4th Quarter 2007 a quarterly Publication of the Texas Vehicle Club Council

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4th Quarter 2007 A Quarterly Publication of the Texas Vehicle Club Council

Website: http://clubs.hemmings.com/TVCC/

***** We encourage your Newsletter Editor to reprint articles from the
TVCC News in your local club's newsletter. Please contact SunShine Jackson for
an MS Word file to assist in that situation.
Please give TVCC authorship credit. ****

As the end of Year 2007 draws to a close (with the multitude of associated activities!), the Texas Vehicle Club Council would like to thank our many member clubs for their support of this organization. Sometimes some “bullets have been dodged” and other “bullets” have been aimed in directions other than the vehicle hobby. Still other “bullets” can cause a ripple effect, which can eventually filter from our daily-use vehicles to our hobby vehicles. We still have to consider that current or recent model years’ production vehicles will very possibly become collectible vehicles in the future (as much as some might shudder at that thought!).
By observation, the vehicle hobby has never been completely about “old cars” per se as owners of newer vehicles can have highly favorable feelings about their newer vehicles. Several newer clubs have been formed from “splinters” of more traditional single-marque vehicle clubs over the years. Some are related to newer vehicles of existing manufacturers not recognized by the existing clubs (at the time of their introduction) and have grown into large national organizations over the years. Whenever there is a passionate group of vehicle owners for any type of vehicle, some sort of enthusiast organization for that vehicle will eventually surface and grow and network with similar groups in the region, state, or nationally. Whenever the network grows from its smaller origins, a whole new world of information and friendships can be found by those in the smaller groups – an “emerging and expanding world” to them. Information about their vehicles, their “care and feeding,” enhancements and equipment upgrades (of whatever orientation!), and what “makes them great.” This IS a repeating pattern “in nature” for anything considered “collectible.”
Another observation has to do with “point of reference.” In the evolution of our individual horizons, how we view things can be flavored by our own past experiences, our own prior information, and in some cases our own “prior-life programming” (from whatever source). As we grew into adults, information came at us from many sources (many presented as “credible,” with others not meeting that definition to varying degrees). In prior times, an “antique” was considered to be “25 years old” – whether it was vehicles, furniture, or something else (even human beings in some cases). The vehicle hobby can be thankful that prior Texas Vehicle Club Council General Chairperson Troy Mennis achieved getting the year specification for “antique vehicles” (with appropriate exemptions) defined and codified in Texas! It should also be noted that such a “25 year and older” vehicle age specification is a “rolling window” situation which changes with each new model year of vehicle production.
In the realm of the automotive vehicle hobby, many still perceive “an antique” to be exemplified by a vehicle from the 1950s or 1960s, “a muscle car,” or a vehicle from “The Brass Era” of the early 1900s. This orientation can strongly influence how many vehicle clubs shape their activities and vehicle specialization (if particular vehicles or model years of vehicles are “recognized” by the club), not to forget the age of the club’s members as a possible side issue too.
In many cases, the vehicles we now like were the ones we “grew up with.” Vehicles we were excited about as younger, emerging vehicle enthusiasts. Vehicles we tried to learn “all about” in those earlier times, seeking out those with knowledge of those vehicles or printed media of same (now to include items on the Internet). Growing up with particular vehicles being a part of our enthusiastic focus at the time, especially paying attention to “details” of the vehicles, their strong points, their weaknesses, their idiosyncrasies which sometimes endeared them to us (positively or negatively), and their individual sounds and feels becoming a part of our being becomes a strong asset in the later years as we try to recreate, restore or refurbish these vehicles to show-winning conditions for others to enjoy and also become enthusiastic about. Even details like how the hose clamps are positioned, “which bolts go where,” and correct colors/textures of coatings are important! This is a legacy which we should “download” for future generations of enthusiasts for these and similar vehicles!
In other cases, the vehicles we now like are some which we discovered “in later life” (after other distractions were removed from our individual lives and the automotive hobby can now be pursued, investigated, and enjoyed). They might not meet the specification of an “antique” vehicle as to vehicular age, but they still generate a certain amount of enthusiasm about them (evidenced by many online Internet “groups” in the Cyber World). These particular vehicles might be younger or older than we are, but they still generate a good deal of enthusiasm for their owners.
As we (individually) age, our “point of reference” can change too. What we might have liked in vehicles as younger people is not quite like we might like now (although fond feelings are still evident for those vehicles we previously liked). Our expanding knowledge can also reveal some other vehicles which we now feel are noteworthy, but were not paid attention to in our prior times—which can happen at any point in our individual lives—or vice versa.
In more recent times, “cars” might not be quite so exciting to look at and compare (as we might have done at family gatherings 30 years ago), but it’s still possible. Keeping these current-production vehicles somewhat preserved for future generations to use, enjoy, and become enthusiastic about might not have the same urgency as in prior decades . . . or does it? When the now-cherished cars of the prior decades were new, did they have a “save it as it’s special” general orientation or did we use them to build memories and then trade them in for another? In many cases, the phrase “You don’t know what you’ve got ’til it’s gone.” is very accurate.
The areas of automotive service/repair, maintenance, and restoration are areas which affect both older and newer vehicles. There are already several local, state and federal guidelines concerning how these things can be carried out. One area concerns vehicle fluids recycling and another concerns vehicle coating systems (i.e., paints, primers, sealers) and how they are used. Vehicle “storage” is another area of concern, too. Such areas of concern will mainly affect daily-use vehicles but can also affect hobby vehicles and their use.
As the Year 2007 draws to a close, the TVCC hopes that each of our member clubs’ members will help keep enthusiasm for the vehicles in our lives alive and well—sharing the enthusiasm with others for their own information and enjoyment now and into the future. Transferring the enthusiasm to future generations of automotive enthusiasts for the mutual benefit of all.
This time of the year also brings the start of the indoor car show season. Not to forget the multitude of charitable activities which many vehicle clubs are involved in! It can also be a time when we plan our new projects for the next year . . . or how to better complete those in process at the present time. Vehicle enthusiasts’ activities can be affected by the weather, but rather than stopping for the climate, just the areas these activities are held in, changes.

Willis Bell

General Chairperson

The Texas Legislature’s 80th Session passed or enacted no major bills detrimental to automotive enthusiasts and their vehicle hobby activities. On behalf of TVCC, we would like to thank you for your membership and interest in monitoring proposed vehicle hobby-related legislation. TVCC membership runs on the calendar year from January 1st through December 31st. We are now asking that you initiate or continue your club’s/group’s membership for 2008. Several clubs have already renewed! Dues remain the same: $1 per car club member. 
Many clubs change presidents/newsletter editors annually. When renewing, please send me a Membership Application/Update form so we can ensure that our information on your club/group is current! We also have a “Club of the Month” feature where a particular club is showcased in an issue of The TVCC News. Your support of and membership in the TVCC is appreciated!

Nick Harper - 8415 Old Moss Rd

Dallas, TX 75231-1610

First Quarter, 2008 January 20, 2008 Dickey’s Barbecue Pit - Buffalo

Second Quarter, 2008 April 27, 2008 Dickey’s Barbecue Pit - Buffalo

Third Quarter, 2008 July 20, 2008 Dickey’s Barbecue Pit - Buffalo

Fourth Quarter, 2008 October 19, 2008 Dickey’s Barbecue Pit - Buffalo

Starting Times for each meeting will be 1:00 p.m. as noted in the TVCC NEWS and on the website: http://clubs.hemmings.com/TVCC/. Any changes to the venue or starting times will be updated on the website during the week prior.

Electronic (Soft Copy)

Newsletters Requested

Greetings from your TVCC Calendar of Events Chairperson; if your club publishes electronic copies of your newsletter to your membership, please consider sending the TVCC Calendar of Events Chairperson a copy. Having an electronic copy will make it much easier to include your events in the TVCC Calendar of Events. We can use any file type, PDF, Word Document, ASCII text, etc.

My email address is SunShineJ@jackson57.net.

Thank you,

SunShine Jackson

Calendar of Events Chairperson

Opinions anyone?
Did you know that the TVCC has a web site? Well, we DO! It is located at: http://clubs.hemmings.com/TVCC/. Have you looked at it at all yet? If you have, do you have any particular opinion about it in any direction? I’d LOVE to hear your feedback! PLEASE email your ideas/opinions about the Newsletter OR web site to SunShine Jackson at SunShineJ@jackson57.net, ANY of our Board Members, or go to the Contact the TVCC link on the website. Thank you for your time and consideration!

SunShine Jackson

Newsletter Editor and Webmistress



Board Meeting November 18, 2007
Board: Willis Bell, Nick Harper, SunShine Jackson

Conference call: Gary Butler, Wendall Spreadbury

Guests: David & Kay Jackson
Minutes of the 19 Aug 2007 meeting – moved, seconded and approved.

Treasurer’s report – Report of financial activity and club renewals.

Board Member Reports and Updates

Wendall Spreadbury – (Texas Dept of Motor Vehicles) Transfer Laws book purchased for $42.48.

Nick Harper – Dallas Trinity River Project reaffirmed by voters 06 Nov. Authorized to build limited access toll road (17 miles in length) connecting US 175 to TX 183 inside the Trinity River levees to decrease traffic congestion and resultant air pollution. TVCC Membership renewal notices will be sent to member clubs during the first week in December.

SunShine Jackson (Newsletter & Website) – will remove notice of password protection from online newsletter. Website hits: 02 Aug 4,440; 13 Nov 4,764.

Willis Bell – “Contact TVCC” item. Tony Pennington asked about registration of modified vehicles. Email reply could not be delivered due to a “Full Mailbox” of intended recipient.
Legislative Items

TCEQ Items: Governor Perry has appointed a new TCEQ chair.

SEMA Items: Project vehicles -- Illinois and Ohio have issues with this. “Expansion of Civilization” can be a contributing factor in these areas.
HB 1072 – Low-income vehicle assistance, retrofit and accelerated vehicle retirement: Dallas-Ft Worth Houston area low-income residents with maximum annual net income less than $30,630 and a ten-year-old vehicle can get a voucher from select new car dealers for $3,000 toward purchase of new vehicle costing less than $25,000 or used vehicles less than two years old. If hybrid is purchased, voucher can be for $3,500. It is hoped Vehicle Replacement fund ($100 million) will remove 40,000 qualified vehicles from the total number of registered vehicles in Ozone Non-Attainment areas (mainly Harris, Dallas and Tarrant Counties) via “Early Vehicle Retirement.” Replacement vehicle specifications, along with “Family Income” specifications, must be met for the vehicle owners to utilize this program.

Old Business

Revisit “Associate Membership” document - Proposed language approved. Additional changes moved, seconded, passed.

New Business

Membership letters for 2008 will be sent out first week in December.

Associate member addition for 2008 - Nick will make Associate Member letter.

Meeting dates for 2008 - 20 January, 27 April,

20 July, 19 October

Meeting location for 2008 - Dickey’s Conference Room - Buffalo, TX.

TVCC Board of Director Nominees for 2008 - due by 31 December 2007.

TVCC Board of Director elections in January 2008 - 20 January

TVCC logo – possible alterations for easier reproduction - reduce from seven colors to four.

“Trademark”/”Copyright” of TVCC logo - copyright logo, make CD ROM diskette of logo.

Possible guidelines for acknowledging former TVCC Board members listed on the TVCC website. To be discussed and acted upon at next quarterly meeting.

Items for future consideration - Special Interest Fords of the Fifties.

Next Meeting: Sunday, 20 January, 2008 at Dickey’s conference room - Buffalo, TX,

1:00 p.m.

Nick Harper

Logo for TVCC Members
The TVCC Member Logo is available as a digital file from me via email – SunShineJ@jackson57.net. Feel FREE to ask!

SunShine Jackson

Newsletter Editor and Webmistress
Membership Renewals/Additions
Please forward your updated membership form and dues to Nick Harper, our Membership Chairperson. Please forward a CURRENT TVCC Membership Application

(http://clubs.hemmings.com/clubsites/TVCC/Application.html) to me with your membership renewal check..

Please contact Nick Harper via snail mail, telephone or email:

8415 Old Moss Rd.

Dallas, TX. 75231-1610

(214) 349-6584

You can check your club’s membership status on the TVCC web site http://clubs.hemmings.com/TVCC/ by picking the Membership link on the left side of the page. The web site should be updated shortly. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Nick.
If you are a member, please contact SunShine Jackson for your TVCC Member Logo and URL combination for inclusion in your club’s newsletter.

TVCC Calendar
We hope that you and yours have had a nice Holiday Season! We have several events for you to attend, listed below. Please send a copy of your Club’s Newsletter to the TVCC Calendar of Events Chairperson upon each publication, in order to have ‘your’ events current in this publication. Here are the current categories:

EAST (East Texas), WEST for West Texas, PAN for Plains/Panhandle locations, Dallas – Fort Worth (DFW), Houston – Gulf Coast (HOU), and Central (Austin/San Antonio) (CEN).

Happy Cruisin’

SunShine Jackson

Calendar of Events Chairperson




3rd Saturday: Wings and Wheels Saturday Hobby Airport (West Side) 1940 Air Terminal Museum, off Telephone Road - fly-in, drive-in, antique planes and cars. Cars displayed in front of original terminal building - 8325 Travelair Rd. - 713-454-1940.

Ticket price includes lunch, Static Aircraft Tours, Special programs in the Starliner Theater, Museum Tours, and admission to the museum.

Ticket prices: $10 Adults, $5 Kids (12 and under). Free lunch for car owners, come and go, 10:00 a.m. till 6:00 p.m. Contact Allen Moore @ 713-204-6570. http://www.wingsandwheels.org


January 2008



TVCC Board Meeting – 1:00 p.m. - Dickey’s Barbecue Pit, Buffalo – Eat at Noon.

26 - 27


D/FW Swap Meet at La Grave Field, Fort Worth

February 2008

16 - 17


Winter Swap Meet at Montgomery Co. Fairgrounds across from Airport - Conroe

22 - 24


Decatur Swap Meet at Sheriff's Posse Grounds - Hwy 51 South, Wise Co.

March 2008



25th Annual Old Car Picnic @ the San Jacinto Battleground State Historical Site

Main Entrance – Hwy 134. Time 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. RAIN or SHINE.

Sponsored by the Special Interest Fords of the ’50s Car Club. www.fordsofthe50s.com

Contact Mike Batey by email at mike.batey@sbcglobal.net for any information.



Early Irons Swap Meet at Houston Raceway Park Drag Strip - Baytown

16 - 18


Vintage Chevy Club Swap Meet at Trader’s Village - Houston

April 2008



Rods of Texas Swap Meet at Sam Houston Race Park Horse Track - Beltway 8 & Fallbrook

12 - 13


D/FW Swap Meet at LaGrave Field - Fort Worth

18 – 20


New Braunfels Swap Meet at Comal Co. Fairgrounds

24 – 27


Pate Swap Meet outside Texas Motor Speedway - Fort Worth




TVCC Board Meeting – 1:00 p.m. - Dickey’s Barbecue Pit, Buffalo – Eat at Noon.

June 2008

12 - 15


Texas Tour - Waxahachie

July 2008



TVCC Board Meeting – 1:00 p.m. - Dickey’s Barbecue Pit, Buffalo – Eat at Noon.

August 2008

23 - 24


40th Annual BugTussle Trek

October 2008



6th Annual BLAST From the Past Car / Bike Show @ the Dayton High School, Dayton. (Highway 90 and Highway 146) RAIN or SHINE. – 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Contact Ken DeFoor @ (936) 258-7994.



TVCC Board Meeting – 1:00 p.m. - Dickey’s Barbecue Pit, Buffalo – Eat at Noon.

Let us showcase your Club!

TVCC Club of the Month

Information Sheet

Member Club Name:

How many members do you have?

How long have you been in existence?
Do you have a group picture of your club members?
What is your vehicular orientation?

Single or multi-marque?

Do you have National Club affiliations?

Do you have any Civic/Charity involvements?

Do you sponsor/associate with particular cyclical events (weekly, monthly, annually)? If so, what are they?

Thank you for your time and participation in the Texas Vehicle Club Council!

Please send your TVCC Club of the Month Information Sheet to:

TVCC Membership

c/o Nick Harper

8415 Old Moss Rd.

Dallas, TX 75231-1610


Board Meeting
The next TVCC Board meeting will be on January 20, 2008 in Buffalo, Texas, at Dickey’s Barbecue Pit at

1:00 p.m. [Eat at Noon or sooner.] Dickey’s Barbecue Pit is located on the west side of Interstate 45 at the Highway 79 exit (Exit 178). For more information, contact your local TVCC Board Member. The TVCC encourages all members and guests to attend.

SEMA Government Relations Office

1317 F St., NW, Suite 500

Washington, D.C. 20004
(202) 783-6007      FAX  (202) 783-6024
Steve McDonald: VP, Government Affairs

Stuart Gosswein:  Director, Federal Government Affairs

Jason Tolleson: Director, SEMA Action Network

Ben Burdick: Research Coordinator
For more legislative and regulatory information, check out the

SEMA website:


Texas Vehicle Club Council


19251 Spanish Needle Drive

Houston, Texas 77084-4343

Please check your Newsletter Address Label for

the expiration date of your membership.

Who to Contact

General Chairperson Membership Chairperson

Willis Bell Nick Harper

220 E. Second Street 8415 Old Moss Rd.

Weatherford, TX 76086 Dallas, TX 75231-1610

(817) 594-3558 (214) 349-6584

C-BODY@webtv.net harper1425@sbcglobal.net
Co-Chairperson Newsletter Editor and

Gary Butler Webmistress

315 W. 17th Street SunShine Jackson

Houston, TX 77008 SunShineJ@jackson57.net




Nick Harper

Calendar of Events Chairperson 8415 Old Moss Rd.

SunShine Jackson Dallas, TX 75231-1610

19251 Spanish Needle Drive (214) 349-6584

Houston, TX 77084-4343 harper1425@sbcglobal.net


Legislative Affairs Chairperson Treasurer

Kent Ward Wendall Spreadbury
310 ACR 319 7437 E. St. Hwy 21

Frankston, TX 75763 Nacogdoches, TX 75961

(906) 876-5675 (936) 564-0620

vetnam7671@aol.com cspread@consolidated.net
Next Meeting: January 20, 2008 – 1:00 p.m.

Dickey’s Barbecue Pit & International Conference Center
Buffalo, TX

I-45 Exit 178

(903) 322-5248

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