Academic experience

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John W. Huppertz, Ph.D.

Associate Professor and Chair, MBA Healthcare Management Program

Clarkson University, Capital Region Campus

Schenectady, New York 12308


Clarkson University Associate Professor of Management

Schenectady, New York Chair, MBA Healthcare Management Program, 2004 – present

Union Graduate College Interim President, 2008 – 2009
IESEG Adjunct Professor, December 2009 – present

Lille Catholic University

Lille, France
Syracuse University Graduate Teaching Assistant, 1974 – 1978

Syracuse, New York

Direct the MBA in Healthcare Management program, serving full-time and part-time students. Accomplishments include increasing enrollments, achieving re-accreditation by the Commission on Accreditation Healthcare Management Education (CAHME), and elevating the program’s presence in national healthcare management organizations (AUPHA, ACHE, CAHME). Teach courses in Healthcare Marketing, Strategic Management of Healthcare Organizations (capstone), Leadership, and Strategic Planning.
Served as chief executive officer of Union Graduate College on an interim basis. Oversaw land purchase and secured financing for new Graduate College Center, planned and initiated construction, launched public phase of fundraising campaign, supervised internal construction management team. Supervised College’s marketing and branding, reorganized public relations outreach. Managed executive team of vice-presidents and department directors, and served as chief academic officer, working with deans and faculty. Worked closely with Board of Trustees Chair to recruit new trustees, and led the College’s Advisory Council.

Eric Mower and Associates, Inc.

Syracuse, New York

Managing Partner, Marketing and Research Services (1992 - 2004)

Board of Directors, Eric Mower and Associates, Inc.

Senior Vice President, Marketing Research Services (1986  1992)

Vice President, Director, Marketing Research (1978 - 1986)

Led two operating divisions of a $135 million marketing communications agency: Marketing Research and Direct Marketing Services. Consulted with clients on business and marketing strategy. Designed and implemented marketing research studies, managed an interdisciplinary professional team, researched and wrote strategic and marketing plans, participated in new business development, and corporate management.

Responsible for marketing research project design and management, division operations, marketing training, strategic planning, marketing and management consulting for clients in consumer, healthcare, business-to-business, and technology industries.

Syracuse University: Ph.D., Social Psychology, 1978

M.A., Social Psychology, 1976

Xavier University: A.B., English, 1973

Huppertz, John W., R. Alan Bowman, George Y. Bizer, Mandeep S. Sidhu, and Colleen McVeigh (2016), “Hospital Advertising, Competition, and HCAHPS: Does It Pay to Advertise?” Health Services Research, forthcoming.
Darivemula, Shilpa, John W. Huppertz, and Elena Rosenbaum (2016). “Decreasing Wait Times in a Family Medicine Clinic – A Creative Approach.” Family Doctor: Journal of the New York State Academy of Family Physicians, 5 (1), 35-39.
Huppertz, John W. (2015), “The Effort Model Of Consumer Complaining Behavior: An Update And New Research Directions.” Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior, 27 (4), 2-5.
Huppertz, John W., and Robert Smith (2014), “The Value of Patients’ Handwritten Comments on HCAHPS Surveys.” Journal of Healthcare Management, 59 (1), 31-47.
Huppertz, John W., Martin Strosberg, Stacey Burns, and Imran Chaudhri (2014), “An Examination of the Uniqueness of Healthcare Management Using a Linguistic Analysis of Competency Models.” Journal of Health Administration Education, 31 (3), 197-214.
Huppertz, John W., Delon McAllister, Corinne Simisky, and Jonathan Wetzel (2011), “Rapid Testing of Marketplace Innovation: The Case of Health Information Exchange.” Journal of Health Administration Education, 29 (3), 315-324.
Carlson, Jay, John W. Huppertz, R. Alan Bowman, James Lambrinos, Martin A. Strosberg, and Natalia A. Kutzer (2011), "Volunteering Time Decisions: A Multi-factor Experimental Study," International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 16 (2), 150-165.

Huppertz, John W., and Jay P. Carlson (2010), “Consumers’ Use of HCAHPS Ratings and Word-of-Mouth in Hospital Choice,” Health Services Research, 45 (6), 1602-1613.

Morrisson, Olivier, and John W. Huppertz (2010), “External Equity, Loyalty Program Membership, and Service Recovery,” Journal of Services Marketing, 24 (3), 244-254.
Belasen, Alan T., and John W. Huppertz (2009), “Designing and Implementing a Mission-Driven, Student-Centered Assessment Program,” Journal of Health Administration Education, 26 (1), 5-26.
Mittal, Vikas, John W. Huppertz, and Adwait Khare (2008), “Customer Complaining: The Role of Tie Strength and Information Control,” Journal of Retailing, 84 (2), 195-204.
Huppertz, John W. (2008), “Predicting Health Plan Member Retention from Satisfaction Surveys: The Moderating Role of Intention and Complaint Voicing,” Health Marketing Quarterly, 25 (4), 383-404.
Carlson, Jay P., John W. Huppertz, and Presha E. Neidermeier (2008), “Price and Consumer Cost Responsibility Effects on Quality Perceptions and Price Negotiation Likelihood for Healthcare Services,” Health Marketing Quarterly, 25 (4), 303-328.
Huppertz, John W. (2007), “Firms’ Complaint Handling Policies and Consumer Complaint Voicing,” Journal of Consumer Marketing, 24 (7), 428-437.
Huppertz, John W. (2003), “Passion vs. Dispassion: The Role of Marketing Research at the Corporate Table,” Marketing Research, 15 (2), 16-21. Winner of the American Marketing Association Foundation David K. Hardin Award for Best Peer-Reviewed Article, 2004.
Huppertz, John W. (2003), “An Effort Model of First-Stage Complaining Behavior,” Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction, and Complaining Behavior, 16 (1), 132-144.
Huppertz, John W. (1978), “On the Possibility of the Existence and Measurement of Negative Inputs in Social Exchange,” Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 4, 469-472.
Huppertz, John W., Sidney J. Arenson, and Richard H. Evans (1978), “An Application of Equity Theory to Buyer-Seller Exchange Situations,” Journal of Marketing Research, 15 (2), 250-260.
Hall, Vernon C., John W. Huppertz, and Alan Levi (1977), “Attention and Achievement Exhibited by Middle- and Lower-Class Black and White Elementary School Boys,” Journal of Educational Psychology, 69 (2), 115-120.
Huppertz, John W., and Peter Otto. "Predicting Patient Satisfaction from Comments on Hospitals’ Social Media Pages: A Sentiment Analysis," Manuscript under review, 2016.
Huppertz, John W., George Y. Bizer, and Ashvin Zachariah. “The Relative Influence of Hospital Advertising and Clinical Quality in Patient Choice of Hospitals.” Manuscript in preparation.
Huppertz, John W., Elliott J. Feld, and Emily Su. “Hospital Advertising and Clinical Quality: Do Lower Quality Hospitals Advertise More or Less?” Manuscript in preparation.
Huppertz, John W., Samuel F. Hohmann, Mandeep S. Sidhu, David Leung, and Dennis McKenna. “The Role of Hospital Advertising in Domestic Medical Travel.” Research in progress.

Huppertz, John W. (2006), “Can Firms’ Actions Influence Complaint Voicing by Dissatisfied Customers?” in Marketing, Strategy, Economics, Operations and Human Resources: Insights on Service Activities, D. Bowen, B. Edvardsson, P. Eiglier, and D. Gremler (eds.), Aix en Provence, France: Institut D’Administration des Enterprises.
Huppertz, John W. (1983), “Reliability of Single-Item Measures in Consumer Telephone Surveys,” in Proceedings of the Division of Consumer Psychology, J. C. Anderson, ed. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.
Huppertz, John W. (1979), “Measuring Components of Equity in the Marketplace: Perceptions of Inputs and Outcomes by Satisfied and Dissatisfied Consumers,” in New Dimensions of Consumer Satisfaction and Complaining Behavior,” R. L. Day and H. Keith Hunt, eds. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University School of Business Press.

Belasen, Alan, Barry Eisenberg, and John W. Huppertz (2015), Mastering Leadership: A Vital Resource for Health Care Organizations. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Huppertz, John W. (2013). Foreword, Healthcare Marketing: A Case Study Approach, by L. W. Cellucci, C. W. Wiggins, and T. Farnsworth. Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press.

Huppertz, John W. (2016), “A Marketing Plan in Three Weeks: Students Use Their Marketing Competencies,” Paper presented at AUPHA Annual Meeting, Kansas City, Missouri.
Huppertz, John W., and Peter Otto (2015), “Predicting Patient Satisfaction from Comments on Hospitals’ Social Media Pages: A Linguistic Analysis,” Paper presented at the INFORMS Healthcare Conference, Nashville, Tennessee.
Hurley, David M., Danielle Stansky, John W. Huppertz, Dennis P. McKenna, and Mandeep S. Sidhu (2015), “Observation Unit Care: A Comparison of Specialized Cardiac Versus Generalized OU Design,” Poster presented at the International Academy of Cardiology Annual Scientific Sessions, 20th World Congress on Heart Disease, Vancouver, BC Canada.
Belasen, Alan, John W. Huppertz, and Barry Eisenberg (2014), “Strategies for Curricular Innovation: Perspectives from Two Different Schools,” Poster presented at AUPHA Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas.
Belasen, Alan, John W. Huppertz, and Barry Eisenberg (2013), “Middle Managers: The Unsung Heroes in Transforming Healthcare Organizations,” Poster presented at AUPHA Annual Meeting, Monterey, California.
Huppertz, John W., Stacey Burns, and Imran Chaudhri (2012), “How Unique Is Healthcare?” Poster presented at AUPHA Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Huppertz, John W. (2010), “How Do We Teach Speed? Evidence-Based Management in the Era of Rapid Innovation,” Poster presented at AUPHA Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon.
Huppertz, John W., and Alan Belasen (2010), “What to Assess When? Measuring Program Effectiveness through Students’ Long-Term Accomplishments,” Paper presented at the AUPHA Leaders Conference, Chicago, IL.

Huppertz, John W., Alan Belasen, Michael Matthias, and Mel Chudzik (2008), “Student Assessment and Outcome Management,” Paper presented at the AUPHA Leaders Conference, Chicago, IL.

Filerman, Gary L., and John W. Huppertz (2008), “Health System Pharmacy Leadership,” Symposium presented at AUPHA Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.
Morrisson, Olivier, and John W. Huppertz (2007), “The Effects of External Equity on Satisfaction with Service Recovery: The Moderating Role of Loyalty Program Membership,” Paper presented at the AMA Frontiers in Services Conference, San Francisco.
Huppertz, John W. (2003), “Service Failure, Recovery Failure, and Telling the Whole Wide World About It,” Paper presented at the AMA Frontiers in Services Marketing Conference, Washington, D.C.
Huppertz, John W. (2001), “Competitive Differentiation through Service Quality in

Bundled Product-Service Offerings,” Paper presented at the AMA Frontiers in Services Marketing Conference, Washington, D.C.
Huppertz, John W. (2000), “Measures of Satisfaction, Intention, and Complaining Behavior in Predicting Customer Retention or Defection,” Paper presented at the AMA Frontiers in Services Marketing Conference, Nashville, Tennessee.
Huppertz, John W. (1998), “Turning Customer Data into Marketing Strategy,” Paper presented at the Annual Conference on Healthcare Strategy and Marketing, Alliance for Healthcare Marketing, Orlando, Florida.
Huppertz, John W. (1981), “Equity Theory and Dissatisfied Consumers: An Analysis of Letters of Complaint,” Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the American Psychological Association, Los Angeles, California.
Huppertz, John W. (1980), “The Predictive Validity of Measures of Negative Inputs in Applied Settings,” Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the American Psychological Association, Montreal, Quebec.
Huppertz, John W. (1978), “Judgments of Inputs and Outcomes in Retail Exchange Situations by Satisfied and Dissatisfied Consumers,” paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.
Huppertz, John W. (1977), “Evaluations of Fairness and Preferences for Modes of Inequity Reduction in Retail Shopping Situations,” paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Boston, Massachusetts.
Healthcare Association of New York State (HANYS) and Cornell University Johnson School of Management, Healthcare Leadership Academy, Planning and Healthcare Marketing online seminars, 2011-present.
Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA) Northeast Chapter, “Healthcare Data Analytics: Applications and Illustrations,” 2014.
American Marketing Association, Capital Region, “Marketing ROI: Investment versus Expense,” 2011.
Panelist, Complementary and Alternative Medicine Forum, Albany, New York, 2012.

Editorial Board, Reviewer, Journal of Healthcare Administration Education.
Reviewer, Journal of Healthcare Management.
Reviewer, Journal for Healthcare Quality.
Reviewer, Patient Related Outcome Measures.
Member, American College of Healthcare Executives.
Finance Committee, Association of University Programs in Healthcare Administration (AUPHA).
MBA-Health advisor for Union/Albany Medical College MD-MBA students.
MBA-Health advisor for Union Albany College of Pharmacy PharmD-MBA students.
Chair, Personnel Committee, Union Graduate College.
Curriculum Committee, Union Graduate College.
Academic Committee, Union Graduate College.
Faculty advisor to the Union Graduate College Student Health Management Society.
President, Health Policy Consortium of the Capital Region, 2005-2007.
New York State Energy Research & Development Authority (NYSERDA) Technical Evaluation Panel Marketing Review Team, 2010.
Member, past chapter president, American Marketing Association.

M.Sc. Thesis Advisor, IESEG, Paris, Emilie Courmont, 2016.
M.Sc. Thesis Committee, IESEG, Lille, Camille LeClerc, 2016.
M.Sc. Thesis Committee, IESEG, Lille, Etienne Boschet, 2015.
Thesis Committee, Albany Medical College, MD Distinction in Research, Maria Battaglia, 2014.
Thesis Committee, Albany Medical College, MD Distinction in Research, Noah Joseph, 2015.
Thesis Committee, Albany Medical College, MD Distinction in Research, Ajay Major, 2016.
Thesis Committee, Albany Medical College, MD Distinction in Research, Aleena Paul, 2016.
Thesis Committee, Albany Medical College, MD Distinction in Research, Cara Zimmerman, 2016.
Thesis Committee, Albany Medical College, MD Distinction in Research, Jakob Moran, 2017.
External Examiner, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Ph.D. Dissertation by R. Ariffin, Psychosocial Characteristics of Consumer Complaining Behavior Towards Public Services in the Klang Valley, 2010.
External Examiner, Lincoln University, Christchurch, New Zealand. Ph.D. Dissertation by S. Hamid, Consumer Socialisation of Over-The-Counter Medicines: A Study of Adolescents in New Zealand and Malaysia, 2012.

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