Bachelor of computer application 1year examination, 2009 Paper—bcad-201 programming fundamentals

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Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks: 100
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Answers ALL Sections as per

Instructions given in each Section.

Section - I

Answer All the questions. Each question carries two (2) marks.

(2*10 = 20)

  1. What is data type?

  2. What is null pointer?

  3. What is LISP?

  4. What is an operand?

  5. What is a function?

  6. What is break statement?

  7. What is gets() and puts() function?

  8. What is high level language?

  9. What is assembly language?

  10. What is for loop?

Section – II
Answer any FIVE questions. Each question carries six (6) marks.

(6 * 5 = 30)

1. Write an algorithm to print first 10 odd numbers.

2. What is the flow chart? Explain with example.

3. Explain the basic structured programming constructs with suitable


  1. What are multidimensional arrays? How array are initialized.

  2. Write short notes on :

    1. Assembler

    2. Complier

  3. What are null pointers?

  4. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of machine language.

  5. Explain the various data types with example.

Section – III
Answer any FIVE questions. Each question carries ten (10) marks.

( 10 * 5 = 50)

1. Explain structured programming. Mention its characteristics.

2. Explain various types of operations in C.

3. Write a pseudo code to find the factorial of a number given by the


    1. Explain the advantages of top down and bottom up design.

    2. What is file? Using C language, how will you open and close a file?

    3. Write a program to calculate the sum of all even numbers in the range

1 to 50.

7. Explain the processes involved in executing a high level language

Program on a computer.

8. Discuss the role of various programming tools with examples.

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