Bid application for mac events

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All hosts must meet USA membership standards (fully enrolled in CIPP).
BIDS MUST BE SENT TO THE APPROPRIATE BRACKET CHAIRPERSON (Men's 15's Competitions Chair, Men's 7's Chair, College Men's Committee Chair, Women's Chair, Women's Under 23 Chair, High School Chair, or Youth Chair; the addresses are in the MAC On-line Contact List).
Bids for all MAC events between the dates of January 1 and August 31 must be Emailed or postmarked by November 30.
Bids for all MAC events between September 1 and December 31 must be Emailed or postmarked by May 1.
Date Bid Was Submitted
Name of Event
Submitted by
Prepared by

For which events are you offering to host (place an X by all that apply)
Men's Club Div I

Men's Club Div II

Men's Club Div III

7s Qualifier

7s Championship

Women's Club Div I

Women's Club Div II

Women's Club Div III

Men's Colleges Div I

Men's Colleges Div II

Men's Colleges Div III

Women's Colleges Div I

Women's Colleges Div II

High Schools

Please remember that some events can be awarded to the same venue for the same weekend or different weekends, such as two or more qualifiers to one host for the same weekend, two championships for the same weekend, or two unrelated events at the same venue or separate weekends. Please include an explanation if you are requesting to host more than one event.
Submitting Organization
Event Coordinator
Home Phone
Work Phone
Fax Phone
E-Mail Address

Event Location

City & State
Name of Field*
Location of Field**
Length of Field***
Width of Field **
* = Please indicate here and throughout the bid form if there are two or more fields available for this event and designate them as Field 1 (main field) and upwards

** = Please attach a map and directions to the field with this application.

*** = All fields must meet minimum USA Rugby and MAC regulation requirements. See the MAC guidelines below.
Attach information on your organization's past experience hosting events of this type and listing specific events your organization has hosted in the past 24 months, along with your plan to maximize media coverage for this event.
(Please note that the conversion from the metric system to the U.S. standard of measurement is rounded off.)


Length (goal-to-goal): no less than 91m (99.5 yds) and not exceeding 100m (109.4 yds).

Width: not less than 63m (68.9) and not exceeding 70m (76.6).

Ingoal: not less than 10m (10.9 yds) and not exceeding 22m (24.1 yds).

'22m line' will be 22m (24.1 yds) from the goal line.

'10m line' will be 10m (10.9 yds) from the mid-way line.

'5m from touch' will be 5m (5.5 yds) from the touchline.

'15m from touch' will be 15m (16.4 yds) from the touchline.

'5m from goal' will be 5m (5.5 yds) from the goal line.

1. There shall be no dangerous obstructions or holes on the pitch between the touchlines and the end lines.
2. Goal post pads are required and must be at least 2 inches thick.
3. Minimum dimensions do not include the required touchline restraint. The touchline restraint shall be a minimum of 5m from the touchline and will be goalline-to-goalline. Both sides are not required for the touchline rope if one side of the field is expected to be sparsely populated. If a field is widened/created to the minimum dimension putting the touchline close to a dangerous obstruction (example: a drinking fountain), that object cannot be closer than 2 meters to the touchline; between 2 and 5 meters from the touchline, they must be padded; obstructions further than 5 meters from the touchline are okay and do not need any padding; obstructions within two meters of the end line do not need to be padded; obstructions further than 2 meters from the end line are okay and do not need any padding; obstructions within the ingoal will be considered on a case by case basis, but if allowed, will require padding.
4. For 15s, one field per six teams is recommended. In extenuating circumstances a host will be granted a bid that has one field per eight teams.
Please highlight (bold or underline) the appropriate answer
Yes No Is the pitch covered by natural grass? (enclose picture)
Yes No Are there stands for spectators? Seating Capacity
Yes No Are rest rooms available?
Yes No Are changing facilities available for players?
Yes No Is it possible to restrict entrance so admission can be charged?
Yes No Will another event be run in conjunction with this event? If so, what is the name and type of event?
Yes No Will alcoholic beverages be sold at this event? (see Alcohol Policy for restrictions)
Yes No Is a scoreboard available for use?
Yes No Is a public address system available for use?
Yes No Will regulation goal posts be used?
Yes No Are practice facilities available?
Yes No Will water be available for players?
Yes No Do any policies exist which would not allow the use of the field due to excessive rain?
Yes No Can arrangements be made to have the matches videotaped if needed?
Describe any facilities that could be used if the primary location should not be available:
Distance from nearest major airport with regular service by major carriers and name of airport:
List the name of the host hotel and distance from the pitch:
Hotel Name
City State Zip
Contact Person
Distance from Pitch
Cost of Rooms
Single Double
Triple Quad
Will the hotel provide transportation to and from the airport? Yes No
If yes, is the service free? Yes No
If no, what is the one way cost?
How far is the hotel from the airport?
Describe any discounts or considerations the hotel will make to Rugby people:

There will be no MAC reimbursement for 7’s Qualifier events as host clubs will charge an entrance fee.
Effective 6/1/97, Mid-Atlantic championship events will be partially sponsored and funded by MAC.

The following items will be reimbursed to the host club or organization upon presentation of receipts:

field rental/leasing

on-site medical personnel

field preparation components (paint, etc.)

game equipment (to include balls, but not goalpost pads).

Describe the cost of these items on a separate piece of paper; final reimbursements will not exceed the amount that you provide.
Medical Data
Please submit the following information with your bid. Medical coverage for all Mid-Atlantic RFU events is required to protect the players and to prevent injuries from worsening due to player neglect.
Expected Number of Teams
Person Responsible for Arranging Medical Coverage
Home Phone
Work Phone
On-Site Medical Facility
Describe (i.e. tent, RV, etc)

Will a cellular phone be available? Yes No

Will an ambulance be present at the field? Yes No
If yes, name of ambulance company
Nearest or Designated Hospital
Distance from field
Medical Coverage at On-Site Facility
Physician Name
Surgeon Name
Trainer Name
Emergency Technician
Other Personnel

Other Requirements

Yes No Map of Field showing on-field medical facility
Yes No First Aid Kit
Yes No Ice, bandages, cleansing solution for scrapes/burns
Yes No Water for and in between games; if yes, who is providing?
Yes No Is suturing available? If yes, by whom?

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