Ap computer Science Java wt Curriculum Essentials Document

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AP Computer Science Java wt

Curriculum Essentials




Boulder Valley School District

Department of CTEC

October 2011


AP Computer Science A is a one-year course introductory college course in computer science. This course emphasizes a foundation in computational thinking, an interdisciplinary method of scientific inquiry.

Because the design and implementation of computer programs to solve problems involve skills that are fundamental to the study of computer science, a large part of the course is built around the development of computer programs that correctly solve a given problem. These programs should be understandable, adaptable, and, when appropriate, reusable. At the same time, the design and implementation of computer programs is used as a context for introducing other important aspects of computer science, including the development and analysis of algorithms, the development and use of fundamental data structures, the study of standard algorithms and typical applications, and the use of logic and formal methods. In addition, the responsible use of these systems is an integral part of the course.

The goals of the AP Computer Science A course are comparable to those in the introductory course for computer science majors offered in college and university computer science departments. It is not expected, however, that all students in the AP Computer Science A course will major in computer science at the university level. The AP Computer Science A course is intended to serve both as an introductory course for computer science majors and as a course for people who will major in other disciplines that require significant involvement with technology. It is not a substitute for the usual college-preparatory mathematics courses.

The following goals apply to the AP Computer Science A course when interpreted within the context of the course.

Students should be able to:

  • Design and implement solutions to problems by writing, running, and debugging

  • Computer programs.

  • Use and implement commonly used algorithms and data structures.

  • Develop and select appropriate algorithms and data structures to solve problems.

  • Code fluently in an object-oriented paradigm using the programming language

  • Java. Students are expected to be familiar with and be able to use standard Java

  • Library classes from the AP Java subset.

  • Read and understand a large program consisting of several classes and interacting objects. Students should be able to read and understand a description of the design and development process leading to such a program. (An example of such a program is the AP Computer Science Case Study.)

  • Recognize the ethical and social implications of computer use.

Course Description
The AP Computer Science year long course prepares students for the AP Computer Science test. Topics include advanced coursework in data types, variables, and arithmetic; strings, arrays, graphics, methods and constructions, etc.

Students will also gain experience with object-oriented programming and project-based learning utilizing ideas of computer graphics and game programming and its application in building mathematical models that are of interest to scientists and engineers.

Topics at a Glance

Computational Thinking

* Classify problems as tractable, intractable, or computationally unsolvable.

* Evaluate algorithms by their efficiency, correctness, and clarity.

* Compare and contrast simple data structures and their uses (e.g., arrays and lists).

* Discuss the interpretation of binary sequences in a variety of forms (e.g., instructions, numbers, text, sound, image).

* Use models and simulations to help formulate, refine, and test scientific hypotheses.

* Analyze data and identify patterns through modeling and simulation.

* Decompose a problem by defining new functions and classes.

AP Java Programming

Data types, variables, arithmetic operations, streams and files, graphics, iterations, conditionals and OOP, algorithms, sorting algorithms and techniques, search algorithms, libraries and APIs, Iterations, String and other number classes, recursion, Exceptions and I/O, Single and Multi-Dimensional Arrays, Arraylists, Inheritance and Polymorphism, Number Systems, and other topics.

Computers & Communications Devices

* Discuss the impact of modifications on the functionality of application programs.

* Identify and describe hardware (e.g., physical layers, logic gates, chips, components).

* Demonstrate software life cycle process by participating on a project team.

* Evaluate programs written by others for readability and usability.
Community, Global, & Ethical Impacts

* Demonstrate ethical use of modern communication media and devices.

* Identify laws and regulations that impact the development and use of software.

* Analyze the impact of government regulation on privacy and security.

* Differentiate among open source, freeware, and proprietary software licenses and their applicability to different types of software.


  • AP CS Topic Assignments

  • AP CS Lab Assignments

  • Individual and Group Projects

  • Classroom Blogs / Forums

  • Selected Readings in Computer Science

  • Quizzes and Work Sheets

  • Exams

AP Computer Science with Java Overview
Prepared Graduates
The preschool through twelfth-grade concepts and skills that all students who complete the Colorado education system must master to ensure their success in a postsecondary and workforce setting.

  1. CTE Essential Skills: Academic Foundations

ESSK.01: Achieve additional academic knowledge and skills required to pursue the full range of career and postsecondary education opportunities within a career cluster.

Prepared Graduate Competencies in the CTE Essential Skills standard:

  • Complete required training, education, and certification to prepare for employment in a particular career field

  • Demonstrate language arts, mathematics, and scientific knowledge and skills required to pursue the full range of post-secondary and career opportunities

  1. CTE Essential Skills: Communications Standards

ESSK.02: Use oral and written communication skills in creating, expressing, and interrupting information and ideas, including technical terminology and information

Prepared Graduate Competencies in the CTE Essential Skills standard:

  • Select and employ appropriate reading and communication strategies to learn and use technical concepts and vocabulary in practice

  • Demonstrate use of concepts, strategies, and systems for obtaining and conveying ideas and information to enhance communication in the workplace

  1. CTE Essential Skills: Problem Solving and Critical Thinking

ESSK.03: Solve problems using critical thinking skills (analyze, synthesize, and evaluate) independently and in teams using creativity and innovation.

Prepared Graduate Competencies in the CTE Essential Skills standard:

  • Employ critical thinking skills independently and in teams to solve problems and make decisions

  • Employ critical thinking and interpersonal skills to resolve conflicts with staff and/or customers

  • Conduct technical research to gather information necessary for decision-making

  1. CTE Essential Skills: Safety, Health, and Environmental

ESSK.06: Understand the importance of health, safety, and environmental management systems in organizations and their importance to organizational performance and regulatory compliance

Prepared Graduate Competencies in the CTE Essential Skills standard:

  • Implement personal and jobsite safety rules and regulations to maintain safe and helpful working conditions and environment

  • Complete work tasks in accordance with employee rights and responsibilities and employers obligations to maintain workplace safety and health

  1. CTE Essential Skills: Leadership and Teamwork

ESSK.07: Use leadership and teamwork skills in collaborating with others to accomplish organizational goals and objectives

Prepared Graduate Competencies in the CTE Essential Skills standard:

  • Employ leadership skills to accomplish organizational skills and objectives

  1. CTE Essential Skills: Employability and Career Development

ESSK.09: Know and understand the importance of employability skills; explore, plan, and effectively manage careers; know and understand the importance of entrepreneurship skills

Prepared Graduate Competencies in the CTE Essential Skills standard:

  • Indentify and demonstrate positive work behaviors and personal qualities needed to be employable

  • Develop skills related to seeking and applying for employment to find and obtain a desired job


Colorado’s 21st Century Career & Technical Education Programs have evolved beyond the historic perception of vocational education. They are Colorado’s best kept secret for:
• Relevant & rigorous learning
• Raising achievement among all students
• Strengthening Colorado’s workforce & economy
Colorado Career & Technical Education serves more than 116,000 Colorado secondary students annually through 1,200 programs in 160 school districts, 270 High Schools, 8 Technical Centers, 16 Community Colleges & 3 Technical Colleges. One of every three Colorado high school students gains valuable experiences by their enrollment in these programs.
22-7-1005. Preschool through elementary and secondary education - aligned standards - adoption - revisions.
2(b): In developing the preschool through elementary and secondary education standards, the State Board shall also take into account any Career & Technical Education standards adopted by the State Board for Community Colleges and Occupational Education, created in Section 23-60-104, C.R.S., and, to the extent practicable, shall align the appropriate portions of the preschool through elementary and secondary education standards with the Career and Technical standards.
Beginning in the fall of 2008, the Colorado Community College System conducted an intensive standards review and alignment process that involved:
Colorado Career & Technical Education recently adopted the Career Cluster and Pathway Model endorsed by the United State Department of Education, Division of Adult and Technical Education. This model provided access to a national set of business and industry validated knowledge and skill statements for 16 of the 17 cluster areas. California and Ohio provided the comparative standards for the Energy cluster
• Based on this review Colorado CTE has moved from program-specific to Cluster & Pathway based standards and outcomes
• In addition, we arrived at fewer, higher, clearer and more transferrable standards, expectations and outcomes.

The review, benchmarking and adjusting of the Colorado Cluster and Pathway standards, expectations and outcomes was through the dedicated work of Content Teams comprised of secondary and postsecondary faculty from across the state. Participation by instructors from each level ensured competency alignment between secondary and postsecondary programs. These individuals also proposed the draft academic alignments for math, science reading, writing and communication, social studies (including Personal Financial Literacy) and post secondary and workforce readiness (PWR.)

In order to validate the alignment of the academic standards to the Career & Technical Education standards, subject matter experts in math, science, reading, writing and communication, and social studies were partnered with career & technical educators to determine if and when a true alignment existed.
• One set of aligned Essential skills to drive Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness inclusion in all Career & Technical Education programs.
• 52 pathways with validated academic alignments
• 12 pathways with revised standards ready for alignment (currently there are no approved programs in these pathways)
• 21 pathways where no secondary programming currently exists. Standards and alignments will be developed as programs emerge.
• Available for review at: www.coloradostateplan.com/content_standards.htm
Colorado Career & Technical Education Standards Academic Alignment Reference System
The Career & Technical Education standards have been organized by Career Cluster (17) and Pathway (81). In addition, a set of “Essential Skills” was developed to ensure the Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness within any cluster or pathway. These workforce readiness skills are applicable to all career clusters and should form the basis of each CTE program.
Essential Skills

There exists a common set of knowledge and skills that are applicable to all students regardless of which cluster or pathway they choose. This set of standards, is meant for inclusion in each program to enhance the development of postsecondary and workforce readiness skills.

Career Cluster

A Career Cluster is a grouping of occupations and broad industries based on commonalities. The 17 Career Clusters organize academic and occupational knowledge and skills into a coherent course sequence and identify pathways from secondary schools to two- and four-year colleges, graduate schools, and the workplace. Students learn in school about what they can do in the future. This connection to future goals motivates students to work harder and enroll in more rigorous courses.

Career Pathway

Pathways are sub-groupings of occupations/career specialties used as an organizing tool for curriculum design and instruction. Occupations/career specialties are grouped into Pathways based on the fact that they require a set of common knowledge and skills for career success.

Prepared Completer Competency

This level targets the “big ideas” in each pathway. These are the competencies that all students who complete a CTE pathway must master to ensure their success in a postsecondary and workforce setting. Prepared Completer Competencies will not usually be “course” specific but grow with the student’s progression through the sequence of courses.


The articulation of the concepts and skills that indicates a student is making progress toward being a prepared completer. They answer the question: What do students need to know and be able to do?

Evidence Outcome

The indication that a student is meeting an expectation at the mastery level. How do we know that a student can do it? Pathway Abbreviation (4 Letter)

Academic Alignments
Academic alignments, where appropriate in Math, Reading, Writing and Communication, Science and Social Studies (including Personal Financial Literacy) were defined by CTE and academic subject matter experts using the following criteria:
• It was a point where technical and academic content naturally collided;
• The student must demonstrate adequate proficiency with the academic standard to perform the technical skill; and
• It could be assessed for both academic and technical understanding.
Colorado’s CTE programs have had academic alignments dating back to the early 1990’s. While these alignments resulted in an increase in academic focus in CTE programs, the reality is that a true transformation in intentional teaching toward the academic standard was limited.
With these alignments comes a new expectation: If a CTE instructor is teaching a CTE concept that has an identified alignment, they must also be intentional about their instruction of the academic standard. CCCS will be providing professional development and instructional resources to assist with the successful implementation of this new expectation. In addition, this expanded expectation will require increased collaboration between CTE and academic instructors to transform teaching and learning throughout each school.
For each set of Cluster and Pathway standards, the academic alignments have been included and are separated by academic area. CCCS chose to align at the “Evidence Outcome” level. The aligned academic evidence outcome follows the CTE evidence outcome to which it has been aligned. For a sample, see Illustration A.

The academic standard number used in the alignments matches the Colorado Department of Education standards numbering convention.


Identify and analyze customer software needs and requirements

to guide programming and software development.


Gather data to identify customer requirements.


Gather information using interviewing and questioning techniques and strategies.


Identify input and output requirements.


Identify system processing requirements.


Conduct requirements analysis.


Define the issue or opportunity to be solved by the application.


Identify and assess the potential importance and impact

of new IT technologies.


Identify new technologies and data communication trends

relevant to information technology.


Assess the importance of new technologies to future developments.


Understand the importance of testing new technologies

before implementation to customers.


Design a software application using the software development process

to deliver a product to the customer.


Utilize software development processes and methodology.


Demonstrate Problem analysis for a given software problem.


Understand the Systems Development Life Cycle.


Create design specifications of a computer application.


Design a software application that meets the requirements

of the given problem.


Analyze and prepare logic using pseudocode and/or

program flowchart.


Demonstrate the use of current design tools in the design process.


Produce (code) a computer application to demonstrate proficiency

in developing an application using the appropriate programming language.


Demonstrate proficiency of programming language concepts.


Demonstrate knowledge of the hardware-software connections.


Demonstrate knowledge of the concepts of data and

procedural representations.


Demonstrate knowledge of the basic principles for analyzing

a programming program.


Demonstrate knowledge of the basics of structured or

object-oriented language.


Demonstrate knowledge of the range of languages used

in software development.


Demonstrate knowledge of how a programming language

can support multitasking, multithreading, memory management

and exception-handling.


Demonstrate proficiency in developing an application using

an appropriate programming language.


Demonstrate knowledge of current key programming languages

and the Interactive Development Environment (IDE) they are used in.


Translate data structure and program design into code in

an appropriate language.


Demonstrate knowledge of key constructs and commands

specific to a language.


Demonstrate knowledge of how to resolve program implementation

issues (e.g., debugging, documentation, auditing).


Prepare code documentation.


Prepare and conduct unit testing and implement fixes.


Implement software testing procedures and quality assurance tasks

to ensure quality service and products.


Develop a test plan and perform testing and validation.


Define test procedures using new or established procedures

for testing, indentifying, and tracking resolutions.


Develop and perform test cases using requirements and

design specifications.


Summarize software quality assurance procedures.


Validate internal code documentation.


Recognize the relationship between dependability, functionality,

and ease of use.


Perform maintenance and customer support functions to maintain

software applications.


Analyze and perform technical support needs.


Perform technical functions as required by the user.

Academic Vocabulary for - D78 AP Computer Science Java (Weighted)

General CS Vocabulary

Adapted from: http://quizlet.com


Enables users to perform task; Example: shareware, freeware, open source


Central processing unit, everything is overseen and processed by CPU

Binary Data

Hard drive being measured by, example: gigabits, mega bites


Basic Input Output Device, make sure CPU function, loads the CPU though process of instruction


Uses RAM, store frequently used data with fast RAM that goes straight to CPU

Device Drivers

Software developed to allow interact between a hardware device

Domain Name

Human readable IP address; Example: Porters.org


Hard coded info needed to run software


Info/instructions embedded in hard ware, needed to run software; example: BIOS


Copy righted software made available for free for unlimited time; example: iTunes

Hard drive

Large capacity storage spaces used to hold info such as programs and documents, holds all software and files used on computer

Hard drive is stored--



Physical components of a computer


Hyper text markup language: is not a programing language but a markup language, use markup tags to create websites. it tells web browser how should web look.


Hyper text transfer protocol: standard for web browsers and servers, a technical specification in order to function

Input device

Device to put in to computer; example: keyboard and mouse


One giant network that links people together.

IP address

When a client uses the internet, you have to use a address that have numerical label assigned to each device participating in a network.


Kind of internet service provider; Example: AT&T


Local Area Network: computer network that covers a small area; Examples: home, office; with this we can use internet wirelessly.

MAC address

Media access control address: every mac have a unique serial number called MAC address. used to identify exact device. GLOBAL IDENTIFIER, WRITEN IN ROM, CARRIED IN NIC, hardware card installed in computers to make possible connection through ethane wire connection to access internet.


Metropolitan Area Network: Spans whole city, usually wireless


Fast storage used to hold data

Mother board

Main circuit broad that connects all components. have printed circuit broad which provides pathways for all info and communication in the computer


Used to connect, communicate, and unifying link.


Network interface card that is installed in a computer so it can connect to computer. It provides full time connection.

Open Source

Software made available for public to publish, copy; example: safari

Operating system

Program which manages other programs on the computer, it send messages to the application and user about updates and possible errors. :) a software, system

Output device

Make info that was input, and processed available to user.

Processing Unit

Device receives and processes, present info


They are rules to make sure everything meets it's standards


Random Access Memory. store temporarily info that computer is working on. like short term memory


Read Only Memory. info cannot be changed, needed in order for CPU to function. Translates firmware


Hardware device which routes data from LAN to another connection

Server and Client

Are what you need to use the internet, first something provides you with ability to access on web-such as google. Then use machines to access servers-aka computer

Server IP

Each time a modem connects to ISP, assigns server IP. it is a static IP because it does not change


Commercial software offers samples f trials before you must buy it; example: Microsoft Office


Programs used to operate computers, attached devices; Example: Application, system


Enables other software to run by interfacing hardware; example: operating system, firmware, device drivers

User IP

Each time a device connects to internet, you are assigned a user ID

Usually 32 bite numbered expressed as four octets, look like dotted decimals.

IP address

Virtual Memory

Space on hard drive to temporarily store data, swap in and out as needed


Wide Area Network: network that covers large geographic areas with many computers.


Wireless network Internet card: A NIC that has a antenna, which reads radio wave wireless signals sent from router.

CS Programming Vocabulary

Adapted from: http://quizlet.com

Application software

consists of the programs that carry out business functions, such as inventory, payroll, and so on

Arithmetic/ logic unit (ALU)

responsible for doing arithmetic computations (for example, ADD A TO B), data transfers (moving data from one area of storage to another), and logical comparisons (such as IS A = 3?) as directed by the control unit

Assembler program

computer programs that translate assembly language programs into machine language

Assembly language


BASIC (Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code)

was developed in the mid-1960s at Dartmouth College by John Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz to allow students to write simple interactive programs. there have been many versions of BASIC. Visual BASIC, the newest version of BASIC, is an object-oriented, event-driven programming language

Binary digit (bit)

characters are composed of binary digits (bits) 0 and 1


was developed by Dennis Ritchie at Bell Laboratories in the early 1970s, is used extensively for systems programs because it gives the programmer a lot of control over hardware. the UNIX operating system was written in C. many applications programs such as word processors, spreadsheets, are also written in C

Central processing unit (CPU)

the processing device used by a computer. consists of a control unit and an arithmetic/logic unit. together with primary storage, the CPU does the processing functions of the computer system

Character (byte)

fields are composed of characters. the binary digits used to represent a character are called a byte. Example. In the NAME field that contains the name SAMUEL JOHNSON, there are 14 characters: S A M U E L J O H N S O N including the space or blank between the first and last names.

Character (string) field

any nonnumeric field is a character, or string, field

Code a program

after the solution is planned, the next step is to write a source program for the solution in a programming language such as Assemble, COBOL, Visual BASIC or C++


a program used in the translation process of translating instructions into machine language. this program translates each instruction into one or more machine language instructions

Computer Program

a sequence of instructions that machines are capable of following

Computer Programmer

people who write computer programs

Computer system

the interconnected devices capable of processing data, which have been input, and supplying the resulting information as output. consists of input devices, output devices, and a processing device

Control unit

thought of as the "brain" of the computer. among other things, it determines which program instruction to execute, interprets the instruction, and causes the instruction to be executed


raw facts; Example. a list of test scores, a stack of bills, or a recipe


a collection of one or more related files; Example. phone directory files, records, fields, characters, and bits

Date field

consists of a calendar date; Example. "Date money turned in"


the process of testing a program and finding and correcting errors


a written commentary of the programming process. it should include such things as the specifications provided by the analyst, flowcharts and other planning aids, a list of the source program, comments in the program, sample test data, and test results

Event-driven, visual language

languages that simplified the task of programming applications for Windows. in these languages, the emphasis of a program is on the objects (ex. buttons) included in the user interface and the events (such as clicking a mouse button) that occur when these objects are used. the goal is to give the user as much control over the program as possible; Example. Visual C++, Visual BASIC

Execute a program

instructions must first be taken from the secondary storage medium on which they are kept and loaded (put) into the primary storage of the computer

Field (data item, variable)

a group of consecutive storage positions reserved for a particular type of data (records are composed of fields); Example: name, address, phone number, and Social Security number

Field (data) type

describes the type of data contained in the field. fields can be numeric or nonnumeric

Field Name (data name, variable, identifier)

identifies the field and provides a name to access the data contained in the field


data related to a particular subject organized in secondary storage


computer programs actually built into the hardware; Example. the instructions built into the ROM of a microcomputer to start the computer when it is turned on

First-generation languages

the earliest programmers wrote instructions in machine. when computers were first invented, this was the only type of programming language available. machine language instructions are written in binary (series of 0s and 1s)

FORTRAN (FORmula TRANslation)

the first widely used third-generation, high-level programming language. it was developed at IBM Corporation in the mid-1950s and has been enhanced many times since then. it is commonly used for mathematical, scientific, and engineering applications

Fourth-generation (4GL) language

high-level languages that require much less programmer effort than third-generation languages. they are typically used to retrieve information from files and databases; INCLUDE: SQL (a common query language), report generators, form designers, and application generators

Graphical user interface (GUI)

an easy-to-use interface with which a user can interact. it contains buttons, menus, and scroll bars. this interface is common to all applications written for Windows environment


the physical devices used to process data; Example. a computer

High-level language

these languages require much less programmer effort because they are more English-like and require fewer instructions.


data that have been processed and made useful

Input/ output (I/O) device (peripheral)

hardware used to get data and instructions from secondary to primary storage and vice versa; Example. disk drives, CD-ROM drives, tape drives, keyboards, mice, printers, and video displays

Integer field

a numeric field that contains a whole number that is positive, negative, or zero. integers can be short integers or long integers depending on their magnitude and can be signed (stored with a positive or negative sign) or unsigned (positive or zero only); Example. -1, 0, and 25


a program used in the translation process of translating instructions into machine language. this program translates each instruction into one or more machine language instructions

Logic error

results that are not correct because of using an incorrect operation by the computer

Logical (boolean) field

contains one of two values such as "yes"/"no" or "true"/"false" ; Example. "Money turned in to the league"

Machine dependent

means that each computer had its own machine language, so a program written for a particular computer would not work on another type of computer

Machine independent

third-generation instruction that might be converted into more than one machine-language instruction that is not tied to particular computers

Machine language

the binary (on/off) representation of computer instructions

Manual Data Processing

processing data without a computer

Memory size of a computer

the storage capacity of its RAM. Measured in kilobytes (K). a single kilobyte is 1,024 storage locations. one thousand kilobytes is equivalent to 1 megabyte, and 1,000 megabytes is equivalent to 1 gigabyte


words and symbols used in assembly language

Nonnumeric (alphanumeric) field

contain any character including numbers, letters of the alphabet, and special characters such as dollar signs ($), percent signs (%), hyphens (-), and commas (,)

Numeric field

contain only numbers, a decimal point, a positive or negative sign

Object program

compilers and assemblers generate this machine language as output

Object-oriented language

when programming in this language, the programmer creates objects and methods for working with the objects. one of the first object-oriented programming languages was Smalltalk, which was developed in the mid-1970s by Xerox Corporation. Example. C++


describes the data used in the instruction

Operation Code

machine language instructions that consist of the instruction to be executed

Primary (main) storage (memory)

stores the data and instructions (programs) needed by the computer

Procedure-oriented language

in these languages, the emphasis of the program is on how to accomplish a task. the programmer writes the instructions as well as determines the order in which the computer should process the instructions. Example. FORTRAN, COBOL, BASIC, and C

Program specifications

the specifications used by the programmer

Program testing

the only way to find logic errors

Programming Logic

designing solutions to problems that will be solved by a computer

RAM (random-access memory)

main memory. before a program's instructions can be carried out or executed by the computer, these instructions must be stored in RAM.

Real (floating point) field

refer to numeric fields that have decimal points such as 11.213 and -12.36. can be single precision or double precision depending on the magnitude and accuracy required


how files are composed; Example1. each listing in a phone directory represents a record (files are composed fo records); Example 2. a payroll file contains one record for each employee


a special storage area in the ALU where all calculations are done

ROM (read-only memory)

special type of main memory that cannot be changed by the programmer. it contains instructions for doing such things as starting up the computer when you turn it on. these instructions are built into a memory chip and cannot be erased when the power to the computer is turned off. the programmer has no control over what is stored in the ROM

Second-generation language


Secondary (external or auxiliary) storage

used as additional memory for the computer, is cheaper than primary storage because it does not have to be as fast. it is permanent in that turning off the computer does not erase secondary storage.


term used to describe computer programs

Source program

the program written by the programmer which is the input to a compiler, interpreter, or assembler


all programming languages consist of a set of these instructions and syntax rules for putting them together to make valid instructions

Subroutine (function or module)

a set of instructions or tasks that accomplishes a specific function of the program; Example. printing heading on a report, accessing a file, or doing a complicated calculation


rules used for programming languages in software. if a programmer makes a syntax error in a programming language, the computer cannot understand what to do, and an error results


the analyst studies this current collection of people, machines, and procedures that work together to accomplish objectives to find out what input, processing, and output procedures are currently being used

System software

software, such as the operating system, is needed to make the computers usable. the operating system communicates with hardware to accomplish input and output functions. Example Windows 7, OSX, Linux

Systems analyst

this person who works on a particular project provides specifications to be used by the programmer.

Third-generation language

includes FORTRAN, COBOL, C, C++, BASIC, AND Visual BASIC

Translate a program

translating assembly language instructions into machine language (binary code)

Translation (syntax or language) error

output includes a list of diagnostics that show these errors; Examples. using a field name that contains too many characters, misspelling a computer instruction, branching to a nonexistent location in your program, and violating the punctuation rules of a language


analysts develop specifications by working with this person or persons who will be using the program when it is complete in order to determine how best to solve a problem or improve operations

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