Arizona State Aquatic Invasive Species Management Plan

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Arizona State

Aquatic Invasive


Management Plan
(Based around AzGFD, USFWS, UA, AzDofAg as primary cooperative agencies)



Table of Contents

A. Executive Summary 5

B. Introduction 6

C. Aquatic Invasive Species Problems and Concerns in Arizona 9

Freshwater Animals 10

Freshwater Plants 10

Algae 11

D. Goals 13

E. Existing Aquatic Invasive Species Authorities and Programs (look at NM AIS and see what can be applied here) (Look at priority {problem definition and ranking} classes).priorority class 1: quagga, zebra, nz mud snail, rusty and redclaw crayfish, salvinia, didymo., asian carp, hydrilla, Priority class 2: Eurasian watermilfoil, bullfrog, chytrid fungus, water hyacinth, northern snakehead, purple loostrife, whirling disease, golden algae, Priority class 3: golden apple snail, VHS, nutria, salt cedar, arundo et al., Asiatic clams, round goby, 14

State Authorities and Programs 14

Arizona Animal Programs and Regulations 14

Arizona Plant Programs and Regulations 15

Federal Regulations 15

International Agreements 15

F. Objectives, Strategies, Actions, and Cost Estimates (REWRITE: See pg 31 of NM AIS) (FOLLOW FORMATTING OF NM AIS STARTING ON PG 34 – Implementation Table) 17

Objective 1: Prevent new and unintended introductions of aquatic invasive species into the Colorado River and inland waters of Arizona. 17

Objective 2: Limit the spread of established populations of aquatic invasive species into uninfested waters of the state. 20

Objective 3: Abate/mitigate harmful ecological, economic, social and public health impacts resulting from infestations of aquatic invasive species. 23

G. Priorities for Action 27


Priority Species 27

Priority class 3: golden apple snail, VHS, nutria, salt cedar, arundo et al., Asiatic clams, round goby, 27

H. Planned Efforts Implementation Table 29

I. Program Evaluation and Monitoring (Make applicable to AZ and perhaps refine/enhance) 35

Oversight 35

Evaluation 35

Reporting 35

J. Glossary 37

K. Literature Cited 39

L. Appendices and References 41

Appendix A: Section 1204 of the National Invasive Species Act of 1996 41

Appendix B: Arizona Aquatic Invasive Species Management Plan, Public Review InformationAppendix B 44

Arizona Aquatic Invasive Species Management Plan 44

Public Review Information 44

Appendix C: Non-indigenous Aquatic Species in Arizona 44

Appendix C 44

Non-indigenous Aquatic Species in Arizona 44

Appendix D: Aquatic Invasive Species Authorities and Programs 49

Appendix D 49

Aquatic Invasive Species Authorities and Programs 49

Appendix E: House Bill 2157, Ch 77, Director's Order 1, 2, & 3: Quagga/Zebra Mussels 53

Appendix E 53

House Bill 2157 Chapter 77 53

Director’s Order 1, 2 & 3: Quagga Mussel and Zebra Mussel 53

A. Executive Summary

Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) are a growing problem in Arizona. This document is an important step in the coordinated response to the problem and serves as an efficient means of communicating the scope of activities necessary to effectively address the issue. Several projects across the state have focused on isolated AIS plant and animal problems. The purpose of the Arizona State Aquatic Invasive Species Management Plan is to provide guidance on management actions to address the prevention, control and impacts of unwanted nonindigenous aquatic nuisance species that have invaded or may invade Arizona.

State, federal and international AIS authorities and programs are briefly discussed to provide an understanding of our current ability to regulate and manage AIS. The development of a state management plan, as called for in Section 1204 of the Nonindigenous Aquatic Nuisance Prevention and Control Act of 1990 (P.L. 101-646) (NANPCA) provides an opportunity for federal cost-share support for implementation of the plan (Appendix A). Approval of this management plan by the national Aquatic Nuisance Species (ANS) Task Force is also required for Arizona to be eligible for federal cost-share support. Freshwater nonindigenous species that are known to have been found in Arizona are listed. Very little is known about the impact of many AIS and some have high commercial, recreational and aesthetic values. The plan identifies a small number of priority AIS that are considered to be highly detrimental, and worthy of immediate or continued management action. The management actions outlined in this plan concentrate on these priority species.

The goal of this plan is

Tto fully implement a coordinated strategy designed to prevent new unintended introductions of AIS into the Colorado River and inland waters of the state, to limit the spread of established populations of AIS into un-infested waters of the state, and to abate harmful ecological, economic, social and public health impacts resulting from infestation of AIS.
Section 1204 requires that this management plan "identifies those areas or activities within the state, other than those related to public facilities, for which technical and financial assistance is needed to eliminate or reduce the environmental, public health and safety risks associated with aquatic nuisance species." This plan focuses on the identification of feasible, cost-effective management practices and measures to be taken on by state and local programs to prevent and control AIS infestations in a manner that is environmentally sound. The three main goals identified in the plan are structured to be achieved through the implementation of strategic actions and tasks designed to solve specific problems. The plan will be periodically revised and adjusted based upon the practical experience gained from implementation, scientific research, and new tools, as they become available.
The implementation table summarizes the plan’s funding from all sources. Implementing the programs outlined in this plan will require a coordinated tribal, Federal, State and private effort, and the dedication of significantly greater funding than is currently available.

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