Session No. 8 Course Title: Theory, Principles and Fundamentals of Hazards, Disasters, and U. S. Emergency Management Session Title: Disaster As a growth Business Time: 3 Hours Objectives

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Session No. 8

Course Title: Theory, Principles and Fundamentals of Hazards, Disasters, and U.S.

Emergency Management
Session Title: Disaster As A Growth Business

Time: 3 Hours


    1. To provide an awareness of the increasing risk and vulnerability of the U.S. population to hazards as well as some of the more important factors bearing on this increase.

    2. To describe some of the actions that could be taken to reduce vulnerability and loss.


To introduce this session, the professor describes disaster as a growth business from the international and U.S. perspectives. Next, the students explore the factors that contribute to the growing risk of disasters and attempt to discern between superficial reasons and root causes. Finally, the class examines potential actions that could lessen vulnerability and losses in the United States. ________________________________________________________________________

Suggested Student Homework Reading Assignment:

Need to determine specifics.

Additional Sources to Check:
American Meteorological Society. 2000. Policy Issues In Hurricane Preparedness and Response – Report of The Weather Channel Forum. Washington, DC: AMS Atmospheric Policy Program, September.
Association of State Floodplain Managers. 2000. National Flood Programs in Review, 2000. Madison, WI: ASFPM. Available online at URL:
Changnon, Stanley A. and David Changnon. “Record High Losses for Weather Disasters in the United States During the 1990s: How Excessive and Why?” Natural Hazards, Vol. 18, pp. 287-300.

Claussen, Eileen and Lisa McNeilly. 1998. Equity & Global Climate Change: The Complex Elements of Global Fairness. Arlington, VA: Pew Center on Global Climate Change, October 29.

Contingency Planning & Management. “East Coast Collisions: The 1999 Atlantic Hurricane Season.” Vol. 5, No. 1, January/February, pp. 24-28.
Davies, Kert. 2000. Heat Waves and Hot Nights (A Report by Ozone Action and Physicians for Social Responsibility). Ozone Action and Physicians for Social Responsibility, July 26. Online document at URL:
Easterling, David R., et al. 2000. Climate Extremes: Observations, Modeling and Impacts. Science’s Compass. 22 September 2000. Vol. 289.
Field, C.B. et al. 1999. Confronting Climate Change in California: Ecological Impacts on the Golden State. Union of Concerned Scientists, Cambridge, MA and The Ecological Society of America, Washington, DC.
Flavin, Christopher. 1994. “Storm Warnings: Climate Change Hits The Insurance Industry.” World Watch, Vol. 7, No. 6, November-December, pp. 10-20.
Foster, John. 2000. “Global Warming & Risk Management.” Public Risk, Vol. 14, No. 5, May-June, pp. 22-23.
Gornitz, Vivien. 2000. Climate Change and a Global City: An Assessment Of The Metropolitan East Coast (MEC) Region. Coastal Zone Sector Report: Sea Level Rise And Coastal Hazards.
Heinz Center (The H. John Heinz III Center for Science, Economics and the Environment). 2000. Evaluation of Erosion Hazards. Washington, DC: Heinz Center. Available online at URL:
Hooke, William H. 2000. “U.S. Participation In International Decade For Natural Disaster Reduction.” Natural Hazards Review, Vol. 1, No. 1, February, pp. 2-9.
Insurance Services Office, Inc. 1999. Financing Catastrophe Risk: Capital Market Solutions (Executive Summary).
Lichterman, Joshua D. 1999. “Disasters to Come.” Futures, 31, pp. 593-607.
Newman, James E., Gary Yohe, Robert Nicholls, and Michelle Manion. 2000. Sea-Level Rise & Global Climate Change: A Review of Impacts to U.S. Coasts. Arlington, VA: Pew Center on Global Climate Change. Also online at URL:
NOAA. 1998 (online). State of the Coast Report. Silver Spring, MD: NOAA. URL:
Panel on Reconciling Temperature Observations. 2000. Reconciling Observations Of Global Temperature Change.
Peilke, Roger A., Jr., 2000. “Policy History of the US Global Change Research Program: Part I. Administrative Development.” Global Environmental Change, Vol. 10, pp. 9-25.
Quarantelli, E.L. 1999. “Implications for Programmes and Policies From Future Disaster Trends.” Risk Management: An International Journal, Vol. 1, pp. 9-19.
Robinson, Andrew. 1993. “Global Climatic Change.” Chapter 9 (pp. 259-295) in Earth Shock – Hurricanes, Volcanoes, Earthquakes, Tornadoes and Other Forces of Nature. NY, NY: Thames and Hudson, Inc.
Schlmadinger, Bernhard and Gregg Marland. 2000. Land Use & Global Climate Change – Forests, Land Management, and the Kyoto Protocol. Arlington, VA: Pew Center on Global Climate Change, June.
Subcommittee on Global Change Research. 2000. Climate Change Impacts on the United States: the Potential Consequences of Climate Variability and Change (Review Draft). Committee on Environment and Natural Resources of the National Science and Technology Council, National Science Foundation.
Vellinga, P. and W. J. van Verseveld. 2000. Climate Change and Extreme Weather Events. Amsterdam: Institute for Environmental Studies, World-Wide Fund for Nature.
Western Governors Association. 1999. Flood Plain Management and Dam Operations: An

Issue Paper for the Western Governors Association.
Wigley, Tom, M.L. 1999. The Science of Climate Change: Global and U.S. Perspectives. Arlington, VA: Pew Center on Global Climate Change, June 29. Also available online at URL:
Dynes, Russell R. 1997. The Lisbon Earthquake in 1755: Contested Meanings In The First Modern Disaster. Disaster Research Center, University of Delaware.

Directory: hiedu -> docs -> hazdem
docs -> Principal hazards in the united states
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hazdem -> Disaster Studies Programs in North American Higher Education Historical Considerations
hazdem -> Session No. 3 Course Title: Theory, Principles and Fundamentals of Hazards, Disasters, and U. S. Emergency Management Session Title: Hazard Categories or Taxonomies Time: 1 Hour Objectives
hazdem -> Exercise: Classify the Event
hazdem -> Select list of u. S. Catastrophes waiting to happen b. Wayne Blanchard, Ph. D., Cem emergency Management Higher Education Project Manager Alphabetical Listing

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