Announcement of funding opportunity

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NYS Education Department






To increase high school graduation rates of high need students and increase their participation in postsecondary education through a network of Early College High School Partnerships in New York State.

Project Description

Through the creation of Early College High Schools consisting of partnerships between Local Education Agencies (LEAs)1 and eligible institutions of higher education (IHEs)2, at risk, disadvantaged students in Grades 9-12, will be provided rigorous college courses which will be used to both receive college credit and to meet the high school graduation/Regents diploma requirements.

Eligible Applicants

LEAs (Public school districts and public charter schools, especially high needs schools)3, and
All public, private, proprietary and independent degree-granting colleges and universities (IHEs) whose programs are registered with the New York State Education Department.


Source: State of New York

Estimated Funds Available: $5,500,000

Estimated Number of Awards: 12-14 awards

Estimated Size of Awards: $200,000 to $450,000 over 3 years and 5 months, based on a regional distribution of funding.

Subcontracting Limit

Subcontracting will be limited to twenty-five percent (25%) of the annual contract budget. Subcontracting is defined as non-employee direct personal services and related incidental expenses, including travel.

The fiscal agent must provide at least 50% of direct program services. Services provided by any identified partners (LEAs and/or IHEs) are not subject to the 25% limitation. Only services provided by collaborators such as community-based organizations (CBOs) and local businesses will be subject to the 25% limitation.

Application Deadline

Submit one (1) original and four (4) copies and include the budget pages in a separate envelope marked “Do Not Open.” Applications must be postmarked or hand-delivered by January 28, 2011 and mailed to:

New York State Education Department

Contract Administration Unit

89 Washington Ave., Rm. EB505 W

Albany, NY 12110

Successful applicants will be informed by: Letter

Project Period:

April 1, 2011 – August 31, 2014

Planning year begins

April 1, 2011

2nd Cohort of Smart Scholars Students enter ECHS

September 2011

Bidders Conference by Webinar

The NYSED will host a Bidders Conference by Webinar on January 4, 2011 from 10AM – 12PM. Questions may be submitted prior to the Bidders Conference by December 30, 2010. To reserve a spot in the webinar, send an e-mail by December 30, 2010 to:, Subject: Bidders Webinar Reservation.

All interested bidders should consider attending this webinar. A brief presentation will be made, followed by a question and answer period. The webinar will be recorded and posted to by January 5, 2011.

Additional Information

Questions about this RFP should be sent to the e-mail address identified below. Questions must be received no later than January 6, 2011. Questions and Answers will be posted at by January 13, 2011.

SED Contacts


Evelyn Maclutsky


The State Education Department does not discriminate on the basis of age, color, religion, creed, disability, martial status, veteran status, national origin, race, gender, genetic predisposition or carrier status, or sexual orientation in its educational programs, services and activities. Portion of any publication designed for distribution can be made available in a variety of formats, including Braille, large print or audiotape, upon request. Inquiries regarding this policy of nondiscrimination should be directed to the Department’s Office for Diversity, Ethics, and Access, Room 530, Education Building, Albany, NY 12234.





Program Background
Through this Request for Proposal (RFP), the New York State Education Department (NYSED) seeks to identify Local Education Agencies (LEAs), especially those serving “high need” students in “high needs” schools and two and/or four year Institutions of Higher Education (IHEs) that are committed to the rigorous work required to redesign a number of high schools in partnerships with one another. Community-based organizations (CBOs) serving high need communities are also encouraged to participate in the Smart Scholars Early College High School (ECHS) program in support of the partnerships between the schools and the colleges, as are New York State local businesses. However, neither of these two types of organizations is eligible to apply as a lead or partner agency under this RFP.
Over a four-year period, which began in 2009 with private funding, it is anticipated that $12,000,000 will have been allocated for the completed ECHS program. The initial infusion of $6,000,000 in private funding supported 11 partnership ECHS schools and the technical support of the Intermediary for the first cohort of students.
For this RFP, the State Education Department (SED) anticipates an additional $6,000,000 in State funding to support a second cohort of Smart Scholars partnerships. A typical award may range from $200,000 to $450,000, to be disbursed over three years and five months (10% during the 5-month planning phase, 30% during each subsequent year). The amount of the award is contingent on a regional distribution of the funding based on the Regents Higher Education Regions (see Regional Distribution of Awards section) and the number of successful proposals within each region. Approximately twelve to fourteen (12-14) contracts will result from this RFP, with an expected start date of April 1, 2011 for a planning phase. The ECHSs will open with the second cohort of students in September 2011.
Of the total $6 million to be appropriated, $500,000 is reserved for the Intermediary. Each funded partnership is required to work with the statewide intermediary organization that will provide technical assistance to the developing Smart Scholars ECHS partnerships.
Each Smart Scholars ECHS partnership will be designed to provide an accelerated program of study in which students complete a high school diploma while earning at least 20 college credits. The state-wide purposes of the Smart Scholars Early College High School Program are to increase high school graduation rates and the number of students who complete a postsecondary credential or degree, especially among groups of students in high needs schools who traditionally attend college at disproportionately low rates. Bonus points will be awarded to proposals in which one of the ECHS partners is a high needs school, as noted the “Eligibility- Definitions” and “Technical Criteria” sections to follow.
Statewide Intermediary:

The intermediary will coordinate much of the work of the selected Smart Scholars ECHS partnerships, and will assist them in establishing successful high schools. The statewide intermediary will be a research and consulting organization that has demonstrated technical experience within an early college high school context and in the recruitment of highly qualified educators and personnel; can provide academic support related to college readiness; can guide curriculum development for both the IHE and the LEA; and possesses significant, documented skill in developing, implementing and evaluating educational assessment tools. The statewide intermediary will also promote best practices across the schools, coordinate statewide leadership and training opportunities, and will import and translate best practices from other states.

Program Purpose/Goal:
There are three critical objectives of the Smart Scholars Early College High School Program:

  • High need students in Grades 9-12, primarily from high needs schools, will be provided college courses which will be used to both receive college credit and to meet the high school graduation/Regents diploma requirements. A significant number of courses and activities should be conducted on the partnering IHEs campus, and to the extent practicable, to promote a college-going culture among the cohort of Smart Scholars.

  • High need students, who are at-risk, including those students with disabilities, may be identified as early as the 6th grade and will be provided additional academic and social support to ensure that, when they reach their 9th – 12th grade in high school, they are at grade level and ready to participate in rigorous collegiate courses offered in the Smart Scholars ECHS.

  • The Smart Scholars ECHS partnerships will ensure that these college courses are non-remedial, rigorous, use the same syllabi and are assessed by the same tools used for traditional students matriculated at the IHE.

The Smart Scholars Early College High School Program will target a number of ECHS and participating high need students determined by the number of applicants and successful awards. Funds will be used for each of the four (4) years the contracts are in effect for students who:

  • Have been identified as academically at-risk for not successfully completing high school or not succeeding in college

  • Belong to populations that have historically not had access to or success in higher education

  • May be identified as early as grade 6 to receive extensive support to achieve college-readiness by grade 9-12

  • Do not have the financial resources to fully fund an Associate or Baccalaureate degree without tuition assistance

  • Are in attendance at “high needs” schools that have been identified in the State’s accountability system in the definitions below.

Mandatory Requirements:
Applicants must certify that they agree to the following in order to participate in this grant opportunity:

  • Students will be able to earn a minimum of 20 college credits by the time they graduate from the ECHS.

  • College credits earned are transferable as defined in completed or “in development” articulation agreements between the LEA and the IHE. Signed Letters of Intent to establish articulation agreements are acceptable in lieu of a completed agreement. This need not be a separate agreement. The general Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) developed by applicants may also include an articulation component.

  • Smart Scholars ECHS Partnerships must identify strategies and/or collaborative endeavors designed to seek financial stability for the long-term operation of the Smart Scholars ECHS, beyond the life of the grant.

  • To implement a Smart Scholars Early College High School, executed MOUs, those “in development” or Letters of Intent establishing roles and responsibilities between the LEA and IHE must accompany the proposal.

  • The proposal must include the cost per pupil, which varies throughout the regions of the State. This cost must be used in developing the cost proposal (Budget, Form FS-10). See separate Attachment 1.

Meeting terms of Mandatory Requirements. Please sign the agreement found in Attachment 3 of this RFP document and return it in the application package along with the other required documents.

Eligibility- Definitions:

  • Eligible Local Education Agency (LEA): For the purposes of this RFP, an eligible LEA is a public high school or a public charter school. Preference will be given to schools classified as “high needs schools”, which include Schools under Registration Review (SURR), Persistently Lowest Achieving Schools (PLAS), and Schools in Improvement Status (SIIS). Listings of the 647 eligible high needs schools may be found at the following links:

  • Schools Under Registration Review ( )

  • Schools identified as Persistently Lowest Achieving (

  • Schools designated as Schools in Improvement Status (<<

  • Eligible Institution of Higher Education (IHE): An eligible IHE is a New York State, two- or four-year college or university that is:

  1. Recognized by the United States Department of Education (USDE),

  2. Accredited by an appropriate accrediting body, and

  3. Offers academic programs registered by the New York State Education Department, Office of College and University Evaluation,

  • Existing Early College High Schools: New York State has a number of existing early college high schools. The fiscal agent of the existing program is eligible to respond to this RFP. However, grant applications must propose new or expanded levels of service, including, but not limited to, the development of demonstration sites that communicate best practices, or an expansion in the number of students served. Furthermore, this RFP allows these schools to collaborate with community-based organizations and local businesses as applicable.

  • Eligible High Need Student Target Population: Eligible students are those who attend a high needs school as determined in the state’s accountability system and students who attend a non-high needs school that are English language learners, children of recent immigrants, first generation college goers or children with disabilities, or who qualify for the federal free or reduced-price lunch program.

  • Memorandum of Understanding (MOU): An MOU is a written document or agreement between the LEA and the IHE that delineates all roles and responsibilities to which the parties will commit in the contract resulting from this RFP. (See sample provided in Attachment 2. The sample is only a guide.)

  • Eligible Partnerships: An eligible partnership is defined through a signed MOU, MOU in development or Letter of Intent as a formal partnership between one or more local education agencies (LEAs), and one or more institutions of higher education (IHEs). Regional consortia are eligible to participate in the Smart Scholars ECHS program. An eligible partnership may also include as collaborators a local 501(c) 3 community-based organization (CBO) or a New York State business. However neither of these two types of entities is eligible to apply as a lead agency or partner under this RFP. Both CBOs and business are subject to the 25% subcontracting limitation.


  • Community-based organization (CBO): An eligible CBO will be a private non-profit 501(c)3 organization which is representative of a community or significant segments of a community and which provides educational or other related basic human services to individuals in the community. CBOs are encouraged to participate in Smart Scholars ECHS partnerships but cannot be an applicant to the RFP, since they are not authorized to award college credit in New York State.

  • Local businesses: A local business organization may collaborate with a Smart Scholars partnership to provide opportunities such as internships to an early college high school. As with the case for CBOs, these entities cannot be applicants for the RFP, because they are not authorized to award college credit in New York State.

Smart Scholars ECHS applicants/participants can form a partnership or consortium to apply for funds under GC #10-012. In order to do so, the partnership or consortium must meet the following requirements:
The partnership or consortium must designate one of the applicants/participants to serve as the applicant and fiscal agent for the grant. The applicant agency must be an eligible applicant as defined in this RFP. All other consortium members must be eligible participants as well, per the definition provided in this RFP (See Eligibility: Definitions). In the event a contract is awarded to a partnership/consortium, the contract will be prepared in the name of the applicant agency/fiscal agent, not the partnership/consortium, since the group may not be a legal entity.
The applicant agency/fiscal agent must meet the following requirements:

  1. Must receive and administer the grant funds and submit the required reports to account for the use of contract funds.

  1. Must require consortium partners to sign an agreement with the fiscal agent that specifically outlines all services each partner agrees to provide (See Eligibility: Definitions, and Attachment 2, Memorandum of Understanding.

  1. Must be an active member of the partnership/consortium.

  1. Cannot act as a flow-through for contract funds to pass to other recipients. NYSED has established 50% of direct services be provided by the fiscal agent for this grant program.

  1. Is PROHIBITED from sub-granting contract funds to other recipients. The fiscal agent is permitted to contract for services with other consortium partners, collaborators, or consultants to provide services that the fiscal agent cannot provide itself.

  1. Must be responsible for the performance of any services provided by the partners, consultants, or other organizations and must coordinate how each plan to participate will be accomplished.


Note:  All entities are required to go through the contract process.   Any agency that has not previously received funding with the State Education Department must complete and submit a Payee Information Form - Attachment 4).


Priority Activities That Can Earn Bonus Points:
The NYSED will give priority, by the assigning of bonus points, to proposals that include one or more of the following elements:

  • The partnership includes a high needs school. (See definition of “high needs schools” in Eligibility-Definitions section of this RFP.)

  • The curriculum includes a STEM or CTE focus.

STEM or CTE Focus:
This initiative recognizes the value of infusing a strong STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) or CTE (Career and Technical Education) focus throughout the ECHS curricula. The focus on STEM or CTE curricula will afford high need students with opportunities to prepare for and pursue high performance, high-growth jobs in critical areas of the State’s economy. Bonus points will be awarded to proposals that incorporate a STEM or CTE focus into their ECHS curriculum.

Location of ECHS:

The national Early College High School Initiative ( has found that the experience of attending classes and other activities on a college campus significantly contributes to developing students’ identity as college goers. They refer to this phenomenon as “the power of place”. NYSED encourages applicants to hold a significant number of classes and/or activities on the partner IHE campus. The Proposal Evaluation Rubric (Attachment 5) awards additional points if the ECHS is located on the college campus.


Allowable Activities and Costs:
The course of creating a new Smart Scholars ECHS generally evolves in two distinct phases: Pre-Opening and Implementation. Fundable activities in each phase of this process include:

  1. Pre-Opening Planning Phase

  • Hiring a Smart Scholars program director/leader/principal

  • Establishing a staffing plan and hiring staff

  • Developing a budget and business plan

  • Establishing a suitable site/facility for the school

  • Writing a detailed Memorandum of Understanding with the IHE, including transfer of earned credits to the IHE partner.

  • Engaging the LEA and IHE faculty and staff to design an aligned curriculum and standards and a sequence of courses that allow students to earn at least 20 college credits while completing high school and required Regents exams

  • Conducting outreach activities to and education of staff and families at middle and elementary schools

  • Conducting outreach activities to community-based organizations seeking support, and in recruiting students at risk of not completing high school or going on to postsecondary education

  • Planning student recruitment and selection criteria and strategies consistent with the goals of this initiative

  • Coordinating high school and college faculty, support services, calendars, and transportation and establishing on-going governance structures

  • Developing assessment tools and instruments under the guidance of the statewide intermediary. This will include a plan for using results of the assessment process to evaluate student college-readiness, student outcomes and program success, as well as improvements needed, and to refine the assessment model throughout the progressive development of the Smart Scholars ECHS

  • Developing a college going culture

  1. Implementation Phase: Successful partnerships serve their initial class of students, adding additional classes each year. Successful partnerships will provide:

  • Academic and social support services (e.g. counseling staff, advisors)

  • Support for college-high school partnership liaisons who oversee joint planning with the LEA and support the Smart Scholars Early College High School director’s/leader’s/principal’s coordination with the IHE

  • Data collection, sharing, reporting, and evaluation

  • Student recruitment and community education and engagement

  • Joint professional development for high school and college faculty

  • School design and planning team activities (e.g. curriculum development)

  • Travel and fees for relevant professional development opportunities, including partnership representatives’ meetings in Albany

  • College tuition, books, fees

Indirect Costs:

School Districts and NYC Department of Education – use the current restricted indirect cost rate. Charter Schools - Use the rate of 2.7%; however, schools may apply for a higher rate, up to 8%, by completing the FS-87-R forms which are available by contacting Grants Finance directly.

Colleges and Universities - These agencies continue to use an 8% rate.

If you have questions about indirect costs or the rates, please contact Grants Finance by emailing or calling (518) 474-4815.

Electronic Processing of Payments
In accordance with a directive dated January 22, 2010 by the Director of State Operations - Office of Taxpayer Accountability, all State agency contracts, grants, and purchase orders executed after February 28, 2010 shall contain a provision requiring that contractors and grantees accept electronic payments. Additional information and authorization forms are available at the State Comptroller’s website at

Vendor Responsibility

State law requires that the award of State contracts be made to responsible vendors. Before an award is made to a not-for-profit entity, a for-profit entity, a private college or university or a public entity not exempted by the Office of the State Comptroller, the Department must make an affirmative responsibility determination. The factors to be considered include: legal authority to do business in New York State; integrity; capacity- both organizational and financial; and previous performance. Before an award of $100,000 or greater can be made to a covered entity, the entity will be required to complete and submit a Vendor Responsibility Questionnaire. School districts, Charter Schools, BOCES, public colleges and universities, public libraries, and the Research Foundation for SUNY and CUNY are some of the exempt entities. For a complete list, see:

NYSED recommends that vendors file the required Vendor Responsibility Questionnaire online via the New York State VendRep System. However, vendors may choose to complete and submit a paper questionnaire. To enroll in and use the New York State VendRep System, see the VendRep System Instructions available at or go directly to the VendRep System online at For direct VendRep System user assistance, the Office of the State Comptroller’s Help Desk may be reached at 866-370-4672 or 518-408-4672 or by email at Vendors opting to file a paper questionnaire can obtain the appropriate questionnaire from the VendRep website or may contact NYSED or the Office of the State Comptroller’s Help Desk for a copy of the paper form.
Entities’ Responsibility:

Projects must operate under the jurisdiction of the local board of education or other appropriate governing body and are subject to at least the same degree of accountability as all other expenditures of the local agency. The local board of education or other appropriate governing body is responsible for the proper disbursement of, and accounting for, project funds. Written agency policy concerning wages, mileage and travel allowances, overtime compensation, or fringe benefits, as well as State rules pertaining to competitive bidding, safety regulations, and inventory control must be followed. Supporting or source documents are required for all grant related transactions entered into the local agency's recordkeeping system. Source documents that authorize the disbursement of grant funds consist of purchase orders, contracts, time & effort records, delivery receipts, vendor invoices, travel documentation and payment documents, including check stubs.

For additional information about grants, please refer to the Fiscal Guidelines for Federal and State Aided Grants.

Required Reports:


Recipients of multi-year discretionary grants must submit a mid-year and an annual performance report for each year funding has been approved in order to receive a continuation award.  The performance reports should demonstrate that substantial progress has been made toward meeting the project goals and the program performance indicators.  Additional information about these reports will be distributed to the successful bidders along with the initial contract documents.

Records Retention:


The following documents and supporting documentation must be retained for at least six years after the last payment was made unless otherwise required by specific program requirements: The original RFP application and other supporting documents that comprise the application package such as a Memorandum of Understanding or letters of support from participating collaborators/partners, budget category forms, budget summary forms, correspondence regarding the negotiation of budget expenditures, budget amendments, methodology for awards, progress reports, annual reports, and final expenditure forms/reports.  Additionally, audit or litigation will “freeze the clock” for records retention purposes until the issue is resolved. All records and documentation must be available for inspection by State Education Department officials or its representatives. Appendix “A, #10, Records”, presents additional information about records retention requirements.




Please adhere to the following instructions or your application will not be considered for review.

Required Signature(s)

The original signature of the Chief School Administrator/Officer must appear on the Application Cover Page and on the final sheet of the Cost Proposal, FS-10, both in BLUE INK.
Partnership Applicant(s) (if applicable)

Applicant information for all partner agencies must be provided. Please make multiple copies of the Application Cover Page to document all partner agencies.

Type of Applicant and Special Population (if applicable)

Please check the applicable box to denote the type of applicant. Also, check the appropriate box that applies to the special population to be served.

Number of Copies

Please submit one original and four (4) copies of the complete proposal to the address provided on the Application Cover Page.

Due Date

Applicants are responsible for making sure the application package is complete and sent so that the Department receives the package by the postmark due date of January 28, 2011.


Please use the Application Checklist to ensure that you send a complete application package. Incomplete applications will not be considered for review.
Page Limits and Standards:
You must limit the project narrative to no more than twenty-five (25) pages and use the following standards:
-A page is 8.5” x 11” (on one side only) with one-inch margins (top, bottom, and sides). Charts/tables are not required to adhere to this standard.
-Single space all text in the application narrative; double space between titles, headings, footnotes, quotations, references, and captions, as well as all text in charts, figures, and graphs.
-Use a Times Roman or Arial font in a 12-point size
We will reject any application if:

You apply these standards and exceed the page limit; or

You apply other standards and exceed the equivalent of the page limit.

Proposed Budget (FS-10)

The applicant must complete the FS-10 Budget Form and include a budget narrative for each category of expenditure that is required for the grant (Professional Salaries, Support Staff Salaries, Purchased Services, Supplies and Materials, Travel Expenses, Employee Benefits, Indirect Cost, BOCES Services, Minor Remodeling, and Equipment). The narrative should include sufficient detail to allow reviewers to understand what the funds will be used for and the relationship between the proposed expenditures and project activities and goals.

Information about the categories of expenditures, general information on allowable costs and applicable federal costs principles and administrative regulations are available in the Fiscal Guidelines for Federal and State Aided Grants (Refer to the Application Guidance for additional specific requirements and information about the allowable and non-allowable activities for the program.)
Each FS-10 budget should include the applicant name and the title of the grant. Although the grant award period is for three years and five months (April 1, 2011 to August 31, 2014), applicants should submit a FS-10 form for the initial project period – the planning phase of April 1, 2011 to August 31, 2011 – AND the first year of implementation – September 1, 2011 to August 31, 2012. The project years and funding amounts will be as follows:
Year 1 April 1, 2011 through August 31, 2011 (10% of grant award)

Year 2 September 1, 2011 through August 31, 2012 (30% of grant award)

Year 3 September 1, 2012 through August 31, 2013 (30% of grant award)

Year 4 September 1, 2013 through August 31, 2014 (30% of grant award)
Program office staff will review budgets and eliminate any items that are deemed non-allowable or inappropriate.  Any non-allowable and/or inappropriate expenditures will be subtracted from the grant budget and points will be deducted from the budget evaluation score. Applicants will not have the opportunity to revise their budgets for the full amount.

The totals from each of the FS-10 pages must correspond to amounts shown on the Budget Summary Page of the FS-10. Please be sure to check your math.
Only equipment items with a unit cost that equals or exceeds $5,000 should be included under Equipment, Code 20. Equipment items under $5,000 should be included under Supplies and Materials, Code 45.

An approved copy of the FS-10 will be returned by Grants Finance to the contact person at the address completed on page one. A window envelope will be used for the return mailing; please make sure that the contact information is accurate, legible, and confined to the address field. If any modifications are made to the Budget Category Forms, they will be returned to the contact person by the program office.

Cost Per Student Information

A separate Attachment 1 is included to report the estimated students served, the total program cost, and the cost per pupil. This form should be returned with the FS-10 Budget.
Regional Distribution of Awards

The distribution of available funds in each region will be based on the percentage of public high school students enrolled in each of the ten Regents Higher Education Regions, after setting a minimum four-year award amount at $200,000. This figure is based on an estimate of the minimum amount of funding needed to support the planning and implementation of an early college high school program over four years.

The maximum four-year award is $450,000 or the amount available in each Region, whichever is lower. Regions with the following percentages of students will be allotted funding as follows:

Regents Higher Education Regions

% of All Public High School Students in NYS

Funding Available for Total Grant Period

Funding for Planning Phase

Year 1


Funding for Implementation Phase

Years 2 – 4




$ 319,565

$ 31,957




$ 266,304

$ 26,630


Finger Lakes


$ 372,826



Hudson Valley


$ 692,391

$ 69,239


Long Island


$ 905,435

$ 90,544


Mohawk Valley


$ 200,000

$ 20,000





$ 197,065


North Country


$ 200,000

$ 20,000


Southern Tier


$ 200,000

$ 20,000




$ 372,826

$ 37,283







Note: Differences may result due to rounding
Review and Rating of Applications:


An application must receive a final average score of 53 points on the technical section of the proposal to be considered for funding. An explanation of the points assigned to items in the technical section of the proposal is provided in the Proposal Narrative section of this RFP. The Proposal Evaluation Rubric (Attachment 5) is also provided for your information. The scores of the two reviewers will be averaged to obtain the final average score. A third review will be performed if there is a difference of at least twenty points between the two scores. In cases where a third review is necessary, the three scores will be averaged to obtain the final average score.

Method of Award
The aggregate score of all the criteria listed will be calculated for each proposal received. In the event that more than one proposal obtains the same aggregate score and there are insufficient funds to award all proposals, the contract(s) will be awarded to the proposal(s) with the highest technical score(s) in section A. “Target Population and P-16 Partnership”.
Proposals will be ranked in accordance with the combined technical and cost score for all proposals receiving a minimum score of 53 points for the technical section. This minimum score is 70% of the available 75 points for this section (excluding the bonus points).

  1. Grant contracts will be fully funded and awards made to eligible bidders in rank order, from highest to lowest, within each of the ten Regents Higher Education Regions, based on the funds available for each region, as shown in the section Regional Distribution of Awards.

  1. If a bidder’s total requested award exceeds the remaining available allocation for their region, they may be partially funded at the regional level if the NYSED Program Officer deems the partial award would still allow the program to operate with fiscal viability.

  1. Any remaining regional allocations shall be pooled into a statewide allocation which will be distributed to remaining unfunded bidders in rank order of final score. A program may be partially funded at the State level if the NYSED Program Officer deems the partial award would still allow the program to operate with fiscal viability.

  1. In the event no bidder within a region submits an application or achieves the minimum score of 53 on the narrative, the State Education Department will allocate unspent funds from that region to unfunded eligible bidders in other regions of the State in rank order of highest scores.

5. Bidders who score below 53 points on the narrative section will not be eligible to receive an award.

Financial Criteria: Total Points Allowed (25)

The budget section of the proposal represents 25 points of the overall score and will be awarded points pursuant to a formula that uses the Best Value approach. This calculation will be computed by the Contract Administration Unit upon completion of the final narrative scoring by the New York State Education Department.

The submitted budget will be awarded points pursuant to a formula which awards the highest score of twenty-five (25) points to the budget that reflects the lowest cost per student. The remaining budgets will be awarded points based on a calculation that computes the relative difference of each proposal against the lowest cost per student budget submitted. The resulting percentage is then applied to the maximum point value of twenty-five (25) points.


The New York State Education Department reserves the right to reject all proposals received or cancel this RFP if it is in the best interest of the Department.

Contract Award Protest Procedures
Applicants who receive a notice of non-award may protest the NYSED award decision subject to the following:
1. The protest must be in writing and must contain specific factual and/or legal allegations setting forth the basis on which the protesting party challenges the contract award by NYSED.

2. The protest must be filed within ten (10) business days of receipt of the notice of non-award. The protest letter must be filed with:

NYS Education Department

Contract Administration Unit

89 Washington Avenue

Room 505W EB

Albany, NY 12234
3. The NYSED Contract Administration Unit (CAU) will convene a review team that will include at least one staff member from each of NYSED’s Office of Counsel, CAU, and the Program Office. The review team will review and consider the merits of the protest and will decide whether the protest is approved or denied. Counsel’s Office will provide the applicant with written notification of the review team’s decision within seven (7) business days of the receipt of the protest. The original protest and decision will be filed with OSC when the contract procurement record is submitted for approval and CAU will advise OSC that a protest was filed.

4. The NYSED Contract Administration Unit (CAU) may summarily deny a protest that fails to contain specific factual or legal allegations, or where the protest only raises issues of law that have already been decided by the courts.


 Please refer to the Application Instructions for detailed information about completing this page and the other required components of this application. 

 Agency Code
















Contact Person:      




City:                       Zip Code:      









Funding Requested:      

I hereby certify that I am the applicant’s chief school/administrative officer and that the information contained in this application is, to the best of my knowledge, complete and accurate. I further certify, to the best of my knowledge, that any ensuing program and activity will be conducted in accordance with all applicable Federal and State laws and regulations, application guidelines and instructions, Assurances, Certifications, Appendix A, and that the requested budget amounts are necessary for the implementation of this project.  It is understood by the applicant that this application constitutes an offer and, if accepted by the NYS Education Department or renegotiated to acceptance, will form a binding agreement. It is also understood by the applicant that immediate written notice will be provided to the grant program office if at any time the applicant learns that its certification was erroneous when submitted or has become erroneous by reason of changed circumstances.

Authorized Signature (in blue ink)


Title: Chief School/Administrative Officer

Typed Name:    






Submit an original and four [4] copies of the Completed Application,

postmarked or hand-delivered by January 28, 2011


New York State Education Department

Contract Administration Unit

89 Washington Ave., Rm. EB505 W

Albany, NY 12110


Applicant Name:      

Listed below are the required documents for a complete application package, in the order that they should appear. Use this checklist to ensure that your application submission is complete and in compliance with the Application Instructions.

Required Documents

Checked – Applicant

Checked – SED

Application Cover Pages (with original signatures in blue ink)

Completed Grant Application Checklist


Part One – Proposal Summary and Narrative

Part Two - Budget Category and Narrative Forms and Budget Summary Form (FS-10) and Attachment 1 Cost Per Student

Part Three – other submission documents-

Memorandum of Understanding (Attachment 2 is provided as an sample only)

Letters of Intent (for support from participating collaborators/partners)

Resumes of key staff (if available)

Signed Mandatory Requirements (Attachment 3)

Payee Information Form (Attachment 4 - for entities that have not previously received funding from the State Education Department)

SED Comments:

Has the applicant complied with the application instructions?  Yes  No
Reviewer: ____________________________________ Date: _____________



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