American Studies Pacing Calendar 2014-2015

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American Studies

Pacing Calendar 2014-2015

Social Studies Process Skills for Organizing and Analyzing Information

Resources, Websites and Activities

Process Standards: The student will demonstrate process skills in social studies. 

  1. Identify, analyze, and interpret primary and secondary sources and artifacts.

  2. Distinguish between fact and opinion in examining documentary sources

  3. Recognize and explain how different points of view have been influenced by social, political, economic, historic and geographic changes. 

  4. Construct timelines of key events, periods, and historically significant individuals.

  5. Explain the relationships between geography and the historical developments by using maps, graphs, charts, visual images, and computer-based technologies.

  6. Develop discussion, debate, and persuasive writing and speaking skills, focusing on enduring issues and demonstrating how divergent viewpoints have been and continue to be addressed and reconciled. 

Graphic Organizers

  • Interactive Graphic Organizers

  • Graphic Organizers Print Outs

Organizing and Analyzing Information

         Engaging Students with Primary Source Documents


         History Frames

         History Frame Form

         History Frame Pyramid

        Mind Maps

        Mind Maps History Examples

        Mind Map Examples for Geography

        Mind Map Forms

        One Sentence Summary

        One Sentence Summary Frames

        One Word Summary

        Power Thinking

        Power Thinking Chart

        Power Thinking Chart for Geography

        Prediction with Evidence

        Problem-Solution Chart

        Think Pair Share

        Three Minute Pause

        Three Minute Pause Chart

        Analyzing an Historic Event


        APPARTS for The Federalists Papers

        Dump and Clump

        Five Themes Analysis for Geography

       Five Themes Note-taking for Geography

        H Diagram


        Poem for Two Voices


        Venn Diagram

        Venn Variation

        Venn Diagram Alternative Forms

        Vocabulary Word Map

         Word Splash

         Word Walls
Writing Literacy:

        One Sentence Summary

        One Sentence Summary Frames

        One Word Summary

        Quick Writes


        Tweet It!

RAFT Writing

Exploring Constitutional Conflicts
District Social Studies Power Point Website
Power Point Palooza

  1. Use a variety of information delivery strategies as listed in the Common Correlation Chart and the District’s Skills for Success booklet.

  2. Primary Source Documents

  3. Foundations of Democracy series from Center for Civic Education

  4. We the People high school series from Center for Civic Education

  5. Websites

The Founders of the Constitution
100 Milestone Documents
The Annenberg Learner for History and Social Studies
The Online Library of Liberty
The American Presidency Project
Hippo Campus—Teaching with Digital Media
PBS—The American Experience
Ellis Island Immigration
Case Briefs
Landmark Supreme Court Cases
We the People - EDSITEment
American History--Gilder Lehrman
Chronology of US Historical Documents--OU College of Law
Primary Source Documents--Yale Law
Archiving Early America: Primary Source Documents
Primary Documents in American History -- Library of Congress
Constitution Center
National Archives
The Constitution Power Points
Digital History
Oklahoma Bar Association
The Bill of Rights Institute

  • Throughout each unit of study, teachers should make use of current events/topics so as to make connections with the content of the course (i.e. legislation, court cases, executive orders, etc).

  • Many of these suggested activities relate directly to History/Social Studies 11-12 R.2/4/6 and W.HST.2/2a/2b/10

First Quarter

August 19 – October 15

Topic: Political Culture

Instructional Time:

7 Days

Cur. pgs. 3-5

OC³ and Essential Questions


Suggested Resources and Activities

5.1 Distinguish between civic life and private life by defining civic virtue and explaining the individual’s duty and responsibility to participate in civic life by voting, serving on juries, volunteering within the community, running for office, serving on a political campaign, paying taxes for governmental services, and respecting lawful authority.

1.3 Summarize and explain how the American system is a representative republic in which the citizenry is sovereign.

3.1. Explain the concept of popular sovereignty as exercised by the nation’s people who possess the ultimate source of authority.

3.6 Evaluate the importance of the rule of law and on the sources, purposed, and functions of government, and explain how the rule of law provides for the protection of individual liberties, public order, management of conflict, and assurance of domestic and national security.

3.7 Analyze the United States government’s responsibility to protect minority rights while legitimizing majority rule including the rights of due process and equality under the law.

5.2 Analyze how the structures of government provide citizens opportunities to monitor and influence the actions of the government and hold elected officials accountable.

3.8 Cite specific textual and visual evidence and compare points of view regarding the shared values and ideals of American political culture as set forth in basic documents and speeches including the Declaration of Sentiments, Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, Franklin Roosevelt’s Four Freedoms speech, and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Letter From Birmingham Jail.

  1. Greeks: Socrates, Plato (Benevolent Dictatorship), Aristotle

  2. Roman Republic, Civic Virtue 5.1, 1.3

  3. Rights and responsibilities of citizenship 3.1, 3.6, 3.7

  • Immigration, naturalization, loss of citizenship 5.1

  • Voting (Qualifications & Behavior) 5.2

  • Jury duty

  • Rule of law

  • Evaluating performance of public officials (who, what, when, where, why, how)

  • Communicating with public officials

4. Speeches 3.8

  • Declaration of Sentiments

  • Gettysburg Address

  • Four Freedoms

  • Letter From Birmingham Jail

  • Questions for Analysis NEW


Chapter 22-Section 1
Chapter 1-Section 1
Chapter 21-Section 4
Chapter 6-Sections 2,4
We the People 33,34

Historical Documents, Pgs. 802-803

MLK Doc. Pg. 641

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