Appendix 2-5: Rejected ecotox bibliography Excluded

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APPENDIX 2-5: Rejected ECOTOX Bibliography


1967). 1431. Malathion and Carbaryl Teratogenic to Hens. Food and Cosmetics Toxicology 5: 827.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: ABSTRACT.

1969). 1769. Toxicity Differential in Optically-Active Isomers of Organophosphates: Hassan, A. & Dauterman, W. C. (1968). Studies on the Optically Active Isomers of O,O-Diethyl Malathion and O,O-Diethyl Malaoxon. Biochem. Pharmac. 17, 1431. Food and Cosmetics Toxicology 7: 388.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: ABSTRACT.

1969). 1770. Structure and Activity Among the Malathions and Malaoxons: Chiu, Y. C., Hassan, A., Guthrie, F. E. & Dauterman, W. C. (1968). Studies on a Series of Branched-Chain Analogs of Diethyl Malathion and Malaoxon With Regard to Toxicity and in Vitro Enzymatic Reactions. Toxic. Appl. Pharmac. 12, 219. Food and Cosmetics Toxicology 7: 388-389.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: IN VITRO.

1969). 1833. The Malathion Hazard: a Crucial Experiment: Gardner, A. L. & Iverson, R. E. (1968). The Effect of Aerially Applied Malathion on an Urban Population. Archs Envir. Hlth 16, 823. Food and Cosmetics Toxicology 7: 687.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: HUMAN HEALTH.

1970). 1982. Red Light for Malathion?: Greenberg, J. & Laham, Q. N. (1969). Malathion-Induced Teratisms in the Developing Chick. Can. J. Zool. 1969, 47, 539. Food and Cosmetics Toxicology 8: 463-464.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: REVIEW.

1971). 2207. Organophosphate Potentiation: a New Hazard for Wildlife : Cohen, S.d. & Murphy, S.d. (1970). Comparative Potentiation of Malathion by Triorthotolyl Phosphate in Four Classes of Vertebrates. Toxic. Appl. Pharmac. 16, 701. Food and Cosmetics Toxicology 9: 744.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: ABSTRACT.

1965). 918. Some Progress With the Chick Embryo Technique: Mclaughlin, J., Jr., Marliac, J.-P., Verrett, M. Jacqueline & Fitzhugh, O. G. (1965). Toxicity of Some Food Additive Chemicals as Measured by the Chick Embryo Technique. Toxic Appl. Pharmac. 7, 491. Abaza, R., Denney, A., Millar, H. C. & Greenwood, D. A. (1965). Toxicity and Biological Effects of 1,2-Benzpyrene, 1,2,5,6-Dibenzanthracene and 3-Methylcholanthrene in the Chick Embryo. Toxic. Appl. Pharmac. 7, 478. Ghadiri, M. & Greenwood, D. A. (1965). Toxicity and Biological Effects of Malathion, Phosdrin, and Sevin in the Chick Embryo. Toxic. Appl. Pharmac. 7, 484. Marliac, J.-P., Verrett, M. Jacqueline, Mclaughlin, J., Jr. & Fitzhugh, O. G. (1965). A Comparison of Toxicity Data Obtained for Twenty-One Pesticides by the Chicken Embryo Technique With Acute, Oral Ld50's in Rats. Toxic. Appl. Pharmac. 7, 490. Khera, K. S., Laham, Q. M. & Grice, H. C. (1965). Toxic Effects Induced by Inoculation of Epn and Systox Into Duck Eggs. Toxic. Appl. Pharmac. 7, 488. Food and Cosmetics Toxicology 3: 878-879.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: ABSTRACT.

1963). 93. Malathion Toxicity in Second Generation. Food and Cosmetics Toxicology 1: 125.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: ABSTRACT.

1996). Characteristic Levels of Some Pesticides and Heavy Metals in Imported Fish. Food Chemistry 57: 487-492.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: SURVEY.

1990). Fate of Sulfur-Containing Pesticide Degradation Products in Soil and Water Au - Miles Cj. 200th american chemical society national meeting, washington, d.c., Usa, august 26-31, 1990. Abstr pap am chem soc 200: Agro 47.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: FATE.

List of the Organic Micropollutants Found in Some Fresh Waters, Effluents, Aquatic Plants and Animals, and Bottom Sediments. Epa/ots; doc #40-7642395.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: SURVEY.

1997). Low Dose Effect of Malathion in Mice. Food and Chemical Toxicology 35: 1229.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: ABSTRACT.

Support Document for the Sara Section 110 "Second 100" List (Draft). Epa/ots; doc #110-881013.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: FATE.

Toxicity Screening Using Microtox (Tm). Epa/ots; doc #878213668.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: BACTERIA.

Toxicity Screening Using Microtox With Cover Letter. Epa/ots; doc #fyi-ots-0883-0251.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: BACTERIA.

Abdel-Halim, K. Y., Salama, A. K., El-khateeb, E. N., and Bakry, N. M. (2006). Organophosphorus Pollutants (Opp) in Aquatic Environment at Damietta Governorate, Egypt: Implications for Monitoring and Biomarker Responses. Chemosphere 63: 1491-1498.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: SURVEY.

Abdul-Ghaffar NUAMA (1997). Transient Diabetes Insipidus Complicating Severe Suicidal Malathion Poisoning. Journal of Toxicology: Clinical Toxicology. Vol. 35, no. 2, pp. 221-222. 1997.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: HUMAN HEALTH.

Abelentseva GMSedykh AS and Popov, P. V. (1975). Toxicity of Insecticides for Mosquito Culex Pipiens Molestus Larvae. Med. Parazitol. Parazit. Bolezn. Vol. 44, no. 6, pp. 687-690. 1975.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: NON-ENGLISH.

Abiola, F. A., Karimou, M., and Houeto, P. (1991). Cholinesterase Activity in Bovine Ticks and Its Inhibition in Vitro by Organophosphates Acaricids. Revue de Medecine Veterinaire [REV. MED. VET.]. Vol. 142, no. 2, pp. 147-152. 1991.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: NON-ENGLISH.

Abou-Arab, A. A. K. and Abou Donia, M. A. (2001). Pesticide Residues in Some Egyptian Spices and Medicinal Plants as Affected by Processing. Food Chemistry 72: 439-445.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: SURVEY.

Abou-Arab, A. A. K., Kawther, M. Soliman, El Tantawy Me, Badeaa, R. Ismail, and Khayria, N. (1999). Quantity Estimation of Some Contaminants in Commonly Used Medicinal Plants in the Egyptian Market. Food chemistry 67: 357-363.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: SURVEY.

Abou-Arab a Ak ( Behavior of Pesticides in Tomatoes During Commercial and Home Preparation.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: SURVEY.

Abu-El-Sha'R, W. Y. and Gharaibeh, S. H. (1999). Manufacturing and Environmental Applications of Granular Activated Carbon From Processed Solid Residue of Olive Mill Products (Jeft). Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, 68 (1-2) pp. 43-52, 1999.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: NO TOX DATA.

Abu-Qare, A. W. and Abou-Donia, M. B. (2001). Simultaneous Determination of Malathion, Permethrin, DEET (N,N-Diethyl-M-Toluamide), and Their Metabolites in Rat Plasma and Urine Using High Performance Liquid Chromatography. J.Pharm.Biomed.Anal. 26: 291-299.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN,MLO,PMR,DEET Code : MIXTURE.

Adachi, K., Ohokuni, N., and Mitsuhashi, T. (1984). Simple Analytical Method for Organophosphorus Pesticide Determination in Unpolished Rice, Using Removal of Fats by Zinc Acetate. Journal of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists [J. ASSOC. OFF. ANAL. CHEM.]. Vol. 67, no. 4, pp. 798-800. 1984.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: CHEM METHODS.

Ageda, Saori, Fuke, Chiaki, Ihama, Yoko, and Miyazaki, Tetsuji (2006). The Stability of Organophosphorus Insecticides in Fresh Blood. Legal Medicine 8: 144-149.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: HUMAN HEALTH.

Aguera, A., Contreras, M., and Fernandez-Alba, A. R. (1993). Gas Chromatographic Analysis of Organophosphorus Pesticides of Horticultural Concern. Journal of chromatography a 655: 293-300.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: CHEM METHODS.

Aguilar, C., Borrull, F., and Marce, R. M. (1997). Determination of Pesticides in Environmental Waters by Solid-Phase Extraction and Gas Chromatography With Electron-Capture and Mass Spectrometry Detection. Journal of chromatography a 771: 221-231.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: FATE.

Aguilar, C., Ferrer, I., Borrull, F., Marce, R. M., and Barcelo, D. (1998). Comparison of Automated on-Line Solid-Phase Extraction Followed by Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry With Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization and Particle Beam Mass Spectrometry for the Determination of a Priority Group of Pesticides in Environmental Waters. Journal of chromatography a 794: 147-163.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: METHODS.

Ahmad, N., Bugueno, G., Guo, L., and Marolt, R. (1999). Determination of Organochlorine and Organophosphate Pesticide Residues in Fruits, Vegetables and Sediments. Journal of environmental science and health part b pesticides food contaminants and agricultural wastes 34: 829-848.

Chem Codes : Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: METHODS.

Ahmed, F. E., Hattis, D., Wolke, R. E., and Steinman, D. (1993). Risk Assessment and Management of Chemical Contaminants in Fishery Products Consumed in the Usa. Journal of applied toxicology 13: 395-410.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: HUMAN HEALTH.

Aitken, M. D., Heck, P. E., Mines, R. O., and Sherrard, J. H. (1992). Activated Sludge. Water environ res 64: 347-359.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: EFFLUENT, MODELING.

Akey, W. C., Russell, T., Alford, C., Morrison, T., and Denning, M. (1997). Will the Toad Croak? An Endangered Species Decision Case. Journal of natural resources and life sciences education 26: 148-156.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code : NO TOX DATA.

Akguer, S. A., Oeztuerk, P., Soezmen, E. Y., Delen, Y., Tanyalcin, T., and Ege, B. (1999). Paraoxonase and Acetylcholinesterase Activities in Humans Exposed to Organophosphorous Compounds. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A [J. Toxicol. Environ. Health, A]. Vol. 58, no. 8, pp. 469-474. 1999.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: HUMAN HEALTH.

Akio Koizumi, Leslie Hasegawa, Thomas, Imad K., and Toshiko Imamurai (1986). Effect of Induction of T-Cell-Dependent Antibody With Sheep Red Blood Cells on P-450-Dependent and -Independent Xenobiotic Metabolizing Enzymes. Biochemical Pharmacology 35: 2743-2748.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: IN VITRO.

Al-Rifai, J. and Akeel, N. (1997). Determination of Pesticide Residues in Imported and Locally Produced Honey in Jordan. Journal of apicultural research 36: 155-161.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code : NO TOX DATA.

Al-Wakil, A. M., Farag, A. B., Yousef, A. M., and Tollan, K. A. (1994). Separation and Preconcentration of Malathion and Azamethiphos by Unloaded Polyurethane Foams. Qatar university science journal 14: 14-17.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: FATE.

Albanis, T. A. and Hela, D. G. (1995). Multi-Residue Pesticide Analysis in Environmental Water Samples Using Solid-Phase Extraction Discs and Gas Chromatography With Flame Thermionic and Mass-Selective Detection. Journal of chromatography a 707: 283-292.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: CHEM METHODS.

Albanis, T. A., Hela, D. G., Sakellarides, T. M. , and Konstantinou, I. K. (1998). Monitoring of Pesticide Residues and Their Metabolites in Surface and Underground Waters of Imathia (N. Greece) by Means of Solid-Phase Extraction Disks and Gas Chromatography. Journal of chromatography a 823: 59-71.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: FATE.

Albert, A., Gilbertson, M. K., Drouillard, K. G. , Haffner, G. D., and Dixon, B. ([nd]). Contaminant-Induced Immunosuppression in Northern Leopard Frogs (Rana Pipiens). Conference on Great Lakes Research, Winnipeg [Canada], 2-6 Jun 2002 1-2.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code : ABSTRACT.

Aleem, Asma and Malik, Abdul (2005). Genotoxicity of the Yamuna River Water at Okhla (Delhi), India. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 61: 404-412.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: BACTERIA.

Alho, C. Jr and Vieira, L. M. (1997). Fish and Wildlife Resources in the Pantanal Wetlands of Brazil and Potential Disturbances From the Release of Environmental Contaminants. Environmental toxicology and chemistry 16: 71-74.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: NO TOX DATA.

Ali, I. and Jain, C. K. (2001). Pollution Potential of Pesticides in the Hindon River, India. Journal of Environmental Hydrology [J. Environ. Hydrol.]. Vol. 9, [np]. 2001.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: FATE.

Ali, K. H. and Wheelock, J. V. (1973). Persistence of Pesticides in River Water. Int. J. Environ. Stud. Vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 63-64. 1973.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: FATE.

Ali, K. H. and Wheelock, J. V. (1973). Pesticides in Effluents and Polluted River Water. Intern.J.Environ.Anal.Chem. 2: 261-272.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN,DDT,DLD,CHD,ES,AND,HPT,PRN Code: EFFLUENT.

Allen, S. E., Parkinson, J. A., and Rowland, A. P. (1989). Pollutants. Allen, s. E. (Ed.). Chemical analysis of ecological materials, second edition. Xii+368p. Blackwell scientific publications inc.: Cambridge, massachusetts, usa Oxford, england, uk. Illus. Isbn 0-632-01742-2.; 0: 201-239.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: SURVEY.

Alomenu, H. S. (1985). Current Trends in African Migratory Locust Locusta-Migratoria-Migratorioides Plague Prevention. Outlook agric 14: 165-173.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: REVIEW.

Altstein, M., Segev, G., Aharonson, N., Ben-Aziz, O., Turniansky, A., and Avnir, D. (1998). Sol-Gel-Entrapped Cholinesterases: a Microtiter Plate Method for Monitoring Anti-Cholinesterase Compounds. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 46: 3318-3324.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: IN VITRO.

Amaraneni, S. R. and Pillala, R. R. (2001). Concentrations of Pesticide Residues in Tissues of Fish From Kolleru Lake in India. Environmental Toxicology [Environ. Toxicol.]. Vol. 16, no. 6, pp. 550-556. 2001.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: SURVEY.

Anderson, J. F. and Glowa, W. (1984). Insecticidal Poisoning of Honey Bees in Connecticut. Environmental Entomology [ENVIRON. ENTOMOL.]. Vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 70-74. 1984.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: INCIDENT.

Anderson, J. F. and Wojtas, M. A. (1986). Honey Bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae) Contaminated with Pesticides and Polychlorinated Biphenyls. J.Econ.Entomol. 79: 1200-1205.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: SURVEY.

Andrade, C. F. S. (1990). Evaluation of the Sensitivity of the Adult Culex Quinquefasciatus Say to Chemical Insecticides. REV. SAUDE PUBL. SAO PAULO. Vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 259-264. 1990.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: NON-ENGLISH.

Angelidis, M. O., Markantonatos, P. G., Bacalis, N. C., and Albanis, T. A. (1996). Seasonal Fluctuations of Nutrients and Pesticides in the Basin of Evrotas River, Greece. Journal of environmental science and health part a environmental science and engineering & toxic and hazardous substance control 31: 387-410.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: FATE.

Anon (1994). Dengue Control Programme in Malaysia. Kaohsiung journal of medical sciences 10: S113-s115.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: HUMAN HEALTH.

Anon (1986). The Fuller Rose Beetle Pantomorus-Cervinus. Citrograph 71: 112-113.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: ABSTRACT.

Anon (1997). The Japan-Israel Workshop on Novel Approaches for Controlling Insect Pests and Plant Diseases, the Binational Plant Protection Cooperation, Kibbutz Ma'ala Hahamisha, Israel, July 12-17, 1997. Phytoparasitica 25: 345-366.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: ABSTRACT.

Anon (1988). Medfly in Los Angeles California Usa a Return Engagement. Citrograph 73: 216.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: ABSTRACT.

Anon ( Report of the Working Group of the Planning Commission on Pesticides Industry for the Seventh Five Year Plan. Pesticides (bombay); 19 (9). 1985 (recd. 1986). 11-20.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: NO TOX DATA.

Anon. (1992). Tentative Guidelines for Testing the Bioavailability and Toxicological Potential of Grain-Bound Pesticide Residues. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B: Pesticides, Food Contaminants and Agricultural Wastes [J. ENVIRON. SCI. HEALTH, PART B: PESTIC., FOOD CONTAM., AGRIC. WASTES]. Vol. B27, no. 4, pp. 427-431. 1992.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: MODELING.

Anonymous (1972). Heptachlor--A Review of its Uses, Chemistry, Environmental Hazards, and Toxicology. U.S.EPA 80 p.

Chem Codes: EcoReference No.: 89156

Antunes-Madeira, M. C., Carvalho, A. P., and Madeira, Vitor M. C. (1980). Effects of Insecticides on Thermotropic Lipid Phase Transitions. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 14: 161-169.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: IN VITRO.

Antunes-Madeira, M. C., Carvalho, A. P., and Madeira, Vitor M. C. (1981). Interactions of Insecticides With Erythrocyte Membranes. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 15: 79-89.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: IN VITRO.

Antunes-Madeira, M. C. and Madeira, V. M. C. (1987). Thermotropic and Partition Properties of Insecticides: Implications on the Mechanisms of Toxicity. CIENC.Biol.(Portugal) 12: 121-131.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code : NO SPECIES.

Antunes-Madeira, M. C. and Madeira, V. Mc (1987). Partition of Malathion in Synthetic and Native Membranes. Biochim biophys acta 901: 61-66.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: IN VITRO.

Antunes-Madeira, M. C. and Madeira, Vitor M. C. (1982). Interaction of Insecticides With the Ca2+-Pump Activity of Sarcoplasmic Reticulum. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 17: 185-190.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: IN VITRO.

Antunes-Madeira, M. Dc and Madeira, V. Mc (1989). Membrane Partitioning of Organophosphorus and Organochlorine Insecticides and Its Implications for Mechanisms of Toxicity. Pestic sci 26: 167-180.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: IN VITRO.

Antunes-Madeira, M. Dc, Videira, R. A., Lopes, V., and Madeira, V. Mc (1996). Toxicity of Organophosphorus Insecticides: Alteration of Membrane Fluidity. Medical science research 24: 753-756.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: IN VITRO.

Anyanwu, G. I., Davies, D. H., Molyneux, D. H., and Phillips, A. (1997 ). Variation in Cuticular Hydrocarbons Among Strains of Anopheles (Cellia) Stephensi Liston Possibly Related to Prior Insecticide Exposure. Annals of tropical medicine and parasitology 91: 649-659 .

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: IN VITRO.

Aplada-Sarlis, P., Malatou, P. T., Miliadis, G. E., and Liapis, K. S. (1997). Residues of Organophosphorous and Organochlorine Pesticides in Raw Agricultural Products of Plant Origin Imported in Greece. Annales de l'institut phytopathologique benaki 18: 41-52 .

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: SURVEY, NO SPECIES (DEAD).

Ares, Jorge O., Del Valle, Hector F., and Olinuck, Jose A. (2006). Exploring Improved Pesticide Management in Sub-Tropical Environments With Gis-Supported Fate Modeling. Agricultural Systems 91: 189-210.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code : FATE, MODELING.

Arita, T. (1994). Elution Patterns of Post-Harvest Application Pesticides From Noodles During the Boiling Process. Journal of the Food Hygienic Society of Japan [J. FOOD HYG. SOC. JAPAN]. Vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 34-40. 1994.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: NON-ENGLISH.

Arshad, J. H. and Salehuddin, A. N. (1988). Persistence of Carbon-14 Malathion Residues in Stored Milled Rice. Pertanika 11: 73-78.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: NO SPECIES (DEAD).

Arthur, F. (1988). Evaluation of Trimethacarb as a Protectant of Stored Peanuts. J entomol sci 23: 264-268.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: NO EFFECT.

Arthur, F. H. (1996). Grain Protectants: Current Status and Prospects for the Future. Journal of stored products research 32: 293-302.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: NO TOX DATA.

Artiola, J. F. (1996). Waste Disposal. Pepper, i. L., C. P. Gerba and m. L. Brusseau (ed.). Pollution science. Xxiv+397p. Academic press, inc.: San diego, california, usa London, england, uk. Isbn 0-12-550660-0.; 0: 135-149.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: NO TOX DATA.

Arzone, A. and Patetta, A. (1983). Research on the Action of Malathion, Neostanox, Permethrin, Tartar Emetic and Triforine on Honey Bees.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: NON-ENGLISH.

Atkinson, B. (1976). Organophosphate Insecticide Poisoning. J.Miss.Acad.Sci. 17: 91-94.


Atkinson, R. (1990). Atmospheric Reaction Pathways and Lifetimes for Organophosphorus Compounds Au - Winer Am. Kurtz, d. A. (Ed.). Long range transport of pesticides 195th national meeting of the american chemical society held jointly with the third chemical congress of north america, toronto, ontario, canada, june 1988. Xv+462p. Lewis publishers, inc.: Chelsea, michigan, usa. Illus. Maps. Isbn 0-87371-168-8.; 0: 115-126.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: FATE.

Atkinson, R., Guicherit, R., Hites, R. A., Palm, W. U., Seiber, J. N., and De Voogt P (1999). Transformations of Pesticides in the Atmosphere: a State of the Art. Water air and soil pollution 115: 219-243.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: FATE.

Awny, N. M., El Fouly Mz, El-Hawa, M. A., and Zeid, A. Aa (1996). Effect of Malathion on Certain Beneficial Microbial Activities in Egyptian Soils. Egyptian journal of microbiology 31: 1-12.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: BACTERIA.

Ayub, Sadia, Verma, Jyotsna, and Das, Nibhriti ( 2003). Effect of Endosulfan and Malathion on Lipid Peroxidation, Nitrite and Tnf-[Alpha] Release by Rat Peritoneal Macrophages. International Immunopharmacology 3: 1819-1828.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: IN VITRO.

Babich, H. and Borenfreund, E. ( Applications of the Neutral Red Cytotoxicity Assay to Risk Assessment of Aquatic Contaminants an Overview. Landis, w. G., J. S. Hughes and m. A. Lewis (ed.). Astm (american society for testing and materials) special technical publication, no. 1179. Environmental toxicology and risk assessment; first symposium, atlantic city, new jersey, usa, april 14-16, 1991. Vi+431p. American society for testing and materials (astm): philadelphia, pennsylvania, usa. Isbn 0-8031-1860-0.; 0 (0). 1993. 215-229.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: REVIEW.

Babich, H., Rosenberg, D. W., and Borenfreund, E. (1991). In Vitro Cytotoxicity Studies With the Fish Hepatoma Cell Line, Plhc-1 (Poeciliopsis Lucida). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 21: 327-336.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: IN VITRO.

Baerg, Roger J., Barrett, Michael, and Polge, Nicholas D. (1996). Insecticide and Insecticide Metabolite Interactions With Cytochrome P450 Mediated Activities in Maize. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 55: 10-20.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: IN VITRO.

Baez, M. E., Rodriguez, M., Lastra, O., and Contreras, P. (1997). Solid Phase Extraction of Organophosphorus, Triazine, and Triazole-Derived Pesticides From Water Samples. A Critical Study. Hrc journal of high resolution chromatography 20: 591-596.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code : CHEM METHODS.

Bagheri, H., Brouwer, E. R., Ghijsen, R. T., and Brinkman, U. At (1993 ). On-Line Low-Level Screening of Polar Pesticides in Drinking and Surface Waters by Liquid Chromatography-Thermospray Mass Spectrometry. 9th montreux symposium on liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry, supercritical fluid chromatography-mass spectrometry, capillary zone electrophoresis-mass spectrometry and tandem mass spectrometry, montreux, switzerland, november 4-6, 1992. J chromatogr 647: 121-129.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: CHEM METHODS.

Bai, S. G. (1964). Persistence of Malathion Residues on Treated Foodgrains Under Different Conditions of Storage and Processing. In: S.K.Majunder (Ed.), Symposium on Pesticides, Academy of Pest Control Sciences, Mysore, India 310-315.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: NO TOX DATA.

Bai, S. G. (1964). Persistence of Malathion Residues on Treated Foodgrains Under Different Conditions of Storage and Processing. In: S.K.Majunder (Ed.), Symposium on Pesticides, Academy of Pest Control Sciences, Mysore, India 310-315.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: NO TOX DATA.

Bakale, G. and Mccreary, R. D. (1992). Response of the Ke Test to Nci-Screened Chemicals: Ii. Genotoxic Carcinogens and Non-Genotoxic Non-Carcinogens. Carcinogenesis (eynsham) 13: 1437-1445.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: IN VITRO.

Baker, J. E., Fabrick, J. A., and Zhu, K. Y. (1998). Characterization of Esterases in Malathion-Resistant and Susceptible Strains of the Pteromalid Parasitoid Anisopteromalus Calandrae. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 28: 1039-1050.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: IN VITRO.

Balayannis, P. G. and Santas, L. A. (1992). Dissipation of Malathion and Fluvalinate Residues From Honey. J apic res 31: 70-76.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: NO TOX DATA.

Balluz, Lina S., Philen, Rossanne M., Brock, John, Falter, Kenneth, Kiefer, Max, Hart, Rebecca, and Hill, Robert H. (2000). Health Complaints Related to Pesticide Stored at a Public Health Clinic. Environmental Research 82: 1-6.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: HUMAN HEALTH.

Banerjee, B. D., Seth, V., Bhattacharya, A., Pasha, S. T., and Chakraborty, A. K. (1999). Biochemical Effects of Some Pesticides on Lipid Peroxidation and Free-Radical Scavengers. Toxicology letters (shannon) 107: 33-47.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: HUMAN HEALTH.

Barber, D., Correll, L., and Ehrich, M. *. (1999). Comparative Effectiveness of Organophosphorus Protoxicant Activating Systems in Neuroblastoma Cells and Brain Homogenates. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A [J. Toxicol. Environ. Health, A]. Vol. 57, no. 1, pp. 63-74. 1999.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: IN VITRO.

Barbosa, F. R., Yokoyama, M., Pereira, P. A. A., and Zimmermann, F. J. P. (2002). Control of the Mexican Bean Weevil Zabrotes Subfasciatus With Vegetable Oils, Trashing Residues, Inert Materials and Malathion. Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira, 37 (9) pp. 1213-1217, 2002.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: NON-ENGLISH.

Barcelo, D. (1988). Application of Thermospray Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry for Determination of Organophosphorus Pesticides and Trialkyl and Triaryl Phosphates. Biomed environ mass spectrom 17: 363-370.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: CHEM METHODS.

Barcelo, D. (1988). A Review of Liquid Chromatography in Environmental Pesticide Analysis. Chromatographia 25: 928-936.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: METHODS.

Barcelo, D., Chiron, S., Lacorte, S., Martinez, E., Salau, J. S., and Hennion, M. C. (1994). Solid-Phase Sample Preparation and Stability of Pesticides in Water Using Empore Disks. Trends in analytical chemistry 13: 352-361.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: CHEM METHODS.

Barik, S. (1984). Metabolism of Insecticides by Microorganisms. Lal, r. (Ed.). Insecticide microbiology. Xvi+268p. Springer-verlag: berlin, west germany New york, n.y., Usa. Illus. Isbn 3-540-13662-2; isbn 0-387-13662-2.; 0: 87-130.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: BACTERIA, METABOLISM.

Barik, Sudhakar, Munnecke, Douglas M., and Fletcher, John S. (1984). Bacterial Degradation of Three Dithioate Pesticides. Agricultural Wastes 10: 81-94.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: BACTERIA.

Baris, D., Zahm, S. H., Cantor, K. P., and Blair, A. (1998). Agricultural Use of Ddt and Risk of Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma: Pooled Analysis of Three Case-Control Studies in the United States. Occupational and environmental medicine 55: 522-527.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code : HUMAN HEALTH.

Barker, P. S. (1988). The Entomological Problems of Wheat in the Canadian Prairies. Selected papers from the second international symposium of french-speaking entomologists, trois-rivieres, quebec, canada, july 6-9, 1986. Nat can (que) 115: 229-234.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: REVIEW.

Barker, Philip S. and Vaisey, Marion (1973). Effect of Storage Condition and Time on the Odor of Malathion-Treated Wheat. Journal of Stored Products Research 9: 171-180.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code : NO TOX DATA.

Barnabas, I. J., Dean, J. R., Hitchen, S. M., and Owen, S. P. (1994). Selective Extraction of Organochlorine and Organophosphorus Pesticides Using a Combined Solid Phase Extraction-Supercritical Fluid Extraction Approach. Analytica chimica acta 291: 261-267.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: METHODS.

Baron, R. L. and Merriam, T. L. (1988). Toxicology of Aldicarb. Rev.Environ.Contam.Toxicol. 105: 1-70.

Chem Codes: EcoReference No.: 91408
Chemical of Concern: PMR,ADC,AZ,CBF,FNV,MLN,MOM Code: REVIEW.

Barr, D. B., Barr, J. R., Driskell, W. J., Hill, R. H Jr, Ashley, D. L., Needham, L. L., Head, S. L., and Sampson, E. J. (1999). Strategies for Biological Monitoring of Exposure for Contemporary-Use Pesticides. Toxicology and industrial health 15: 168-179.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code : HUMAN HEALTH.

Barre, A. C., Tamo, M., and Odjo, A. T. ( Impact of Two Insecticides on the Parasitoids of the Leaf Miner Liriomyza Trifolii Burgess Diptera Agromyzidae on Cowpea Vigna Unguiculata Walp in Southern Benin. Robertson, h. G. (Ed.). Insects in african economy and environment; joint congress of the entomological society of southern africa (11th congress) and the african association of insect scientists (12th congress), stellenbosch, south africa, june 30-july 4, 1997. 255p. Entomological society of southern africa: pretoria, south africa. Isbn 0-620-21415-5.; 0 (0). 1997. 64.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: ABSTRACT.

Barrett, M. (1997). Herbicide Selectivity Mechanisms in Maize: Using What We Know for the Future. Br.Crop Prot.Counc. 587-596.


Barrett, M. R. (1996). The Environmental Impact of Pesticide Degradates in Groundwater. Meyer, m. T. And e. M. Thurman (ed.). Acs symposium series, 630. Herbicide metabolites in surface water and groundwater Symposium held during the 209th national meeting of the american chemical society, anaheim, california, usa, april 2-7, 1995. X+318p. American chemical society: washington, dc, usa. Isbn 0-8412-3405-1.; 630: 200-225.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: FATE.

Basol, M. S., Eren, S., and Sadar, M. H. (1980). Comparative Toxicity of Some Pesticides on Human Health and Some Aquatic Species. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B: Pesticides, Food Contaminants and Agricultural Wastes [J. ENVIRON. SCI. HEALTH, PART B.]. Vol. 15, no. 6, pp. 993-1004. 1980.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: IN VITRO.

Bates, C. ( Novel Formulations for Locust and Grasshopper Control. British crop protection council. Brighton crop protection conference: pests and diseases, 1994 vol. 1-3; proceedings of an international conference, brighton, england, uk, november 21-24, 1994. Xxvi+498p.(Vol. 1); xxvi+454p.(Vol. 2); xxvi+466p.(Vol. 3) british crop protection council (bcpc): farnham, england, uk. Isbn 0-948404-80-9(set); isbn 0-948404-81-7(vol. 1); isbn 0-948404-82-5(vol. 2); isbn 0-948404-83-3(vol. 3).; 0 (0). 1994. 977-980.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: REVIEW.

Batkin, T. A. (1995). Impact of the Mediterranean Fruit Fly Ceratitis Capitata Wiedemann on California Agriculture. Heitz, j. R. And k. R. Downum (ed.). Acs symposium series, 616. Light-activated pest control Symposium held during the 209th national meeting of the american chemical society, anaheim, california, usa, april 2-6, 1995. Viii+279p. American chemical society: washington, dc, usa. Isbn 0-8412-3334-9.; 616: 70-81.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: REVIEW.

Baumann, R. A., Brinkman, U. At, and Van Zoonen P (1993). On-Line Combination of Automated Micro Liquid-Liquid Extraction and Capillary Gas Chromatography for the Determination of Pesticides in Water. Au - Van Der Hoff Gr. J chromatogr 644: 367-373.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: CHEM METHODS.

Beeson, D. R., Lewis, M. C., Powell, J. M., and Nimmo, D. R. (1998). Effect of Pollutants on Freshwater Organisms. Water environment research 70: 921-931.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: REVIEW.

Behki, R. M. (1994). Degradation of Thiocarbamate Herbicides and Organophosphorus Insecticides by Rhodococcus Species. Chaudhry, g. R. (Ed.). Biological degradation and bioremediation of toxic chemicals. 515p. Dioscorides press: portland, oregon, usa. Isbn 0-931146-27-5. 0: 234-255.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code : BACTERIA, FATE.

Belfroid, A. C., Van Drunen M, Beek, M. A., Schrap, S. M., Van Gestel C Am, and Van Hattum B (1998). Relative Risks of Transformation Products of Pesticides for Aquatic Ecosystems. Science of the total environment 222: 167-183.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: REVIEW.

Bell, Christopher H. (1991). Activity Rhythms Linked With Foraging Behaviour in Insecticide-Resistant and Susceptible Strains of Oryzaephilus Surinamensis (Coleoptera: Silvanidae). Journal of Stored Products Research 27: 171-177.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: NO TOXICANT.

Bell, J. P. and Tsezos, M. (1987). Removal of Hazardous Organic Pollutants by Biomass Adsorption. J water pollut control fed 59: 191-198.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: METABOLISM.

Bell, J. P. and Tsezos, M. (1988). The Selectivity of Biosorption of Hazardous Organics by Microbial Biomass. Water res 22: 1245-1252.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: METABOLISM.

Beltran, J., Lopez, F. J., Cepria, O., and Hernandez, F. (1998). Solid-Phase Microextraction for Quantitative Analysis of Organophosphorus Pesticides in Environmental Water Samples. Journal of chromatography a 808: 257-263.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: NO SPECIES.

Bender, M. E. (1968). The Effect of Malathion on Fishes. Ph.D.Thesis, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 97 p.(Publ As 901, 2163).

Chem Codes: EcoReference No.: 9878
Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: PUBL AS.

Bender, M. E. (1968). The Effect of Malathion on Fishes. Ph.D.Thesis, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 97 p.(Publ As 901, 2163).

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: PUBL AS.

Benfenati, E., Tremolada, P., Chiappetta, L., Frassanito, R., Bassi, G., Di Toro N, Fanelli, R., and Stella, G. (1990). Simultaneous Analysis of 50 Pesticides in Water Samples by Solid Phase Extraction and Gc-Ms. Chemosphere 21: 1411-1422.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: CHEM METHODS.

Bennett, D. A., Chung, A. C., and Lee, S. M. (1997). Multiresidue Method for Analysis of Pesticides in Liquid Whole Milk. Journal of aoac international 80: 1065-1077.

Chem Codes : Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: NO TOX DATA.

Benson, W. W. (1973). The Pesticide Fire: A Potential Killer. Fire Command 42: 20-22.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: HUMAN HEALTH/INCIDENT.

Bentur, Y., Raikhlin-Eisenkraft, B., and Singer, P. (2003). Beneficial Late Administration of Obidoxime in Malathion Poisoning. Veterinary and Human Toxicology [Vet. Hum. Toxicol.]. Vol. 45, no. 1, pp. 33-35. Feb 2003.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: INCIDENT, HUMAN HEALTH.

Berkelhammer, G. (1998). The Discovery of the Imidazolinone Herbicides From the Perspective of a Discovery Chemistry Manager. Baker, d. R., Et al. (Ed.). Acs symposium series, 686. Synthesis and chemistry of agrochemicals, v Acs national meetings, washington, d.c., Usa, august 1994 and san francisco, california, usa, 1997. Xii+339p. American chemical society: washington, dc, usa. Isbn 0-8412-3546-5.; 686: 17-22.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: NO TOX DATA.

Berkman, C. E., Ryu, S., Quinn, D. A., and Thompson, C. M. *. (1993). Kinetics of the Postinhibitory Reactions of Acetylcholinesterase Poisoned by Chiral Isomalathion: a Surprising Nonreactivation Induced by the Rp Stereoisomers. Chemical Research in Toxicology [CHEM. RES. TOXICOL.]. Vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 28-32. 1993.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: IN VITRO, METABOLISM.

Berkman, C. E. and Thompson, C. M. (1992). Synthesis and Stereoselective Anticholinesterase Potency of Isomalathion Stereoisomers. 203rd acs (american chemical society) national meeting, san francisco, california, usa, april 5-10, 1992. Abstr pap am chem soc 203: Agro44.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: ABSTRACT.

Berkman, C. E., Thompson, C. M., and Perrin, S. R. (1993). Synthesis, Absolute Configuration, and Analysis of Malathion, Malaoxon, and Isomalathion Enantiomers. Chem res toxicol 6: 718-723.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: CHEM METHODS.

Berkman, Clifford E. and Thompson, Charles M. (1992). Synthesis of Chiral Malathion and Isomalathion. Tetrahedron Letters 33: 1415-1418.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: CHEM METHODS.

Bernard, C. B. and Philogene, B. J. R. (1993). Insecticide Synergists: Role, Importance, and Perspectives. J.Toxicol.Environ.Health 38: 199-223.

Chem Codes: EcoReference No.: 91405

Bernard, C. B. and Philogene, B. Jr (1993). Insecticide Synergists Role Importance and Perspectives. J toxicol environ health 38: 199-223.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: REVIEW.

Bester, K. and Huehnerfuss, H. (1997). Improvements of a Combined Size Exclusion Chromatography and Solid Phase Extraction Approach for the Clean-up of Marine Sediment Samples for Trace Analysis of Pesticides. Fresenius' journal of analytical chemistry 358: 630-634.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: METHODS.

Beyer, W. N. (1990). Evaluating Soil Contamination. U s fish wildl serv biol rep 90: I-viii, 1-25.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: MIXTURE.

Beyers, D. W., Carlson, C. A., and Tessari, J. D. (1991). Solid-Phase Extraction of Carbaryl and Malathion From Pond and Well Water. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry [ENVIRON. TOXICOL. CHEM.]. Vol. 10, no. 11, pp. 1425-1429. 1991.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: CHEM METHODS.

Bezbaruah, B., Bora, T., and Saikia, N. (1999). Ureolytic Nitrification Activities in Forest and Tea (Camellia Sinensis) Plantation Soils and Evaluation of Ureolytic Nitrifier Sensitivity to Pesticides. Indian journal of agricultural sciences 69: 24-29.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: BACTERIA.

Bezbaruah, B. and Saikia, N. (1990). Pesticide Influence of Sulfur Oxidation in Soil and Bacterial Isolates. Indian j agric sci 60: 406-410.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: BACTERIA.

Bezbaruah, B., Saikia, N., and Bora, T. (1995). Effect of Pesticides on most Probable Number of Soil Microbes from Tea (Camellia sinensis) Plantations and Uncultivated Land Enumerated in Enrichment Media. Indian J.Agric.Sci. 65: 578-583.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: BACTERIA.

Bezbaruah, B., Saikia, N., and Bora, T. (1995). Effect of Pesticides on Most Probable Number of Soil Microbes From Tea (Camellia Sinensis) Plantations and Uncultivated Land Enumerated in Enrichment Media. Indian journal of agricultural sciences 65: 578-583.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: BACTERIA.

Bhagwat, Vasanti M. and Ramachandran, Bhikshander V. (1975). Malathion a and B Esterases of Mouse Liver--I : Separation and Properties. Biochemical Pharmacology 24: 1713-1717.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: IN VITRO.

Bhat, R. V. and Moy, G. G. (1997). Monitoring and Assessment of Dietary Exposure to Chemical Contaminants. World health statistics quarterly 50: 132-149.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: HUMAN HEALTH.

Bhatnagar, A., Parihar, N. S., Gupta, A., and Singh, B. (1997). Pesticide Residues in Farmgate Samples of Tomato. Indian journal of plant protection 25: 88-89.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code : NO SPECIES (DEAD).

Bhushan, B. and Hoondal, G. S. (1999). Effect of Fungicides, Insecticides and Allosamidin on a Thermostable Chitinase from Bacillus sp. BG-11. World J.Microbiol.Biotechnol. 15: 403-404.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code : BACTERIA.

Bhushan, B. and Hoondal, G. S. (1999). Effect of Fungicides, Insecticides and Allosamidin on a Thermostable Chitinase From Bacillus Sp. Bg-11. World journal of microbiology & biotechnology 15: 403-404.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: BACTERIA.

Bhushan, R., Thapar, S., and Mathur, R. P. (1997). Accumulation Pattern of Pesticides in Tropical Fresh Waters. Biomedical chromatography 11: 143-150.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: FATE.

Bicchi, C., D'amato, A., and Balbo, C. (1997). Multiresidue Method for Quantitative Gas Chromatographic Determination of Pesticide Residues in Sweet Cherries. Journal of aoac international 80: 1281-1286.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code : NO TOX DATA.

Bicchi, C., D'amato, A., and Binello, A. (1996). Identification of Pesticide Residues in Real Matrices by Combining Retention Indices and Specific Multidetection Responses. Hrc journal of high resolution chromatography 19: 80-84.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: CHEM METHODS.

Bicchi, C., D'amato, A., and Orlandin, M. (1994). Identification of the Constituents of a Complex Mixture by Combined Use of Retention Indices and Specific Multidetection Responses. Hrc journal of high resolution chromatography 17: 335-338.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: CHEM METHODS.

Billings, R. F. (1991). The Pine Caterpillar Dendrolimus punctatus in Viet Nam; Recommendations for Integrated Pest Management . For.Ecol.Manag. 39: 97-106.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MP,DMT,CYP,CBL,ACP,MLN Code: REVIEW.

Bishop, C. A., Mahony, N. A., Struger, J., Ng, P., and Pettit, K. E. (1999). Anuran Development, Density and Diversity in Relation to Agricultural Activity in the Holland River Watershed, Ontario, Canada (1990-1992). Environmental monitoring and assessment 57: 21-43.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: SURVEY.

Black, C. T. and Zorb, G. L. (1965). Effect of Malathion Sprays on Penned Pheasants. Res.Dev.Rep.Mich.Conserv.Dept. 34.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: NO SOURCE.

Bladek, J., Rostkowski, A., and Miszcak, M. (1996). Application of Instrumental Thin-Layer Chromatography and Solid-Phase Extraction to the Analyses of Pesticide Residues in Grossly Contaminated Samples of Soil. Journal of chromatography a 754: 273-278.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: CHEM METHODS.

Blaha, J. J. and Jackson, P. J. (1985). Multiresidue Method for Quantitative Determination of Organophosphorus Pesticides in Foods. J assoc off anal chem 68: 1095-1099.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code : NO TOX DATA.

Blasiak, J., Jaloszynski, P., Trzeciak, A., and Szyfter, K. (1999). In Vitro Studies on the Genotoxicity of the Organophosphorus Insecticide Malathion and Its Two Analogues. Mutation Research-Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis [Mutat. Res.-Genet. Toxicol. Environ. Mutag.]. Vol. 445, no. 2, pp. 275-283. 30 Sep 1999.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: IN VITRO, HUMAN HEALTH.

Blasiak, J. and Stakowska, D. (2001). Genotoxicity of Malaoxon: Induction of Oxidized and Methylated Bases and Protective Effect of Alpha -Tocopherol. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology [Pestic. Biochem. Physiol.]. Vol. 71, no. 2, pp. 88-96. Oct 2001.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: HUMAN HEALTH.

Blasiak, J. and Walter, Z. (1992). Protective Action of Cholesterol Against Changes in Membrane Fluidity Induced by Malathion. Annual meeting of the polish biochemical society, lublin, poland, september 1991. Acta biochim pol 39: 49-52.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: IN VITRO.

Blasiak, J., Walter, Z., and Gawronska, M. (1991). The Changes of Osmotic Fragility of Pig Erythrocytes Induced by Organophosphorus Insecticides. Acta Biochim.Pol 38: 75-78.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: IN VITRO.

Blus, L. J. and Henny, C. J. (1997). Field Studies on Pesticides and Birds: Unexpected and Unique Relations. Ecological applications 7: 1125-1132.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: REVIEW.

Boleas, S., Carbonell, G., Fernandez, C., Carballo, M., Ortiz, J. A., and Tarazona, J. V. ( 1998). Comparison Between Stress Response and Toxicant Exposure Biomarkers in Gilthead Sea Bream Sparus Aurata L. Exposed to Cadmium Malathion and-or Arochlor 1254. Ninth international symposium on pollutant responses in marine organisms, bergen, norway, april 27-30, 1997. Marine environmental research 46: 122-123.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code : ABSTRACT.

Bollag, J. M. and Liu, S. Y. (1990). Biological Transformation Processes of Pesticides. Cheng, h. H. (Ed.). Sssa (soil science society of america) book series, no. 2. Pesticides in the soil environment: processes, impacts, and modeling. Xxiii+530p. Soil science society of america, inc.: Madison, wisconsin, usa. Illus. Isbn 0-89118-791-x. 0: 169-212.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: BACTERIA.

Bond, J. A. and Bradley, B. P. (1993). The Relative Sensitivity of Daphnia-Magna to Environmental Stressors After Induction of Stress Proteins. Sixth international symposium on responses of marine organisms to pollutants, part 2, woods hole, massachusetts, usa, april 24-26, 1991. Mar environ res 35: 223.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: MLN Code: ABSTRACT.

Bond, J. A., Bradley, B. P., and Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Pensacola (USA) (1992). Demonstration of an Inducible Protective Response in Daphnia Magna. 13th Annual Meeting Society

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