Atlantic area programme 2014-2020 Approved Cooperation Programme October 2015

(9)1.2 Justification of the financial allocation

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(9)1.2 Justification of the financial allocation

The total ERDF allocation to the Programme amounts to 140,013,194 Euros as defined in Annex II of the Commission Implementing Decision setting up the list of cooperation programmes and indicating the global amount of total support from the ERDF for each programme under the ETC goal for the period 2014 to 2020’.

Based on a needs analysis and strategic considerations about the key opportunities and the development needs of the Atlantic Area, the Programme allocates the largest share of the budget to Priority Axis 1 `Stimulating Innovation and Competitiveness´ (based on Thematic Objective 1 defined in Article 9 of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013). In this way, Priority Axis 1 represents a 33.65% of the total ERDF contribution. Priority Axis 1 is followed by Priority Axis 4 ‘Enhancing biodiversity and the natural and cultural assets´ (based on Thematic Objective 6 defined in Article 9 of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013), representing a 28.20% of the Union support to the Programme. Thirdly, Priority Axis 2 based on TO 4 and 6 (as defined in Article 9 of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013) takes over 21% of the available ERDF funds, contributing to the development of renewable energies and supporting transnational cooperation in the field of green growth and eco-innovation. With just over 10% of the Union support funds, Priority Axis 3 is devoted to strengthening the territory’s resilience to risks of natural, climate and human origin (based on Thematic Objective 7 as defined in Article 9 of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013).

This allocation of funding reflects a focus on the Growth & Jobs Agenda, the contribution to the Europe 2020 targets and the priorities set in strategic policy documents for the Atlantic Area, namely the Maritime Strategy for the Atlantic (and its Action Plan.

Finally, priority 5 ‘Technical Assistance’ has been allocated 6 % of the total available ERDF in line with Article 17 of Regulation (EU) No 1299/2013.

In the context of the 2014-2020 period, public-private partnerships can be an effective means of delivering operations to achieve public policy objectives by bringing together different forms of public and private resources.

Moreover, the actual implementation of a number of SO, and in particular of Priority Axis 1, should ensure a strong private sector involvement in the programme, including profit and non-profit making organisations. For this purpose, the Programme will set up a system for the effective tracking of private contributions, able to provide an indicative breakdown of private funding of profit and not-for-profit organisations. This will allow during programme implementation to monitor the participation of private organisations and, in particular, to stimulate the commercial sector to be more active.

In accordance with point (d)(ii) of Article 8 of Regulation (EU) No 1299/2013, where the national co-financing is made up of public and private co-financing, the Programme financing table shall give the indicative breakdown between public and the private components (Information provided under Table 3.2).
Table 2 - Overview of the programme investment strategy

Priority Axis

ERDF support (in EUR)

Proportion (%) of the total Union support for the cooperation programme (by Fund)

Thematic objective

Investment Priorities

Specific Objectives corresponding to the investment priorities

Result indicators corresponding to the specific objective




1 - Stimulating innovation and competitiveness

47 117 240


1 - strengthening research, technological development and innovation

1b - promoting business investment in innovation and research, and developing links and synergies between enterprises, R&D centres and higher education, in particular product and service development, technology transfer, social innovation, eco-innovation, public service applications, demand stimulation, networking, clusters and open innovation through smart specialisation and supporting technological and applied research, pilot lines, early product validation actions, advanced manufacturing capabilities and first production, in particular in Key Enabling Technologies and diffusion of general purpose technologies

1.1 - Enhancing innovation capacity through cooperation to foster competitiveness

1.1 -Comprehensiveness of public policies in the development of the Atlantic Area innovation systems

1.2 - Strengthening the transfer of innovation results to facilitate the emergence of new products, services and processes

1.2 - Financing effectiveness for the diffusion of innovation results

2 – Fostering resource efficiency

29 744 404


4 - supporting the shift towards a low-carbon economy in all sectors

4a - promoting the production and distribution of energy derived from renewable sources

2.1 - Fostering renewable energies and energy efficiency

2.1 - Degree of political commitment to foster local dynamics aiming to increase energy efficiency and develop renewable energy sources

6 - preserving and protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency

6g - supporting industrial transition towards a resource-efficient economy, promoting green growth, eco-innovation and environmental performance management in the public and private sectors

2.2 - Fostering Green Growth, eco-innovation and environmental efficiency

2.2. - Comprehensiveness of public policies for eco-innovation and green growth

3 – Strengthening the territory’s resilience to risks of natural, climate and human origin

15 267 039


5 - promoting climate change adaptation, risk prevention and


5b - promoting investment to address specific risks, ensuring disaster resilience and developing disaster management systems

3.1 - Strengthening risk management systems

3.1 - Comprehensiveness of public policies in view of improving the resilience of land and maritime areas to climate and nature changes

4 – Enhancing biodiversity and the natural and culture assets

39 483 720


6 - preserving and protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency

6d - protecting and restoring biodiversity, soil protection and restoration and promoting ecosystem services including NATURA 2000 and green infrastructures

4.1 - Improving the protection of biodiversity and enhancing ecosystems’ services

4.1 - Comprehensiveness of public policies in view of improving the biodiversity and the ecosystems services.

6c - conserving, protecting, promoting and developing natural and cultural heritage

4.2 - Enhancing natural and cultural assets to stimulate economic development

4.2 - Comprehensiveness of public policies valuing the cultural and natural assets in view of local economic development

5 – Technical Assistance

8 400 791




5.1 - Ensure an efficient and effective Programme management and enhance the visibility and capitalisation of Programme results


5.2 - Guarantee an effective support to project applicants and beneficiaries and enhance the visibility and capitalisation of projects results


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