Academic credentials

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Dr. Sameeh M. Abutarbush, BVSc, MVetSc, Diplomate ABVP, Diplomate ACVIM
Born: August 5, 1975

Home phone: 053241394

Mobile phone: 0796620635 (International 00962796620635)

Citizenship: Jordanian and Canadian

Current Address: Amman, Jordan
National American Veterinary Board and License, 2007.

National Canadian Veterinary Board and License, 2007.

North American Clinical Proficiency Examination for Foreign Graduates, April, 2007.

North American Veterinary Licensing Examination, April, 2006

Diplomate of The American Board of Veterinary Practitioners, USA, December, 2005

Diplomate of The American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine, USA, July, 2005

Residency – Large Animal Internal Medicine, Western College of Veterinary Medicine,

University of Saskatchewan, Canada, 2002-2005

Master of Veterinary Science, Equine Internal Medicine, Western College of Veterinary

Medicine, University of Saskatchewan, Canada, 2002-2005

Internship – Large Animal Internal Medicine, Western College of Veterinary Medicine,

University of Saskatchewan, Canada, December 2001 - 2002

Clinical Rotation in The Large Animal Hospital, Purdue University, USA, 2000-2001

Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine (with honors), Jordan University Science and Technology,

Jordan, 1994-1999
Assistant Professor, Equine Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases, Faculty of

Veterinary Medicine, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan 2008-


Equine Consultant for, Jaafar Royal Stables, The Arabian Horse Club, Foresthill Equestrian

Club, Khalifeh Arabian Stables, Equestrian Club, and Al- Nabolsy Equestrian Center,

Humane Center for Animal Welfare (World Society for the Protection of Animals),

Jordan, 2007- Present.

Associate Field Service Veterinarian, Consultant Practice, Okotoks, Alberta, Canada, 2006-2007.

Assistant Professor, Large Animal Internal Medicine, Atlantic Veterinary College, University of

Prince Edward Island, Canada, 2005- 2006

Resident – Large Animal Internal Medicine, Western College of Veterinary Medicine,

University of Saskatchewan, Canada, 2002-2005

Intern – Large Animal Internal Medicine, Western College of Veterinary Medicine,

University of Saskatchewan, Canada, December 2001 - 2002

Large Animal Private Practice, Veterinarian, Jordan, 1999-2000

“Most Enthusiastic Professor in The 4- Year DVM Program” Award, DVM class of 2007,

Atlantic Veterinary College, University of Prince Edward Island, 2006

University of Prince Edward Island Hessian Merit Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2006

University of Saskatchewan Excellence of Teaching Award, 2005

Equine Health Research Scholarship, Western College of Veterinary Medicine, University of

Saskatchewan, 2004-2005

“Most Dedicated Equine Rounds Speaker”, Equine Club, Western College of Veterinary

Medicine, Student Chapter of the American Association of Equine Practitioners. 2002-2005

Student Honor List (B.V.Sc.), Jordan University Science and Technology, 1995-1999

Course Name and Number

Course Objectives and Contents


  • Large Animal Medicine I & II (VHM 331 & 332)

  • The student will learn about the common

and important medical diseases in large


  • Given a problem list, the student will be able to develop a list of differential diagnoses, to formulate diagnostic and therapeutic plans, and describe preventative procedures for various disease conditions. The student will be able to assess each problem in terms of pathophysiology

  • Lectures will follow a system approach

  • The concepts of problem formulation, given a set of clinical and laboratory findings will be emphasized. In addition, differential diagnoses, disease pathophysiology, therapeutic plans, and preventative procedures are important course components

  • The laboratory sections of the course will compliment lecture material and will concentrate on in-depth examination of body systems and diagnostic techniques. Exposure to clinical material and examination of abnormal animals is a feature of the laboratory


  • Clinical Rotation in Large Animal Medicine (VHM 440 & 460)

  • Thorough exposure to a variety of large animal cases of a medical nature presented to the Atlantic Veterinary College, Large Animal Clinic; students develops skills in:

  • Meeting clients and obtaining a history on the patient presented to them

  • Perform a complete physical examination and developing an initial problem list and differential diagnoses

  • Prepare an estimate for medical work up for patients

  • Requesting appropriate laboratory and ancillary tests and interpreting them correctly to arrive at a definitive diagnosis

  • Developing an appropriate therapeutic plan for each case

  • Arriving at a prognosis for each case

  • Preparing discharge instructions for each case

  • Making recommendations for disease prevention in the herd

  • Thorough preparing written medical records with a problem-oriented approach

  • Thorough preparation and participation in daily ward rounds and seminar topic

Senior Clinician

  • Principles of Medicine (VCA 212)

  • To provide the students with fundamental principles of disease states and the pathophysiology of abnormal body functions of domestic animals


  • Clinical Orientation (VHM 122)

  • To familiarize students with restraint, handling, and normal behavior of a variety of species of food animals, horses, and companion animals, and to introduce the students to the techniques and methods of general inspection and clinical examination of animals

Coarse Coordinator and Lecturer

  • To provide students with a thorough understanding of health management programs used in populations of horses, beef cattle, and small ruminants. The emphasis is on herd medicine rather than individual medicine


  • Animal Production Systems

(VHM 111)

  • The course provides students with a basic understanding of major animal industries, with particular emphasis on nutrition, breeding, reproduction, housing, feeding, general management, and marketing characteristics for each industry


2008- Present (Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan)

Course Name and Number

Course Objectives and Contents


  • Veterinary Infectious Diseases

At the end of this course, each student will be able to:

  • Identify the most important infectious diseases

of domestic animals

  • Learn how to diagnose infectious diseases of

domestic animals

  • Understand the pathogenesis of infectious


  • Learn how to investigate disease outbreaks

  • Build suitable control programs against infectious

diseases of domestic animals


  • Advanced Equine Medicine and Surgery

  • The student should become familiar with common conditions encountered in equine practice and learn about the advanced techniques for diagnosis and treatment, where applicable.

  • The student should become familiar with advanced diagnostic methods in equine practice such as endoscopy and ultrasonography.

  • The student should become familiar with special procedures used in equine practice.

Coarse Coordinator and Lecturer

  • Large Animal Medicine I

(VHM 331 & 332)

  • The student will learn about the common

and important medical diseases in large


  • Given a problem list, the student will be able to develop a list of differential diagnoses, to formulate diagnostic and therapeutic plans, and describe preventative procedures for various disease conditions. The student will be able to assess each problem in terms of pathophysiology

  • Lectures will follow a system approach

  • The concepts of problem formulation, given a set of clinical and laboratory findings will be emphasized. In addition, differential diagnoses, disease pathophysiology, therapeutic plans, and preventative procedures are important course components

  • The laboratory sections of the course will compliment lecture material and will concentrate on in-depth examination of body systems and diagnostic techniques. Exposure to clinical material and examination of abnormal animals is a feature of the laboratory


  • Large Animal Medicine 2

(VHM 331 & 332)

  • Build up a diagnosis of the common problems related to urinary, cardiovascular, integument and nervous systems of domestic animals

  • Outline a differential diagnosis list and decide on a proper procedures for establishing a final diagnosis for problems of the related systems

  • Appreciate and converse management changes or therapeutic methods that are used to prevent, control, and treat common diseases of domestic animals


  • Clinical Rotation in Large Animal Medicine (VHM 440 & 460)

  • Thorough exposure to a variety of large animal cases of a medical nature presented to the Atlantic Veterinary College, Large Animal Clinic; students develops skills in:

  • Meeting clients and obtaining a history on the patient presented to them

  • Perform a complete physical examination and developing an initial problem list and differential diagnoses

  • Prepare an estimate for medical work up for patients

  • Requesting appropriate laboratory and ancillary tests and interpreting them correctly to arrive at a definitive diagnosis

  • Developing an appropriate therapeutic plan for each case

  • Arriving at a prognosis for each case

  • Preparing discharge instructions for each case

  • Making recommendations for disease prevention in the herd

  • Thorough preparing written medical records with a problem-oriented approach

  • Thorough preparation and participation in daily ward rounds and seminar topic

Senior Clinician

  • Animal Husbandry (VCA 212)

  • Be familiar with livestock terminology, the expected performance of animals raised using good management and husbandry practices, and characteristics of the primary breeds of farm livestock.

  • Understand principles underlying the selection of replacement stock for continued genetic improvement in the herd or flock.

  • Understand animal reproduction, some management principles for improving reproductive efficiency, and be familiar with technologies such as estrous synchronization, artificial insemination and embryo transfer.

  • Understand how milk is synthesized, stored and released during milking or nursing.

  • Understand changes in body composition relative to muscle, fat, and bone as an animal grows and understand how these changes affect gains, feed efficiency, market grades, and market price.

  • Know the major components of livestock feeds and be able to compare similarities and differences in feed digestion by cattle, sheep, and horses.

  • Learn; regarding small animals; how injured or sick animals communicate, and what animals are trying to tell us. Then, learn about behavior and physical restraint; house-training; preventing destructive behavior; and restraining animals.



Independent Expert for Equine Glanders; Invited by The Ministry of Agriculture, Beirut,

Lebanon, Field Outbreak Investigation.

Equine Diseases Workshop, Common Equine Diseases in Jordan (Equine Lameness and Colic), Society for the Protection of Animals Abroad, (SPANA) Irbid, Jordan

Equine Diseases Workshop, Common Equine Diseases in Jordan (Equine Lameness and Colic), Society for the Protection of Animals Abroad (SPANA) Amman, Jordan

Equine Diseases Workshop, Common Equine Diseases in Jordan (Equine Lameness and Colic), Society for the Protection of Animals Abroad (SPANA), Wadi Mousa (Petra), Jordan

Epidemiological Investigation and Data Analysis of Equine Infectious Diseases Part I, Jordan

University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan, November, 2010

Epidemiological Investigation and Data Analysis of Equine Infectious Diseases Part II, Jordan University of science and technology, Irbid, Jordan, December, 2010

Show Veterinarian, FEI World Cup, Amman International Horse show CSI2*-W, Amman, Jordan, November, 2010

Show Veterinarian, FEI Arabian Horse Club Local Jumping Competitions, Amman, Jordan, January-December 2010.


Common equine diseases in Jordan, Jordan University of science and technology,

Irbid, Jordan.

Show Veterinarian, FEI Arabian Horse Club International Jumping Competition CSI2*-W, Amman, Jordan, March, 2009

 Show Veterinarian, FEI Arabian Horse Club Local Jumping Competitions, Amman, Jordan January-December 2009.

Post- graduate studies in veterinary medicine, Jordan University of science and technology,

Irbid, Jordan.

Show Veterinarian, FEI Arabian Horse Club Local Jumping Competitions, Amman, Jordan January-December 2008.


Presentations and Wet laboratories for The Equine Club, Atlantic Veterinary College

Equine endoscopy- Normal Findings

Equine endoscopy I – Abnormal Findings

Equine endoscopy II – Abnormal Findings

Diagnostic procedures (muscle biopsy and emergency tracheostomy)

Nervous system diseases in the horse

Unusual causes of colic in horses

Presentations and Wet laboratories for The Bovine Club, Atlantic Veterinary College

Jejunal hemorrhage syndrome in Cattle

The bovine acute abdomen

Clinical rounds: a special focus on nervous diseases in cattle

Clinical rounds: a special focus on gastrointestinal diseases in cattle

Clinical rounds: a special focus on respiratory diseases in cattle

Clinical rounds: a special focus on respiratory diseases in cattle

North American Veterinary Licensing Examination Board Review Sessions

Equine Medicine (2 sessions)

Food Animal Medicine (3 sessions)


Clinical Instructor for final year DVM students, Western College of Veterinary Medicine

Clinical Equine Rounds on a monthly basis. Organized by the Equine Club, Western College of

Veterinary Medicine (Student Chapter of the American Association of Equine


Clinical Instructor for final year DVM students, Western College of Veterinary Medicine

Clinical Equine Rounds on a monthly basis. Organized by the Equine Club, Western College of

Veterinary Medicine (Student Chapter of the American Association of Equine


Clinical Instructor for final year DVM students, Western College of Veterinary Medicine

Clinical Equine Rounds on a monthly basis. Organized by the Equine Club, Western College of

Veterinary Medicine (Student Chapter of the American Association of Equine






Seroprevalence and risk factors of equine glanders in Jordan



Seroprevalence and risk factors of equine infectious anemia in Jordan



Seroprevalence and risk factors of equine viral arteritis in Jordan



Seroprevalence and risk factors of equine neospora in Jordan





Name of the student





Wafa’a Alquraan

Comparison between Bronchoalveolar and Transtracheal lavage




Sameh El Khateeb

Amelioration of Amidocarb Side Effects in Horses




Deema El Momani

Gastroduodenal ulceration in small animals




Derar Al Qawasmeh

Prevalence of equine babesiosis in Jordan and comparison of the different diagnostic methods




Naylor JM , Abutarbush SM. The Art of Equine Medicine, 4th ed. Saskatoon: Vet Visions Inc, 2010, Saskatoon, Canada.

Abutarbush SM. Illustrated Guide to Equine Diseases. Wiley-Blackwell, Ames, Iowa, USA, 2009. ISBN: 704 pages, hardcover, ISBN: 978-0-8138-1071-3.
Abutarbush SM, Carmalt JL. Equine Endoscopy and Arthroscopy for The Equine Practitioner.

EMS, Teton Newmedia, Jackson, Wyoming, USA, 2008.

Naylor JM, Abutarbush SM. Passing a Nasogastric Tube in The Horse: A Self-learning

Module. 1st ed. Saskatoon. Vet Visions Inc, 2004. ISBN 0-96887212-5-7.
Mckay E. Enhancing Learning Through Human Computer Interaction. Idea Group Reference. London, UK, 2007.
West Nile Fever Virus, Vetstream Equis, 2006

Graphic Contributor. The Merck Veterinary Manual. 9th ed. Merck & CO,.Inc. 2005

Naylor JM. The Art of Bovine Auscultation. 1st ed. Saskatoon: Vet Visions Inc, Saskatoon, Canada 2003
Equine Respiratory Medicine and Surgery. Edited by Bruce C. McGorum, N. Edward Robinson,

Jim Schumacher, and Padraic M. Dixon. Saunders Ltd., Philadelphia, USA, 2007, 600 pages. Hardcover, ISBN: 978-0-7020-2759-8. Canadian Veterinary Journal, 2010; 51(7): 742.

Equine Infectious Diseases. Edited by Sellon DC and Long M. Saunders Ltd., Philadelphia,

USA, 2007, 672 pages 543 ills, ISBN: 1416024069. Hardcover. Canadian Veterinary Journal, 2008;49(12):1228.

Bovine Laminitis and Lameness- A hands on approach. Edited by Paul R. Greenough, Saunders

Elsevier, Philadelphia, USA, 2007, 311 pages. Hardcover, ISBN: 978-0-7020-2780-2. Canadian Veterinary Journal, In Press.

Blackwell’s Five-minute Veterinary Consult – Ruminant + CD. Edited by Haskell SRR. Wiley-

Blackwell, Ames, Iowa, USA. 2008. 1012 pages. Hardcover, ISBN 9780-7817-5325-8.

Canadian Veterinary Journal, In Press.
Veterinary Medicine, 10th Edition - A textbook of the diseases of cattle, horses, sheep, pigs and

goats. Edited by Otto M. Radostits, Clive C. Gay, Kenneth W. Hinchcliff, and Peter D.

Constable. 2065 pages 38 illustrations, Saunders Ltd., Philadelphia, USA, 2007.

Hardcover, ISBN: 0702027774. Canadian Veterinary Journal, 2010; 51(5): 541. .

Saunders Comprehensive Veterinary Dictionary, 3rd Edition. Edited by Blood DC, Studdert VP,

and Gay CC. Saunders Elsevier, London, UK. 2007. 2172 pp. ISBN: 0702027898.

Hardcover. Canadian Veterinary Journal, 2008;49(9):906.

S. M. Abutarbush, D.M. Alqawasmeh, Z. H. Shaheen, S. F. Anani, M. P.

Ledger. Equine diseases and welfare in Jordan: A retrospective study (1261

cases), Equine Veterinary Journal.

S. M. Abutarbush, D.M. Alqawasmeh, R.M. Mukbel, A.M. Al-Majali. Equine babesiosis: seroprevalence, risk factors, and comparison of different diagnostic methods in Jordan. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases. In Press
S.M. Abutarbush. Esophageal laceration and obstruction caused by a foreign body in two young

foals. Canadian Veterinary Journal. In Press

S.M. Abutarbush, BK Wildman, GK Jim, T Perrett, OC Schunicht, SJ Hannon, RK Fenton,,

CW Booker. Evaluation of the use of ultrasonography for the characterization of early

bovine respiratory disease in feedlot cattle. Canadian Journal of Veterinary Research. In

S.M. Abutarbush, BK Wildman, GK Jim, T Perrett, OC Schunicht, SJ Hannon, RK Fenton,

CW Booker. Comparison of enrofloxacin and ceftiofur sodium for the treatment of

relapse cases of undifferentiated fever/bovine respiratory disease in feedlot calves.

Canadian Veterinary Journal. In Press
S.M. Abutarbush, DM Alqawasmeh. Clinical bovine viral diarrhea virus infection in Jordan.

Journal of Transboundary and Emerging Diseases. 2010;57(6):455-7.

BK Wildman, GK Jim, T Perrett, OC Schunicht, SJ Hannon, RK Fenton, S.M. Abutarbush, CW

Booker. A comparison of two multivalent viral vaccine programs in feedlot calves at

high risk of developing undifferentiated fever/bovine respiratory disease. The Bovine

Practitioner. 2009;43(2):130-139.
T Perrett, BK Wildman, GK Jim, AR Vogstad, RK Fenton, SJ Hannon, OC Schunicht, S.M.

Abutarbush, CW Booker. Evaluation of the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of

melengestrol acetate in feedlot heifer calves in western Canada. Veterinary Therapeutics.

T Perrett, SM Abutarbush, BK Wildman, MT Fuchs, OC Schunicht, CM Pollock, RK

Fenton, GK Jim GK, PT Guichon, CW Booker, J Berg, J Roder, M Spire. A comparison

of florfenicol and tulathromycine for the treatment of undifferentiated fever in feedlot

calves. Veterinary Therapeutics. 2008 ;9(2):128-40.

C.W. Booker, S.M. Abutarbush, O.C. Schunicht, C.M. Pollock, T. Perrett, B.K. Wildman,

T.J.Pittman, C.W. Jones, G.K. Jim, P.T. Guichon, and P.S. Morley. Evaluation of

castration timing and technique and pain management in young feedlot bulls in Alberta.

The Bovine Practitioner. 2007; 41(2):111-117.
T. Perrett, B.K. Wildman, S.M. Abutarbush, T.J. Pittman, C. Jones, C.M. Pollock, O.C.

Schunicht, P.T. Guichon, G.K. Jim, C.W. Booker. A comparison of two Mannheimia

haemolytica immunization programs in feedlot calves at high risk of developing

undifferentiated fever/ bovine respiratory disease. The Bovine Practitioner.

42:64-75, 2008.
C.W. Booker, S.M. Abutarbush, P.S. Morley, G.K. Jim, T.J. Pittman, O.C. Schunicht, T.

Perrett, B.K. Wildman, P.T. Guichon, and E.D. Janzen. Microbiological and

histopathological findings in cases of fatal bovine respiratory disease of feedlot cattle in

western Canada. Canadian Veterinary Journal. 2008;49(5):473-81..

C.W. Booker, S.M. Abutarbush, P.S. Morley, P.T. Guichon, B.K. Wildman, G.K. Jim, O.C.

Schunicht, T.J. Pittman, T. Perrett, J.A. Ellis, G. Appleyard, D.M. Haines.

The effect of bovine viral diarrhea virus infections on health and performance of feedlot cattle. Canadian Veterinary Journal. 2008;49(3):253-60.
B.K. Wildman, T. Perrett, S.M. Abutarbush, P.T. Guichon, T.J. Pittman,C.W. Booker, O.C.

Schunicht, G.K. Jim. A comparison of 2 vaccination programs in feedlot calves at ultra-

high risk of developing undifferentiated fever/bovine respiratory disease. Canadian Veterinary Journal. 2008;49(5):463-72.
C.W. Booker, S.M. Abutarbush, O.C. Schunicht, G.K. Jim, T. Perrett, B.K. Wildman, P.T.

Guichon, T.J. Pittman, C. Jones, and C.M. Pollock. Evaluation of the Efficacy of

Tulathromycin as a Metaphylactic Antimicrobial in Feedlot Calves. Veterinary

Therapeutics 2007, 8:183-200.
Abutarbush SM, Petrie L. Treatment of hypernatremia in neonatal calves with diarrhea.

Canadian Veterinary Journal. 2007 ;48(2):184-7.
Rose PL, Abutarbush SM, Duckett W. Standing myelography in the horse using a nonionic

contrast agent. Veterinary Radiology and Ultrasound. 2007;48(6):535-8.

Fuller M, Abutarbush SM. Severe glossitis subsequent to an inadvertent intra-lingual injection

of oxfendazole in a horse. Canadian Veterinary Journal. 2007;48(8):845-7.

Abutarbush SM, Naylor JM, Parchoma G, D’Eon M, Petrie L, Carruthers T. 1Evaluation of

traditional instruction versus a self- learning computer module in teaching veterinary

students how to pass a nasogastric tube in the horse. Journal of Veterinary Medical

Education. 2006;33(3):447-54.

Abutarbush SM, Naylor JM. Obstruction of the small intestine by a trichobezoar in cattle: 15

cases (1992-2002). Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association. 2006


Abutarbush SM. Use of ultrasonography to diagnose 1large colon volvulus in horses.

Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association. 2006; 228(3):409-413.
Abutarbush SM, Petrie L. Fatal sand impaction of the spiral colon in a one-month-old alpaca.

Canadian Veterinary Journal. 2006;47(7):683-4.

Abutarbush SM, Carmalt JL, Shoemaker RW. Causes of gastrointestinal colic in horses in

western Canada: 604 cases (1992-2002). Canadian Veterinary Journal. 2005; 46:800-


Abutarbush SM, Radostits OM. Jejunal hemorrhage syndrome in dairy and beef cattle: 11

cases (1992-2003). Canadian Veterinary Journal. 2005; 46:711-715.

Abutarbush SM, Naylor JM. Comparison of surgical versus medical treatment of nephrosplenic

entrapment of the large colon in horses: 19 cases (1992-2002). Journal of the American

Veterinary Medical Association. 2005; 227(4):603-605.

Abutarbush SM, Radostits OM. Obstruction of the small intestine caused by a hairball in 2

young beef calves. Canadian Veterinary Journal. 2004; 45(4):324-5.

Abutarbush SM, O’Connor BP, Clark C, Sampieri F, Naylor JM. Clinical West Nile virus in 2

horses in western Canada. Canadian Veterinary Journal. 2004; 45 (4):315-317.

Abutarbush SM, Carmalt JL, Wilson DG, O'Connor BP, Clark EG, Naylor JM. Jejunal

hemorrhage syndrome in 2 Canadian beef cows. Canadian Veterinary Journal. 2004;

Abutarbush SM, Shoemaker RW, Bailey JV. Strangulation of small intestines by a

mesodiverticular band in 3 adult horses. Canadian Veterinary Journal. 2003;

Abutarbush SM, Radostits OM. Congenital nutritional muscular dystrophy in a beef calf.

Canadian Veterinary Journal. 2003; 44:738-739.

Abutarbush SM. Diagnosis of urinary tract disease in the horse. Large Animal Veterinary

Rounds 2005; 5(2).

Abutarbush SM, Parchoma G., Petrie L, Naylor JM. Evaluation of Traditional Versus Self-

Learning Computer Module in Teaching How to Pass a Nasogastric Tube in the Horse.

Journal of the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine 2004; 18: 457.
Abutarbush SM. Dysphagia in horses. Large Animal Veterinary Rounds 2004; 4(2).
Leighton FA, Abutarbush SM. The West Nile Virus Epidemic in North America: 1999-2002.

Large Animal Veterinary Rounds 2003; 3(1).

Abutarbush SM. Jejunal hemorrhage syndrome: a newly emerging disease. Large Animal

Veterinary Rounds 2002; 2(10).

Abutarbush SM. Causes of colic in horses in western Canada: A retrospective study.

Proceedings of the Western Canadian Association of Equine Practioners Conference,

Abutarbush SM. Head trauma in the horse: Diagnosis, treatment and prognosis. Proceedings of

the Western Canadian Association of Equine Practioners Conference, 2005.

Naylor JM, Abutarbush SM, Parchoma G. Using Technology to improve animal welfare.

Results of a randomized controlled trial comparing knowledge, preference and

proficiency of students taught by traditional instruction demonstration or multimedia CD. Research in Veterinary science (supplement A) 2005;78:6.
Abutarbush SM, Naylor JM, Parchoma G. Evaluation of Traditional Versus Self-Learning

Computer Module in Teaching How to Pass a Nasogastric Tube in the Horse. The

American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine Forum, 9-12 June 2004, Minneapolis,

USA. (Poster)

Abutarbush SM, Naylor JM, Parchoma G. Stomach Tubing in A Horse: A Virtual Veterinary

Medical Exercise (A Computer-Assisted Module). CANARIE Third Pan-Canadian E-Learning Workshop, January 2004, Vancouver, Canada. First Prize Winner (Poster)

Abutarbush SM. Vaccination associated malignant edema disease: Field case control study. 3rd International Conference of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University. May 15th, 2011, Cairo, Egypt.
Abutarbush SM. Neonatal calf diseases. The Third Scientific Day of the Jordanian veterinary association/ Al Zarqa Branch. April 17th 2010, Al Zarqa, Jordan.
Abutarbush SM. Neglected zoonotic diseases. Ministry of Health conference. October 19th 2009, Amman, Jordan.
Abutarbush SM. Congenital vitamin A deficiency: field outbreak. The eighth Jordanian veterinary association conference. October 4th 2009, Amman, Jordan.
Abutarbush SM. Common equine diseases in Jordan. The eighth Jordanian veterinary association conference. October 5th 2009, Amman, Jordan.
Abutarbush SM. Using technology in veterinary colleges. Regional animal welfare workshop. October 6th 2009, Amman, Jordan.
Abutarbush SM. Overview and approach to zoonotic diseases in Jordan. Zoonotic diseases workshop. Professional associations building. April 25th 2009, Kerak, Jordan.
Abutarbush SM. Three days sickness. Three days sickness workshop. Institute of research, training, and agricultural training. University of Jordan, April 15th 2009, Dair Alla, Jordan.
Abutarbush SM. Diseases of the eye in the horse. Equine Diseases Workshop, SPANA Conference, September 10th 2008, Irbid, Jordan.
Abutarbush SM. Respiratory diseases in cattle. Pfizer Launch of Draxxin, January 1st 2008, Amman, Jordan.
Abutarbush SM. A new approach to respiratory diseases in cattle. 15th International Iranian Conference, April 23rd - 26th , 2008, Tehran, Iran.
Abutarbush SM. Zoonotic diseases. Balqa Public Health Conference, October 8th - 9th 2008, Salt, Jordan.
Abutarbush SM . Common Diseases of Feedlot Horses. Feedlot Health Management Services

6th Annual Feedlot Workshop & Conference. July 23, 2007.

Abutarbush SM. Equine colic in western Canada: Retrospective studies. Western College of

Veterinary Medicine 40th anniversary conference. June 5th, 2005, Saskatoon.

Abutarbush SM. Causes of colic in horses in western Canada: A retrospective study. Western

Canadian Association of Equine Practioners Conference. January 30th, 2005, Calgary.

Abutarbush SM. Head trauma in the horse: Diagnosis, treatment and prognosis. Western

Canadian Association of Equine Practioners Conference. January 28th, 2005, Calgary.

Abutarbush SM. Rhabdomyolysis in the horse: Special focus on polysaccharide storage

myopathy. Regina District Dressage Association Annual Meeting, January 23rd, 2005,

Regina, Saskatchewan.

Abutarbush SM. Colic in horses: Special considerations. Regina District Dressage Association

Annual Meeting, January 23rd, 2005, Regina, Saskatchewan.

Abutarbush SM. Colic in horses in western Canada: causes and prognosis. Saskatchewan

Association of Veterinary Technologists 20th Anniversary Conference. November 14th,

2004, WCVM, Saskatoon.
Abutarbush SM. West Nile virus in horses. Saskatchewan Horse Federation Meeting. January

2003. Radisson Hotel, Saskatoon.


Member of the Editorial Board for Journal of Case Reports in Veterinary Medicine

Reviewer for the Veterinary Record Journal

Reviewer for the 29th World Veterinary Congress

Reviewer for the Canadian Veterinary Journal

Reviewer for the Canadian Journal of Veterinary Research

Reviewer for the Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine

Reviewer for the Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences

Member of the Higher National Steering Committee for Disease Investigation and

Control, Ministry of Agriculture, Jordan (2009-present)

Member of the Veterinary Drug Registration, Ministry of Agriculture, Jordan (2008-


Member of the Higher Studies Committee, Jordan University of Science and

Technology (2008-2010)

Sub-chair of the practical examination committee, American Board of Veterinary

Practitioners (2006-2008)

Member of the Large Animal Internal Medicine credentials committee, The American

College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (2006-2008)

Member, Alberta Veterinary Medical Association, Canada, 2006- 2007

Member, Canadian Veterinary Medical Association, Canada, 2000- 2007

Member, The American Board of Veterinary Practitioners, USA, 2005-present

Member, The American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine, USA, 2005-present

Member, Prince Edward Island Veterinary Medical Association, Canada, 2005- 2006

Member, Saskatchewan Veterinary Medical Association, Canada, 2001-2005

Member, Jordanian Veterinary Association, Jordan, 1999-present


  1. Dr. Jonathan M. Naylor, BS, BVSc, PhD, DACVIM, DACVN

Professor, Department of Clinical Sciences

School of Veterinary Medicine

Ross University

P.O. Box 334 Basseterre, St Kitts

West Indies


Tel: (869) 465 4161 ext 212

2. Dr. Lyall Petrie, BVMS, PhD, MRCVS

Professor, Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences

Western College of Veterinary Medicine

University of Saskatchewan

52 Campus Drive, Saskatoon, SK S7N 5B4



Tel: (306) 966-7145
3. Dr. Wendy M. Duckett, DVM, MS, DACVIM

Associate Professor, Large Animal Internal Medicine

Department of Health Management

Atlantic Veterinary College

University of Prince Edward Island

550 University Avenue

Charlottetown, PEI C1A 4P3


Tel: (902) 566 0879

Fax: (902) 566 0823


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