An ontological model for learning objects and pedagogical identifier repository
Jeanine A. DeFalco, PhD
Amy Sommer, PhD
ABSTRACT: In the effort to standardize tools and methods for authoring content for generalizable tutoring systems, this paper will build on Koutsomitropoulos and Solomou’s (2017) design for implementing a learning ontology repository linking learning objects with thesauri datasets and sources, and propose a more comprehensive ontological model that would include a pedagogical repository of scenarios with pedagogical identifier codes (PIC) (Hadji, Choi, & Jemnim, 2012). These PICs would facilitate the search and retrieval of pedagogical scenarios that more closely align with Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy, allowing for learning designs that move beyond traditional objectivist theory of learning. This ontological model would streamline authoring of courses in tutoring systems by way of including machine-understandable semantic annotations assigned to Learning Objects in order to increase interoperability with other repositories, aid in the use of discovery and search tools for authoring courses, as well as provide a more flexible approach to activity sequencing and pedagogical designs that more fully capture the complexity of learning, reflected in a broader range of learning theories. This ontological model could also be used for more effective authoring of adaptable tutoring courses, allowing an adaptive system to be reflexive not merely on learner traits and prior knowledge, but to adaptively scaffold increasingly complex discriminate intelligence, or higher order thinking skills.
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