Attachment 7 Cadet Job Assignments/Descriptions Spring 2015 Office Symbol Index Position Abbreviations Position Titles

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Cadet Job Assignments/Descriptions

Spring 2015

Office Symbol Index
Position Abbreviations Position Titles
A FLT Alpha Flight

AO Academic Officer

B FLT Bravo Flight

CC Commander

CD Deputy Commander

1SGT Cadet First Sergeant

CV Vice Commander

CW Cadet Wing

IG Inspector General

OG Operations Group

PTO Physical Training Officer

DIO Dining In Officer

MO Mentoring Officer

MSG Mission Support Group


DCO Drill and Ceremonies Officer

SC Safety Cadet

WM Webmaster

940 CTS 940th Cadet Training Squadron

OFC Operations Flight Commander

RFC Recruiting Flight Commander

RO Recruiting Officer

RTO Retention Officer

CSO Community Service Officer

SNACK Snack Cadet

AAFL Army Air Force Liaison

DI Dining In

GMC General Military Corps

FTP Field Training Preparation


Wing Staff
940th AFROTC Cadet Wing Commander (940th AFROTC CW/CC)

  1. Function: Supervise all actions within the 940th AFROTC Cadet Wing

  2. Duties: Responsible to the OFC for:

      1. Accomplishment of mission objectives

      2. Coordination with OFC

      3. Reporting to the OFC on the status of the Cadet Wing

      4. Ensuring effective and efficient operation of the Cadet Wing

      5. Supervising the 940th AFROTC CW/CV

      6. Supervising the 940th AFROTC MSG/CC

      7. Supervising the 940th AFROTC OG/CC

      8. Lead the Cadet Wing

940th AFROTC Cadet Wing Vice Commander/Inspector General (940th AFROTC CW/CV/IG)

  1. Function: Assistant and principal advisor to the 940th AFROTC CW/CC; Evaluate the Cadet Wing on the meeting of standards as laid out in the Cadet Wing Guidance and AFI 36-2903

  2. Duties: Responsible to the 940th AFROTC CW/CC for:

      1. Assuming command if 940th AFROTC CW/CC is absent

      2. Advising 940th AFROTC CW/CC

      3. Attendance tracking for all AFROTC activities

      4. Supervise all Detachment Inspections

      5. Overseeing the cadet awards program

      6. Absent memo templates

      7. Publish and enforce Cadet Wing Guidance

      8. Ensure standards are met IAW AFI 36-2903

      9. Supervise the 940th AFROTC CW/CL

      10. Supervise the 940th AFROTC CW/SC

      11. Provide weekly update to CW/CC on LLAB and PT attendance, GMC status, and professionalism

      12. Other duties assigned by the 940th AFROTC CW/CC

      13. Track LLAB objectives accomplished

940th AFROTC Cadet First Sergeant (940th AFROTC CW/1SGT)

  1. Function: Act as liaison between GMC and 940th AFROTC CW/CV/IG

  2. Duties: Responsible to the 940th AFROTC CW/CV/IG for:

      1. Observing and reporting on the morale and welfare of all GMC cadets

      2. Performing CW guidon procedures

      3. Calling rooms to attention during group LLAB activities

      4. Coordinate with the Recruiting and Retention Officer (MSG/RRO) for morale building events

      5. Running the weekly Rock competition

      6. Provide weekly update to the 940th AFROTC CW/CV/IG on status of GMC

      7. Performing other duties as assigned by 940th AFROTC CW/CV/IG

940th AFROTC Cadet Wing Safety Cadet (940th AFROTC CW/SC)

  1. Function: To support the Cadet Wing and ensure safety

  2. Duties: Responsible to the OFC, 940th AFROTC CW/CV/IG, 940th AFROTC OG/PTO for:

  1. Maintaining and reporting safety of the Cadet Wing

  2. Briefing the Cadet Wing on safety issues

  3. Other requirements as established by 940th AFROTC CW/CV/IG

Operations Group
940th AFROTC Operations Group Commander (940th AFROTC OG/CC)

  1. Function: Oversee and direct all functions of the Operations Group

  2. Duties: Responsible to the 940th AFROTC CW/CC for:

      1. Developing a Training Plan

      2. Leadership Lab planning and preparation

      3. Acquiring suitable facilities for cadet training

      4. All other Cadet Wing training operations

      5. Supervising the 940th AFROTC OG/CD

      6. Supervising the 940th AFROTC PTO

      7. Supervising the 940th AFROTC OG/AAFL

      8. Command the Operations Group

      9. Create weekly MLLAB Operation Orders that are coordinated with the weekly LLAB Operation Orders

      10. Weekly maintenance of the LLAB Lesson Objective Tracker

      11. Provide weekly update of status of the Operations Group to the 940th AFROTC CW/CC

      12. Oversee the execution of MLLAB

      13. Additional duties as assigned by 940th AFROTC CW/CC

940th AFROTC Operations Group Physical Training Officer (940th AFROTC OG/PTO)

  1. Function: Responsible for the physical training of the Cadet Wing

  2. Duties: Responsible to the 940th AFROTC OG/CC for:

      1. Planning physical training

      2. Planning & execution of PFDs, PFAs and make-up PFAs to include questionnaires 1 week prior to execution

      3. Coordinating and planning additional PT related morale events with 940th AFROTC MSG/RRO

      4. Provide weekly update to 940th AFROTC OG/CC on overall PT status

      5. Other duties assigned by the 940th AFROTC OG/CC

940th AFROTC Operations Group Army Air Force Liaison (940th AFROTC OG/AAFL)

  1. Function: Coordinate with Army ROTC for joint events:

  2. Duties: Responsible to 940th AFROTC OG/CC for:

      1. Coordinate with Army ROTC for LLABs

      2. Coordinate with Army for Army/Air Force Sports Day

      3. Provide weekly update to 940th AFROTC OG/CC on status of position and coordinated events with the Army

      4. Other Duties assigned by the 940th AFROTC OG/CC

940th AFROTC Operations Group Deputy Commander (940th AFROTC OG/CD)

  1. Function: Assume Operations Group Commander’s duties upon absence and responsible for supervision and training of the 940 Cadet Training Squadron

  2. Duties: Responsible to the 940th AFROTC OG/CC for:

      1. Assuming command if 940th AFROTC OG/CC is absent

      2. Leadership Lab execution

      3. Creating weekly LLAB Operation Orders

      4. Coordinating with guest speakers

      5. Supervising the 940 CTS/CC

      6. Provide weekly update to 940th AFROTC OG/CC on overall status of the OG

      7. Other duties assigned by the 940th AFROTC OG/CC

940th AFROTC Cadet Training Squadron Commander (940 CTS/CC)

  1. Function: Aid Operations Group Deputy Commander with day to day functions and oversee training and supervision of ‘A’ and ‘C’ Flights

  2. Duties: Responsible to 940th AFROTC OG/CD for:

      1. Assisting 940th AFROTC OG/CD with LLAB functions

      2. Command the 940th Cadet Training Squadron

      3. Supervising 940th AFROTC OG/AO/MO

        1. Oversee execution of academics plan

        2. Pre approve and facilitate weekly flight quizzes

      4. Supervising ‘A’ and ‘B’ Flight Commanders, including weekly flight meetings

      5. Supervise Wing guidon procedures

      6. Oversee planning and execution of Flight Training Plans

      7. Oversee Initial Military Training

      8. Responsible for the prevention of hazing and inappropriate training methods

      9. Provide weekly update to 940th AFROTC OG/CD on training status of 940 CTS

      10. Other duties assigned by the 940th AFROTC OG/CD

940th AFROTC Operations Group Mentoring Officer (940th AFROTC OG/MO)

  1. Function: Responsible for creating a successful mentoring program

  2. Duties: Responsible to the 940 CTS/CC for:

      1. Creating a cadet mentoring program for the Detachment

      2. Designing monthly projects and activities to help increase mentor/protégée relationships to be coordinated with the 940th AFROTC MSG/RO and RTO

      3. Provide information about additional mentoring opportunities to the Cadet Wing

      4. Provide mentoring and aid to facilitate the success of the cadets

      5. Provide a weekly update to the 940th AFROTC 940 CTS/CC to include status of mentoring groups

viii. Other Duties as assigned by 940th AFROTC 940 CTS/CC
940th AFROTC Operations Group Academics Officer (940th AFROTC OG/AO)

  1. Function: Responsible for creating and executing an academic success plan

  2. Duties: Responsible to the 940 CTS/CC for:

      1. Designing projects and activities to help increase academic standing of the cadet wing

      2. Provide information about additional academic opportunities to the cadet wing

      3. Set up and execute the academic success plan

      4. Provide aid for academic success of cadets

      5. Establish tutoring sessions for cadets as needed

      6. Provide information about additional academic resources on campus to Cadet Wing

      7. Submit a weekly update to 940 CTS/CC to include academic status of both flights.

      8. Other duties as assigned by the 940 CTS/CC

Alpha Flight Commander (A FLT/CC)

  1. Function: Responsible for ‘A’ Flight

  2. Duties: Responsible to the 940 CTS/CC for:

        1. Meeting LLAB training objectives

        2. Preparing a training outline in coordination with the 940 CTS/CC to be implemented during LLAB and flight meetings throughout the semester

        3. Making sure the Snack Bar is stocked

        4. Submit weekly update on status of their flight to the 940 CTS/CC

        5. Other requirements as established by the 940 CTS/CC

Bravo Flight Commander (B FLT/CC)

  1. Function: Responsible for ‘FTP’ Flight Field Training Preparation instruction

  2. Duties: Responsible to the 940 CTS/CC for:

      1. Meeting LLAB training objectives

      2. Preparing a training outline in coordination with the 940 CTS/CC to be implemented during LLAB and flight meetings throughout the semester

      3. Prepare ‘FTP’ Flight for Field Training

      4. Submit weekly update on status of their flight to the 940 CTS/CC

      5. Other requirements as established by the 940 CTS/CC

Mission Support Group
940th AFROTC Mission Support Group Commander (940th AFROTC MSG/CC)

  1. Function: Oversee and direct all functions of the Mission Support Group

  2. Duties: Responsible to the 940th AFROTC CW/CC for:

      1. Commanding the Mission Support Group

      2. Supervising the 940th AFROTC MSG/CD

      3. Supervising the 940th AFROTC MSG/MO

      4. Supervising 940th AFROTC MSG/DCO

      5. Supervising 940th AFROTC MSG/WM

      6. Posting the Organization Chart

      7. Updating detachment plaques

      8. Updating personnel pictures

      9. Creating and updating the 940th AFROTC Cadet Training Manual

      10. Planning and oversight of the execution of the New Student Orientation Program (NSOP)

      11. Updating the detachment calendar

      12. Creating and maintaining a Quick Call List

      13. Creating and maintaining email lists

      14. Give weekly OPORDS to 940th AFROTC MSG/WM

      15. Submit weekly update on the status of MSG to 940th AFROTC CW/CC

      16. Other duties assigned by the 940th AFROTC CW/CC

940th AFROTC Mission Support Group Deputy Commander (940th AFROTC MSG/CD/SPO)

  1. Function: Assume Group Commander’s duties upon absence, responsible for supervising special projects and Dining In.

  2. Duties: Responsible to the 940th AFROTC MSG/CC for:

      1. Assuming command if the 940th AFROTC MSG/CC is absent

      2. Maintaining Detachment funds

      3. Coordinating with surrounding detachments for the annual Tri-Det Olympics

      4. Corresponding with Recognized Student Organizations

      5. Supervising the 940th AFROTC MSG/MBO

      6. Supervising the 940th AFROTC MSG/RTO

      7. Supervising the 940th AFROTC MSG/RO

      8. Submit weekly update on status of their staff to the 940th AFROTC MSG/CC

      9. Other duties assigned by the 940th AFROTC MSG/CC

940th AFROTC Mission Support Group Drill and Ceremonies Officer (940th AFROTC MSG/DCO)

  1. Function: Responsible for Color Guard training/event scheduling and standardization of Drill and Ceremonies procedures within the detachment

  2. Duties: Responsible to the 940th AFROTC MSG/CC for:

  1. Color Guard selection and training

  2. Keeping and posting a schedule of Color Guard events

  3. Coordinating joint Color Guard operations with Army ROTC

  4. Maintaining an inventory of CW Color Guard assets

  5. Seeking additional opportunities to perform in public events

  6. Submit a weekly update on the status of Color Guard and Drill and Ceremonies to the 940th AFROTC MSG/CC

  7. Leading and teaching academic LLAB events where Drill and Ceremonies are of interest (FDE, Parade, Reveille, Retreat, ORI, etc.)

  8. Being a resource of expertise and standardization for the flight commanders (through coordination with the chain of command) in all areas of Drill and Ceremonies

*All interactions/corrections with GMC shall be in an academic environment and manner, never in a training environment or manner in order to prevent a simulation of the intense training environment of Field Training

  1. Other duties assigned by the 940th AFROTC MSG/CC

940th AFROTC Drill and Ceremonies Staff (940th AFROTC MSG/DC/STAFF)

  1. Function: Support MSG/DCO with Color Guard and Drill and Ceremonies activities

  2. Duties: Responsible to the 940th AFROTC MSG/DCO for the status of the Color Guard/Drill and Ceremonies program by:

  1. Coordinating with the 940th AFROTC MSG/DCO to create and execute Color Guard events for the detachment

  2. Submit weekly update on the status of Color Guard and Drill and Ceremonies to the 940th AFROTC MSG/DCO

  3. Perform additional duties as assigned by 940th AFROTC MSG/DCO

940th AFROTC Mission Support Group Webmaster (940th AFROTC MSG/WM)

  1. Function: Maintain and improve detachment website

  2. Duties: Responsible for:

      1. Updating and maintaining the 940th AFROTC Cadet Wing Website

      2. Post LLAB and MLLAB orders from the 940th AFROTC MSG/CC the Friday before the following LLAB

      3. Update pictures from AFROTC events monthly

      4. Submit weekly update on status of the website to the 940th AFROTC CW/CC

      5. Additional duties assigned by the 940th AFROTC CW/CC

940th AFROTC Recruiting Officer (940th AFROTC MSG/RO)

  1. Function: Plan recruiting events

  2. Duties: Responsible to the 940th AFROTC MSG/CD for the status of the recruiting program by:

      1. Supervise Recruiting Staff

      2. Planning, organizing, and implementing recruiting events

      3. Coordinating with 940th AFROTC Unit Admissions Officer to create, man, and record recruiting events

      4. Tracking recruiting points

      5. Submit weekly update on the status of Retention to the 940th AFROTC MSG/CD

      6. Performing other duties as assigned by the 940th AFROTC MSG/CD

940th AFROTC Retention Officer/Community Service Officer (940th AFROTC MSG/RTO/CSO)

  1. Function: Plan retention and community service events

  2. Duties: Responsible to the 940th AFROTC MSG/CD for the morale of Cadet Wing by:

      1. Observing and reporting on the morale and welfare of all cadets

      2. Plan fun, entertaining, and exciting events to promote esprit de corps

      3. Plan events to serve the community and provide a positive public image of the detachment

      4. Supervise the Retention Snack Cadet

      5. Coordinate with the 940th AFROTC Cadet First Sergeant (940th AFROTC CW/1SGT) for morale building events

      6. Planning of cadet incentive programs

      7. Submit weekly update on the status of Retention to the 940th AFROTC MSG/CD

      8. Performing other duties as assigned by the 940th AFROTC MSG/CD

  1. Additional Functions: Responsible to the 940th AFROTC MSG/CD for the following duties:

      1. Reporting current status of Det 940th AFROTC Alumni

      2. Senior class gift to departing AS400s and AS700s/AS800’s

940th AFROTC Recruiting Staff (940th AFROTC MSG/R/STAFF)

  1. Function: Support MSG/RO with recruiting activities

  2. Duties: Responsible to the 940th AFROTC MSG/RO for the status of the recruiting program by:

  1. Coordinating with the 940th AFROTC MSG/RO to create and man recruiting events

  2. Submit weekly update on the status of Recruiting to the 940th AFROTC MSG/RO

  3. Perform additional duties as assigned by 940th AFROTC MSG/RO

940th AFROTC Retention Snack Cadet (940th AFROTC MSG/RT/SNACK)

  1. Function: Support MSG/RTO with retention activities and the CW with the snack bar

  2. Duties: Responsible to the 940th AFROTC MSG/RTO for the morale of Cadet Wing by:

  1. Updating, organizing, and maintaining stock of the snack bar in the Warrior Lounge

  2. Keeping all snack areas in the Warrior Lounge neat and orderly

  3. Observe and report on the morale and welfare of all cadets

  4. Plan fun, entertaining, and exciting events to promote esprit de corps

  5. Submit weekly update on the status of the snack bar (including weekly funds update) to the 940th AFROTC MSG/RTO

  6. Perform additional duties as assigned by 940th AFROTC MSG/RTO

940th AFROTC Mission Support Group Dining In Officer (940th AFROTC MSG/DIO)

  1. Function: Responsible for planning and executing Military Ball

  2. Duties: Responsible to the 940th AFROTC MSG/CD for:

      1. Coordinating, planning, and executing Dining In

      2. Create a timeline for the planning of Dining In

      3. Monthly meetings to update Cadre and the 940th AFROTC CW/CC and 940th AFROTC CW/CV/IG on the status of Dining In

      4. Plan and execute Dining In to include guest speaker, gifts, and food/drinks

      5. Supervise Dining In Staff to include weekly meetings

      6. Submit weekly update on the status of Dining In to the 940th AFROTC MSG/CD

      7. Other duties assigned by the 940th AFROTC MSG/CD

940th AFROTC Mission Support Group Dining In Staff (940th AFROTC MSG/MB/STAFF)

  1. Function: Responsible for assisting in the planning and execution of Dining In

  2. Duties: Responsible to the 940th AFROTC MSG/DIO for:

      1. Helping coordinate, plan, and execute Dining In for the Detachment

      2. Submit weekly update on the status of Dining In duties to the 940th AFROTC MSG/DIO

      3. Other duties assigned by the 940th AFROTC MSG/DIO

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