Biographical Sketch

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Dr. James N. Gray
Title: Distinguished Engineer

Microsoft Research

455 Market St, Suite 1690

San Francisco, CA. 94105

tel: 415-778-8222

fax: 425-706-7329

email: Gray @

Biographical Sketch:
Dr. Gray is a specialist in database and transaction processing computer systems. At Microsoft his research focuses on scaleable computing: building super-servers and work-group systems from commodity software and hardware. Prior to joining Microsoft, he worked at Digital, Tandem, IBM and AT&T on database and transaction processing systems including Rdb, ACMS, NonStop SQL, Pathway, System R, SQL/DS, DB2, and IMS-Fast Path. He is editor of the Performance Handbook for Database and Transaction Processing Systems, and co-author of Transaction Processing Concepts and Techniques. He holds doctorates from Berkeley and Stuttgart, is a Member of the National Academy of Engineering, American Academy of Arts and Science, and the National Academy of Science, a Fellow of the ACM, and Editor of the Morgan Kaufmann series on Data Management. In 1998 he received the ACM Turing Award. He frequently lectures at universities, and often reviews application designs. He has been a McKay Fellow at UC Berkeley.
Current Activities:

Research on fault-tolerant, parallel, and distributed database systems.


1961-1966: UC Berkeley, Departments of Mathematics and Engineering. BS Degree in Mathematics and Engineering.

1966: Courant Institute at New York University.

1967-1969: UC Berkeley, Department of Computer Science. PhD Degree in Computer Science.

Employment History

1962, 1963 Co-op Student, General Dynamics Astronautics, San Diego, CA.

1964 Reader, Mathematics Department, U.C. Berkeley, Berkeley, CA.

1965-1966 Research Assistant, Electronics Research Laboratory, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA.

1966-1967 Member of Technical Staff, Bell Telephone Laboratory, Whippany, NJ.

1967-1969 Research Assistant, Dept. of Computer Science, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA.

1969-1971 IBM Post Doctoral Fellow, Dept. of Computer Science, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA.

1971-1972 Research Staff Member, General Science Department, IBM Research, Yorktown Heights, NY.

1972 UNESCO Expert, Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest, Romania

1972-1980 Research Staff Member, Computer Science Department, IBM Research, San Jose, CA.

1980-1990 Software Designer, Software Development Department, Tandem Computers, Cupertino, CA.

1988 (spring): Stanford University Department of Computer Science

1990 - 1994 Corporate Consulting Engineer: Digital Equipment Corporation

1994 -1995 McKay Fellow at University of California Computer Science Department

1995- Senior Researcher, Microsoft Research, San Francisco, CA,
promoted to Distinguished Engineer in 2000.

Professional Honors

Phi Beta Kappa

Sigma Chi

Honorary Doctorate of Natural Science, University of Stuttgart, 1990,

IBM Outstanding Innovation Award

Tandem Outstanding Performer Award

Association for Computing Machinery

1982: Best Systems Paper -- for paper on System R recovery manger.

1989: Best Systems Award – for work on Relational DBs Shared award with 8 others.

1993 SIGMOD Data Management Software Systems Award

1994 Elected ACM Fellow

1994 SIGMOD best paper award

1998 VLDB best paper award 10 years later (with Dina Bitton)

1998 Turing Award

National Academy of Engineering

1994: Elected to membership.

IEEE 1998 Charles Babbage Award - for High Performance Database Systems

US Geological Survey, 2000 John Wesley Powell Award (with Tom Barclay for TerraServer)

National Academy of Science

2001: Elected to membership

American Academy of Arts And Sciences

2001: Elected to membership

Distinguished Lecturer at:

CMU, Ga. Tech., MIT, Simon Frazer U., U Alberta, U Virginia, U Washington, U. Illinois, U. Minnesota, U. Minnesota, U. Stuttgart, U. Wisconsin at Madison, UC Bakersfield, Berkeley, Irvine, Los Angles, Santa Barabar, Santa Cruz, San Diego, U Maryland

Keynote Speaker:

• Italian ACM Conference 1980

• VLDB 1981, 1985, 1991, 1998

• German ACM Conference 1982

• Australian ACM Conference 1983,

• Principles of Distributed Computing 1985


• Workshop on Database Machines 1989

• International Conference on Distributed Computer Systems, 1990

• DBexpo 92, 93, 94, 95, 96

• RdbExpo, DECUS 92, 93, 94

• FCRC 99

• SIGMOD 97, 99

• NetStore 99, HPTS99,..

• many more
Taught many short-courses at various institutes
Professional Affiliations

Member of National Academy of Engineering

Member of National Academy of Science

Member of American Academy of Arts and Science

Fellow of Association of Computing Machinery

Former Trustee of VLDB Endowment

Member of National Research Council, study group on

Directions of Computer Science,

Library of Congress IT plan

Sustainability Research

Former Member of National Research Council, Computer Science and Telecommunications Board (1990-1999)

Former Member of Presidential Advisory Committee on Next Generation Internet, High Performance Computing, and Information Technology

Association of Computing Machines

• Special Interest Group on Operating Systems

• Special Interest Group on Management of Data

• Special Interest Group on Programming Languages

• Past Chairman of ACM Distinguished Doctoral Dissertation Award Committee

• SIGMOD program committee (9 years)

• SIGOPS program committee (3 years)

• PODS program committee (2 years)

• VLDB program committee (5 years)

• OSDI program committee (2 year)


• Western Area Program Committee

• CompCon Program Committee (ten years)
VLDB Foundation

• VLDB program committee (six years)

• Former Editor in Chief of Very Large Database Journal (1990-1998)

• Former Trustee of the VLDB foundation (1990-2000)

Industrial Affiliate

• UC Berkeley

• Stanford

• U. Wisconsin

Federation of American Scientists
Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility
Editor of Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems


  1. “The Theory of Sequential Relations” With M.A. Harrison, Information and Control, V. 9.2, 1966, pp.435-468.

  2. “Two Way Push Down Automata” With M.A. Harrison and O.H. Ibera, Information and Control, V. 11.1, 1967, pp. 30-70.

  3. “Infinite Linear Sequential Machines” With H. Gallaire, M.A. Harrison, and G.T. Herman, Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences, V. 2.2, 1968, pp. 381-419.

  4. “Precedence Parsers for Programming Languages” Ph. D. Thesis, Department of Computer Sciences, University of California, Berkeley California. 1969. 114 pages.

  5. “Locking” Proceedings of Woods Hold Conference on Concurrent Systems and Parallel Computation, J. Dennis Ed., ACM 1970 Conference Record. 1970. pp. 169-176

  6. “A Critique of Forrester's Model of an Urban Area” With D.E. Pessel and P. Variaya, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, V. 2.2, 1972, pp. 139-144.

  7. “Further Critique of Forrester's Model of an Urban Area”, Chapter of Urban Dynamics, Extensions and Reflections, Ken Chan ed., San Francisco press, San Francisco, California, 1972, pp. 153-168.

  8. “A Fortran Version of Forrester's Model of an Urban Area”, Chapter of Urban Dynamics, Extensions and Reflections, Ken Chan ed., San Francisco press, San Francisco, California, 1972 pp. 214-253.

  9. “The Control Structure of an Operating System” with B.W. Lampson, B.G. Lindsay, and H.E. Sturgis, IBM RC 3949, IBM Research Center, P.O. 218, Yorktown Hts. N.Y., 10598, 1972. 72 pages.

  10. “On the Covering and Reduction Problem for Context Free Grammars” with M.A. Harrison, Journal of ACM., V. 19.4, 1972, pp. 675-698.

  11. “Canonical Precedence Schemes” with M.A. Harrison, Journal of ACM., V. 20.2, 1973, pp. 214-234.

  12. “Locking in Decentralized Computer Systems” IBM RJ 1346, IBM Research Center, 5600 Cottle Rd., San Jose, CA., 95193, 1974. 59 pages.

  13. “The Art of Designing in the Presence of Imperfection: A Study of Methodologies for Reliability and Availability”, with R.M. Goldwin, A.P. Mullerey, G.H. Okimoto, and R.D. Villani. IBM Research Report RC 4818, April, 1974.

  14. “The Notions of Consistency and Predicate Locks”, with K.P. Eswaran, R.A. Lorie, I.L. Traiger, IBM RJ 1487, IBM Research Center, 5600 Cottle Rd., San Jose, CA., 95193, 1974., CACM V19.11, Nov 1976, pp 624-632.

  15. “A Shared Segment and Interprocess Communication Facility for VM/370”, with V. Watson, IBM RJ 1579, IBM Research Center, 5600 Cottle Rd., San Jose, CA., 95193, 1975. 39 pages.

  16. “Views, Authorization and Locking” with D.D. Chamberlin, I.L. Traiger, National Computer Conference Proceedings, Spartan Press, 1975, pp. 425-430.

  17. “Granularity of Locks in a Shared Database” with R. Lorie, G.F. Putzolu, Proceedings of International Conference on Very Large Databases, ACM Conference Record, 1975. pp. 231-248.

  18. “Granularity of Locks and Degrees of Consistency”, with R. Lorie, G.F. Putzolu, and I.L. Traiger, chapter in Modeling in Data Base Management Systems, G.M. Nijssen ed., North Holland Pub., 1976, pp. 364-394.

  19. “System R: a Relational Approach to Database Management”, with M.M. Astrahan, M.W. Blasgen, D.D. Chamberlin, K.P Eswaran, P.P. Griffiths, W.F. King, R.A. Lorie, P.R. McJones, J.W. Mehl, G.F. Putzolu, I.L. Traiger, and V. Watson, ACM Transactions on Database Systems, V 1.2, 1976, pp 97-137. Republished by Auerback.

  20. “The Notions of Consistency and Predicate Locks” with K.P. Eswaran, R.A. Lorie, I.L. Traiger, CACM V. 9.11, 1976, pp. 624-633.

  21. “Database System Authorization”, with D.D. Chamberlin, P.P. Griffiths, I.L. Traiger, B.W. Wade, chapter in Foundations of Secure Computing, Demillo et. al. eds., Academic Press, 1978, pp. 39-55.

  22. “Notes on Database Operating Systems”, chapter in Operating Systems, an Advanced Course, Bayer et. al. eds., Lecture notes in Computer Science 60, Springer-Verlag, 1978, pp. 389-481.

  23. “Using Photo-Composer Equipment from San Jose Research VM System” with J.N. King, IBM RJ 2594, IBM Research Center, 5600 Cottle Rd., San Jose, CA., 95193, 1979. 21 pages.

  24. “The Convoy Phenomenon” with M.W. Blasgen, M.A. Mitoma, and T.G. Price, ACM Operating Systems Review, V. 13.2, 1979, pp. 20-28.

  25. “An Overview of System R -- a Relational Database System”, with M.M. Astrahan, M.W. Blasgen, D.D. Chamberlin, P.P. Griffiths, W.F. King, R.A. Lorie, P.R. McJones, J.W. Mehl, G.F. Putzolu, D.R. Slutz, H.R. Strong, P. Tiberio, I.L. Traiger, and B. Yost, IEEE Computer, IEEE Press, V 13.4, 1979, pp 43-55.

  26. “A History and Evaluation of System R”, with M.M. Astrahan, M.W. Blasgen, D.D. Chamberlin, K.P Eswaran, P.P. Griffiths, W.F. King, B.G. Lindsay, R.A. Lorie, P.R. McJones, J.W. Mehl, T.G. Price, G.F. Putzolu, D.R. Slutz, H.R. Strong, P. Tiberio, I.L. Traiger, and B. Yost, IBM RJ IBM RJ 2843, IBM Research Center, 5600 Cottle Rd., San Jose, CA., 95193, 1979. 38 pages.

  27. “A Discussion of Distributed Systems” Proceedings of 1979 Italian ACM Conference, Bari, Italy, 1979. pp 204-211.

  28. “A Transaction Model” Lecture Notes in Computer Science, V. 85., Springer Verlag, 1980, pp. 282-298.

  29. “A Strawman Analysis of Deadlock Probability,” with P.W. Homan, H.A. Korth, R.L. Obermarck, IBM RJ 2131, IBM Research Center, 5600 Cottle Rd., San Jose, CA., 95193, 1981. 18 pages.

  30. “System R: An Architectural Overview”, with M.M. Astrahan, M.W. Blasgen, D.D. Chamberlin, P.P. Griffiths, W.F. King, R.A. Lorie, P.R. McJones, J.W. Mehl, G.F. Putzolu, D.R. Slutz, H.R. Strong, P. Tiberio, I.L. Traiger, and B. Yost, IBM Systems Journal, V. 20.1, 1981.

  31. “The Transaction Concept, Virtues And Limitations” Proceedings of 7th VLDB., ACM press, 1981, pp. 144-154.

  32. “An End User Approach to Application Design”, Proceedings of NATO Summer School on Database Design, Lisbon Portugal, Also, Tandem TR 81.1.

  33. “The Recovery Manager of a Data Management System” With P.R. McJones, M.W. Blasgen, R.A. Lorie, T.G. Price, G.R Putzolu, I.L. Traiger, ACM Computing Surveys, V. 13.2, 1982, pp. 223-242.

  34. “A Position Paper on Distributed Database Systems”. Proceedings of German ACM Conference, Nuremburg, 1982.

  35. “Transactions and Consistency in Distributed Database Systems”, with I.L. Traiger, C.A. Galtaire, and B.G. Lindsay, ACM TODS, V. 7.3, 1982, pp. 323-342.

  36. “Solving the Problems of Distributed Databases” with S. Metz, Data Communications, Oct 1983, pp. 183-192.

  37. “One Thousand Transactions Per Second” with B. Good, P.W. Homan, D.E. Gawlick, H. Sammer, IEEE Compcon Proceedings, San Francisco, IEEE Press, 1985, pp. ???.

  38. “A Measure of Transaction Processing Performance” With 25 others Datamation, V 31.7, April 1985, pp 112-118.

  39. “An Approach to Distributed Computing” IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, V 12.6, June 1986. pp 684-689.

  40. Fault Tolerant Systems, with Eiichi Watanabe, in Japanese., McGraw Hill, Tokyo. 1991.

  41. “Distributed Systems: Four Case Studies” with Mark Anderton IEEE Transactions on Computers. and Tandem Technical Report 85.5.

  42. “Why Do Computers Stop and What Can We Do About It”, 6th International Conference on Reliability and Distributed Databases, June 1987.

  43. “The Five Minute Rule for Trading Memory for Disc Accesses, and the 10 Byte Rule for Trading Memory for CPU Time” with Franco Putzolu, Proceedings of SIGMOD 87, June 1987, pp. 395-398.

  44. “Fault Tolerance in Tandem Computer Systems”, with Joel Bartlett and Bob Horst, Chapter in The Evolution of Fault-Tolerant Computing, A. Avizienis ed, Springer Verlag, 1987.

  45. “FastSort-- An External Sort Using Parallel Processing” with Alex Tsukerman, Tandem Systems Review, V 4.1, March 1987, pp. 57-72.

  46. “NonStop SQL, A Distributed High Performance, High Availability Implementation of SQL”, with the Tandem Database Group, Proceedings of 2n High Performance Transaction Processing Workshop, D. Gawlick Ed., Springer Verlag, 1989.

  47. “A Benchmark of NonStop SQL on the DebitCredit Transaction” . with the Tandem Performance Group, ACM SIGMOD 88, ACM Press. June. 1988, pp 337-341.

  48. “Transparency in Its Place” UNIX Review, V 5.5, May 1987 , pp. 42-53.

  49. “Disc Shadowing”, with Dina Bitton. Proc. 14Th VLDB 88, Morgan Kaufmann, Aug. 1988, pp 331-338.

  50. “The Cost of Messages”, Proceedings of 7th CAM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing, ACM Press. Aug. 1988, pp 1-7

  51. “A Comparison of the Byzantine Agreement Problem and the Transaction Commit Problem”, Fault-Tolerant Distributed Computing, B. Simons, A. Spector Editors, Spinger Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science, #448, pp. 10-18, 1989.

  52. “A Benchmark of NonStop SQL Release 2 Demonstrating Near-Linear Speedup and Scaleup on Large Databases”, with S. Englert, T. Kocher, and P. Shah, Tandem Technical Report TR 89.4, May 1989, Proceedings Sigmetrics, 1990

  53. “FastSort-- An External Sort Using Parallel Processing” with five others, Proc. SIGMOD 1990, pp. 88-101.

  54. “Ultra-dependable Architectures”, with Dan Siewiorek, M. Hsiao, D. Rennels, and T. Williams, in Annual Review of Computer Science, V.4, 1989-1990. pp: 503-516.

  55. “A Census of Tandem System Availability -- 1985-1990”, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, V39.4 , Oct 1990, pp. 409-418.

  56. “Parity Striping of Disc Arrays: Low-Cost Reliable Storage with Acceptable Throughput”, with Bob Horst, Mark Walker, Proc 16th VLDB, 1990.

  57. “Adaptive Hash Join for a Multiprogramming Environment”, with Hans Jorge Zeller, Proc 16th VLDB, 1990.

  58. “Open SQL” With Don Slutz and Rao Yendluri. Database Forum, May 1990.

  59. “Tandem’s Approach to Fault Tolerance”, with many others. To appear as a chapter in Dan Siewiorek’s revised book on Dependable Computers.

  60. “A Comparison of the Byzantine Agreement Problem and the Transaction Commit Problem” in Fault Tolerant Distributed Computing , B. Simons & A. Spector (eds), Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science #448, 1990, pp. 10-17.

  61. “Report on Fourth ACM SIGOPS European Workshop” With Ozalp Babaoglu, ACM Operating Systems Review, Vol. 25, #2, Jan. 1991. pp 19-43.

  62. “Performance Benefits of Parallel Query Execution and Mixed Workload Support in NonStop SQL Release 2”, with S. Englert, Tandem Systems Review, V.6.2, Oct 1990, pp. 12-23.

  63. “The NonStop SQL Release 2 Benchmark”, with S. Englert, T. Kocher, and Praful Shah, Tandem Systems Review, V.6.2, Oct 1990, pp. 24-35.

  64. “FastSort: A Distributed Single-Input Single-Output External Sort, With B. Salzberg, A. Tsukerman, S. Uren, and B. Vaughn, in Proc. of 1990 ACM SIGMOD Conf, May 1990, pp. 94-101.

  65. “A Census of Tandem System Availability, 1985-1990.” IEEE Trans. on Reliability. October 1990, Vol. 39, No 4, pp. 409-418.

  66. The Benchmark Handbook for Database and Transaction Processing Systems (editor). with Dina Bitton, Rick Cattell, Dave DeWitt, Pat Oneil, Omri Serlin, Tom Sawyer, Carolyn Trybyfill. Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo, CA, 1991.

  67. Review of Client Server Programming with OS/2 EE by Orfali and Harkey. Database Programming and Design, Vol. 4, No. 9, Sept. 1991, pp. 73-74

  68. “Super-Servers: Commodity Computer Clusters Pose a Software Challenge”, SFSC TR 91.2, Digital Equipment Corp., San Francisco, Dec. 1991.

  69. Online Transaction Processing Systems, with Eiichi Watanabe, in Japanese., McGraw Hill, Tokyo. 1991.

  70. “High Availability Computing Systems”, with Dan Sieworek, IEEE Computer, Vol. 39, No 8, pp 39-48, September 1991.

  71. “A Comparison of SQL Access and DRDA”, with Scott Newman. Database Programming and Design April 1991, lVol. 4 No 6, pp. 46-54.

  72. Transaction Processing: Concepts and Techniques, with Andreas Reuter, 1992 by Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo, CA.

  73. “Parallel Database Systems: the Future of High Performance Database Systems”, with Dave DeWitt, CACM, Vol. 35, No. 6, June 1992.

  74. The Benchmark Handbook for Database and Transaction Processing Systems (editor)-- 2nd edition. with Dina Bitton, Rick Cattell, Dave DeWitt, Pat Oneil, Omri Serlin, Tom Sawyer, Carolyn Trybyfill. Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo, CA, 1993.

  75. “The Evolution of TPC Benchmarks: Why TPC-A and TPC-B are Obsolete”, with Charles Levine, Steve Kiss, Walt Kohler, Open OLTP Report, Vol. 4, No 7, Nov., 1993. pp. 2-14. Standish Group, Yarmouth, MA.

  76. “AlphaSort - A RISC-machine Sort”, with Chris Nyberg, Zarka Cvetanovic, Dave Lomet, SIGMOD 94., pp. 233-242, Minniapolis, May 1994

  77. “Quickly Generating Billion-Record Synthetic Databases”, with Prakash Sundaresan, Susanne Englert, Ken Baclawski, Peter J. Weinberger, SIGMOD 94.pp. 243-252, Minneapolis, May 1994

  78. “Benchmarks Help With Server Platform Buys”, with Jim Johnson, Software Magazine, Vol. 13, No. 14, Sept. 1993, pp. 93-100.

  79. “Desktop Batch Processing”, with Chris Nyberg, COMPCON 94, IEEE Press, Feb. 1994.

  80. “Educating the Next Generation of Information Specialists -- A framework for an Academic Program in Informatics”, NSF Informatics Task Force Report, NFS press. May 1994.

  81. “EOSDIS Alternative Arcitecture- Final Report”, with Frank Davis, William Farrell, C.Roberto Mechoso, Reagan Moore, and Michael Stonebraker, #ECS-00012, UC Berkeley ERL. Sept, 1994.

  82. “Loading Databases Using Dataflow Parallelism” with Tom Barclay, Robert Barnes, and Prakash Sundaresan. SIGMOD RECORD, Vol 23. No. 4, Dec. 1994, pp. 72-83.

  83. “A Critique of SQL Isolation Levels”, with Pat ONeil, Elizabeth Oneil, and Hal Barenson, proc. ACM SIGMOD, 1995, 1-10.

  84. “ Data Cube: A Relational Aggregation Operator Generalizing Group-By, Cross-Tab, and Sub-Totals,” with Adam Bosworth, Andrew Layman, and Hamid Pirahesh. I CDE 1996. 152-159.

  85. “Scaleup with TP Monitors”, with Jeri Edwards, Byte, pp. 123-128, April 1995.

  86. “Super-Servers: Commodity Computer Clusters Pose a Software Challenge”, Databankesysteme in Buro, Technik und Wissenschaft, (Proceedings of German Database Conference, Dresden), G. Lausen (ed), Springer Verlag, Berlin, pp 30-48, March 1995.

  87. “The Advantages of Cache-Only Memory Architectures (COMA)”, with John G. Robinson, David C. Baxter, Kendall Sqare Research, April 1995.

  88. Beyond the Mainframe, A Survey of Information Technology, with Peter Conklin, Bill Demmer, Sam Fuller, Jessie Lipcon, Bill Laing, Pauline Nist, Al Nemeth, Digital Equipment Corp, Maynard MA, May 1995.

  89. “Parallel Database Systems 101,” SIGMOD95, San Jose, CA, May 1995.

  90. “Queues are Databases,” Proc. 7th High Performance Transaction Processing Workshop, Asilomar, CA, Sept 1995.

  91. “ Parallel Database Systems 101.” SIGMOD Conference 1995: 436

  92. Chris Nyberg, Tom Barclay, Zarka Cvetanovic, Jim Gray, David B. Lomet: AlphaSort: A Cache-Sensitive Parallel External Sort. VLDB Journal 4(4): 603-627 (1995)

  93. “Locally Served Network Computers,” Middle Ware Spectrum, V.11.2, June 1997,

  94. “Data Cube: A Relational Aggregation Operator Generalizing Group-by, Cross-Tab, and Sub Totals.” With Surajit Chaudhuri, Adam Bosworth, Andrew Layman, Don Reichart, Murali Venkatrao, Frank Pellow, Hamid Pirahesh: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 1(1): 29-53 (1997)

  95. “ The Evolution of Data Management.” IEEE Computer 29(10): 38-46 (1996)

  96. “The Dangers of Replication and a Solution.,” With Pat Helland, Patrick E. O'Neil, Dennis Shasha, SIGMOD Conf. 1996: 173-182

  97. “The Five-Minute Rule Ten Years Later, and Other Computer Storage Rules of Thumb.” With Goetz Graefe, SIGMOD Record 26(4): 63-68 (1997)

  98. “The Revolution Yet to Happen” with Gordon Bell in Beyond Calculation, the Next Fifty Years of Computing, PJ Denning, RM Metcalfe editors, Springer Verlag, NY, 1997.

  99. “The Design and Architecture of the Microsoft Cluster Service-- A Practical Approach to High-Availability and Scalability,” Werner Vogels, Dan Dumitriu, Ken Birman, Rod Gamache, Mike Massa, Rob Short, John Vert, Joe Barrera, Jim Gray, USENIX Windows NT Symposium, Seattle, WA, August 3-5, 1998.

  100. “A Performance Study of Sequential I/O on Windows NT™ 4,” with Erik Riedel and Catharine van Ingen, USENIX Windows NT Symposium, Seattle, WA, August 3-5, 1998.

  101. “The Microsoft TerraServer”, Tom Barclay, Robert Eberl, Jim Gray, John Nordlinger, Guru Raghavendran, Don Slutz, Greg Smith, Phil Smoot, John Hoffman, Natt Robb III, Hedy Rossmeissl, Beth Duff, George Lee, Theresa Mathesmier, Randall Sunne, Lee Ann Stivers, Ken Goodman,1998, Technical Report, MSR-TR-98-17

  102. “Performance / Price Sort and PennySort” , Jim Gray, Chris Nyberg, MSR-TR-98-23, April 1998

  103. “DataPump, Rivers, and NT/ClusterSort, Three Distributed Applications”, Josh Coates, Jim Gray, Alessandro Forin, Joe Barrera.

  104. “Microsoft TerraServer: A Spatial Data Warehouse”, Tom Barclay, Jim Gray, Don Slutz, MS-TR-99-29. June 1999. ACM SIGMOD2000.

  105. “What Next? A Dozen Information-Technology Research Goals,” ACM Turing Award Lecture (unpublished) June 1999, MS-TR-99-50

  106. “Fcast Scalable Multicast File Distribution: Caching and Parameters Optimizations” Jim Gemmell, Eve Schooler, Jim Gray, MSR-TR-99-14, June 1999. IEEE Network, V14.1, pp. 59-68, Feb 2000.

  107. “Designing and Mining Multi-Terabyte Astronomy Archives: The Sloan Digital Sky Survey,” Alexander Szalay, Peter Kunszt, Ani Thakar, MS-TR-99-30, June 1999, ACM SIGMOD2000.

  108. “Scalability Terminology: Farms, Clones, Partitions, and Packs: RACS and RAPS,” Bill Devlin, Bill Laing, George Spix, MSR-TR-99-85 December 1999

  109. “Rules of Thumb in Data Engineering,” Pershant Shenoy, MSR-TR-99-100, December 1999. Proc ICDE200, San Diego, March 1-4, 2000. IEEE press.

  110. “Windows 2000 Disk IO Performance,” with Leonard Chung, B. Worthington, R. Horst, June 2000, MS-TR-2000-55

  111. “Computer Technology Forecast,” in Virtual Observatories of the Future, ASP Conf. Series, V. 225, R.J. Burnner, S.G. Djorgovski, A.S. Szalay eds., Sept 2000.

  112. “Digital Immortality” with Gordon Bell, CACM 44(3): 28-31 (2001), MSR-TR-2000-101

  113. “The Sloan Digital Sky Survey and its Archive,” Szalay,A.S., Kunszt,P.Z., Thakar,A., Gray,J. and Slutz,D in Proc ADASS IX, eds. N. Manset, C. Veillet, D. Crabtree, (ASP Conference series), 216, 405 (2000).

  114. “Large Databases in Astronomy,” Szalay,A.S., Kunszt,P., Thakar,A. and Slutz,D.:in Proceedings of MPA/MPE/ESO Conference “Mining the Sky”, July 31 - August 4, 2000, Garching, Germany, , in press ( 2001).

  115. “The Hierarchical Triangular Mesh,” Kunszt,P.Z., Szalay,A.S., and Thakar,A in Proceedings of MPA/MPE/ESO Conference “Mining the Sky”, July 31 - August 4, 2000, Garching, Germany, , in press ( 2001).

  116. “The World Wide Telescope,” Szalay, A.S., Gray, J., Science, V.293 pp. 2037-2038. 14 Sept 2001. (MS-TR-2001-77)

  117. “High Performance Computing: Crays, Clusters, and Centers. What Next?” Bell, C.G., Gray, J., CACM,, (in press 2001). (MS-TR-2001-76)

  118. C. Stoughton et. al. “The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Early Data Release,” The Astronomical Journal, 123 1:485-548 (2002)

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