1 Foreword 3
2 Summary 5
3 Test Signals, Analyses and Test Conditions 7
3.1 Test Setup 7
Description of Test Signals and Analyses 8
3.2 Quality Pie Representation 16
IP Gateway - Listening Speech Quality 21
3.3 G.711 Speech Coder 22
3.4 G.729 Speech Coder 24
IP Gateway – Conversational Aspects 26
3.5 One-way Parameter Analysis 27
3.6 Echo Performance – Infinite ERL 34
DECT Echo Performance 41
3.7 Echo Performance - 6 dB ERL 48
IP Phone Listening Speech Quality 53
3.8 G.711 54
3.9 G.729 57
3.10 G.722 59
4 IP Phone Conversational Aspects 60
4.1 G.711 Handset mode 61
4.2 G.711 Hands-free mode 64
4.3 G.722 Handset and Hands-free mode 66
References 71
Speech quality tests on VoIP implementations, IP gateways and IP terminals have been carried out in the framework of the 5th ETSI Speech Quality Test Events (SQTE). The 5th SQTE is organized by ETSI PlugtestsTM. These tests are single vendor tests and not interoperability tests between different manufacturers. HEAD acoustics as test lab for these SQTEs performed the speech quality tests on VoIP Gateways and IP Phones.
The manufactures participating in this event results were provided with individual test reports for the tested implementations. This report provides a summary and a comprehensive overview about the speech quality test results from the 5th SQTE. The tested implementations are made anonymous, the participating companies can identify their implementations based on the individual reports.
The speech quality tests cover all conversational aspects like one-way transmission scenarios (listening speech quality), echo and double talk performance tests as well as quality test in the presence of background noise. “Real life” scenarios, e.g. background noise and conversational situations including double talk pay an important role for network echo cancellers in IP gateways and acoustics echo canceller in IP phones,
Chapter 2 provides an overview over all tested implementations based on a “Quality Pie” representation. Information about test signals and analysis methods are given in chapter 3. The main focus is to provide background information on the speech quality tests applied during the 5th ETSI SQTE emphasizing especially the new analysis methods compared to the previous events. Furthermore the test conditions are introduced here. The more detailed analysis of individual implementations is given in chapter 4 for IP gateways and in chapter 5 for IP phones.
The ETSI responsibilities are covered by
Maya Ayache,
e-mail: maya.ayache@etsi.org, Tel: +33 4 92 94 42 95
List of authors (HEAD acoustics) of this report:
HEAD acoustics:
Frank Kettler,
e-mail: frank.kettler@head-acoustics.de, Tel: +49 2407 577-26
Nils Rohrer,
e-mail: nils.rohrer@head-acoustics.de, Tel: +49 2407 577-26
Silvia Poschen,
e-mail: silvia.poschen@head-acoustics.de, Tel: +49 2407 577-26
The tested gateway and IP phones can be subdivided in three different kinds of implementations like “Evaluation Modules”, “Stand alone Gateways/IP Phones” and “Complete Systems”.
ACQUA Advanced Communicational Quality Analysis (HEAD acoustics test system)
AEC Acoustic Echo Canceller
CN Comfort Noise
EC Echo Canceller
ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute
HATS Head and Torso Simulator, ITU-T P.58
HFT Hands-free Telephone
ITU-T International Telecommunication Union – Telecommunication Standardization Sector
JLR Junction Loudness Rating
MOS Mean Opinion Score
MOS-LQO Mean Opinion Score – Listening Speech Quality Objective
NLP Non-linear Processor
PESQ Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality
PLC Packet Loss Concealment
RLR Receiving Loudness Rating
SLR Sending Loudness Rating
SQTE Speech Quality Test Event
TOSQA2001 Telecommunications Objective Speech Quality Assessment, version 2001
TMOS TOSQA2001 Mean Opinion Score (output of TOSQA2001)
VAD Voice Activity Detection
The “Quality Pies” of the IP gateway implementations tested during the 5th ETSI SQTE are compared here:
The individual analyses can be found in chapter 4 (listening speech quality) and chapter 5 (conversational aspects).
The “Quality Pies” of the IP phone implementations tested during the 5th ETSI SQTE are shown here:
The individual analyses can be found in chapter 6 (listening speech quality) and chapter 7 (conversational aspects).
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