What is being said? 1 a turbid muddy, not clear b

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Please note: Off-the-page question answers will mostly vary too greatly, so answers are often not provided.

UNIT 1: Shark attack sparks warning

What is being said?


a turbid muddy, not clear

b congregated assembled, flocked together

c thrashing moving violently

d eternity a span of time without beginning or end

e anglers people who fish with a fishing rod or line

2 Three of the following:

i Greg Scott: Spokesman for Lifesaving Victoria

ii Daniel Guest: Mr Guest’s son

iii Bill Guest: Mr Guest brother

iv Senior Sergeant Greg Trew: policeman

v Ric Wilson: Shark expert


a False

b True

c False

d False

4 Mr Guest was snorkelling 30 metres off shore with his son at Port Kennedy. He disappeared in a swirl of blood. A witness who saw the shark estimated it was 4 to 5 metres long. So far all police have only found pieces of a wetsuit believed to have been his.

5 In 2005, Mr Guest told an anglers website forum he did not believe in killing sharks. He said, ‘They’ve got a right to be there and we’ve got a right to go there and there are risks associated with everything.’

6 There is no way of knowing which shark it would be.


a The unknown impact of dredging on the bay

b Suspected food shortage in the bay

8 Three of the following:

Ocean Grove to Cape Shanck, Phillip Island back beaches, Point Leo, Kilcunda and the southern end of Port Phillip Bay.

What does it mean?

9 Answers will vary but four possible questions include:

i To the spokesman for Lifesaving Victoria: How can we avoid shark attacks?

ii To Daniel Guest: Was your father aware of the dangers of diving?

iii To police: Can you tell us what happened?

iv To Ric Wilson: Is there a risk of shark attacks at Victorian beaches?

10 Answers will vary

UNIT 2: Is it right to keep animals in zoos?

What is being said?


a anaconda a large snake which kills its prey by constriction

b endangered animals and plants which are in danger of extinction

c conservation saving (conserving) animals and plants from extinction

d liberation freedom

e not-for profit organisation an organisation which does not run in order to make money

f habitat the natural locality of an animal or plant

g RSPCA The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals


i you can see animals close up

ii breeding programs for endangered species

iii helping injured or threatened animals

3 They were killed off by rats which escaped from a ship

4 It is threatened by a disease known as Devil Facial Tumour disease


i they lived far shorter lives than those in the wild

ii stress and lack of exercise were killing them


i some of the information came from the 1960s, when zoos were different from today

ii none of the zoos in the study were from Australia or the US


i the role zoos play in education

ii the role zoos play in conservation


i zoos are mainly interested in profit

ii zoo breeding programs only pick high-profile animals


i Jenny Gray says many animals would not exist if they were not born in zoos.

ii She also claims that zoos provide positive experiences for families.

What does it mean?

10 The article does begin and end with positive statements about zoos, which could give the impression that the writer thinks they have a role to play.

11 She sees zoos as giving families a way to open discussion on important issues. The experience of visiting a zoo is also a bonding experience for different generations.

UNIT 3: Hatchet

What is being said?


a stabiliser a device fitted to the tail of a plane to stabilise it

b elevator a device used to control the plane’s longitudinal inclination

c slam hit violently

d aluminium a lightweight silver-coloured metal

e skeleton framework of the plane

f hatchet a small axe

g experimental test to find out what happens

h triangular in the shape of a triangle

i frenzied mad, violent, frantic

j brace support

2 By pulling himself along the stabiliser and the elevator.

3 Because he should have known that nothing was easy where he was.

4 Because he was so angry and frustrated.

5 It moved when Brian hit it.

6 A skin over the skeleton of the plane.

7 To see if he could cut through the aluminium covering.

8 Four times.

9 Control cables going back to the tail of the plane.

10 He was bending a piece of aluminium away from the two braces when he dropped the hatchet.

11 The hatchet fell past Brian’s left foot and into the water.

What does it mean?

12 By losing the hatchet Brian had lost his means of making the fire, tools and weapons he needed to survive. He depended so much on the hatchet for survival that he thought he would no longer be a real person without it.

13 The last sentence may have been left standing alone because it is so important. The loss of the hatchet was all Brian could think about and he could hardly believe it.

UNIT 4: Your feel fabulous guide

What is being said?


a havoc damage or chaos

b hibernation remaining in a state of confusion or inactivity

c prioritise to put things in an order

d bitter sour and resentful

e mantra a word or phrase designed to make one focus

f complemented made full or complete

g retreats withdraws

h assertiveness being strong about your rights and needs

i wallow to roll about in

2 Envy, stress and shutting down or depression

3 His name is Dr Bob Montgomery and he is the Director of Communication, Australian Psychology Society

4 They are advised to eat healthy meals combining meat, complex carbohydrates and vegetables. They are also advised to drink herbal teas and ensure that they get plenty of vitamins, especially magnesium.

5 Wanting something that someone else has.

6 Exams and a family crisis.

7 Fish like salmon and tuna which contain Omega 3.

8 Low-fat dairy products.

9 He says it could be a warning sign of depression.

10 Any four of: ‘your best shot’, ‘sit on your arse’, ‘freaking out’, ‘I’m gonna nail this’, ‘reach for the grease’, ‘veggies’, ‘carbs’, ‘gonna’.

What does it mean?

11 They relate to our diet, exercise and the way we think.

12 They should find the subject matter interesting. The informal language should appeal to them and the layout makes it easy to identify the main points.

UNIT 5: Bon appetit

What is being said?


a bon appetit good appetite (French), enjoy your meal

b offal the intestines, heart, kidneys, liver etc. of an animal

c mutton the meat of a fully grown sheep

d suet the fat from the kidneys and loin of sheep and cattle, often used in boiled or baked puddings

e stock liquid basis for soups and other dishes, made by boiling meat, bones and vegetables

f lights the lungs of sheep and pigs

g sauté to fry quickly in a little fat

h absorbent able to take in or soak up

i simmer to cook gently just below boiling point

2 Rice paper.

3 One pound of mutton suet.

4 They need to be boiled and minced.

5 Half full.

6 The haggis should be boiled slowly for four to five hours.

7 Twelve people.

8 Lamb’s kidneys.

9 Two chicken stock cubes are required.


i remove the skin from the kidneys

ii cut the kidneys in half

iii remove any fat and tubes

iv soak in warm salted water for twenty minutes

v drain and dry on absorbent paper

11 This recipe requires two tablespoons of flour.

12 Four people.

What does it mean?

13 The stomach bag needs to be pricked all over before cooking to prevent bursting. If the bag bursts, this step may have been omitted or not done carefully enough.

14 The kidneys need to be simmered gently rather than boiled or they will become tough.

15 It will take approximately 40 minutes to prepare and cook the kidneys.

16 Kidneys Bordelaise would be the healthier alternative. It uses much less fat and also contains a little more in the way of vegetables and herbs.

17 In days gone by people needed to make economical use of all parts of an animal. Most people had much less money than families have today and offal was very cheap. It was also considered to be nutritious.

UNIT 6: Big Brothers, Big Sisters

What is being said?


a mentor a trusted advisor, a counsellor

b vulnerable able to be hurt, harmed or attacked

c volunteer a person who offers to help out or work for an organisation free of charge

d international of or belonging to more than one country

e enhance make something more attractive, increase its value

f vibrant lively

g scenarios possible scenes or situations

2 It is a program which provides friendship and fun by matching vulnerable young people (aged 7–17), with a volunteer adult who can be both a role model and a supportive friend.

3 It hopes to provide them with friendship and develop positive self-esteem, confidence and life direction.

4 One to four hours three or four times a month.

5 Any two of: a picnic at a park, cooking, playing simple sport

6 She had difficulties being accepted by her peers. She was teased

7 She knew of someone who was a ‘little sister ‘and then she used the internet to find out more information.

8 Her mother came across the organisation and thought it could benefit her

9 You need to have interviews, a police check, complete online training modules and an exam at the end of these. You then need to do group training including role plays and advice on expectations, guidelines and boundaries.

What does it mean?

10 They both experienced teasing at school and share a love of animals and the outdoors.

11 It suggests that she was different and ‘didn’t fit the mould’.

12 Answers will vary.

UNIT 7: School of hard frocks

What is being said?


a exclusive shutting out others

b generic identified by the name of a product, not a brand name

c logo a brand symbol

d endeavour try

e hand-me-down clothes which have been worn by someone previously

2 Up to six times more than generic uniforms.

3 The difference is $50.

4 Extras with logos can cost $1000 for some high schools and $500 for some primary schools.

5 Elaine Crowie is spokesperson for Parents Victoria.


i One student was told she could not attend the formal because she did not have the right shoes.

ii A parent had to fight the school to allow her child to have a different school bag.

7 Some schools have second-hand uniform shops and allow parents to buy generic items as long as they fit the school uniform code.

8 David Schmidt is manager of the State Schools Relief Fund.

9 The SSRF has spent $1.25 million in the last 2 years.

10 Yes, a 10 % jump in the demand for help.

11 The State Government helps parents through the $95 million School Start Bonus.

What does it mean?

12 The headline implies that the cost of school uniforms is a tough experience for parents.

13 Answers will vary

UNIT 8: Danny the Champion of the World

What is being said?


a poaching catching game or fish illegally

b pheasants long-tailed game birds

c aghast amazed, horrified

d splendiferous splendid, magnificent

e literally with no exaggeration, true to fact

f vermin any harmful or objectionable small animals

g stoats mammals of the weasel family of Europe

h weasels small flesh-eating mammals of Europe

i pot take a shot at something

2 He felt shocked.

3 In Hazell’s Wood.

4 He was taught by his own father, Danny’s grandfather.

5 Danny’s father said men poached because they enjoyed it and because they needed food for their families.

6 Times were bad for a lot of people in England. There was little work around and many people were starving.

7 He loved the excitement of poaching.

8 He said they had guns to shoot the vermin who go after the pheasants, but also so they could take a pot at the poachers.

What does it mean?

9 He was shocked because he couldn’t believe that his beloved father could be a thief.

10 His dad claimed that poachers only stole from rich people in order to feed their starving families.

11 Danny pointed out that no one was starving in their family.

12 You can tell how exciting he found poaching by the language he used, saying it was a ‘fabulous and exciting sport’ which ‘gets into your blood’, and also by his behaviour when he talked about it. For example, he leapt off the bunk and waved his mug in the air and tried to describe it vividly for Danny.

13 Danny was frightened that his father might get hurt.

14 They go at night because the keepers won’t be able to see them as easily and also because the birds will be roosting (asleep in the trees) and will be easier to catch.

15 They seem to be close. Danny loves his father and worries about him. Danny’s father trusts and confides in his son. They talk to one another.

UNIT 9: Medieval clothing in Japan

What is being said?


a medieval in the style of the Middle Ages (approximately AD 1000 to AD 1453)

b brocade rich fabric with a raised pattern created using gold or silver thread

c chrysanthemum a large colourful autumn flower, native to China

d transparent allowing light to pass through, so that objects on the other side may be seen

e samurai member of the Japanese military class in medieval times

f skewers long pins of wood or metal

g hemp a plant grown in Asia, made into a coarse cloth worn by the poor

h ramie a fabric made from the stems of a nettle plant, which is also called ramie

2 The kimono.

3 Very simply, the word kimono means ‘thing to wear’.

4 China.

5 The Nara period came first.

6 Ox-leather covered in brocade.

7 A silk kanmuri cap with a streamer on top.

8 A gold chrysanthemum-shaped flower.

9 Fine silk, either patterned or plain.

10 Kimonos or short belted tunics with either trousers or skirts. They were made from a rough woven fabric.

11 In the late twelfth century.

12 The warriors were called samurai.

13 Samurai armour was made of leather strengthened with iron plates covered in lacquer and joined with silk cords.

14 Bows and arrows, steel swords and skewers.

What does it mean?

15 Japanese women probably did this to display their wealth. Poor people couldn’t have afforded anything like this number of kimonos made from such rich fabrics.

16 The Emperor was able to wear slippers covered in brocade because he didn’t have to work. He wouldn’t have had to walk outside either. Emperors were carried on a litter (a seat or couch between poles) by their servants.

17 They probably wore this to make them look even fiercer and frighten their enemies. It probably made them feel braver, too.

UNIT 10: Power is money: cost efficiency is in your hands

What is being said?


a guzzling to consume greedily

b hard-pressed under economic pressure

c perishable things that will spoil or decay

d filament the electricity conductor in a light bulb

e wattage the watts (units of power) required to run an electrical device

2 About $100.

3 From $52 to $65 per month.

4 e) Both a) and c)

5 A gas hot water service.


a insulate the ceiling

b run the air conditioner between 22 and 26 degrees.

c close windows and blinds on hot days


a False

b True

c False

8 c) 75%

What does it mean?

9 It is that saving energy is not only good for the environment but also saves us money.

10 The normal expression is: ‘Money is power’. Changing it to ‘Power is money’ reminds us that our use of power costs us money.


a Install ceiling insulation.

b Turn off appliances at the switch.

UNIT 11: Surviving Sydney Cove

What is being said?


a Good Friday the Friday before Easter

b Royal Marine a sailor in the British Navy

c peering looking closely at something

d journal diary

e pines longs for something

2 Saturday 3rd April 1790

3 To read the Lord’s Prayer.

4 That she can read and write.

5 She and Sarah might be separated.

6 The writer was frightened because the words made her think of murderers and thieves.

7 Her broom.

8 Their garden.

9 A journal.

10 Winston Russell.

11 He wanted some vegetables for his sick sister, Emily.

12 She liked the touch of the paper and the smell of the leathery cover.

13 She had learnt to strike a hard bargain because she had survived a harsh life as a convict.

14 The exchange of two onions for the journal.

What does it mean?

15 He was so desperate that he would give anything for the cabbages in order to get some vegetables for his sick sister.

16 Because she had been longing to write a journal but had not been able to obtain any paper to write on.

17 In the new colony of Sydney Cove food was in short supply. Therefore, anyone who had access to food could control others who wanted it.

UNIT 12: Animal magnetism

What is being said?


a cheetah a very speedy member of the cat family from south-western Asia

b majestic stately, grand

c regal impressive, royal

d carnivore a flesh-eating animal

e bonded individuals united with one another

f hygienic clean, sanitary

g out of sorts feeling a little unwell

h precautions things done to prevent future trouble or danger

i to have had a good innings to have had a long life

2 Tigers, leopards, cheetahs and lions.

3 Because they are majestic and regal with lots of attitude and personality.

4 Three years.

5 Because they are classified as carnivores, just like the big cats.

6 6.40 am.

7 Chicken, beef, kangaroo and horse.

8 Twice a day.

9 3.00 pm.

10 She says there is no way to stay dry when it is cold and raining.

11 A white tiger.


i She is outside in the fresh air

ii She is working with animals

iii She learns something every day

What does it mean?

13 One keeper was responsible for each cub, and they looked after them for a long time (from four weeks to five months old). They bottle-fed them every four hours. They were like mothers and their babies.

14 The cats would be at their most ferocious at feeding time and would probably see the keepers as rivals for their food.

15 Because she is working with animals that are seen as very dangerous.

16 Chester ‘had a good innings’ because, although it was sad when he died, he had a long life for a tiger.

Directory: Secondary
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Secondary -> Chapter 9 Take Me Out to the Ball Game: Market Areas and the Urban Hierarchy A. Logistics
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