Aarflot, olav. Kinesisk musikk

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ars libri

the library of gernot prunner:

part five: eastern asia (china, japan, korea, tibet)

1 AARFLOT, OLAV. Kinesisk musikk. 127pp. Prof. illus. Wraps.

Oslo (A.W. Broeggers Boktrykkeri), 1948.

2 ABDUSHUKUR, MÄHÄMMÄT AMIN. Shinjang Tang dävridiki nakhsha-usul sän’iti. (6), 103pp. Wraps.

Urümchi (Shinjang Khälq Näshriyati), 1980.

3 ABDUSHUKUR, MÄHÄMMÄT AMIN. Uyghur khälq kilassik muzikisi “On ikki muqam” haqqida. 1-qetim nashr qilindi. 4, 3, (1), 235pp., 10 plates. Boards, 1/4 leather. Chinese-language title in colophon: “Lun Wei-wu-erh ku tien yin yüeh ‘Shih erh mu-k’a-mu’.”

Beyjing (Millatlar Näshriyati), 1980.

4 ABE, KOZO. Nihon doreishi. 16, 44, (1), 2, 17pp. Lrg. 8vo. Cloth.

Tokyo (Shuhokaku), 1926.

5 ABEGG, LILLY. Japans Traum vom Musterland. Der neue Nipponismus. 258, (2)pp. Sm. 4to. Cloth.

München/Wien (Verlag Kurt Desch), 1973.

6 ABEGG, LILLY. Vom Reich der Mitte zu Mao Tse-tung. (Die Zeitgeschichte im Bild.) 208pp. Prof. illus. Sq. 4to. Boards, 1/4 cloth.

Luzern/Frankfurt (Verlag C.J. Bucher), 1966.

7 ABUDUKERIMU. Tayi'er yu Zuohela: Weiwu'er zu min jian xu shi shi. Abudukerimu sou ji; Jing Ya fan yi zheng li; [cha tu Zhang Zhongqiu]. 195pp. Illus. Wraps.

Chengdu (Sichuan min zu chu ban she), 1982.

8 ACHANG ZU SHE HUI LI SHI DIAO CHA. "Min zu wen ti wu zhong cong shu" Yunnan sheng bian ji wei yuan hui bian. (Zhongguo shao shu min zu she hui li shi diao cha zi liao cong kan.) 103pp., 6 plates, 1 folding map. 4to. Wraps.

Kunming Shi (Yunnan min zu chu ban she), 1983.

9 ACKER, WILLIAM REYNOLDS BEAL. Some T’ang and pre-T’ang Texts on Chinese Painting. Translated and annotated. (Sinica Leidensia. 8 & 12.) 2 vols. in 3 parts. I: lxii, 414pp. Wraps. II: Chang Yen-yüan, Li tai ming hua chi, chapters IV-X. 2 vols. Part 1: Translation and Annotations. (4), 325pp. Part 2: Chinese Text. (70)pp. Cloth. Sm. 4to.

Leiden (E.J. Brill), 1954-1974.

10 ACTA ASIÁTICA. Organo oficial de la Sociedad Asiática de la Argentina. Vol. 1#1 (all published). Sm. 4to. Wraps.

Buenos Aires, 1954.

11 ADACHI, BARBARA C. Backstage at Bunraku. A behind-the-scenes look at Japan’s traditional puppet theatre. Photographs by Joel Sackett. 192pp. 56 plates, text illus. 4to. Wraps.

New York/Tokyo (Weatherhill), 1985.

12 ADAM, LEONHARD. Hochasiatische Kunst. vii, (1), 54, (2)pp., 36 plates. 4 text illus. Sm. 4to. Boards, 1/4 cloth.

Stuttgart (Verlag Strecker & Schröder), 1923.

13 ADAMI, NORBERT R. Bibliography on Parhae (Bohai-Bokkai). A medieval state in the Far East. vii, (1), 112pp. 4to. Wraps.

Wiesbaden (Harrassowitz Verlag), 1994.

14 ADAMI, NORBERT R. Religion und Schamanismus der Ainu auf Sachalin. Ein Beitrag zur historischen Völkerkunde Nordostasiens. 171pp. Wraps.

München (Iudicium Verlag), 1991.

15 ADAMI, NORBERT R. Standortkatalog koreanischer Zeitschriften in Europa (Union Catalogue of Korean Periodicals in Europe). 1. Lieferung. (4), 81pp. Lrg. 4to. Wraps.

Berlin (Staatsbibliothek Preussischer Kulturbesitz), 1981.

16 ADAMI, NORBERT RICHARD. Verzeichnis der europäischsprachigen Literatur über die Ainu. (Veröffentlichungen des Ostasien-Instituts der Ruhr-Universität Bochum. 27.) vii, (3), 81pp. 4to. Wraps.

Wiesbaden (Otto Harrassowitz), 1981.

17 ADAMS, EDWARD B. Korea Guide. A glimpse of Korea’s cultural legacy. xxii, 405, (7)pp. Prof. illus. Wraps.

Seoul (International Tourist Publishing Co.), 1977.

18 ADAMS, EDWARD B. Kyongju Guide. Cultural spirit of Silla in Korea. 419, (3)pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps.

Seoul (Seoul International Tourist Publishing Co.), 1979.

19 ADAMS, EDWARD B. Palaces of Seoul. Yi Dynasty palaces in Korea’s capital city. Foreword by Hwang Su-Young. 226pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 8vo. Wraps.

Seoul (Taewon Publishing Company), 1972.

20 ADAMS, EDWARD B. Through Gates of Seoul: Trails and Tales of Yi Dynasty. Foreword by Samuel H. Moffett. 2 vols. 393pp. 202 illus., numerous maps and charts; 410pp. 241 illus., numerous maps and charts. 4to. Cloth.

Seoul (Sahm-Bo Publishing Corporation), 1970-1971.

21 ADLER, PAUL & REVON, MICHEL. Japanische Literatur. Geschichte und Auswahl von den Anfängen bis zur neuesten Zeit. (Taschenbücher der Literatur.) 430pp. Boards.

Frankfurt (Frankfurter Verlags-Anstalt), [1926].

22 ADRIAANSZ, WILLEM. The Kumiuta and Danmono Traditions of Japanese Koto Music. xii, 493pp. Lrg. 4to. Cloth.

Berkeley/Los Angeles (University of California Press), 1973.

23 ADRIAN, HANS G. Bilderbuch zum Tee. Eine kleine Kulturgeschichte des Teetrinkens mit zwölf chinesischen Aquarellen des 18. Jahrhunderts. (22)pp., 12 color plates with facing commentary. Boards.

Braunschweig (Georg Westermann Verlag), 1967.

24 AHERN, EMILY M. The Cult of the Dead in a Chinese Village. xiv, 280pp. 1 map. Sm. 4to. Cloth.

Stanford (Stanford University Press), 1973.

25 AHERN, EMILY MARTIN & GATES, HILL (EDITORS). The Anthropology of Taiwanese Society. xi, (3), 491pp. 1 map. 4to. Cloth.

Stanford (Stanford University Press), 1981.

26 AHMED, EDIB. Zhen li di ru men: Weiwu'er zu gu dian wen xue ming zhu. Ahemaiti zhu; Wei Cuiyi yi. (8), 40pp. Wraps. Translation of: Atabatülhaqayiq.

[Wulumuqi] (Xinjiang ren min chu ban she), 1981.

27 AI, QING. Selected Poems./ Ai Qing shi xuan. Edited with an introduction and notes by Eugene Chen Eoyang. (4), x, 457pp., 8 plates. Wraps. Parallel texts in Chinese and English.

Beijing (Foreign Languages Press), 1982.

28 AIGNER, JEAN S. Archaeological Remains in Pleistocene China. (Forschungen zur Allgemeinen und Vergleichenden Archäologie. 1.) 351pp. 90 illus. 4to. Cloth.

München (Verlag C.H. Beck), 1981.

29 AIJMER, GÖRAN. The Dragon Boat Festival on the Hupeh-Hunan Plain, Central China. A study in the ceremonialism of the transplantation of rice. (The Ethnographical Museum of Sweden, Stockholm [Statens Etnografika Museet]. Monograph Series. Publication No. 9.) 135pp. 4to. Wraps.

Stockholm (Statens Etnografiska Museet), 1964.

30 AIKENS, C. MELVIN & HIGUCHI, TAKAYASU. Prehistory of Japan. (Studies in Archaeology.) xv, (1), 354, (4)pp. Prof. illus. Sq. 4to. Cloth.

New York (Academic Press), 1982.

31 AILIYEFU, TIEYIFUJIANG. Tieyifujiang shi xuan. Wang Yizhi yi. 4, 8, 182pp., 2 plates. Wraps.

Beijing (Ren min wen xue chu ban she), 1982.

32 AINU BUNKA NO KISO CHISHIKI. Ainu Minzoku Hakubutsukan. 195pp. Prof. illus. Wraps.

Hokkaido Shiraoi-hun Shiraoi-cho (Shiraoi Minzoku Bunka Densho Hozon Zaidan), 1987.

33 AINU DENTO ONGAKU. Nihon Hoso Kyokai hen. (8), 566pp., 2 plates. 3 33 1/3 sound recordings, in plastic sleaves, loose in folder, as issued. 4to. Cloth. Slipcase. English-language summary.

Tokyo (Nihon Hoso Shuppan Kyokai), 1965.

34 AINU KENKYU. [By] Nihon Ainu Gakkai. Nos. 1 - 4 (all published). Sm. 4to. Wraps. Clamshell box. Reprint of the Tokyo 1917-1918 edition.

Sapporo-shi (Miyama Shobo), 1972.

35 AIURA, SHIZUI. Tankeiken. 14, 52, 162, (2)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 8vo. Cloth.

Tokyo (Mokujisha), 1965.

36 AIURA, SHIZUI. Toga ryokuseki, chodei ken, tsuki shoken. 18, (2), 171, (5)pp., 11 color plates. Numerous text illus. Sm. 4to. Cloth.

Tokyo (Mokujisha), 1966.

37 AIXINJUELUO, WULAXICHUN. Man yu yu fa. Aixinjueluo Wulaxichun bian zhu; Jin Qizong shen. 2, 4, 2, 3, (1), 538pp. Wraps.

Huhehaote Shi (Nei Menggu ren min chu ban she), 1983.

38 AJIA REKISHI JITEN. 10 vols. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth.

Tokyo (Heibonsha), 1959-1962.

39 AKAMATSU, CHIJO & AKIBA, TAKASHI. Chosen fuzoku no kenkyu. 2 vols. 320, 3, (1), 114, (2), 6, (2), 47, (1)pp., 106 plates, 1 map; 3, (1), 6, (2), 580pp. 4to. Cloth. Reprint of the Tokyo 1927-1938 edition.

Soul (Sinhan Sojok), 1970.

40 AKAMATSU, CHIJO & AKIBA, TAKASHI. Manchu-Mo minzoku to shukyo. 2, 3, (1), 6, 416, (2), 21, (1)pp., 100 plates with 195 illus., 1 folding map. 4to. Cloth.

Tokyo (Osakayago Shoten), 1941.

41 AKAMATSU, PAUL. Meiji 1868: Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Japan. (Great Revolutions.) xiv, 330pp. 5 maps. Lrg. 8vo. Cloth.

New York (Harper & Row), 1972.

42 AKAZAWA, TAKERU & AIKENS, C. MELVIN (EDITORS). Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherers in Japan: New Research Methods. (The University Museum, The University of Tokyo. Bulletin No. 27.) xii, (2), 221pp., 13 plates. Text figs. 4to. Cloth.

Tokyo (University of Tokyo Press), 1986.

43 AKIBA, TAKASHI. Chosen fuzoku no genchi kenkyu. 7, (1), 4, 198pp., 10 plates. Sm. 4to. Cloth.

Nara (Yotokusha), 1950.

44 AKIBA, TAKASHI. Chosen minzokushi. 11, (1), 13, (1), 309, (5)pp., 11 plates. Sm. 4to. Cloth. English-language summary entitled “Korean Folkways.”

Tokyo (Rokusan Shoin), 1954.

45 AKIM, G. Monggol obermice kelece-yin tobci tayilburi toli. G. Akim; [Bagatur, Kesigdugureng, Buyantu bagulgaba; Sodnamvangjil kinaba]. 15, (1), 350pp. Wraps. Chinese-language title in colophon: “Menggu yu shu yu jie shi ci dian.”

Qayilar (Obor Monggol-un Soyul-un Keblel-un Qoriy-a), 1984.

46 AKIOKA, YOSHIO (INTRODUCTION). Japanese Knives. Photographs by Masao Usui. (Form and Function Series. The Beauty of Everyday Objects. 2.) 79pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Stiff wraps.

Tokyo/New York (Kodansha), 1979.

47 AKIOKA, YOSHIO (INTRODUCTION). Japanese Spoons and Ladles. (Form and Function Series. The Beauty of Everyday Objects. 3.) 78pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Stiff wraps.

Tokyo/New York (Kodansha), 1979.

48 AKIYAMA, AISABURO. Shintô and Its Architecture. (14), 127, (1)pp. Numerous plates hors texte. 4to. Orig. dec. boards.

Tokyo (Tokyo News Service), 1955.

49 AKIYAMA, KEN, ET AL. Zusetsu Nihon bunka no rekishi. [Kikaku henshuiin Akiyama Ken...et al.]. 1: Senshi, genshi. 267, (1)pp. Prof. illus. Lrg. 4to. Cloth.

Tokyo (Shogakkan), 1979.

50 AKOUDENGBA DE GU SHI. Sichuan sheng min jian wen yi yan jiu hui, Sichuan min zu chu ban she bian. (4), 171, (1)pp., 4 color plates. Wraps.

Chengdu (Sichuan min zu chu ban she), 1980.

51 ALBER, HEINZ HUGO. Die Aufstände der Ainu und deren geschichtlicher Hintergrund. (Beiträge zur Japanologie. Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Japanologie der Universität Wien. 14.) 305pp. 4to. Wraps.

Wien (Institut für Japanologie der Universität Wien), 1977.

52 ALDRICH, HARRY S. Hua yü hsü chih: Practical Chinese. Including a topical dictionary of 5000 everyday terms. With a foreword by Nelson Trusler Johnson. American edition. 2 vols. (8), 276pp.; (6), 142, (2), 80, (6)pp. Sm. 4to. Cloth.

New Haven (Department of Oriental Studies, Yale University), 1942.

53 ALEKSEEV, V.M. China im Jahre 1907: Ein Reisetagebuch. 431pp. 79 plates. 4to. Cloth.

Leipzig/Weimar (Müller & Kiepenheuer), 1989.

54 ALEKSEEV, V.M. Kitaiskaia narodnaia kartina. Dukhovnaia zhizn’ starogo Kitaia v narodnykh izobrazheniiakh. 258, (2)pp. 105 plates. 4to. Cloth.

Moskva (Izdatel’stvo “Nauka,” Glavnaia Redaktsiia Vostochnoi Literatury), 1966.

55 ALEX, WILLIAM. Japanese Architecture. (The Great Ages of World Architecture.) 127pp. 154 illus. 4to. Wraps.

New York (George Braziller), 1963.

56 ALEXANDER, W.F. Cloisonné and Related Arts. 96pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Boards.

Des Moines (Wallace-Homestead Book Co.), 1972.

57 ALEXANDER, WILLIAM & MASON, GEORGE HENRY. Views of 18th Century China: Costumes, History, Customs. Foreword by Lord Maclehose of Beoch. 222, (2), 108 color plates. Folio. Cloth.

London (Studio Editions), 1988.

58 ALEXEIEV, BASIL M. The Chinese Gods of Wealth. A lecture delivered at the School of Oriental Studies, University of London, on 26th March, 1926. 36pp., 24 plates. 4to. Cloth.

London (School of Oriental Studies/ The China Society), 1928.

59 ALFONSO, ANTHONY. Japanese: A Basic Course. Reader 1. (4), 84pp. 4to. Wraps.

Canberra/Tokyo (Department of Japanese, The Australian National University/ L.L. Center of Applied Linguistics, Sophia University), 1974.

60 ALLEN, CHARLES. A Mountain in Tibet. The search for Mount Kailas and the sources of the great rivers of India. 254pp., 8 plates. Wraps.

London/Sydney (Futura, Macdonald & Co.), 1984.

61 ALLEN, JOSEPH R. Forbidden Games & Video Poems: The Poetry of Yang Mu and Lo Ch’ing. Translation and commentary. xii, 433, (3)pp. 4to. Cloth. Parallel texts in Chinese and English.

Seattle/London (University of Washington Press), 1993.

62 ALLÈS, ÉLISABETH. Musulmans de Chine. Une anthropologie des Hui du Henan. (Recherches d’Histoire et de Sciences Sociales/Studies in History and Social Sciences. 89.) 334pp. 26 illus. hors texte. Sm. 4to. Wraps.

Paris (Éditions de l’École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales), 2000.

63 ALLETZHAUSER, AL. The House of Nomura. The rise to supremacy of the world’s most powerful company: The inside story of the legendary Japanese dynasty. xxiii, (1), 343pp., 17 plates. 4to. Cloth.

London (Bloomsbury), 1990.

64 ALLEY, REWI. Peking-Oper. 103pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps.

Beijing (Verlag Neue Welt), 1984.

65 ALLEY, REWI. Struggle Around the Central Plains: A Story of Honan Province. (2), 354pp., 24 plates. Sm. 4to. Wraps. D.j.

Beijing (New World Press), 1980.

66 ALLEY, REWI. Travels in China, 1966-71. (2), 588pp. Prof. illus. Sm. 4to. Wraps. D.j.

Peking (New World Press), 1973.

67 ALLEY, REWI (TRANSLATOR). Folk Poems from China’s Minorities. xiv, 147pp. Illus. Cloth.

Beijing (New World Press), 1982.

68 ALLISON, ANNE. Nightwork. Sexuality, pleasure, and corporate masculinity in a Tokyo hostess club. xiii, (1), 213pp. Sm. 4to. Wraps.

Chicago/London (University of Chicago Press), 1994.

69 AMANN, GUSTAV. Chiang Kaishek und die Regierung der Kuomintang in China. viii, 240pp. 17 maps. 29 illus. hors texte. Cloth.

Heidelberg/Berlin (Kurt Vowinckel Verlag), 1936.

70 AMANN, GUSTAV. Sun Yatsens Vermächtnis. Geschichte der chinesischenn Revolution. Mit Vorworten von Karl Haushofer und Engelbert Krebs. xxvi, (2), 270, (2)pp., 18 plates, 1 folding map. Orig. cloth.

Berlin-Grunewald (Kurt Vowinckel Verlag), 1928.

71 AMERICAN FEDERATION OF FINE ARTS. Tibet: A Lost World. The Newark Museum Collection of Tibetan Art and Ethnography. By Valrae Reynolds. 128pp. Prof. illus. (8 color). 4to. Cloth.

New York, 1978.

72 AMIPA, SHERAB GYALTSEN. Dbyin bed skad gñis stob deb blo gsar ñin 'byed. / Textbook of Colloquial Tibetan Language. x, (2), 97pp. 4to. Wraps.

Rikon (Tibetan Institute), 1974.

73 AMIPA, SHERAB GYALTSEN. A Waterdrop from the Glorious Sea. A concise account of the advent of Buddhism in general and the teachings of the Sakyapa tradition in particular. 91pp. Illus. 4to. Boards.

Rikon (Tibetan Instiute), 1976.

74 AMSTERDAM. BENJAMIN J. STEIN. Longquan Celadons. 96pp. 69 illus. Lrg. 4to. Wraps.

Amsterdam, [1982].

75 AN, HO-SANG. The Ancient History of the Korea-Dong-I Race. The Korea-Dong-I Race: Creator of East Asian culture. 108, (2)pp., 23 color plates. Cloth.

Seoul (Institute of Baedal [Korean] Culture), [1974].

76 AN, HO-SANG. Minjok ui chuch‘esong kwa hwarang ol. 251pp. Sm. 4to. Cloth. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author.

Soul T‘ukpyolsi (Paeyong Ch‘ulp‘ansa), 1977.

77 AN, HO-SANG. Paedul ui chonggyo wa ch‘orhak kwa yoksa. 257pp. Illus. Cloth. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author.

Soul (Omun’gak), 1969.

78 [AN, JIYUNG, ET AL.] Geschichte der Sibe-Mandschuren. Aus dem Mandschurischen übersetzt, eingeleitet und dokumentiert von Giovanni Stary. Mit einem Beitrag von Wang Chung-han. (2), xv, (1), 150, (2)pp. 4to. Wraps. Translation of “Sibe uksurai gurineme tebunebuhe ejebun” (Urumqi 1982) by Jiyung An, Yüan-feng Wu, and J’iciyang Joo.

Wiesbaden (Otto Harrassowitz), 1985.

79 AN, SHIXING. Ping jie gu Zang wen ci shu “Ding xiang zhang.” 1, (1), 40pp., 1 plate. Wraps.

[Beijing] (Min zu chu ban she), 1982.

80 THE ANCIENT ARTS OF KOREA. 223pp. 185 plates. Lrg. sq. 4to. Wraps.

[Seoul (Ministry of Culture and Information, Republic of Korea), [1972].

81 ANCIENT TIBET: RESEARCH MATERIALS FROM THE YESHE DE PROJECT. (Tibetan History Series.) xi, (1), 371pp. 4to. Wraps.

Berkeley (Dharma Publishing), 1986.

82 ANDERSEN, POUL. The Method of Holding the Three Ones. A Taoist manual of meditation of the fourth century A.D. (Studies on Asian Topics. 1.) (2), 66pp., (7)-pp. facsimile. Wraps.

London/Malmö (Curzon Press), 1979.

83 ANDERSON, EUGENE N. Essays on South China’s Boat People. (Asian Folklore and Social Life Monographs./ Yazhou min su, she hui sheng huo zhuan kan. 29.) (4), 146, 5pp. Cloth.

Taibei (Dong fang wen hua gong ying she), 1972.

84 ANDERSON, JOHN. Mandalay to Momien: A Narrative of the Two Expeditions to Western China of 1868 and 1875 Under Colonel Edward B. Sladen and Coonel Horace Browne. xvi, 479pp., 3 folding maps, 16 plates. Sm. 4to. New boards, 3/4 cloth.

London (Macmillan and Co.), 1876.

85 ANDERSSON, J.G. Researches Into the Prehistory of the Chinese. (The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities. Bulletin No. 15.) 304pp., 202 plates. 136 text figs., 4to. Wraps.

Stockholm (Östasiatiska Museet), 1943.

86 ANDREWS, JULIA F. Painters and Politics in the People’s Republic of China, 1949-1979. xv, (1), 568pp., 12 color plates. 138 illus. 4to. Cloth.

Berkeley/Los Angeles (University of California Press), 1994.

87 ANESAKI, MASAHURU. History of Japanese Religion. With special reference to the social and moral life of the nation. xxii, (2), 423pp., 22 plates. Sm. 4to. Cloth. Originally published London 1930.

Rutland, Vermont/Tokyo (Charles E. Tuttle Company), 1964.

88 ANESAKI, MASAHURU. Nichiren, the Buddhist Prophet. xi, (3), 160pp. Frontis. Cloth.

Cambridge (Harvard University Press), 1949.

89 ANESAKI, MASAHURU. Religious Life of the Japanese People. Revised by Hideo Kishimoto. (Series on Japanese Life and Culture. 4.) (4), 105, (1)pp., 24 plates. 4to. Wraps.

Tokyo (Kokusai Bunka Shinkokai [The Society for International Cultural Relations]), 1961.

90 ANN ARBOR. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. MUSEUM OF ART. James Marshall Plumer Memorial Collection. Dec. 1964-Jan. 1965. Text by Sherman E. Lee. (41)pp. 112 illus. hors texte. 4to. Wraps.

Ann Arbor, 1964.

91 ANNUAL EVENTS IN JAPAN. 82pp., 42 plates, 1 folding map. Wraps.

Tokyo (Board of Tourist Industry, Japanese Government Railways), [1935].

92 ANTONI, KLAUS. Miwa - der heilige Trank. Zur Geschichte und religiösen Bedeutung des alkoholischen Getränkes (Sake) in Japan. (Münchener Ostasiatische Studien. 45.) vii, (1), 241pp. 4to. Wraps.

Stuttgart (Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden), 1988.

93 ANZAI, MINORU. Hojutsu: Sono hiden to tatsujin. 262pp., 8 plates. Prof. illus. Lrg. 8vo. Cloth.

Tokyo (Yuzankaku), 1965.

94 AOI MATSURI NO SHIORI. Kamo Mioya Jinja [hen]. 40pp. Illus. Sm. 8vo. Wraps.

Kyoto (Kamo Mioya Jinja Shamusho Aoi matsuri no shiori hensan jimusho), 1956.

95 AOKI, MASARU. Pekin fuzoki zufu. [Aoki Masaru hencho]; Uchida Michio kaisetsu. (Toyo bunko. 23 & 30.) 2 vols. 2, (3), 147pp., 63 plates, 1 map; 3, (3), 170pp., 54 plates. Frontis. in color, text illus. Oblong 8vo. Cloth.

Tokyo (Heibonsha), 1964.

96 AOKI, MICHIKO Y. Ancient Myths and Early History of Japan. A cultural foundation. viii, (2), 182pp. Figs. Cloth.

New York (Exposition Press), 1974.

97 APPOLDT, GÜNTER. Zeit- und Lebenszeitkonzepte in China. Eine Untersuchung lebenszeitbezogener Vorstellungen und Handlungsstrategien im vormodernen China anhand einiger ausgewählter autobiographischer Texte. (Europäische Hochschulschriften. Reihe XXVII: Asiatische und Afrikanische Studien. 30.) viii, 406pp. Lrg. 8vo. Wraps.

Frankfurt (Peter Lang), 1992.

98 ARAI, HAKUSEKI. Lessons from History: The Tokushi yoron by Arai Hakuseki. Translation & commentary by Joyce Ackroyd. lx, (2), 470pp. 4to. Cloth.

St. Lucia/London (University of Queensland Press), 1982.

99 ARAKAWA, HIROKAZU, ET AL. Traditions in Japanese Design. Vol. I [all published]: Kacho: Bird and Flower Motifs. By Hirokazu Arakawa, Gakuji Hasebe, Seiji Imanaga, Hideo Okumura. 132pp. Prof. illus. Oblong 4to. Cloth.

Tokyo/Palo Alto (Kodansha International), 1967.

100 ARCHIV FÜR OSTASIEN. Herausgegeben von Erich Schmitt und Toni Pippon. Band I, 1. Lieferung (all published). 4to. Wraps.

Düsseldorf (Bastion-Verlag), 1948.

101 ARENDT, CARL. Handbuch der nordchinesischen Umgangssprache mit Einschluss der Anfangsgründe des neuchinesischen officiellen und Briefstils. Erster Theil: Allgemeine Einleitung in das chinesische Sprachstudium. (Lehrbücher des Seminars für Orientalische Sprachen zu Berlin. 7.) xxi, (1), 535, (1)pp., 1 folding map. Sm. 4to. Cloth (rebacked).

Stuttgart/Berlin (W. Spemann), 1891.

102 ARÈNES, PIERRE. La déesse Sgrol-ma (Tara). Recherches sur la nature et le statut d’une divinité du bouddhisme tibétain. (Orientalia Lovanienisa Analecta. 74.) 449, (3)pp. Frontis., facsimiles. 4to. Cloth.

Leuven (Uitgeverij Peeters/ Departement Oriëntalistik), 1996.

103 ARGÜELLES, JOSÉ & ARGÜELLES, MIRIAM. Manadala. Foreword by Chögyam Trungpa. 140pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps.

Berkeley/London (Shambala), 1972.

104 ARISAKA, YOTARO. Nihon gangushi. 2 vols. 278, (2)pp., 18 plates (2 color); 236, (2)pp., 18 plates, (2 color). Numerous text illus. Lrg. 8vo. Boards.

Tokyo (Kensetsusha), 1931-1932.

105 ARKUSH, R. DAVID. Fei Xiaotong and Sociology in Revolutionary China. (Harvard East Asian Monographs. 98.) xviii, 386, (6)pp. Frontis. 4to. Cloth.

Cambridge (Council on East Asian Studies, Harvard University/ Harvard University Press), 1981.

106 ARLINGTON, L.C. The Chinese Drama From the Earliest Times Until Today. A panoramic study of the art in China, tracing its origin and describing its actors (in both male and female roles): their costumes and make-up, superstitions and stage slang: the accompanying music and music instruments: concluding with synopses of thirty Chinese plays. With a pien by Mei Lan-fang and a foreword by H.A. Giles. 177, (1), xli pp., 115 plates with 196 illus. Frontis. Lrg. 4to. Cloth. Reprint of the Shanghai 1930 edition.

Bronx, N.Y. (Benjamin Blom), 1966.

107 ARLINGTON, L.C. & LEWISOHN, WILLIAM. In Search of Old Peking. vi, (6), 382pp., 30 maps and plans (1 lrg. folding, loose in rear pocket, as issued). 25 illus. (partly hors texte). Cloth.

Peking (Henri Vetch, The French Bookstore), 1935.

108 ARMBRUSTER, GISELA & BRINKER, HELMUT (EDITORS). Pinsel und Tusche. Sammlung Heinz Götze. xii, 207, (3)pp. Prof. illus. 4to. Wraps. D.j.

München (Prestel-Verlag), 1975.

109 ARNESEN, PETER JUDD. The Medieval Japanese Daimyo. The Ouchi Family’s rule of Suo and Nagato. (Yale Historical Publications: Miscellany, 122.) x, 246pp. 1 map. Cloth.

New Haven/London (Yale University Press), 1979.


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