Annual Compliance Arrangements with Large Corporate Taxpayers

Table 1.2: Number of taxpayers with an ACA and those assessed as

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ANAO Report 2014-2015 05
Table 1.2:
Number of taxpayers with an ACA and those assessed as
potentially suitable for an ACA for the period, 2008–09 to
Taxpayers with an ACA
3 8 17 18 20 24 Taxpayers assessed as potentially suitable for an ACA
50 100 100 135 163 158 Source ATO.
1.11 Of those taxpayers with an ACA as at June 2014, 13 were fora single tax while 11 were for two or more taxes. Most of the ACAs in place relate to
GST (17 arrangements, with 12 for income tax, eight for FBT, two for excise, and one for PRRT. The number of taxpayers that have entered into ACAs, the number of taxes each covers and type of tax are set out in Figure 1.1.
Figure 1.1 Taxpayers with an ACA, by number of taxes covered and
type of tax
Source: ANAO analysis.
0 2
4 6
8 10 12 14 1 tax taxes taxes taxes
of taxpay
Number of taxes covered by ACA
0 2
4 6
8 10 12 14 16 18
GST Income tax
Excise PRRT
of A
ering tax

ANAO Report No 2014–15 Annual Compliance Arrangements with Large Corporate Taxpayers
1.12 The ATO considers ACAs to be the centrepiece of our efforts to build enhanced positive relations with large business’.
Voluntarily entering into an
ACA will preclude the taxpayer from being subject to the following alternative compliance approaches

pre‐lodgment compliance reviews—used to identify and assess large corporate taxpayers income tax risks in the pre and post‐lodgment periods

reportable tax position schedules—many large corporate taxpayers are required to disclose their more contestable and material income tax positions and key taxpayer reviews—piloted in 2013–14 for GST and excise, and implementation will be considered during the development of the
2014–15 Compliance Plan.
1.13 The ATO also has ongoing engagement with industry to further develop approaches to addressing tax risks that support its direction for managing tax compliance, asset out in the ATO’s 2020 vision.
The 2020 vision embraces the concept of real‐time engagement, with approaches tailored to the level of risk associated with different taxpayers and the effective allocation of the ATO’s resources. On this basis, the level of effort required by a taxpayer to meet their taxation and superannuation obligations would reflect their willingness to comply, asset out in Figure 1.2.
35 Speech by the then Commissioner of Taxation Anew dimension, delivered at the Corporate Tax Association Convention, Sydney, 12 May 2008. The ATO’s 2020 vision refers to the strategies and principles underpinning the ATO’s administration of the tax and superannuation systems in moving towards the year 2020 and a lighter or no touch experience for taxpayers.

ANAO Report No 2014–15 Annual Compliance Arrangements with Large Corporate Taxpayers
1.12 The ATO considers ACAs to be the centrepiece of our efforts to build enhanced positive relations with large business’.
Voluntarily entering into an
ACA will preclude the taxpayer from being subject to the following alternative compliance approaches

pre‐lodgment compliance reviews—used to identify and assess large corporate taxpayers income tax risks in the pre and post‐lodgment periods

reportable tax position schedules—many large corporate taxpayers are required to disclose their more contestable and material income tax positions and key taxpayer reviews—piloted in 2013–14 for GST and excise, and implementation will be considered during the development of the
2014–15 Compliance Plan.
1.13 The ATO also has ongoing engagement with industry to further develop approaches to addressing tax risks that support its direction for managing tax compliance, asset out in the ATO’s 2020 vision.
The 2020 vision embraces the concept of real‐time engagement, with approaches tailored to the level of risk associated with different taxpayers and the effective allocation of the ATO’s resources. On this basis, the level of effort required by a taxpayer to meet their taxation and superannuation obligations would reflect their willingness to comply, asset out in Figure 1.2.
35 Speech by the then Commissioner of Taxation Anew dimension, delivered at the Corporate Tax Association Convention, Sydney, 12 May 2008. The ATO’s 2020 vision refers to the strategies and principles underpinning the ATO’s administration of the tax and superannuation systems in moving towards the year 2020 and a lighter or no touch experience for taxpayers. Background and Context
ANAO Report No 2014–15 Annual Compliance Arrangements with Large Corporate Taxpayers

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