America,
which I took last year, being taught in both English and Spanish. I hope to see many of you there.
This is my last newsletter article as President of the Inland District. The past four years have been busy and rewarding times. I have gained a lot of knowledge from you, and I have enjoyed meeting so many of you in the local units. It saddens me that some units felt they were no longer able to remain active. Remember, the only requirement for a local unit is to make a pledge to mission. Part of the “purpose” of United Methodist Women is to support the global ministries of the United Methodist Church. Some of our churches have closed, and those unit members are no longer active or are active at a different church. I pray that those units still active will continue to keep their faith, hope and love in action.
Timely Reflections
is the newsletter of the Inland District of United
Methodist Women. It is published four times per year.
Complimentary copies are sent to the following Pacific
Northwest Conference leaders, Conference UMW Officers,
Inland District UMW Officers, other District Presidents in the
PNW Conference, Local UMW Unit Officers, Pastors, Inland
District Superintendent, and the PNW Conference Office.
This newsletter is available online at
Save us postage. To receive Timely Reflections by
email, send your e-mail address to
If your address changes or mail is being forwarded,
please contact the editor: Jana Kifer, 2115 E 36th Ave,
Spokane WA 99203-4047 or at kiferdj62@hotmail.com
Sharon Stovall
Fowler UMW Sewing Group
For the past two years, the sewing group has been making “Dog Bone” neck rests. The first year, they donated more than one hundred to Cancer Care NW. They used them for patients while they received their chemotherapy. Other churches began donating them,
so while theirs were great, the care center had all they could use. So they began to search for another place to offer the ‘Bones.’
Peggy King called Horizon Hospice and Lori, Volunteer Coordinator, invited her to a meeting to see the wares. “Yes,” she said, “we’d be thrilled to receive them.” So, this past year, they have donated several to them.
On June 13, Peggy and Mable Pangle were invited to a volunteer appreciation luncheon at Horizon’s facility, along with other volunteers
who make lap blankets, shawls and scrap books. The “Dog Bones” were featured. They are used not only to cradle their patients’ necks, but the RN’s and CNA’s use them under backs and legs, anywhere on the body that needs tension relief. Mable and Peggy felt so wonderful about what the Sewing Group is doing! The Sewing Group not only makes ‘Dog Bones’ but they have great conversations while sewing, crocheting, knitting prayer shawls or making items for the Bazaar and Rummage Sales.
This is United Methodist Women putting faith, hope and love in action.
Financial Report
I need the Third Quarter money by August 29 for the Mission Magic Candle totals. Mission U is next week. Hope to see you there. I have received $13,274.98 of our $34,000 Pledge to Mission.
I need
5 Star and
5 Star Plus completed by August 1 so we can put the program books together for the Annual Meeting.
Charlene Mullis,
District UMW Treasurer
6731 Chippewa Drive
Bonners Ferry ID 83805
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