Belair High School Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination

Aim: To determine which brand of baking soda is more effective using vinegar. Apparatus

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Aim: To determine which brand of baking soda is more effective using vinegar.
Apparatus: 100cm3 conical flask,25cm3 burette,100cm3 measuring cylinder, electric scale, calculator, lab coat, gloves, retort stand, stirring rod.

        1. Crush 25 grams of Brand arm and Hammer baking soda and 25 grams of bake king baking soda.

        2. Formely dissolve both samples of baking soda into eperate conical flask with25cm3 HCL each and add one drop of phenolphthalein indicator.

        3. Later fill the burette to the zero mark with NaOH, then use that burette to titrate over the HCL until a pink colaration is seen endpoint.

        4. Repeat the procedure with the other conical flask containing the other Baking soda(Red king)and precisely record the amounts of HCL added and then make necessary calculation.

        5. Finally recap 1,2,3,and 4 to gain maximum accuracy with the reults, the effectiveness of the baking soda.(that is the amountof HCL nuetraliszed by Baking soda).

Controlled variable:
1. Volume of HCL added
2. Mass of both baking soda weighed.
1. Brand of baking soda
2. NaOH
Dependent variable:
1. Amount of HCL neutralized
2. The Pink color Change.

Expected Results: The smaller the volumne,the alkaline needed to react with HCL, the more reactive it will be. Arm and hammer baking soda will be more reactive since there was less moles of HCL wa nuetraliszed by NaOH to bring it to endpoint.

              1. Make sure the baking soda purchased is not close to its expiry date.

              2. Make sure all utensils are washed and dry when repeating titration.

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