Annual Report Form Technology Dissemination of Virus-free Seed Potato Production using Hydroponic Production systems in Thailand Country: Thailand Principal Investigator

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Annual Report Form

Technology Dissemination of Virus-free Seed Potato

Production using Hydroponic Production systems in Thailand
Country: Thailand

Principal Investigator: Dr. Orathai Wongmetha

Organization: Chiang Mai Royal Agricultural Research Centre (CMRARC), Horticultural Research Institute (HRI), Department of Agriculture (DOA)

Project Duration: January 2017 - December 2019 (36 months)
1. Introduction:

Potato (Solanum tuberosum) is the third most important food crop in the world after rice and wheat. More than a billion people worldwide eat potato, and global total crop production exceeds 300 million metric tons. Potato is the important economic crop and an important in the north and northern part of Thailand because potato chip consumption is an increasing rapidly. The potato farmer income is 2,679-4,464 $US/hec (15,000-25,000 baht/rai). In 2016, total potato planting area is showed more than 7,011 hectare (43,818 rai) divided to 660.3 hec (4,126 rai) for consumption and 6,350.7 hec (39,692 rai) for processing. The total production is showed 142,303 tones divided to 12,543 tones for consumption and 129,760 tones for processing. The total yield is show 18,993.8 tones/hec (3,039 kg/rai) for consumption and 20,431.3 tones/hec (3,269 kg/rai) for processing. Only twice potato varieties are Spunta for consumption and Atlantic for processing. The potato cultivation divides to two groups. In cool and dry season, lowland area, the most potato is planted in November-December and harvested in February-March. For rainy season in highland area, potato cultivation is separated two stages such as planting in April-May, harvesting in July-August, and Planting in August-September, harvesting in October- November. The farmer can be defined as an agreement of the production and supply of agricultural products under contract farming with entrepreneur.

In the present, the consumer prefers potato chips for snack food. Two biggest companies such as Pepsi-Cola (Thai) Trading Co.,Ltd. (Frito Lays bands) and Berli Jucker Foods Limited (Testo brand) are produce potato processing (Chips) about 80% and 20% of whole market, respectively. The both entrepreneur required more Atlantic potato for processing and farmer also required basic seed production (G1) and certified seed production (G2-G3) to support them. ChiangMai Royal Agricultural Research Center (CMRARC), Horticulture Research Institute (HRI), Department of Agriculture (DOA), produced pre-basic seed (G0) and basic seed for farmer but it not adequate. Then, the entrepreneur of potato chip is imported certified seed for seed production and fresh potato seed for processing. However, the imported certified seeds are high unit cost and difficult for a management system. Farmers are stored low quality certified seed potato and the seed penetrated diseases such as virus, bacteria, late blight, scab etc. for planting. The local seeds that selected from farmer are stored low quality for planting in next season. Moreover, seed-borne virus is effect to the quantity and quality of potato, by reduce the total yield and also reduce the marketable quality. To reduce the infection rate of virus and diseases in seed potato by using tissue culture and bioreactor in potato plantlets, mother plant production in soil media and hydroponic, and minituber production under hydroponic (aeroponic) system, soil media and field. However, bioreactor culture, hydroponic (aeroponic) technique should be developed and widely used for high yield production, more easy, rapid, flexible, more security for the phytosanitary quality and at lesser cost through research and development. And, CMRARC transfer knowledge of technology to government officials, potato farmers/farmer association, students, and the public and private sectors through training demonstrations and supporting them on developing commercial scale.

Activities of the project will be done for 3 years (36 months). The goals of this project is to improve the quality and quantity of potato and stabilize the potato industry by assisting the technologies for virus-free seed potato. The purpose of this study to propagate potato plantlets cv. Atlantic by tissue culture technique in solid media or microtubers production by bioreactor and pre-basic seed production under hydroponic (aeroponic) system. Technical support for tissue culture, aeroponic culture and virus detection will be done.
2. Main Activities (1st year)

1) Location of experimental site

Location of experimental site:

Chiang Mai Royal Agricultural Research Centre (CMRARC), MaeWang, ChiangMai, Thailand.

The climate condition:

At 1,250 m above sea level, a cooler, dry season, lasts from November to February, with an average temperatures ranging from 13.9oC, 11.5 mm rain fall level and 84.3% relative. humidity (RH).

Time schedule

Activity and process

Year 1:

(Jan 2017-Dec 2017)

  1. Establishment and research of aseptic techniques (Jan-Apr 17)

- Prepare material for micropropagation plantlets. 

2. Induction and multiplication of shoots in vitro (May-Aug 17)

  • To find out the suitable medium for multiplication of potato shoots and roots for produce potato plantlet production form in vitro micropropagation technique. Including monitoring virus infection of plantlet.

3. Mother plant production in net house (Sep-Dec 17)

- Tissue plantlets are transplant to a tray, soil media in net-house. The Stem cutting of mother plant is transplant in aeroponic system in 30-45 days after planting. To find out the suitable fertilizer for produce mother plant in soil media. Including monitoring virus infection of mother plant.

Year 2:

(Jan 2018-Dec 2018)

4. Microtubers production in vitro (Jan-Apr 18)

- Potato plantlets are induce microtubers by using tissue culture method in solid media or bioreactor system in liquid media under aseptic condition in laboratory. In additional, to find out the suitable medium for microtuber production in both media.

5. Pre-basic seed production (G0)

5.1 G0 from stem cutting in Aero-ponic system (Jan-Apr 18)

- Stem cutting of tissue plantlet are inserted to a spongy in holes of form plastic sheets and connected with aeroponic system in net-house. To find out the suitable fertilizer or technique for minituber production in aeroponic system. Including monitoring virus infection of G0 production.

Time schedule

Activity and process

Year 2:

(Jan 2018-Dec 2018)

5.2 G0 from microtuber in vitro in soil media (Nov 18-Feb 19)

- Microtubers from in vitro are transplant to a tray, soil media in net house. To find out the suitable fertilizer or technique for G0 production. Including monitoring virus infection.

6. Basic seed production (G1) in the field (Nov 18-Feb 19)

- G1 production from G0 minituber in the research field or farmer field (field demonstration).

Year 3:

(Jan 2019-Dec 2019)

7. G1 and Certified seed production (G2) production in the field

7.1 G1 production in the field (Nov19-Feb 20)

G1 production from G0 microtuber in the research field. To find out the suitable technique for G1 production. Including monitoring virus infection.

7.2 G2 production in the field (Nov19-Feb 20)

G2 production from G1 minituber in the research field or farmer field (field demonstration). To find out the suitable technique for G2 production. Including monitoring virus infection.

Year 4:

(Jan 2020-Dec 2020)

 8. Potato production for processing (Nov19-Feb 20)

- Potato production for processing from G1 and G2 minituber in the research field or farmer field (field demonstration).

Occurrence and control of pests/disease:
Serious pests and diseases are likely to occur at every stage in the crop. As they can have a major economic impact they must be controlled.

Diseases/ Pests

Period of spray chemical (day after planting)

Prevention/ Control methods

Recommended pesticides

(/water 20 l.)

At planting


Stolon initiation

Tuber initiation

Tuber filling








- Late blight (Phytophthora infestans)

1. Cultivation measures: clean up overwintering field, deep plowing and crop rotation.

2. Mechanical and physical measures: apply light traps, remove infested plant and tuber.

3. Biological control: develop natural enemies, apply Trichoderma harzianum, Paecilomyces lilacinus. )1x10^6 sporangia/ml) etc.

4. Chemical control: use pesticide

- Mancozeb

- Metalaxyl

- Mancozeb + Metalaxyl

50 g.

30-50 g.

30-50 g.

- Early blight (Alternaria solani)

-Downy mildews

(Peronospora destructor (Berk.) Casp.)


- Azoxystrobin

- Cymoxanil +


5-10 ml.

5 ml.

50-60 g.

- Fusarium dry rot and wilt (Fusarium spp.)

- Mancozeb + Metalaxyl

- Metalaxyl-M+Mancozeb

30-50 g.
30-50 g.

- Stem rot (Sclerotium rolfsii)

- Stem canker and black scurf (Rhizoctonia solani)

- Bacterial wilt (Ralstonia solanacearum),

1. Cultivation measures: clean up overwintering field, deep plowing and crop rotation.

2. Mechanical and physical measures: apply light traps, remove infested leaves, stem and tuber.

3. Biological control: develop natural enemies, apply Trichoderma harzianum, Paecilomyces lilacinus )1x10^6 sporangia/ml) etc.

4. Chemical control: use pesticide control aphid

- Black leg and soft rot (Erwinia carotovora pv. carotovora and E. chrysanthemi)

- Ring rot (Clavibacter michiganensis pv. sepedonicum)

- Common scab (Streptomyces scabies)

- Mosaics (PVX, PVY, PYS) and Potato leaf roll virus (PLRV)

Diseases/ Pests

Period of spray chemical (day after planting)

Prevention/ Control methods

Recommended pesticides

(/water 20 l.)

At planting


Stolon initiation

Tuber initiation

Tuber filling








Root-knot nematode(Meloidogyne incognita (Kofoid & White) Chitwood)

1. Cultivation measures: clean up overwintering field, deep plowing and crop rotation.

2. Physical measures: remove infested plant and tuber.

3. Chemical control: use pesticide

- Dinotefuran
- Fipronil
- Carbofuran

5 g/plant (basal application)

5 g/plant (basal application)

10 g/plant (basal application)

- Aphid (Myzus persicae Sulzer and Ahis gossypii Glover)

1. Cultivation measures: clean up overwintering field, deep plowing and crop rotation.

2. Mechanical and physical measures: apply light traps, remove infested plant and tuber and egg mass, overwinter pupae, cocoons.

3. Biological control: develop natural enemies, apply BT, NPV, Beauveria bassian etc.

4. Chemical control: use pesticide

- Carbaryl

- Carbosulfan

- Imidacloprid

- Chlorpyrifos

50 ml.

50 ml.

30 ml.

30 ml.

- Thrips (Thrips palmi Karny, Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood)

- Potato tuber moth (Phthorimaea operculella Zeller)

- Cypermetthrin

- Abamectin

- Imidacloprid

- Cypermetthrin


30 ml.

30 ml.

30 ml.

30 ml.

- Leaf miner flies (Liriomyza brassicae Riley)

- Cutworm (Spodoptera exigua (Hubner), Spodoptera litura (Fabricius), Agrotis ipsilon (Hufnagel)

- Pathogen test

Facilities for molecular disease diagnosis in the experimental site:

Potato virus Glift-Kit and bacteria Glift-Kit are determined disease diagnosis. Potato late blight is diagnosed disease severity level by using CIP method.
2) Target cultivar for hydroponics

- Selection of suitable cultivar for seed-potato

Justification of selection:

Two biggest companies such as Pepsi-Cola (Thai) Trading Co.,Ltd. (Frito Lays bands) and Berli Jucker Foods Limited (Testo brand) are produce potato processing (Chips) about 80% and 20% of whole market, respectively. They are require Atlantic variety that suitable cultivar for seed potato production. Then, the farmer buy seed potato from the enterprise which they make contact farming together.

Characteristics of selected cultivar:

The characteristics of potato showed that early late maturity (90-120 days after planting), round shape, shallow eye, white flesh, light tan skin, consistently 4 to 9 cm diameter, the yield 15.175 tones/hec (2,428 kg/rai) and high solid gross >17.5%. Grade of seed potato production are showed in below.



Number of tuber (/kg)

Percentage of grade ratio



Number of tuber(/kg)

Percentage of grade ratio





< 5 g



< 20 g





5-10 g



20-40 g





10-20 g



40-60 g





>20 g



>60 g





Remark: G0 = Pre-basic seed production, G1 (1st Generation) = Basic seed production, G2 (2nd Generation) = Certified seed production, G3 (3rd Generation) = Certified seed production

- Virus-free seed-potato

Preparation of virus-free potato tissue

To reduce the infection rate of virus and diseases in seed potato by using tissue culture and bioreactor for produce plantlets, mother plant production in soil media and hydroponic, and mini-tuber production under hydroponic (aeroponic) system, soil media and field. The protocol of seed potato production are propagate plantlets by tissue culture and bioreactor in potato plantlets cv. Atlantic, mother plant production and minituber production under aeroponic system, soil media and field such as the following:

Pathogen free in vitro plantlets

Year 1

Net house

Temporary Immersion Bioreactor ; TIB

Mother plants production



Soil Media

Year 2


Tissue culture

Year 1

Year 1

Determine - Virus - bacteria - late blight

Net house

Stem cuttings production

Net house

Pre-basic seed production (G0)

Year 1/2

Net house

Field Seed production

Basic seed production (G1)

Year 2/3

Certified seed production (G2)

Year 4/5

Year 3/4

Potato production for processing

3) Seed-potato quality control & management

- Status of quality control in seed-potato in Thailand

  1. The DOA researcher chooses the suitable fields for growing seed potato crop.

  2. Soil preparation, deep plowing and suitable spacing of between rows of plants.

  3. The researcher inspects the fields during the growth season to check for late blight, virus, bacterial diseases, lack of water and other conditions of importance for the quality.

  4. Potato sample after harvest have been evaluated of specific gravity is not lower than 1.065 or gross solid is higher than 17.06 %, test for bacterial diseases in tuber.

  5. Classification of grading, tuber diseased, defects, tuber weight and size.

  6. Finally, seed potato are store at 4-5OC, 90-95% RH in cool chamber for break dormancy 3 months before distribution.

Disease detection system for health seed-potato production

  1. Late blight; procedure to detect late blight (Phytophthora infestans)

Late blight is serious fungal disease of potato in Thiland. The earliest symptoms of the disease are often present on lower leaves. They consist of small, pale to dark green spots that change into brown or black lesions, depending on the humidity of the air. Lesions begin frequently at leaf tips and margins. Under conditions of high humidity and cool temperatures, lesions expand rapidly in less than a week. The seed potato field is determined late blight severity level of leave and stem every 3-4 days until before harvesting 2 weeks. The method of assessing potato late blight in the field is according to International Potato Center (CIP).

CIP scale value

Blight (%)






- No late blight observed.



Traces < 5

- Late blight present. Maximum 10 lesions per plant.



5 < 15

-Plants look healthy, but lesions are easily seen at closer distance. Maximum foliage area affected by lesions or destroyed corresponds to no more than 20 leaflets.



15 < 35

- Late blight easily seen on most plants. About 25 % of foliage is covered with lesions or destroyed.



35 < 65

- Plot looks green; however, all plants are affected. Lower leaves are dead. About half the foliage area is destroyed.



65 < 85

- Plot looks green with brown flecks. About 75 % of each plant is affected. Leaves of the lower half of plants are destroyed.



85 < 95

- Plot neither predominantly green nor brown. Only top leaves are green. Many stems have large lesions.



95 < 100

- Plot is brown-colored. A few top leaves still have some green areas. Most stems have lesions or are dead.




- All leaves and stems dead.

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