Anglais s5 cours 1

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Énoncé et situation d’énonciation

Énoncé : suite phonique ou graphique produite pas un énonciateur

Situation d’énonciation : conditions de production d’un énoncé

Énonciateur :

Temps d’énonciation :

Time : passé/présent/futur ≠ tense : temps grammatical

La relation prédicative

Couplage d’un sujet grammatical et d’un prédicat : S/P :

I must dash off to the gym now

I / dash ti the gym now

Prédicat : ce qui est dit du sujet « S » au moyen de la base verbale et de ses compléments/

IL y a autant de prédicats que de bases verbales

He closed the book get up and stood for a minute watching the play

P1 : He / close the book

P2 : he / get up

P3 : he / stand for a minute watching the play

P4 : he / coach the play

Le prédicat est la partie signifiante qui se place en avant

La prosodie

Rythme et intonation

- rythme : variation en durée et en intensité

- intonation : variation de hauteur des syllabes

La prosodie est porteuse de l’expression verbale de l’affectivité.

Selon la place de l’accent, cela renseigne sur :

- la nature grammaticale d’un mot (preSENT/PREsent)

- formes emphatiques/formes assertives ( I CAN see it/Ican see it)

- préposition/particules adverbiales (I’m waiting for the bus / What are you waintig

for ?)

- noms composés/groupes nominaux


Elle détermine :

- l’interrogation/simple constat :

It’s raining, isn’t it ? (ton descendant = constat)

It’s raining, isn’t it (ton montant = question)

- La phrase assertive/question

Discours prosodique (expression speech/discours atone (flat, tomeless)

Mélodies de base :

have you finish your homework ?

Intonation descendante : fall

Intonation montante : rise

Fall : assertion courante : he asked for the adress of a photograph

• Impératif : listen to me

• Question : What are you looking for ?

• Exclammation : What an interesting paper !

• Tags (fausse question) : lovely, isn’t it ?

Rise :

• questions fermées : Do you like apple ?

• Questions expressives : how is your mother ?

Accent d’intensité

3 règles principales :

- Règles du lion : terminaison d’un mot consonne + i + voyelle

Accent sur la syllabe précédant la 1ère consonne

Ex : A ‘’ttenion – hesi’’tation – ex’’ceptionnel, de‘’licious, ex’’perience

But : télévision

- Règle en _ie : mots terminés par _ic : _cat, _ically, _icism, _ics

Accent sur la syllabe précédent le _ic

Ex : do’’mestic, pla’’tonic, ‘’cristicism, antibi ‘’otic

But : politique

- Règle en _ity : mots terminés par _ity

Accent sur l’antépénultième (3ème syllabe à partir de la fin)

Ex : ha’’bility, ambi ‘’guity, co’’mmodity

Règle du lion Règle en _ic Règle en _ity


















Cours anglais n°2

Alphabet phonétique

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La phrase complexe


Une phrase complexe c’est l’intervention de plusieurs RP (relations prédicatives : couplage

sujet/prédicat (base verbale + complément éventuel))

• Différence entre phrase complexe et phrase composée

- phrase simple : 1 RP

Adults may become dorbiful ( ???) of their ability to learn a new language.

- Phrase composée : au moins 2RP juxtaposés ou coordonnés

After the funeral her brother appropriated their parent’s house and she took the car

har inhertame ( ?)

- Phrase complexe : au moins 2 RP dont une subordonnée

There is a critical period for learning a record language that shuts down around the

orset of puberty (cette seconde partie est dépendante de la première car seule, elle

ne veut rien dire).

- La phrase composée coordonnée : au moins 2 RP coordonnés (and, or, but..)

After the funeral her brother appropriated their parents’ house and she took the car

as her inhertames

They can run after the mouse and eat it.

Autonomie grammatical : 2 propositions autonomes

Solidarité sématique : 2 propositions liées par le sens

Solidarité syntaxique : 1 sujet, 2 propositions

- La phrase composée juxtaposée : au moins 2 RP juxtaposés ( : - ; ) autonomie

plus grande que 2 RP coordonnés.

1/Deux points :

(1) he had to scrap the game : safety work wat not finish

P1 P2

(2) What she meant was : I want you to be weak

P1 P2

Nature de la relation entre P1 et P2 :

(1) justificative : color means « because », P2 explique P1

(2) expansive : color means « explanation » P2 répond à l’attente de P1


He offered her a seat, lookek, through the prints, praised them and explained they

hadn’t the slightest chance of being published

Relation sémantique étroite entre les propositions = jusxtaposition de segments

mis sur 1 même plan. Association entre les différentes propositions.

3/ Point virgule (semi-color)

He was a good-looking man : he was at the peak of his scholarly career : he was

even feared by his colleagues.

E (énonciateur) regroupe les différents aspects de la personnalité de « he » création

d’un lien entre 3 caractéristiques de He. Le point virgule permet de regrouper

plusieurs propositions indépendantes sans les dissociations (par rapport au point)

Associations Dissociation

Virgule deux points point virgule point

La phrase composée

Tags – les énoncés qui englobent des questions tags sont aussi des phrases composées sans


You like them, don’t you ?

P1 P2

You don’t like them, do you ?

P1 P2

Le lien entre les 2 P est un miroir inversé. P1 annonce, P2 demande confirmation.

Structures corrélatives

Les structures corrélatives en « the more/the more » ,« the less/the less », « the more/the

less », « the less, the more » supposent une binarité obligatoire.

(1) The more you scratch, the more it itches

P1 P2

(2) the less hear about you, the better I feel

P1 P2

(1) augmentation corrélative marquée directement

(2) progression corrélative inversement proportionnelle.














Phrase complexe : proposition principale dans laquelle on a une proposition


Phrase simples, composées, complexes

- I.Q tests are traditionally viewed as a quantitative measure of a person’s

intelligence = simple

- Children who score very well as IQ tests are often tracked into programs for the

« gifted » while those ??? do very poorly are traded into « remedial » programs.

Complexe despite their prevalence, the true meaning and import of IQ tests are

subjects of some controversy in the fields of education, psychology and neurosciences

= simple

- Over the past year, the subjects of intelligence, a possible biological basis for

intelligence, and ways to improve intelligence have all received a significant amount

of media attention = simple

- This article is a short review of somme of these studies = simple

- There seem to be two man camps on the sbject of intelligence = complexe

- In one camp are the researchers aho not only support the concept of IQ as a measure

of intelligence, but also believe that there is a biological switch that govern this

intelligence such as a gene or some kind of brain chemical = relative donc complexe

- These reseachers also believe that IQ and this intelligence can be improved by external

means, such as through diefary supplements or specific learning exercices = complexe

- In the second camp are the researchers who reject the concept of a single definition of

intelligence and sufffest instead that human intelligence is too complex.

La phrase complexe : marqueurs de subordination

Conjonctions de subordination :

1/ Surbordonnants apparaissant seuls :

After, (al)though, as, because, before, if, once, since…

2/ Combinaison de plusieurs termes :

- terminés par that : in that, so that, such that, except that, in order that…

- terminés par that facultatif : now (that), provided (that), supposing (that), considering

(that), seeing (that)

- terminés par as : as far as, as long as, as soon as, so long as, so as…

- terminés par than : sooner than , rather than (au lieu de )

- autres : as if, even if, if only, as though, in case…

3/ Conjonctions corrélatives : combinaison de deux marqueurs, une conjonction dans la

subordonnée et un autre terme dans la proposition englobante.

If then ; although..yet/nevertheless ; as…so ; whether…or ; more/less..than as/so…that ; ; such…that ; no sooner… than

4/ Autres indicateurs de subordination

Marqueurs qui ne sont pas des conjonctions de subordination mais signalent un rapport de


- Termes en WH

a- Subordonnées interrogatives : I wander WHO it can be

b- Subordonnées exclamatives : I’m surprised HOW beautiful it turned out to be

c- Relatives : this is the man WHO came yesterday

- Relative en THAT

- The man that came yesterday

- The only one that is worth read

- Attention : THAT relatif et conjonction (he said that he would come back)

- Inversion sujet-auxiliaire

- propositions conditionnelles

- Had I known, I would never have come : if I had known

- Were it not for you : if it were not for you

- Absence de verbe conjugué

- Thinking it was too late, he decided to stay home : as he thought it was too late.

- Absence de signe de subordination :

- Conjonctives : he said he would not come : he said that…

- Relatives : he is the man I was telling you about : he is the man whom I was telling

you about.

Anglais L3 cours n°4

Human memory

A set of stories where to put information. A set of processes that act on stories.

3 differents stories :

- this sensory information storie

- the short-term store

- the long-temr store

3 processes

- encoding

- maintenance

- retrieval

�� Sensory informations store : ignored or paid attention to ignored, writtent over

If paid attention to, encoded to short term store

�� Short-term store : a mited storage capacity submitted to decay (from 12 to 30

seconds). Interference (new information displaces older information) mental rehearsal

(repeat the information subvocally) / elaboration rehearsal (se répéter le mot dans

notre tête).

Long-term store : large quantity of informations, maintains informations for very long periods

of time.






Info not attended to forgetting forgetting

Long term memory

Declarative Procedural

Semantic Episodic

Like riding a bike

Your last

birthday party

This target article discusses the verbal working memory system used in sentence

comprehension. We review the idea of working memory as a short duration system in which

small amounts of information are simultaneously stored and manipulated in the service of a

task and that syntactic processing in sentence comprehension requires such a storage and

computational system. We inquire whether the working memory system used in syntactic

processing is the same as that used in verbally mediated tasks involving conscious, controlled

processing. Various forms of evidence are considered: the relationship between individual

differences in working memory and individual differences in the efficiency of syntactic

processing; the effect of concurrent verbal memory load on syntactic processing; and

syntactic processing in patients with poor short term memory, poor working memory, or

aphasia. The experimental results suggest that the verbal working memory system specialized

for assigning the syntactic structure of a sentence and for using that structure in determining

sentence meaning is distinct from the working memory system that underlies the use of

sentence meaning to accomplish further functions. We present a theory of the components of

the verbal working memory system and suggestions as to its neural basis.

(si vous voulez le texte dans son intégralité, je l’ai trouvé ici :

En français :

Cet article discute/s’intéresse au système de mémoire de travail utilisé pour la compréhension

des phrases. Nous passons en revue l’idée que la mémoire de travail correspond à un système

de courte durée où une petite quantité d’informations est simultanément stockée et manipulée

/travaillée pour répondre à une tâche et que le traitement syntaxique de la compréhension de

phrase s’appuie sur un tel système de stockage.

On cherche à savoir si le système de mémoire de travail utilisé dans le traitement syntaxique

est le même que celui utilisé dans les tâches verbales impliquant des traitements conscients et

contrôlés. Les résultats expérimentaux suggèrent que le système de mémoire de travail verbal

spécialisé/attribué à la structure syntaxique d’une phrase… On présente une théorie des

composantes du système de mémoire de travail et des suggestions concernant les bases



- Proposition à verbe fini

- Proposition à verbe non fini

Verbe fini : le verbe dont la terminaison varie en fonction de la personne, du temps, du

nombre (she goes out every night)

Verbe non fini : teminaison est non révélatrice du temps ou de la personne (obstructing the

forr causes delay)

(rien compris !)


1. Infinitives en TO : some were forced tu work at night

Elles peuvent aussi être introduites pas « as if to, in order to, so as to »

2. Infinitives sans TO : as always he tried to help her sort things out

Elles peuvent aussi être introduites par « rather than ; sooner than »

3. Propositions en ING : standing there, she fixed him

4. Proposition en ED (participe passé) : embarrassed, she changed the subject

Elles peuvent aussi être introduites par when, althought

Le verbe non fini déclenche nécessairement une dépendance à une proposition à verbe fini.


1. les subordonnées relatives : jouent un rôle de complémentation : introduction par

WH, that ou rien

She is known as as processing scientist, the researcher who paved the way for further

experiments. Relative who paved the way for further experiments : expansion du

syntagme normal : « the researcher ».

2 types de relatives : restrictives et non restrictives (appositives) :

- restrictives : identification de l’antécédent permet de créer un sous groupe à l’intérieur

d’une classe de référents : those who don’t understand can ask questions (c’est une

idée ça !)

- appositives : apportent une information supplémentaire sans identifier l’antécédent :

this paper which was written by Delaene in 1997 is the first one to assess the neural

network in L2 moderate subjects : précision apportée après-coup, souvent mise entre


Type particulier : which : he never rang back, which rather surprised me : rupture intérative :

commentaire de l’énonciateur.



Amnesia is memomy less, generaly caused by a brain trauma. (amnesia due to psychological

trauma is less well documented)

- retrograde amnesia : less of memory of events prior to the trauma

- anterograde amnesia : less of memory for events occuring after the trauma (the

irability to form new memories)

HM and the study of anterograde amnesia :

- HM had bilateral temporal lobe epilepsy

- As treatment, he had a bilateral medial temporal lobectomy

- This cured his epilepsy but left him whith severe anterograde amnesia. He has been

unable to form new long term memories since the surgery.

HM’s anterograde amnesia :

- HM cannot form new memories of people or events : can’t remember his doctors/

can’t remember his testing sessions

- HM can remember (pretty much) his lige before the surgery : some mild loss for the 2

years prior surgery.

- Normal workinf memory (7+/-2)

- Basically, he got stuck in time, when he had his surgery 1953) : il est resté bloqué au

moment de son opération

However, it turns out that HM’s performance improves on tasks :

- miror drawing task : trace image while looking in mirror, this is hard to do/ HM’s

performance, improves or this task oven though he doesn’t remember over having

done it before.

Bases on HM’S symptoms : multiple memory systems. (en regardant ce qu’il se passait pour

lui, on a réussit à mettre en évidence plusieurs systèmes de mémoire) :

- explicite (déclarative) memory :

conscious / items be verbally expressed

- two systems : episodic (the even of our lives) / semantic (information about the world ;

the meaning of words)

- Implicite (procedural) memory : non conscious ; expressed by improved performance

or task.


2 types de comparaison :

1/ comparaison d’équivalence (=) ou de non équivalence (+/_)

John is AS gifted AS Peter (équivalence)

John is MORE gifted THAN Peter ( non équivalence +)

John is LESS gifted THAN Peter (non équivalence -)

2/ Comparaison de suffisance (enough/so) ou d’excès (too much)

He is gifted enough to succeed (suffisance)

He is too bright to fail (excès)

Subordonnés comparatives :

- un élément comparé : he is as gifted/ he is too bright

- un élément de comparaison : as Peter/to fail




Suffisance ENOUGH TO

Excès TOO TO

Exercices : trouvez le type de subordonnées :

- Children who score very weel on IQ tests are often tracked into programs for the gifted

(while those who do very poorly are tracked into remedial programs

- There seem to be two main camps on the subject of intelligence (P1 verbe non fini /

infinitive).In one camp are the researchers who not only support the concept of I.Q. as a

measure of intelligence, but also believe that there is a biological switch that governs this

intelligence, such as a gene or some kind of brain chemical (P1’ relative, restrictive).

These researchers also believe that I.Q., and thus intelligence, can be improved by

external means, such as through dietary supplements or specific learning exercises. (P1 et

en souligné P14 conjonctive)

In the second camp are the researchers who reject the concept of a single definition of

intelligence and suggest instead that human intelligence is too complex a mesh of qualities

which cannot be measured by a single score on a single test. These researchers also

believe that intelligence can be improved, but only by incorporating a much wider

definition of intelligence than is currently in place in our society. (P1 et en souligné P14

relative restricitive).

instead that human intelligence is too complex a mesh of qualities which cannot be

measured by a single score on a single test. These researchers also believe that intelligence

can be improved, but only by incorporating a much wider definition of intelligence than is

currently in place in our society. (P1 et en souligne P1’ conjonctive)

but only by incorporating a much wider definition of intelligence than is currently in place

in our society. (P2 comparative)



Etude fonctionnelle : s’intéresse aux propositions subordonnées

Fonctions syntaxiques : sujet/complément/attribut/adverbial

Sujet : althought acquiring the grammar of one’s first language does seem to be subject to a

critical period.

Complement :

- complément d’objet direct : I saw John

- Complément d’attribut : I bought John a nice sweat

- Complément propositionnel : its depends on John

- Complément d’adjectif : she was busy typing a lettre

Adverbial : complément circonstanciel

Renseigne sur la circonstance du procès : lieu, temps, manière…

Les conjonctions ont une valeur sémantique propre

TEMPS After, before, since, until, when, while, as soon as, once

LIEU Where, wherever

CONDITIONNELLE If, unless, provided that, so long as, on condition that

CONCESSIVE Thought, althought, while, whereas, even if, if, when

CAUSE Because, since, as, v-ing

BUT To, so as to, in order to, so that, on order that


COMPARAISON As if, as thought

ANGLAIS L3 COURS 7 (question sur le texte de Schaffausen)

a. he was living on his own

b. b ; he was paralysed

c. He experienced ans attack characterised by less of consciousness, muscles spams

ans rigiding (definition de l’épilepsie)

According to DR Scaville, epilepsy is due to :

a. the morphological asymetry of the hemispheres

b. electrical impulses located in the hippocampus areas

c. electrical impulses spreading throughout the whole brain

The hippocampus, the amygdala and the entorhinal and perihinal cortices are situated

a. in the cortex

b. in both temporal lobes

c. in the brainstem

How can you explain the plural « hippocampi » in « when he lost his hippocampi, Henry

became frozen in 1953 » ? (le pluriel de l’hippocampe)

Lashley’s experiments carried out on animals

a. fit in with the precise nature of henry’a amnesia

b. led him to conclude that biological study of memory is impossible

c. prove that rats and monkeys behave differently

Henry’s amnesia due to his surgery enabled researchers ti uderstand the role of hippocampus

a. in short-term memory

b. in long-term memory

c. in procedural memory

d. in long-term memory formation

HM can no longer

a. play tennis

b. store new pieces of informations

c. remember events prior to 1753

d. retain about seven pieces of information for about thirty seconds

Henry’s case allows researchers to hypothesize that the hippocampus is

unnecessary for the formation of long term memories

necessary for unconscious long-term skill memories

required for the formation of short-term memories

required for consolidation

Today, henry likes

listening to mystery shows

going ice-skating

watching detective shows

doing puzzles

Memory was largely studied befoe henry’s operation : true or false

Henry’s case is now confirmed by other simular cases : true or false

Henry has got lany friends : true or false

He can now live on his own : true or false


Key word : mental illness, procedure, ice pick lobotomy, emotion

On january 17, 1946 : psychobiologist nomed Freeman launched a radical new era in the

tratment of mental illness in the country.

SCRIPT 2 : si vous voulez écouter le texte, c’est là :

Howard dully’s story

a. How did he go to Washington ? by fly

b. where did he go in Washington ? G.W university

c. What did he want ? to see my files

d. What did he love to do ?

e. What did he find in his file ?

f. What was he must interested by ?

g. What did he want to understand ?

h. How did was he ?

i. Who want to see Dr Freeman ?

j. What happened to Howard ‘s nother ? How old was he then ?

k. What about the relationships between his stepmother (mère adoptive) and him ?

l. What did his stepmother want ?

H Dully s’est fait opérer par Freeman et veut comprendre ce qu’il s’est passé, il va donc

chercher son dossier médical.

m. how did Howard read when Freeman explained ti him what had happened

n. What did her stepmother decide to do ? Why ?

o. Can you explain the term « word of the stock » ? (pupille de la nation)

p. What questions have haunted thoward ?

q. Did Howard dare to speak to his father ?

r. What happened to his stepmother ?

s. What did Howard decide to do ?

t. What couldn’t howard believe ?

Toutes les réponses sont dans le texte n°4

Voca :

Deserve : mériter

Paper-route : ditribution de magazines dans les boîtes aux lettres

Make it stick : soyez ferme !

Thrust : enfoncé

Quiver : frémir

Pathways : route qui relie un endroit à un autre

Sever : couper = out off

Texte 1

This target article discusses the verbal working memory system used in sentence

comprehension. We review the idea of working memory as a short duration system in which

small amounts of information are simultaneously stored and manipulated in the service of a

task and that syntactic processing in sentence comprehension requires such a storage and

computational system. We inquire whether the working memory system used in syntactic

processing is the same as that used in verbally mediated tasks involving conscious, controlled

processing. Various forms of evidence are considered: the relationship between individual

differences in working memory and individual differences in the efficiency of syntactic

processing; the effect of concurrent verbal memory load on syntactic processing; and

syntactic processing in patients with poor short term memory, poor working memory, or

aphasia. The experimental results suggest that the verbal working memory system specialized

for assigning the syntactic structure of a sentence and for using that structure in determining

sentence meaning is distinct from the working memory system that underlies the use of

sentence meaning to accomplish further functions. We present a theory of the components of

the verbal working memory system and suggestions as to its neural basis.

Texte 2

I.Q. tests are traditionally viewed as a quantitative measure of a person's intelligence.

Children who score very well on I.Q. tests are often tracked into programs for the "gifted,"

while those who do very poorly are tracked into "remedial" programs. Despite their

prevalence, the true meaning and import of I.Q. tests are subjects of some controversy in the

fields of education, psychology, and neuroscience.

Over the past year, the subjects of intelligence, a possible biological basis for intelligence, and

ways to improve intelligence have all received a significant amount of media attention. This

article is a short review of some of these studies.

There seem to be two main camps on the subject of intelligence. In one camp are the

researchers who not only support the concept of I.Q. as a measure of intelligence, but also

believe that there is a biological switch that governs this intelligence, such as a gene or some

kind of brain chemical. These researchers also believe that I.Q., and thus intelligence, can be

improved by external means, such as through dietary supplements or specific learning


In the second camp are the researchers who reject the concept of a single definition of

intelligence and suggest instead that human intelligence is too complex a mesh of qualities

which cannot be measured by a single score on a single test. These researchers also believe

that intelligence can be improved, but only by incorporating a much wider definition of

intelligence than is currently in place in our society.

Let's start with some of the studies that fall into the first camp of opinion on I.Q as a measure

of intelligence.

In July 1999, researchers at the University of New Mexico announced a study linking levels

of two brain chemicals to performance on I.Q. tests.

William Brooks and his colleagues used brain-imaging techniques to measure levels of

choline and N-acetylasparate (NAA) in the brains of 26 healthy volunteers.

The researchers found that people with low levels of choline and high levels of NAA tended

to have the higher scores on I.Q. tests. The researchers suggested that a manipulation of the

levels of these brain chemicals, such as with dietary supplements, could increase I.Q. scores.

Methods for increasing I.Q. scores abound in the press and are also the focus of a number of

academic articles.

The well discussed and much publicized "Mozart effect" stems from a Wisconsin study that

suggests that listening to Mozart boosts IQ. Although a number of later studies suggest that

the effect may not be as powerful as originally thought, many preschools have instituted

programs such as "Mozart hour" to give their students the music's perceived benefits.

Popular dietary supplements such as gingko biloba and phosphatidylserine are advertised as

brain enhancement products that improve mental functions such as problem solving and

memory, although there is very little scientific evidence to support these claims. There is even

a firm out of Beverly Hills that offers a product called "Brain Gum". Their promise for the

product is encapsulated in their phone number: 1-888 "IQ BOOST".

In the field of child development, Linda Acredolo, a psychology professor at the University of

California, Davis, has found that babies who are taught sign language starting at the age of 11

months tend to have higher average IQs when they reach second grade than their peers who

were not taught sign language (scores were 114 for the sign language proficient, 102 for the


Behavioral experimentation on mice is a traditional tool for the study of gene manipulation on

intelligence. Last September, researchers at Princeton reported that genetically engineered

mice that over-express a particular form of the brain protein called the NMDA receptor

perform better at a number of behavioral tasks than normal mice. The researchers suggest that

this receptor could be a target for treating learning and memory disorders-this creation of a

mouse that performs well on memory tasks has been described as a possible first step in

making human beings "smarter".

One question should be considered: Does performance on I.Q. tests really tell us something

concrete about a person's intelligence? This leads us to the second camp of researchers-those

who argue that traditional I.Q. tests do not tell the whole story.

Howard Gardner, a professor of education at Harvard University, proposes the theory of

"multiple intelligences" in which there are at least eight different types of intelligence, all of

which must be taken into account when establishing a vision of a person's abilities and


Michael Howe, a psychology professor at Exeter University, has spent ten years studying the

development of high achievers, such as Mozart, Michael Faraday and Isaac Newton. In his

book Genius Explained, Howe argues that most "geniuses" don't have some ineffable quality

that promotes their intelligence above that of the general population. He argues that what

distinguished these admittedly remarkable people was incredible persistence and devotion to

their particular field of interest. Howe believes that sheer intelligence as measured by an I.Q.

test won't automatically lead to success without the added qualities of determination and


Another researcher, Dr. Ken Richardson, also argues that the idea of an I.Q. score is too strict

of a limit on the definition of intelligence. In his book The Making of Intelligence he suggests

that the idea of a single cause or kind of intelligence is not supported by our ever-increasing

understanding of the mind and its functions. His main idea is that intelligence is not a static

thing that is coded for us by our genes, but is instead a result of a dynamic interaction between

the mental process with which we represent the world and the culture in which we live.

According to Dr. Richardson, society has as much an influence on our intelligence as do our


Thomas Edison's famous definition of genius as 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration suggests

that intelligence is as much a product of nurture as it is of nature. However, it is the question

of the origin of that mysterious 1% that fuels much of the interest in I.Q. scores, memory

enhancing drugs, and mind-boosting music. Research results from the "smart mouse" and

from the New Mexico study on brain chemical levels suggest that there may in fact be a

biological quality, be it gene or chemical, that is the seat of that extra brain power that details

the difference between "smart" and "not-smart", "gifted" and "remedial". Researchers like

Gardner and Richardson argue instead that the brain is too plastic and complex for

intelligence to be limited by the actions of a single gene, chemical or concept of I.Q..

All of this intriguing research tells us that, just as in so many areas of science, more time and

study is necessary before we can hope to find a clear answer. In the end, the final answer to

the question of intelligence will most likely be a multi-layered vision of human potential that

combines all of these studies in biology, psychology and cultural context.

Texte 3

Is There a Critical Period for Learning a Foreign Language?

June 2000

by Lisa Chipongian

The Myth of Missed Opportunities

A popular misconception regarding second-language learning is that there is a window, or

critical period, for learning a second language that shuts down around the onset of puberty. In

his article, "Is There a 'Child Advantage' in Learning Foreign Languages?" Brad Marshall

points out the harm this misconception can cause. Adults may become doubtful of their ability

to learn a new language. Their teachers may become skeptical too, tending to "plod through

their classes feeling there is little hope of success." When it comes to learning a foreign

language, many believe that the adult brain is in "a state of shutdown" relative to the child's

"neurological state of readiness."

Early Foreign Language Instruction is "Not a Magical Tool"

In The Age Factor in Second Language Acquisition, David Singleton concedes that in secondlanguage

instruction, "younger = better in the long run." But this is a general rule with plenty

of exceptions. The exceptions include the 5 percent of adult bilinguals who master a second

language even though they begin learning it when they are well into adulthood, long after any

critical period has presumably come to a close.

Both research and the informal observations of those who are in daily contact with secondlanguage

learners suggest that an early start in a second language is neither a strictly

necessary nor a universally sufficient condition for the attainment of native-like proficiency.

Given the enormous variation in people's experience of second languages—even (or

especially!) in the classroom—this ought to be a truism.

As John T. Bruer, author of The Myth of the First Three Years, states: "One of the dangers of

the...emphasis on critical periods, is that it prompts us to pay too much attention to when

learning occurs and too little attention to how learning might best occur." Marshall agrees,

pointing out that learning a foreign language in elementary school—what most researchers

generally agree is the ideal time—is not a "magical tool for creating perfect second-language

speakers." Timing, in other words, is not everything.

Many assume that critical learning periods apply not only to second-language learning, but to

other school subjects, like math and reading. Such beliefs, writes Bruer, have "raised needless

concerns among educators." For instance, once a critical period is over, is "lost academic

ground" irrecoverable? Such concerns arise from a simplistic and over-generalized application

of critical periods to learning. The extreme view that children must learn a foreign language

"early or not at all" grows out of popular images of critical periods as closing abruptly, like

windows slamming shut.

Is There a Critical Period for Learning a Foreign Language? - Page 2

Foreign-Language Learning and Critical Periods

The question of whether or not there is a critical period for learning a foreign language is not

easily answered. But there is certainly no specific age at which the window of opportunity

closes completely. As with the visual system, the language system consists of several features,

and is not, as Singleton writes, a "monolith." Certain features of the language system may be

more related to distinct critical periods than others. According to Ellen Bialystok and Kenji

Hakuta, authors of In Other Words, "The controversy over the optimal age for learning a

second language really hinges on the acquisition of a subset of possible linguistic features and


The Grammar-Learning Window Never Completely Closes

Although acquiring the grammar of one's first language does seem to be subject to a critical

period which ends around puberty, the issue of whether or not there is also a critical period for

second-language grammar acquisition is more complex. In The Myth of the First Three Years,

Bruer does not state that there is a critical period for second-language grammar learning;

instead, he claims that there "may be some maturational constraints on second-language

grammar learning."

Bialystok and Hakuta complicate the response to whether or not there is an optimal age for

second-language grammar acquisition even further. They point out that learning some

linguistic features, like tense, seems to be affected by age; yet other linguistic structures, like

word order, "are resistant to any effect of the learner's age." In their book In Other Words,

Bialystok and Hakuta state that syntax "remains accessible throughout life, even though the

circumstances of our lives may muddy that access." Overall, "the amazing human ability to

learn grammar," they argue, "remains with us as long as we remain human."

Phonological Acquisition Is Age-Sensitive

Unlike grammar learning, second-language phonological acquisition is subject to a sensitive

period. The decline in "unaccented learning" of a foreign language is progressive, however,

and not characterized by a predictably abrupt change. According to a study by James Flege,

similar and not entirely novel sounds are the ones that are affected by age. In other words,

new sounds are easier to pronounce with native-like accuracy than sounds that are similar but

not identical to those found in one's first language.

According to Bruer, "we know almost nothing about the stages within the critical period for

phonological learning...." We do know, Bruer continues, that "the system remains plastic and

able to tune itself to a second phonology...until early in the second decade of life."

Vocabulary Learning Has No Critical Period

Of vocabulary acquisition in one's first language, Singleton writes, "there is no point at which

vocabulary acquisition can be predicted to cease." There is also, Singleton suggests, no

critical period for learning vocabulary in a second language.

According to the results of a study by Helen Neville using brain recordings, semantic

information seems to be processed in the same way by both speakers of English as a second

language and native English speakers throughout life. In The Myth of the First Three Years,

Bruer relates this consistency in how we acquire vocabulary throughout life to brain

maturation: "how we process vocabulary does not change with brain maturation, as one would

expect it would if it were a form of time-limited, experience-expectant learning. It seems

instead that the neural circuitry we need to process semantic information and learn vocabulary

comes on-line early in development and does not change as we mature."

Conclusion: "Younger = Better in the Long Run"

It may be that the image of a window slamming shut as an analogy for the effect of age on

one's ability to acquire a foreign language should be replaced by Bruer's analogy of a

reservoir that "gradually evaporates." This analogy suggests a progressive rather than abrupt

decline in ability over time. Regarding critical periods in second-language acquisition,

Bialystok and Hakuta suggest that the difference between child and adult learners is more

quantitative (or a matter of degree) than qualitative: "Overall...the evidence of a critical period

for acquiring a second language is, at best, confusing." Although the evidence, argue

Bialystok and Hakuta, indicates that the learning process is the same for both adults and

children, and that second-language learning is not necessarily subject to biological critical

periods, they do state that "on average, there is a continuous decline in ability with age."

Older beginners often show an initial advantage over younger beginners in learning a new

language; however, over time the younger beginners usually overtake the older beginners.

There seems then to be, according to Bialystok and Hakuta, a "tortoise-and-the-hare effect";

or as Singleton has put it, "younger = better in the long run." For this reason, we should by no

means discount the importance of learning a second language early. As Bruer states, "The

brain and early childhood literature is correct to emphasize that second-language learning is

increasingly important and that often American schools provide too little language instruction

too late."

What should be questioned or re-evaluated are the underlying assumptions that side-step the

issue of how best to teach foreign languages. The "age at which one first encounters a second

language," explains Singleton, "is only one of the many determinants of the ultimate level of

proficiency attained in that language." We must not neglect other considerations, including

what neuroscience is now telling us about how second languages might best be taught and


Texte 4

The Day His World Stood Still

by Joanna Schaffhausen

When twenty-seven year old Henry M. entered the hospital in 1953 for radical brain surgery

that was supposed to cure his epilepsy, he was hopeful that the procedure would change his

life for the better. Instead, it trapped him in a mental time warp where TV is always a new

invention and Truman is forever president. The removal of large sections of his temporal

lobes left Henry unable to form any new personal memories, but his tragic loss revolutionized

the field of psychology and made "H.M." the most-studied individual in the history of brain


Henry grew up outside of Hartford, Connecticut, and was by all accounts an amiable young

man with above average intelligence. He liked to go ice skating and to listen to mystery shows

on the radio, which he enjoyed because he could often deduce the villain ahead of the

program detective. Then on his sixteenth birthday, Henry had his first grand mal seizure

during a celebratory trip to the city with his parents. After that point, the paralyzing seizures

arrived with increasing frequency, until by the summer of 1953, he was experiencing as many

as eleven episodes per week. He was unable to hold a steady job, and his prospects for

independent living seemed dim. There were not many effective treatments available for

epilepsy in 1953, so it was with a mixture of hope and trepidation that Henry's family turned

to Dr. William Scoville and his experimental surgery.

The Day His World Stood Still - Page 2

The Fateful Surgery

The idea behind the surgery was simple. Seizures, as Scoville correctly reasoned, are caused

by uncontrolled electrical impulses that start in a localized area and then spread throughout

the rest of the brain. If one could remove the part of the brain where the seizures originated, it

should be possible to cure the epilepsy. Henry had the most common form of the disease,

called temporal lobe epilepsy, which meant that his seizures began in the tissue located on

either side of his brain. Dr. Scoville removed a large chunk of Henry's right and left temporal

lobes, which was a crucial decision because the brain is symmetrical and thus most important

structures are duplicated. Altogether, Henry lost about a fist-sized portion of his brain, which

encompassed (on both sides) the hippocampus, the amygdala, and the entorhinal and

perirhinal cortices. As it turns out, the hippocampus is crucial for memory storage. When he

lost his hippocampi, Henry became frozen in 1953, remembering very well the events before

his operation but unable to create any new memories. He describes the experience like this:

"Right now, I'm wondering, have I done or said anything amiss? You see, at this moment

everything looks clear to me, but what happened just before? That's what worries me. It's like

waking from a dream. I just don't remember."

What Henry Can Remember, And What He Cannot

At the time of Henry's surgery, the study of memory was mostly limited to philosophical

writings and introspective probing like the kind practiced by Sigmund Freud. In the 1930s,

Karl Lashley began a systematic quest to find the exact location of memory in the brain. He

taught rats and monkeys a variety of tasks, then destroyed a part of their brain, reasoning that

if the animals could not remember after the lesion, then he must have found the place where

memories reside. After years of frustration, Lashley concluded that nothing short of near

complete destruction of the brain caused the animals to forget their tasks, and it seemed that

biological study of memory was not possible.

Then word began to spread of patient H.M., who had very localized brain damage but extreme

memory deficits. Scientists were very interested in the precise nature of Henry's amnesia and

began a careful study of which parts of his memory had been erased by the surgery and which

parts remained intact. As noted before, he had good recall of facts learned before his

operation, meaning that his long-term memory was unharmed. Also, Henry was able to hold

information in storage for very short periods of time. Most people can retain about seven

pieces of information (a telephone number, for example) in memory for about thirty seconds,

and Henry scored normally on these kinds of tasks. Thus, his working memory (or scratchpad

memory) seemed unaffected by the loss of his hippocampus. The main problem for Henry

was converting short-term memories into permanent storage, a process called consolidation.

Based on the patterns of Henry's memory loss, researchers formed the following hypotheses

about memory formation:

1.) Short-term memories are biologically different from long-term memories because they do

not require the hippocampus for formation.

2.) Long-term memories are stored throughout the brain, but the hippocampus is necessary for

the information to reach long-term storage. Once the memory is permanently stored, however,

the hippocampus is no longer required. Said another way: the hippocampus is important for

long-term memory formation, but not for memory maintenance or retrieval.

This would explain why Henry can remember the events prior to his surgery but not store any

new memories afterward. Even with thousands of repetitions, he is unable to learn new facts.

His doctors must reintroduce themselves each morning, and Henry is never sure where he is

for very long. Yet even as they marvel at the extent of his memory loss, researchers have

found one other kind of memory task that Henry can perform normally: skill learning.

Often termed "procedural memory," skill learning is a kind of unconscious memory. You

might recall your tennis lessons very well, but when you hit the ball over the net, there is no

conscious awareness of each muscle group involved in the task. Your backhand is simply

automatic. For Henry, these kinds of motor skills are also automatic. He does not remember

learning them, but his performance improves over time. Learning to trace a star using a

reflection in the mirror, for example, is a task that most people do not do well the first time

they try it. But with practice, it becomes quite easy. Henry shows the same kind of

improvement on the star-tracing task, even though each time he tries it, he claims to have

never attempted it before. Thus, skill learning appears to be a special kind of long-memory

that does not require the hippocampus.

Henry Right Now

Study of Henry's case has led to some very seminal findings about memory. Specifically, it

seems that the hippocampus is required for the formation of conscious, long-term memories,

but not for unconscious, long-term skill memories or short-term recall. Perhaps even more

importantly, Henry has vividly illustrated that there is a biological basis for memory and that

it is possible to use biological techniques to study a subject as elusive as memory.

As for Henry's current status, he lives in a nursing home in Hartford and still travels

occasionally to MIT for memory testing. He enjoys doing crossword puzzles and watching

detective shows on television. His life is peaceful, if not completely happy. He worries often

that he has done something wrong, and it is not possible for him to make any real friends

since he cannot remember a person from ten minutes to the next. At times, he seems to have a

sense of humor about his condition, as in the following anecdote taken from his biography,

Memory's Ghost: The Strange Tale of Mr. M. and the Nature of Memory, by Philip Hilts:

When walking down the corridor at M.I.T. with Henry, Dr. Suzanne Corkin made the usual

kind of small talk. "Do you know where you are, Henry?"

Henry grinned. "Why, of course. I'm at M.I.T.!"

Dr. Corkin was a bit surprised. "How do you know that?"

Henry laughed. He pointed to a student nearby with a large M.I.T. emblazoned on his

sweatshirt. "Got ya that time!" Henry said.

Mainly, though, he leads a life of quiet confusion, never knowing exactly how old he is (he

guesses maybe thirty and is always surprised by his reflection in the mirror) and reliving his

grief over the death of his mother every time he hears about it. Though he does not recall his

operation, he knows that there is something wrong with his memory and has adopted a

philosophical stance on his problems: "It does get me upset, but I always say to myself, what

is to be is to be. That's the way I always figure it now."

Often, Henry will express the hope that others can learn from his unfortunate situation, as he

told Philip Hilts in an interview several years ago:

"Well, what I keep thinking is that possibly I had an operation. And somehow the memory is

gone...And I'm trying to figure it out...I think of it all the time. I don't remember this, and why

I don't remember that."

"Is that worrisome?" Hilts wanted to know.

"Well, it isn't worrisome in a way, to me, because I know that if they ever performed an

operation on me, they'd learn from it. It would help others."

Sadly, the very nature of his memory loss prevents Henry from ever knowing the incredible

contribution he has made to the field of psychology, but his tale stands as an important

prologue to the ongoing story of memory research. Long after Henry passes on, "H.M." will

be studied as the man whose unwitting sacrifice first vividly illustrated the important link

between memory and brain.
Langue et Affaires Anglais

Lecture 1 : Business organization in Britain and the USA.

1. Introduction : What is a business? - The 3 sectors of the economy - Business strategy.

The purpose of this lesson is to discuss the main business organizations of britain and america.

Brief definition of a business and give an overview of the 3 sectors of the economy.
What is a business ? : An organized effort to produce goods or services which can be supplied to satisfy the needs and wants of customers in exchange of a reward or payment which will give the producer or supplier an adequate return on his investment. There are many different types of businesses. Some are small local firms, others are large companies make trade internationally or nationally. Some may produce or sell goods whereas others provide a service. Some do both such as computer stores that offer advice and maintenance to customers. Some organizations are classified as businesses even though we may not think of them in this way. ( football clubs or charities ) Businesses exist for a purpose.

A business needs : funds. Finance is usually the hardest thing to obtain.

A business needs : customers and suppliers who provide many of the inputs such as raw materials.

Premises : ex : an office or a factory. Management and organization. A business may also need to protect its ideas or products through patents and copyright which make it illegal for other firms to copy directly the business idea or invention ; or by keeping new products secret until they are ready to launch ; by focussing on retaining key staff .

A business needs to have clear objectives. An objective is a target that a business sets itself. Difference between long and short term targets. The targets must be regularly reviewed so that the business can measure its progress. There are several objectives :

-Survive in the market ,

-Break-even = cover costs ,

-High motivation amongst its employees,

-Maximize profits,

-grow in size , export ,

-diversify and sell different products ,

-Make returns to shareholders ( actionnaires ) of limited companies.
2. Types of business.

Introduction : Public sector and private sector

A) Sole traders

B) Partnerships : The general partners . The sleeping partners . The salaried partner.

C) Limited company.

Introduction : Definition of a limited company.

- Private limited companies.

- Public limited companies.

D) Franchising

E) Types of businesses in America

F) Mergeers and acquisitions

G) Groups parent companies and subsidiaries.

H) Multinational and conglomerates

I) Blue chips


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