Answer Key

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Answer Key

1. California
2. 3 3. 3 4. New York
5. Answers will vary
6. West
7. Washington D.C.
8. Florida because that state could go to either side and greatly influence the election.
Analyze the Electoral College Map:
Teacher Guide

Have students analyze the map first with only limited background – the map represents the number of electoral votes each state has. What patterns do the students notice?

Provide students with background on the Electoral College: After the election, there is more to do than count all the votes. That number gives us the popular vote, and just because a candidate has most of the popular vote doesn’t mean he or she won the election. There are electors who serve for each state. The number of electors depends on how many Congress Representatives the state has, and all states have two electors to represent the Senate seats. The electors vote for the president according to how the citizens of the state voted. The first candidate to reach 270 electoral votes wins the presidency.

Have students complete the worksheet. They will need a labeled copy of the
United States map to make comparisons.
The Teacher Couple
For single classroom use
Modified versions not for resale.

1. Which state has the most electoral votes? ________________________
2. What is the least number of votes a state can have? _____________
3. How many electoral votes does Wyoming have? _____________
4. Which state has 31 electoral votes? ___________________
5. What are three states that would give you a total of 30 electoral votes?
6. Which side of the United States is more densely populated? ________________
7. Which place on the map is not one of the 50 states but has electoral votes?
8. California typically votes Democratic, Texas typically votes Republican, and Florida is considered a swing state because it can vote either way. You are running for President, which state would you spend the most time and money campaigning in? Why?
The Teacher Couple
Analyze the Electoral College Map
Name _____________________ Date ________________

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