Art and Ideology in 17th Century Italy, France, and Spain Required Works, Spring 2008

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Art and Ideology in 17th Century Italy, France, and Spain Required Works, Spring 2008

Robert Baldwin

Connecticut College

Know artist, title, approximate date (early, mid, late 17th), country, and when specified, patron and original location

Genre Painting (File: Works1)

Meals and Food

Carracci, Bean Eater, c. 1583-4

Le Nain, The Cart, Louvre,

Le Nain, Peasant Meal, c. 1640

Velasquez, Kitchen Maid with Christ in House of Mary and Martha, 1618

Caravaggio, Boy Bitten by a Lizard, c. 1596-7

Ages of Mankind

Valentin, Four Ages, 1629

Fortune Teller

Vouet, Fortune-Teller, 1618

Poverty and Begging

La Tour, Fighting Beggars,

La Tour, Old Hurdy Gurdy Player, c. 1631-36

Ribera, Clubfooted Boy, 1642

Murillo, Children Eating a Pie, 1665-75

Musical Genre

Caravaggio, Lutenist, c. 1596, (Cardinal Del Monte or Vicenzo Giustiniani)


Valdes Leal, In the Twinkling of an Eye - In Ictu Oculi, 1670-72

Pereda, Nobleman’s Dream, c. 1650

Philippe de Champaigne, Vanitas, 1630s

Linard, Still Life with Shells, 1625-45

Cotan, Still-Life with Game, Fruit, and Vegetables, 1602

Zurbaran Still Life with Fruit, 1633 (Los Angeles, Norton Simon Collection)

Monnoyer, Still Life, 1665

Passion (File: Works2. Christian A)

Carracci, Dead Christ, 1580

Reni, Christ Crowned with Thorns, 1632-34

Carracci, Lamentation, 1603-6

Poussin, Lamentation, 1627-28

Guercino, Lamentation with Angels, 1620s

Velasquez, Christ at the Column, 1626-28

Zurbaran, Agnus Dei, 1636-40

Martyrdom (File: Works2. Christian A)

Reni, Massacre of the Innocents, 1611

Poussin, Martyrdom of St. Erasmus, 1628-9

Algardi, Death of St. Paul, 1634-44, S. Paolo Maggiore, Bologna

Villabrille, Head of St. Paul, 1707

Ecstasy and Mystical Marriage (File: Works2. Christian A)

Bernini, St. Sebastian, 1616

Giorgetti, St. Sebastian, S. Sebastiano, Rome, 1665-9

Francisco de Herrera, Triumph of St. Hermengild, 1654

Ribalta, St. Bernard’s Vision of the Crucified Christ, 1625-27

Bernini, Cornaro Chapel with Ecstasy of St. Teresa, St. Mary of Victory, Rome, 1645-52 (location)

Bernini, Blessed Ludovica Albertoni, Altieri Chapel, S. Francesco a Ripa, Rome, 1670-74

Bernini, Angels, originally planned for Ponte S. Angelo, Rome, now in S. Andrea delle Fratte

Madonna Triumphant: Immaculate Conception, Apocalyptic Woman, Assumption of the Virgin (File: Works3. Christian B)

Ribera, Immaculate Conception, 1637

Caravaggio, Madonna of the Rosary, 1605-7

Caravaggio, Death of the Virgin, 1605-6, Cherubini Chapel in Santa Maria della Scala, rejected by the monks
Sacred Heroes Triumphant: Christ, Michael, Samson, David (File: Works3. Christian B)

Carracci, Resurrection, 1593

Reni, Archangel Michael Vanquishing Satan, 1633-5

Reni, Triumph of Samson, 1618-19

Caravaggio, David and the Head of Goliath, 1610 (acquired by Cardinal Scipio Borghese)

Sacred Heroines Triumphant: Judith, Suzannah and Lucretia (File: Works3.Christian B)

Caravaggio, Judith and Holofernes, 1598-9

Artemisia Gentileschi, Judith and Holofernes, 1620

Ceilings: Palaces and Churches (File: Works3.Christian B)

Pietro da Cortona, Glorification of the Reign of Urban VIII, Barberini Palace, Rome (location)

Divine Providence Commands Immortality to crown the Barberini coat of arms (bees and laurel) held up by the theological virtues while Religion and Rome offer the papal keys and tiara

Minerva Defeats the Giants [end panel]

Hercules Vanquishes the Harpy while Authority and Abundance bring prosperity and order to the people (papal government vs greedy kings) [end panel]

Moral Knowledge, Divine Assistance and Piety triumph over Venus (lust) and Bacchus (drunkenness) [side panel at right]

Papal Dignity flanked by Prudence and Power supervise the closing of the temple of Janus (peace) and the forge of Vulcan (military preparedness) [side panel at left]

Pozzo, Missionary Work of the Jesuits / Triumph of St. Ignatius, Sant'Ignazio, Rome, 1691 (location)

Pozzo, Illusionistic Dome with Old Testament Scenes of the Church Triumphant: Judith and Holofernes, David and Goliath, Samson and the Philistines, Jael and Sisera, Sant’Ignazio, Rome, 1690s (location)

Miracles (File: Works4. Christian C)

Caravaggio, Supper at Emmaus, 1600-01, (painted for nobleman, Ciriaco Mattei)

Zurbaran, Cloth of Veronica, 1535-40

Conversion and Doubters (File: Works4. Christian C)

Caravaggio, Calling of Matthew, 1599-1600, Contarelli Chapel, S. Luigi dei Francesi, Rome (location)

Caravaggio, Conversion of Saul, 1600-01, Cerasi Chapel, Santa Maria del Popolo, Rome (location)

Caravaggio, Doubting Thomas, 1602-3, (painted for nobleman, Ciriaco Mattei)

Bernini, Conversion of St. Longinus, St. Peters, 1629-38 (location)

Bernini, Vision of Constantine, St. Peters, 1654-70 (location)

Nativity and Adoration of the Shepherds (File: Works4. Christian C)

Caravaggio, Adoration of the Shepherds, 1608-9, (Messina, Santa Maria degli Angeli)

La Tour, Adoration of the Shepherds, c. 1644

Madonna and Child (File: Works4. Christian C)

Murillo, St. Bernard’s Vision of the Madonna, 1650-55

Caravaggio, Madonna of Loreto, 1604-5 (Cavaletti Chapel, Sant'Agostino)

Artemisia Gentileschi, Madonna Nursing, 1615-25

La Tour, Nativity, c. 1645-8

Holy Family and Biblical Families (File: Works5. Christian D)

Murillo, The Holy Family with the Little Bird, 1630

Poussin, Holy Family on the Steps, c. 1648

La Tour, St. Joseph Carpenter with the Young Christ, c. 1640-5

Murillo, Young Christ as the Good Shepherd, 1660-65

La Tour, Education of the Virgin, 1640s

Zurbaran, The Young Virgin, c. 1635-40

Murillo, Return of the Prodigal Son, 1667-70, (location) get location

Saints and Scholars (File: Work5. Christian D)

Ribera, Democritus, 1630

Caravaggio, Inspiration of St. Matthew, 1602, first version, Contarelli Chapel, S. Luigi dei Francesi, Rome (location)

Caravaggio, Inspiration of St. Matthew, 1602-3, second version, Contarelli Chapel (location)

Caravaggio, St. Jerome in His Study, c. 1605,Villa Borghese

Saints and Penitence: Jerome and Mary Magdalen (File: Work5. Christian D)

Reni, Magdalen Penitent, 1633-6

La Tour, Penitent Magdalen with Mirror, Washington, National Gallery

La Tour, Penitent Magdalen, 1640s, Los Angeles Museum of Art

ARCHITECTURE (File: Work6.Architecture)

Bernini, Baldacchino, St. Peters, Rome, 1624-33 (location)

Bernini, Cathedra Petri (Throne of Peter), St. Peters, Rome, 1657-66 (location)

Bernini, Piazza St. Peters, Rome, 1656- (location)

Bernini, S. Andrea al Quirinale, 1658-70

Bernini, Fountain of Four Rivers, 1648-51, Piazza Navona (Nile, Ganges, Danube, Rio della Plata; location)

XXXX, Trevi Fountain,

Guarini, Dome, Chapel of the Holy Shroud, S. Sindone, Turin, 1667-94 (location)

Loves of the Gods (221 Works 7)

Carracci, Galleria Farnese, 1597-1600, 1605-6 (location)

Triumph of Bacchus and Ariadne

Hercules Dominated by Omphale

Juno Seducing Jupiter

Diana Seducing the Sleeping Shepherd Endymion

Mercury Delivers the Apple of Discord to Paris (the Trojan Shepherd-Prince)

The Cyclops, Polyphemus Wooing Galatea, the Sea-Nymph

Polyphemus Tries to Kill Galatea and Her Lover, Acis

Poussin, Kingdom of Flora, 1631

Venus and Cupid (Works 7)

Poussin, Venus Lamenting the Dead Adonis, 1626-27

Carracci, Sleeping Venus, 1602

Vouet, Venus at Her Toilette, 1640-45
Minerva (Works 7)

Velasquez, Arachne and Minerva, c. 1653-56

Apollo (Works 8)

Reni, Aurora, 1614, ceiling fresco, garden house, Palazzo Borghese, Rome (location)

Poussin, Apollo and the Seasons Dance to the Music of Time, c. 1638-40

Poussin, Inspiration of the Epic Poet, c. 1630-1

Claude, Apollo and the Muses on Mt. Parnassus, 1652

Ribera, Apollo Flaying Marsyas, 1637


Poussin, Bacchanal, 1632-33, London

Poussin, Birth of Bacchus / Death of Narcissus, c. 1657

Caravaggio, Bacchus, c. 1595-6


Bernini, Pluto and Persephone, 1621-22, Villa Borghese, (location)

Bernini, Apollo and Daphne, 1622-25, Villa Borghese, (location)


Infamous Women and Men

Gentileschi, Cleopatra, 1627-9 (Orazio and/or Artemisia)

Caravaggio, Head of Medusa, c. 1599

Heroes and Emperors

Poussin, Rape of the Sabines, c. 1635 (Metropolitan)

Carracci, Hercules at the Crossroads Between Vice and Virtue, 1596

Poussin, Death of Germanicus, 1627

Le Brun, Alexander the Great Enters Babylon in Triumph, 1664, from a cycle of paintings on the Life of Alexander made for Louis XIV, Versailles (location)

Garden Views, Fountains, Sculpture

Misc. Artists, Water Parterre with French River Gods, River Nymphs and Children

Misc. Artists: Great Commission (Seasons, Times of Day, Continents, Elements, Humors, Types of Poetry, Philosophers)

Marsy, Fountain of Latona and the Lycian Peasants, 1670

Marsy, Fountain of Enceladus (Battle of the Gods and Giants)

Mansart, Grotto of Thetis, 1660s

Girardon & Regnaudin after Le Brun, Apollo and the Nymphs, 1660s (Originally in the Grotto of Thetis, the statues were installed in a new Bosquet of Apollo in the gardens in 1684 when the grotto was demolished. In the 1770s, they were moved again to an elaborate picturesque setting.)

Tubi, Fountain of Apollo in His Chariot, 1668-70 (designed by Le Brun)

Mansart, Grand Trianon, 1687 (a villa to escape the main villa)

Mansart, Marly, 1679-86; (“La Rivière”, 1698)

Interior Views at Versailles

La Fosse, Apollo and France, Salon of Apollo, Versailles, late 17th

Coysevox, Louis XIV as Mars, Salon of War, Versailles, 1680-86

Mansart (arch.) & Le Brun (painting), Hall of Mirrors, Versailles, 1676-80

Le Brun, Louis XIV (as Zeus) Crossing the Rhine with Minerva, Apollo, and Hercules, ceiling, Hall of Mirrors, 1678


Claude, Landscape with View of Tivoli, 1642-4 (San Francisco)

Claude, Landscape with Dancing Satyr and Nymph, 1641

Claude, Landscape with the Sermon on the Mount,

Claude, Ascanius Shooting the Stag of Sylvia, 1682, (for Prince Colonna)

Claude, Seaport with Embarkation of St. Ursula, 1641

Claude, Perseus and the Origin of Coral, 1674 (drawing also included)

Carracci, Reciprocal Love, 1590-95, etching

Poussin, Landscape with Man Killed by a Snake, c. 1648

Poussin, Landscape with Burial of Phocion, 1648


Gentileschi, Artemisia, Self-Portrait with Lute, 1615-17

Poussin, Self-Portrait, 1650 (Louvre)

Le Brun, Self-Portrait, 16XX

Velasquez, King Philip IV on Horseback, 1635 (Prado) [absolutism monarchy raised above earthly kingdom, Roman imperial equestrian triumph, divine providence, equestrian nobility and arts]

Rigaud, Louis XIV, 1701

Nocret, Family of Louis XIV, 1670

Velasquez, Mariana of Austria, Queen of Spain, 1651 (Prado)

Velasquez, Infanta Margarita with Flowers, 1653 (Vienna)

Velasquez, Las Meninas, (Maids of Honor), c. 1656 (Prado)
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