Orndorff, III, Raymond - “Geometric Design of a Rand Cam MSME
Automotive Air Conditioning Compressor” (12/95)
Rao, Avinash - “Crash Analysis of a Mid Sized Car MSME
Subjected to Side Impacts” (12/96)
Burnside, Phillip - “Comparison of a Pin Cam and an Inverted Ph.D.
Pin Cam Design Based on the Parameters Used for the Axial (5/97)
Vane Rotary Engine (Beta Design)”
Halder, Tuhin - “Design Analysis of the Vane of an MSME
Axial Vane Rotary Compressor” (5/97)
Saunders, Erik - “School Bus Children - Seat Interaction MSME
in Frontal Collisions: An Articulated Seat” (6/97)
McWhorter, Michael - “Dynamic Analysis of the Deployment MSME
of an Automatically Deployed Roll Over Protective (5/98)
Structure (AutoROPS)”
Lu, Zhijian - “Acceleration Simulation of a Vehicle with a MSME
Continuously Variable Power Split Transmission” (7/98)
Guan, Tao - “Impedance Effects of Metallic Ground Plane MSME
on the CTHA” (11/98)
Tangirala, Ravi - “Computational Models of Particle Size Effects MSME
on Brittle Oxide Scale Erosion” (11/98)
Gururajan, Srikanth - “Design of Anechoic Chamber Instrumentation MSME
and Data Acquisition Module for Testing of the CTHA” (5/99)
Carder, Daniel - “Performance Evaluation of Exhaust Aftertreatment MSME
Devices Used for Emissions Control on Diesel Engines (12/99)
Employed in Underground Coal Mines “
Kern, Justin – “Inventory Prediction of Heavy-Duty Diesel Vehicle MSME
Emissions” (4/00)
Elsherbini, Khaled - “Contrawound Toroidal Helical Antenna Ph.D.
Modeling Using the FDTD Method “ (4/00)
McIntyre, Dustin – “The Coaxial Cavity Resonator as a MSME
Prototype RF IC Engine Ignition Source” (7/00)
Shade, Benjamin - “A Performance Evaluation of the MEMS - MSME
An On-Road Emissions Measurement System Study” (9/00)
Evans, Jason - “Influence of Fuel Sulfur Content on Emissions MSME
From Diesel Engines Equipped With Oxidation Catalysts” (9/00)
Corrigan, Eric - “Evaluating Heavy-Duty Diesel Aftertreatment MSME
Devices with a Split Exhaust Configuration” (5/01)
Meyer, Eric - “Evaluation of Exhaust Flowrate Measurement MSME
Techniques for a Mobile Emissions Monitoring System” (5/01)
Fuller, Andrew - “A Flow Rate Measurement System for a MSME
Mobile Emissions Measurement System” (5/01)
Riddle, Wesley - “Design and Evaluation of the Emissions MSME
Measurement Components for a Heavy-Duty Diesel Powered (5/01)
Vehicle Mobile Emissions Measurement System (MEMS)
El-Sherbeeny, Ahmed - “A Non-Invasive Technique for MSME
Monitoring Miotic Eye Responses” (6/01)
Briers III, William J. - “Design and Analysis of a Hybrid MSME
Steel/Composite Pipe for High Pressure Applications” (6/01)
Andrei, Paul - “Real World Heavy-Duty Vehicle Emissions MSME
Modeling” (7/01)
Cirillo, Emily - “Development of a Micro-Dilution Tunnel System MSME
For In-Use, On-Board Heavy Duty Vehicle Particulate Matter (8/01)
Emission Measurement”
Barnett, Ryan - “Characterization of Infield Vehicle Activity Data MSME
and Exhaust Emissions from Diesel Powered Off-Road (8/01)
Azu, Nene Akunor - “A Comparison of the Operating Envelopes MSME
Of Diesel-Fueled Truck Engines and Hybrid Electric Bus (8/01)
Engines to the Federal Test Procedure Cycle”
Nennelli, Anjali - “Simulation of Heavy-Duty Hybrid Electric MSME
Vehicles” (12/01)
Bane, Brad – “A Comparison of Steady State and Transient MSME
Emissions from a Heavy-Duty Diesel Engine” (5/02)
Conley, John – “The Role of Power and Energy Demands in MSME
Hybrid Vehicles” (8/02)
Hall, Tim – “Effect of Vehicle Weight and Model Year on Vehicle MSME
Contribution to Atmospheric Pollutant Inventories” (10/02)
Knight, Jared – “Measurement of Total Hydrocarbon Emissions MSME
With MEMS Using a Portable FID and a Novel Exhaust (12/02)
Flow Meter”
Gilbert, Marcus – “Characterization of Infield Duty Cycles and MSME
Exhaust Emissions from Diesel Powered Off-Road Heavy (12/02)
Duty Equipment”
Rohrbaugh, Jeremiah – “Characterization of Infield Duty Cycles MSME
and Exhaust Emissions from Diesel Powered Off-Road Heavy (12/02)
Duty Equipment”
Buffamonte, Thomas – “Evaluation of Regulated Emissions from MSME
Heavy-Duty Diesel Vehicles in the South Coast Air Basin” (5/03)
Fox, Andrew – “Design and Analysis of a Modified Power Split MSME
Continuously Variable Transmission” (5/03)
Riba, Chad – “Circulation Control for Download Wake Reduction MSME
on a Scaled V-22 Model” (5/03)
Tehranian, Azadeh – “Effects of Artificial Neural Networks MSME
Characterization on Prediction of Diesel Engine Emissions” (5/03)
Shoukry, Ehab – “Numerical Simulation for Parametric Study of a Ph.D.
Two-stroke Compression Ignition Direct Injection Linear (8/03)
Aravelli, Aparna – “Real-time Measurement of Oxides of Nitrogen MSME
from Heavy-Duty Diesel Engines” (12/03)
Nagendran, Vinay – “Characterization of Exhaust Emissions MSME
from Catalyzed Trap-Equipped Non-Road Heavy-Duty (12/03)
Diesel Engines”
Stillwagon, Shannon – “Potential Field Theory and Its Applications MSME
to Classical Mechanical Problems” (12/03)
Krishnamurthy, Mohan – “Characterization of In-Use Emissions MSME
from On-Highway Heavy-Duty Diesel Engines” (12/03)
Radermacher, J. Axel - “Repeatability of On-road Routes and a MSME
Comparison of On-Road Routes to the Federal Test Procedure” (2/04)
Burlingame, Timothy - “Reduction of Natural Gas Engine Emissions MSME
Using a Novel Aftertreatment System” (5/04)
George, Sam - “Characterization of In-Use Emissions from MSME
Marine Engines” (5/04)
Wowczuk, Zenovy S. - “Design of a Standard Sensor Pallet MSME
Platform for a C-130 Aircraft” (5/04)
Naternicola, Adam - “Dynamic Modal Analysis and Optimization of MSME
C-130 Project Oculus Mechanical Arm/Pod Sensor (7/04)
Deployment System Using the Finite Element Method”
Hashemi, Nastraran - “Effects of Artificial Neural Networks Speed- MSME
Based Inputs on Heavy-Duty Vehicle Emissions Prediction” (8/04)
Toth-Nagy, Csaba - “Linear Engine Development for Series Ph.D.
Hybrid Electric Vehicles” (10/04)
Nayak, Gurudutt - “Developments of a Test Method to Measure MSME
“In-use” Emissions from Stationary and Portable (10/04)
Diesel Sources”
Vellaisamy, Ramprabhu - “Assessment of NOx Destruction in MSME
Heavy-Duty Diesel Engines by Injecting Nitric Oxide (3/04)
into the Intake”
Swartz, Matthew - “Nitric Oxide Conversion in a Spark Ignited MSME
Natural Gas Engine “ (5/04)
Donatelli, Peter - “Methods for Creating a Multi-Axis MSME
Polarizer for Visible Light Attenuation by Linear Translation” (7/04)
Gajendran, Prakash - “Development of a Heavy Duty Diesel Ph.D.
Vehicle Emissions Inventory Prediction Methodology” (5/05)
Wan, Sheng - “Parameter Incremental Learning Algorithm Ph.D.
for Neural Networks” (8/05)
Kappanna, Hemanth – “Reduction of Toxic Air Contaminants MSME
(TACs) and Particulate Matter Emissions from Heavy-Duty (8/06)
Natural Gas Engines”
Shade, Benjamin – “A Work-Based Window Method for Ph.D.
Calculating In-Use Brake-Specific Oxides of Nitrogen (5/06)
Emissions of Heavy-Duty Diesel Engines”
Williams, Kenneth – “A Rotational Arm Connection Point Design MSME
for a C-130 Aircraft Standardized Sensor Platform” (8/06)
Lowery, Andrew – “An Experimental and Computational MSME
Investigation of Dielectrics for us in Quarter Wave Coaxial (8/06)
Cavity Resonators”
Burt, Andrew – “Refinement of Numerical Models and Parametric Ph.D.
Study of SOFC Stack Performance” (8/06)
Lucey, Seth – “Design of a Quick-Release Mechanism for a Ph.D.
C-130 Aircraft Sensor Platform” (8/06)
Krishnamurthy, Mohan – “Development of Predictive NOx Model Ph.D.
for On-Road Heavy-Duty Diesel Engines” (8/06)
Strimer, Corey – “Quantifying Effects of Vehicle Weight and MSME
Terrain on Emissions, Fuel Economy, and Engine Behavior” (12/06)
El-Sherbeeny, Ahmed – “Evaluation and Optimization of Central Ph.D.
Vision Compensation Techniques” (12/06)
Graham, Henry – “Development of a Numerical Model of a MSME
Two-Dimensional Inertial Gas Separator” (12/06)
McIntyre, Dustin – “A Laser Spark Plug Ignition System for a Ph.D.
Stationary Lean-Burn Natural Gas Reciprocating Engine” (4/07)
Sindler, Petr – “Study of an Error in Engine ECU Data Collected MSME
For In-Use Emissions” (6/07)
Smith, Justin – “Computational Analysis of Airfoils in Ground MSME
Effect for Use as a Design Tool” (7/07)
Pertl, Franz – “Prospects for a Lean Ignition with the Quarter Wave Ph.D.
Coaxial Cavity Ignitor” (5/08)
Wowczuk, Zenovy – “Design Validation Methodology Development Ph.D.
for an Aircraft Sensor Deployment System” (5/08)
Angle, Gerald – “Aerodynamic Benefits of Near-Surface-Actuated Ph.D.
Circulation Control Blowing Slots for Rotorcraft Use” (5/08)
Panther, Chad – “Parasitic Drag Analysis of a High Inertia MSME
Flywheel Rotating in an Enclosure” (8/08)
Crosbie, Chad – “Effect of Active and Passive Regeneration MSME
Techniques for Diesel Particulate Filters on NOx and (12/08)
PM Emissions”
George, Sam – “Investigation of Lubricant Oil Consumption and its Ph.D.
Contribution to Particulate Matter Emissions” (12/08)
Thomas, Gregory – “Observations of the Tapered Element MSME
Oscillating Microbalance as Compared to a Gravimetric (12/08)
Method for Particulate Matter Measurement”
Khan, ABM S. – “Route and Grade Sensitive Modeling of Fuel Ph.D.
Efficiency and Emissions for Diesel Buses” (6/09)
Efaw, Trampas – “Characterization of Exhaust Emissions from MSME
Palm Oil-Based and Soybean Oil-Based Biodiesel Fueled (8/09)
Heavy-Duty Transit Buses”
Morgan, Derrick – “Wireless Sensor Networks in Underground MSME
Structures” (8/09)
Wildfire, Patrick – “Design of a Test Stand for Alternate Fuel MSME
and Ignition Systems Testing” (12/09)
Bedick, Clinton R. – “Optimization of a Retrofit Urea-SCR System” Ph.D.
Shewalla, Umesh – “Verification of a Level-3 Diesel Emissions MSME
Control Strategy for Transport Refrigeration Units” (5/10)
Thompson, Eric – “Design of a Multi-Piece Removable Mandrel MSME
Mold Tool to Fabricate and Control Inner Mold Surface (8/10)
Contour of a Composite Wing Spar”
Sathi, Venkata – “Investigation of HDDE Exhaust Flow Mixing MSME
Devices to Enhance SCR Performance” (8/10)
Hard, Steven – “Lift Augmentation using a NACA 0018 with MSAE
Circulation Control” (12/10)
Olatunji, Idowu – “Emissions Characterization and Particle Size MSME
Distribution from a DPF-Equipped Diesel Truck Fueled (12/10)
with Biodiesel Blends”
Shields, Kevin – “CFD Applications in Airship Design” MSME
Merritt, Brock – “Juxtaposition of In-Use Vehicular MSME
Emissions Measurement Equipment” (7/11)
Morris, Melissa – “Development of an Artificial Neural Network to Ph.D.
Predict In-Use Engine Emissions” (7/11)
Abeyratne, Prabash – “A Two Dimensional Numerical Soot Model MSME
for Advanced Design and Control of Diesel Particulate Filters” (12/11)
Minehart, Robert – “Experimental Emissions and Fuel Economy MSME
Analysis of a Diesel Engine Operating on Vegetable Oil” (5/12)
Bonsack, Peter – “Concentration and Size Distributions of MSME
Nanoparticle Emissions during Low Temperature Combustion (5/12)
using Fuels for Advanced Combustion Engines (FACE)”
Sayres, Adam – “Investigation of Performance Degradation of a MSME
Johnson Matthey SCRT™” (5/12)
Ghosh, Subhadeep – “Evaluation of Reduced-Scale Confined MSME
Inflatable Structure for Tunnel Safety” (8/12)
Peil, Kevin – “Material Characterization and Analysis of Vectran MSME
Fabrics and Webbings for Inflatable Structure Applications” (8/12)
Ayre, Louise S. – “Design and Evaluation of a Marine Scrubber MSME
System” (12/12)
Liu, Shiyu – “An Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Ph.D.
NO2 Emissions Characteristics of Compression Ignition Dual (5/13)
Fuel Engines”
Thiruvengadam, Arvind – “Characterization of the Composition Ph.D.
and Toxicity of Particulate Matter Emissions from Advanced (5/13)
Heavy-duty Natural Gas Engines”
Smallwood, John – “Investigation of the Dual-Fuel Conversion MSME
of a Direct Injection Diesel Engine” (8/13)
Yoder, Gregory – “Experimental Investigation of the Vibrational MSME
and Thermal Response of a Laser Spark Plug” (8/13)
Thiruvengadam Padmavathy, Pragalath – “Characterizing the MSME
Variability in Particulate Mass Emissions from Current (8/13)
Model Year Diesel and Natural Gas Engines”
Mencini, Chris – “TBD” Ph.D.
Escobar, Jose – “Computational Strategies for Faster Combustion Ph.D.
Simulations with Detailed Chemistry” (8/14)
Al-Samari, Ahmed – “Impact of Intelligent Transportation Systems Ph.D.
on Parallel Hybrid Electric Heavy Duty Vehicles” (8/14)
Littera, Daniele– “Investigation of PM Formation and Evolution in Ph.D.
Plumes Emitted by Heavy Duty Diesel Vehicles: Wind Tunnel (5/14)
Pradhan, Saroj – “ Investigating the Potential of Waste Heat MSME
Recovery as a Pathway for Heavy-Duty Exhaust (12/14)
Aftertreatment Thermal Management”
Cozzolini, Alessandro – “Development and Calibration of an Ph.D.
a Advanced DOC-DPF Model to Predict Soot Accumulation (12/14)
and Pressure Drop in Diesel Particulate Filters ”
Kappanna, Hemanth K. – “Development of a Reference Dataset Ph.D.
to Evaluate PEMS Post-Processing Software” (12/14)
III. Research and Creative Scholarly Activities
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