Biography: Huseyin Sehitoglu

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Sehitoglu, 8/6/17,


Huseyin Sehitoglu

John, Alice, and Sarah Nyquist Chair





Year Awarded



The City University, London (First Class Honors)




University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign




University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


Academic Positions:

Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, UIUC, 1983-87

Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, UIUC, 1987-92

Director, Mechanics and Materials, National Science Foundation, Washington, DC, 1991-93

Visiting Professor, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, 1993-94

Professor, Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering, UIUC, 1992-date

Associate Head, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, UIUC, 1996-99

Grayce Wicall Gauthier Professor, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, UIUC, 2000-04

C. J. Gauthier Professor, Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering, UIUC, 2004-2008

John, Alice, and Sarah Nyquist Chair, Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering, UIUC, 2008- Present

Interim Head, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, UIUC, 2004-2005

Head, Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering, UIUC, 2005-2009

Director, Fracture Control Program*, UIUC, 1989-Present

*The Fracture Control Program, founded in 1971, is an education -research program focused on fatigue of materials. Through Short Courses, Research Reports and Advisory Committee meetings it addresses both basic and advanced topics including multiaxial fatigue, weld fatigue, and thermo-mechanical fatigue. Over the last twenty years, more than 2000 engineers, designers and scientists have attended the Basic and Advanced Courses offered by the program. The Advisory Committee presentations and the both courses can be downloaded from . The current sponsors include Caterpillar, Honeywell, and ArvinMeritor.
Honors, Recognition, and Outstanding Achievements


Nadai Medal, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2007

Marcus Grossman Award, American Society for Metals International, 1998

Fatigue Lecture, American Society of Testing Materials, 2009

Institution of Mechanical Engineers Award,- The City University, London, England, 1979

Sir John Dawrance Award, The City University, London, England, 1977

F. H. Russell Prize,+ The City University, London, England, 1979

Research Initiation Award, National Science Foundation, 1984

Best Presentation Award, American Society of Testing Materials, 2003

Director, Mechanics and Materials, National Science Foundation, Washington, DC, 1991-93

Beckman Award, The Center for Advanced Study, 1993

Grayce Wicall Gauthier Professor, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, UIUC, 2000-2004

John, Alice, and Sarah Nyquist Chair, Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering, UIUC, 2008-

Associate Editor, ASME, Pressure Vessel Technology, 1986-1989

Editor, Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 2002-2008

Fellow, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2003
-Best Thesis Award

+First Place in Graduation
Research, Creative, and Other Scholarly Activities
Books Edited or Co-Edited, Original Editions
(1) Sehitoglu, H., Co-Editor (with S. Y. Zamrik), “Thermal Stress,” American Society of Mechanical Engineers Journal of Pressure Vessel and Piping Technology, PVP-Vol. 123, 1987.
(2) Sehitoglu, H., Editor, Thermo-mechanical Behavior of Materials, ASTM STP 1186, 1993.
(3) Sehitoglu, H. and Y. Chumlyakov, Guest Editors, “Shape Memory Alloys,” ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, Jan. 1999.
(4) Sehitoglu, H., Co-Editor (with H. J. Maier), “Thermo-Mechanical Behavior of Materials”, ASTM STP 1371, 2000.
Chapters in Books
(1) Sehitoglu, H., Thermal and Thermo-Mechanical Fatigue of Structural Alloys, Handbook on Fatigue and Fracture, ASM, 19, 527-554, 1996.
(2) Sehitoglu, H., "Thermo-mechanical Deformation of Engineering Alloys and Components-Experiments and Modeling," NATO ASI - Mechanical Behavior of Materials at High Temperature, C. Moura Branco, R. Ritchie, and V. Sklenicka, eds., Kluwer, 349-379, 1996.
(3) Sehitoglu, H., "The Effect of Particle Size on Thermo-Mechanical Fatigue of AlSiC Metal Matrix Composites," Fatigue under Thermal and Mechanical Loading: Mechanisms, Mechanics and Modeling, J. Bressers, L. Rémy, M. Steen, and J. L. Vallés, eds., Kluwer, 371-380, 1996.
Articles in Journals
(1) Sehitoglu, H. and D. L. McDiarmid, "The Effect of Load Stepdown on Fatigue Crack Arrest and Retardation," International Journal of Fatigue, 5560, 1980.
(2) Sehitoglu, H., "Fatigue Life Prediction of Notched Members Based on Local Strain and ElasticPlastic Fracture Mechanics Concepts," Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 18:3, 609621, 1983.
(3) Sehitoglu, H., "Characterization of Crack Closure," American Society for Testing and Materials, STP 868, 361380, 1985.
(4) Sehitoglu, H., "Crack Opening and Closure in Fatigue," Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 21:2, 329339, 1985.
(5) Sehitoglu, H., "Constraint Effect in Thermo-mechanical Fatigue," ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 107, 221226, 1985.
(6) Fec, M. C. and H. Sehitoglu, "Thermal-Mechanical Damage in Railroad Wheels Due to Hot Spotting," Journal of Wear, 102, 3142, 1985.
(7) Sehitoglu, H., "Material Behavior under Thermal Loading," ASME Journal of Pressure Vessel and Piping Technology, 108:1, 113119, 1986.
(8) Sehitoglu, H. and M. Karasek, "Observations of Material Behavior under Isothermal and Thermo-mechanical Loading," ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 108:2, 192198, 1986.
(9) Slavik, D. and H. Sehitoglu, "Constitutive Models Suitable for Thermal Loading," ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 108:4, 303-312, 1986.
(10) Lalor, P., H. Sehitoglu, and R. C. McClung, "Mechanics Aspects of Small Crack GrowthThe Role of Crack Closure," The Behavior of Short Fatigue Cracks, EGF 1, 369387, 1986.
(11) Sehitoglu, H., "Crack Growth Studies under Selected TemperatureStrain Histories," Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 26:4, 475489, 1987.
(12) McClung, R. C. and H. Sehitoglu, "Closure Behavior of Short Cracks under High Strain Fatigue Histories," American Society for Testing and Materials, STP 982, 279299, 1988.
(13) Lalor, P. and H. Sehitoglu, "Fatigue Crack Closure Outside a Small-Scale Yielding Regime," American Society for Testing and Materials, STP 982, 342360, 1988.
(14) Karasek, M., H. Sehitoglu, and D. Slavik, "Deformation and Fatigue Damage in 1070 Steel under Thermal Loading," American Society for Testing and Materials, ASTM STP 942, 184205, 1988.
(15) Sehitoglu, H., D. F. Socie, and D. W. Worthem, "Small Crack Growth Behavior during Biaxial Fatigue," American Society for Testing and Materials, Critical Experiments and Fundamental Questions in Fatigue, ASTM STP 924, 120136, 1988.
(16) Sehitoglu, H. and W. Sun, "The Significance of Crack Closure under High Temperature Fatigue Crack Growth with Hold Periods," Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 33:3, 371388, 1989.
(17) McClung, R. C. and H. Sehitoglu, "On the Finite Element Analysis of Crack Closure, Part I: Basic Modeling Issues," Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 33:2, 237252, 1989.
(18) McClung, R. C, and H. Sehitoglu, "On the Finite Element Analysis of Fatigue Crack Closure-Part II: Numerical Results," Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 33:2, 253-272, 1989.
(19) Sehitoglu, H., "Changes in State Variables at Elevated Temperatures," ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 111, 192203, 1989.
(20) Neu, R. and H. Sehitoglu, "Thermomechanical Fatigue, Oxidation, and Creep: Part I. Damage Mechanisms," Metallurgical Transactions, 20A, 17551767, 1989.
(21) Neu, R. and H. Sehitoglu, "Thermomechanical Fatigue Oxidation and Creep: Part II. Life Prediction," Metallurgical Transactions, 20A, 17691783, 1989.
(22) Sehitoglu, H. and D. A. Boismier, "Thermo-mechanical Fatigue of MarM247: Part 1 Experiments," ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 112, 6880, 1990.
(23) Boismier, D. A. and H. Sehitoglu, "Thermo-mechanical Fatigue of MarM247 Part 2Life Prediction," ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 112, 8090, 1990.
(24) Neu, R. and H. Sehitoglu, "Determination of Cone Bore Growth Due to Microstructural Changes," ASME Journal of Tribology, 112, 433441, 1990.
(25) Neu, R. and H. Sehitoglu, "Transformation of Retained Austenite in Carburized 4320 Steel," Metallurgical Transactions, 22A, 14911500, 1990.
(26) Sehitoglu, H., "Thermo-Mechanical Fatigue Life Prediction Methods," ASTM STP 1122, 4777, 1990.
(27) McClung, R. C. and H. Sehitoglu, "Characterization of Fatigue Crack Growth in Intermediate and Large Scale Yielding," ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 113, 1522, 1991.
(28) Karayaka, M. and H. Sehitoglu, "Thermomechanical Fatigue of Particulate-Reinforced Aluminum 2xxx-T4," Metallurgical Transactions, 22:3, 697708, 1991.
(29) Sehitoglu, H. and W. Sun, "Modeling of Plane Strain Fatigue Crack Closure," ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 113, 3141, 1991.
(30) Sehitoglu, H. and W. Sun, "Mechanisms of Crack Closure in Plane Strain and in Plane Stress," Fatigue under Biaxial and Multiaxial Loading, ESIS 10, 121, 1991.
(31) Neu, R. and H. Sehitoglu, "Stress Induced Transformations in a Carburized Steel - Experiments and Modeling," Acta Metallurgica, 40:9, 22572268, 1991.
(32) Sun, W. and H. Sehitoglu, "Residual Stress Fields During Fatigue Crack Growth," Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, 15:2, 115-128, 1992.
(33) Karayaka, M. and H. Sehitoglu, "Thermomechanical Cyclic Deformation of Metal Matrix Composites," ASTM STP, 1157, 101120, 1992.
(34) McClung, R. C. and H. Sehitoglu, "Closure and Growth of Fatigue Cracks at Notches," ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 114:1, 17, 1992.
(35) Sehitoglu, H. and M. Karayaka, ''Prediction of Thermomechanical Fatigue Lives in Metal Matrix Composites," Metallurgical Transactions, 23A, 2209-2038,1992.
(36) Neu, R. and H. Sehitoglu, "LowTemperature Creep of a Carburized Steel," Metallurgical Transactions, 23:7, 26192624, 1992.
(37) Neu, R. and H. Sehitoglu, "ThermalInduced Transformations of Retained Austenite in the Simulated Case of a Carburized Steel," ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 115, 8388, 1993.
(38) Kadioglu, Y. and H. Sehitoglu, "Modeling of Thermomechanical Fatigue Damage in Coated Alloys," ASTM STP, 1186, 1734, 1993.
(39) Hour, K. Y. and H. Sehitoglu, "Damage Development in a Short Fiber Reinforced Composite," Journal of Composites, 27:8, 782-805, 1993.
(40) Karayaka, M. and H. Sehitoglu, "Thermomechanical Deformation Modeling of A12xxxT4/SiC.p Composites," Acta Metallurgica, 41:1, 175189, 1993.
(41) Neu, R. and H. Sehitoglu, "Simulation of Cone Bore Growth in Bearings with a Three-Ring Model," ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 61:3,589595, 1994.
(42) Neu, R. and H. Sehitoglu, "Measurement of Transformation Strain During Fatigue Testing," ASTM STP, 1231, 577593, 1994.
(43) Jiang, R. and H. Sehitoglu, "An Analytical Approach to ElasticPlastic Stress Analysis of Rolling Contact," ASME Journal of Tribology, 116:3, 1994.
(44) Jiang, R. and H. Sehitoglu, "Cyclic Ratchetting of 1070 Steel Under Multiaxial Stress States," International Journal of Plasticity, 10:5, 579608, 1994.
(45) Jiang, R. and H. Sehitoglu, "Multiaxial Cyclic Ratchetting Under Multiple Step Loading," International Journal of Plasticity, 10:7, 1994.
(46) Jiang, Y. and H. Sehitoglu, "Comments on MROZ Multiple Surface Type Plasticity Models," International Journal of Solids and Structures, 33:7, 1053-1068, 1996.
(47) Kadioglu, Y. and H. Sehitoglu, "Thermomechanical and Isothermal Fatigue Behavior of Bare and Coated Superalloys," ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 117, 94102, 1996.
(48) Jiang, Y. and H. Sehitoglu, "Modeling of Cyclic Ratchetting Plasticity: Part 1Development of Constitutive Relations," ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 63, 720725, 1996.
(49) Jiang, Y. and H. Sehitoglu, "Modeling of Cyclic Ratchetting Plasticity: Part 2Comparison of Model Simulations with Experiments," ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 63, 726733, 1996.
(50) Gall, K., H. Sehitoglu, and Y. Kadioglu, "FEM Study of Fatigue Crack Closure Under Double Slip," Acta Metallurgica, 44:10, 39553965, 1996.
(51) Karayaka, M. and H. Sehitoglu, "Failure Behavior of Unidirectional AS4/35016 Carbon Epoxy Laminates," Journal of Composite Materials, 30, 11501176, 1996.
(52) Jiang, Y., and H. Sehitoglu, "Rolling Contact Stress Analysis with the Application of a New Plasticity Model,'' Wear, 191, 3544, 1996.
(53) Jacobus, K., H. Sehitoglu, and M. Balzer, "Effect of Stress State on the Stress-Induced Martensitic Transformation in Polycrystalline NiTi Alloy," Metallurgical Transactions, 27:10, 30663073, 1996.
(54) Sehitoglu, H., K. Gall, and A. M. Garcia, "Recent Advances in Fatigue Crack Growth Modeling," International Journal of Fracture, 80:2-3, 165192, 1996.
(55) Gall, K., H. Sehitoglu, and Y. Kadioglu, "Plastic Zones and Fatigue Crack Closure Under Plane-Strain Double Slip," Metallurgical Transactions, 27:11, 34913502, 1996.
(56) Balzer, M. and H. Sehitoglu, "A New Apparatus for Studying Mechanical Behavior Under Pressure, " Experimental Mechanics, 37:1, 8795, March 1997.
(57) Gall, K., H. Sehitoglu, and Y. Kadioglu, "A Methodology for Predicting Variability in Microstructurally Short Fatigue Crack Growth Rates," ASME Journal of Engineering Materials Technology, 119, 171179, April 1997.
(58) Garcia, A. M. and H. Sehitoglu, "Contact of Crack Surfaces During Fatigue, Part I  Formulation of the Model," Metallurgical Transactions, 28A, 2263-2275, 1997.
(59) Sehitoglu, H. and A. M. Garcia, "Contact of Crack Surfaces During Fatigue, Part 2  Simulations," Metallurgical Transactions, 28A, 22772289, 1997.
(60) Mazumder, J., H. Cheng, T. Yamomoto, T. Duffey, H. Sehitoglu, M. H. Jilavi, and W. M. Knver, "Nanocrystalline NbAL3 Powders and NbAL3/AL Multilayers by Laser Ablation Deposition," Nanostructured Materials, 9, 18, 1997.
(61) Karaman, I., H. Sehitoglu, H. J. Maier, and M. Balzer, "Stress State Effects on the StressInduced Martensitic Transformation of Carburized 4320 Steels," Metallurgical Transactions, 29A, 427437, 1998.
(62) Gall, K., H. Sehitoglu, and H. J. Maier, "Stress Induced Martensitic Phase Transformation in Polycrystalline CuZnAl Shape Memory Alloys in Different Stress States," Metallurgical Transactions, 29:3, 765773, 1998.
(63) Karaman, I., H. Sehitoglu, K. Gall, and Y. Chumlyakov, “On the Deformation Mechanisms in Single Crystal Hadfield Manganese Steels,” Scripta Materialia, 38:6, 10091015, 1998.
(64) Gall, K., H. Sehitoglu, Y. I. Chumlyakov, Y. L. Zuev, and I. Karaman, "The Role of Coherent Precipitates in Martensitic Transformations in Single Crystal and Polycrystalline Ti%0.8% Ni," Scripta Materialia, 39:6, 699705, 1998.
(65) Chumlyakov, Y., H. Sehitoglu, I. V. Kireeva, E. I. Litvirova, E. G. Zakharova, and I. S. Kalashnikov, "Plastic Deformation in Single Crystals of Hadfield Steel," Doklady Physics, 43:7, 415418, 1998.
(66) Sehitoglu, H. and A. M. Garcia, "Contact of Nonflat Crack Surfaces During Fatigue," American Society of Testing Materials, STP 1343, 367378, 1999.
(67) Gall, K. and H. Sehitoglu, "The Role of Texture in Tension-Compression Asymmetry in Polycrystalline NiTi," International Journal of Plasticity, 15, 69-92, 1999.
(68) Gall, K., H. Sehitoglu, Y. I. Chumlyakov, I. V. Kireeva, and H. J. Maier, "The Influence on Critical Transformation Stress Levels and Martensite Start Temperatures in NiTi: Part I–Aged Microstructure and Micro-Mechanical Modeling," Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 121:1, 1927, 1999.
(69) Gall, K., H. Sehitoglu, Y. I. Chumlyakov, I. V. Kireeva, and H. J. Maier, "The Influence of Aging on Critical Transformation Stress Levels and Martensite Start Temperatures in NiTi: Part II–Discussion of Experimental Results," Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 121:1, 2837, 1999.
(70) Gall, K., H. Sehitoglu, Y. Chumlyakov, and I. Kireeva, "Pseudoelastic Cyclic StressStrain Response of Over-aged Single Crystal Ti50.8%Ni," Scripta Materialia, 40:1, 712, 1999.
(71) Smith, T. J., H. J. Maier, H. Sehitoglu, E. Fleury, and J. A. Allison, "Modeling High Temperature StressStrain Behavior of Cast Aluminum Alloys," Metallurgical and Materials Transactions, 30A, 133146, 1999.
(72) Jiang, Y. and H. Sehitoglu, "A Model for Rolling Contact Failure," Wear, 224, 3849, 1999.
(73) Gall, K., H. Sehitoglu, Y. Chumlyakov, and I. Kireeva, "TensionCompression Asymmetry of the StressStrain Response of Aged Single Crystal and Polycrystalline NiTi," Acta Materialia, 47:4, 12031217, 1999.
(74) Saif, M. T. A., E. Alaca, and H. Sehitoglu, "Analytical Modeling of Electrostatic Membrane Actuator for Micro Pumps," Journal of MEMS, 8:3, 335-345, 1999.
(75) Litvinova, E. I., I. V. Kireeva, E. G. Zaharova, N. V. Luzginova, Y. I. Chumlyakov, H. Sehitoglu, and I. Karaman, "Twinning in Hadfield Steel Single Crystals," Physical Mesomechanics, 2:1-2, 107112, 1999.
(76) Chumlyakov, Y. I., I. V. Kireeva, H. Sehitoglu, E. I. Litvinova, E. G. Zaharova, and N. V. Luzginova, "HighStrength Single Crystals of Austenitic Stainless Steels with Nitrogen Content: Mechanisms of Deformation and Fracture," Materials Science Forum, 318, 395400, 1999.
(77) Gall, K., T. J. Lim, D. McDowell, H. Sehitoglu, and Y. I. Chumlyakov, "The Role of Intergranular Constraint on the Stress-Induced Martensitic Transformation in Textured Polycrystalline NiTi," International Journal of Plasticity, 16, 11891214, 2000.
(78) Chumlyakov, Y. I., I. V. Kireeva, E. I. Litvinova, E. G. Zakharova, N. V. Luzginova, S. P. Ephimenko, H. Sehitoglu, and I. Karaman, "Twinning in Gadfield Steel Single Crystals," Doklady Physics, 45:3, 101104, 2000.
(79) Sehitoglu, H., X. Qing, T. J. Smith, H. J. Maier, and J. A. Allison, "StressStrain Response of Aluminum 319T6 Under Thermomechanical Loading," Metallurgical and Materials Transactions, 31A:1, 139152, 2000.
(80) Andrews, S. D., H. Sehitoglu, and I. Karaman, "Constriction Energy in the Presence of a Solute Field," Journal of Applied Physics, 87:5, 2194-2203, 2000.
(81) Sehitoglu, H., T. Smith, and H. J. Maier, "Thermo-mechanical Deformation of A1 319-T7B with Small Secondary Dendrite Arm Spacing," ASTM STP 1371, 5368, 2000.
(82) Andrews, S. and H. Sehitoglu, "A Computer Model for Fatigue Crack Growth from Rough Surfaces," International Journal of Fatigue, 22:7, 619630, 2000.
(83) Karaman, I., K. Gall, H. Sehitoglu, and Y. Chumlyakov, "Deformation of Single Crystal Hadfield Steel by Twinning and Slip," Acta Materialia, 48, 1345-1359, 2000.
(84) Karaman, I., H. Sehitoglu, A. J. Beaudoin, Y. Chumlyakov, H. J. Maier, and C. N. Tomé, "Modeling the Deformation Behavior of Hadfield Steel Single and Polycrystals due to Twinning and Slip," Acta Materialia, 48, 2031-2047, 2000.
(85) Sehitoglu, H., I. Karaman, R. Anderson, X. Zhang, K. Gall, H. J. Maier, and Y. Chumlyakov, "Compressive Response of NiTi Single Crystals," Acta Materialia, 48, 33113326, 2000.
(86) Chumlyakov, Y., I. Kireeva, E. Litvinova, E. G. Zakharova, N. V. Luzginova, H. Sehitoglu, and I. Karaman, "Strain Hardening in Single Crystals of Hadfield Steel," Physics of Metals and Metallography, 90, Suppl. 1, S1S17, 2000.
(87) Gall, K., H. Sehitoglu, R. Anderson, I. Karaman, Y. Chumlyakov, and I. V. Kireeva, "On the Mechanical Behavior of Single Crystal NiTi Shape Memory Alloys and Related Polycrystalline Phenomenon," Materials Science and Engineering, A317, 8592, 2001.
(88) Sehitoglu, H., R. Anderson, I. Karaman, K. Gall, and Y. Chumlyakov, "Cyclic Deformation Behavior of Single Crystal NiTi," Materials Science and Engineering, A314, 6774, 2001.
(89) Sehitoglu, H., I. Karaman, X. Y. Zhang, Y. Chumlyakov, and H. J. Maier, "Deformation of FeNiCoTi Shape Memory Single Crystals," Scripta Materialia, 44, 779784, 2001.
(90) Sehitoglu, H., I. Karaman, X. Zhang, H. Kim, Y. I. Chumlyakov, H. J. Maier, and I. V. Kireeva, "Deformation of NiTiCu Shape Memory Single Crystals in Compression," Metallurgical and Materials Transactions, 32A:3, 477490, 2001.
(91) Karaman, I., H. Sehitoglu, Y. I. Chumlyakov, H. J. Maier, and I. V. Kireeva, "The Effect of Twinning and Slip on the Bauschinger Effect on Hadfield Steel Single Crystals," Metallurgical and Materials Transactions, 32A:3, 695706, 2001.
(92) Karaman, I., H. Sehitoglu, Y. I. Chumlyakov, H. J. Maier, and I. V. Kireeva, "Extrinsic Stacking Faults and Twinning in Hadfield Manganese Steel Single Crystals," Scripta Materialia, 44, 337343, 2001.
(93) Sehitoglu, H., I. Karaman, X. Zhang, A. Viswanath, Y. Chumlyakov, and H. J. Maier, "Straintemperature Behavior of NiTiCu Shape Memory Single Crystals," Acta Materialia, 49, 36213634, 2001.
(94) Gall, K., K. Juntunen, H. J. Maier, H. Sehitoglu, and Y. I. Chumlyakov, "Instrumented MicroIndentation of NiTi Shape Memory Alloys," Acta Materialia, 49, 3205-3217, 2001.
(95) Sehitoglu, H., J. Jun, X. Zhang, I. Karaman, Y. Chumlyakov, H. J. Maier, and K. Gall, "Shape Memory and Pseudoelastic Behavior of 51.5% NiTi Single Crystals in Solutionized and Overaged State," Acta Materialia, 49, 36093620, 2001.
(96) Gall, K., N. Yang, H. Sehitoglu, and Y. Chumlyakov, "Fracture of Precipitated Single Crystal and Polycrystalline NiTi Shape Memory Alloys," International Journal of Fracture, 109, 189207, 2001.
(97) Karaman, I., H. Sehitoglu, H. J. Maier, and Y. I. Chumlyakov, "'Competing Mechanisms and Modeling of Deformation in Austenitic Stainless Steel Single Crystals With and Without Nitrogen," Acta Materialia, 49:19, 39193933, 2001.
(98) Chumlyakov, Y. I., S. P. Epinenko, I. V. Kireeva, E. Y. Panchenko, H. Sehitoglu, K. Gall, and L. H. Yahia, "Effects of Shape Memory and Superelasticity in Aged TiNi Single Crystals," Doklady Physics, 46:12, 849-852, 2001.
(99) Jiang, Y., B. Xu, and H. Sehitoglu, "Three-dimensional Elastic-plastic Stress Analysis of Rolling Contact," Journal of Tribology, 124, 699-708, 2002
(100) Alaca, B. E., M. T. A. Saif, and H. Sehitoglu, "On the Interface Debond at the Edge of a Thin Film on a Thick Substrate," Acta Materialia, 50, 1197-1209, 2002.
(101) Gall, K., M. Dunn, Y. Liu, P. Labossiere, H. Sehitoglu, and Y. I. Chumlyakov, "Micro and Macro Deformation of Single Crystal NiTi," Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology A, 124, 238-245, 2002.
(102) Chumlyakov, Y. I., E. Yu Panchenko, I.V. Kireeva, S. P. Efimenko, V. B. Aksenov, and H. Sehitoglu, “Dependence of Shape Memory Effect and Superelasticity on the Number of Variants of Dispersed Particles in Titanium-Nickel Single Crystals,” Doklady Physics, 47:7, 510-514, 2002.
(103) Zakharova, E. G., I. V. Kireeva, Yu I. Chumlyakov, S. P. Efimenko, H. Sehitoglu, and I. Karaman, “Deformation Mechanisms and Strain Hardening of Hadfield Steel Single Crystals Alloyed with Aluminum,” Doklady Physics, 47:7, 515-517, 2002.
(104) Karaman, I., H. Sehitoglu, Y. I. Chumlyakov, and H. J. Maier, “Deformation of Low Stacking Fault Energy Austenitic Steels,” Journal of Metals, 54:7, 31-37, 2002.
(105) Alaca, B., J. C. Selby, M. T. A. Saif, and H. Sehitoglu, "Biaxial Testing of Nanosccale Films on Compliant Substrates  Fatigue and Fracture," Review of Scientific Instruments, 73:8, 2963-2970, 2002.
(106) Sehitoglu, H., X. Y. Zhang, T. Kotil, D. Canadinc, Y. Chumlyakov, and H. J. Maier, "Shape Memory Behavior of FeNiCoTi Single and Polycrystals," Metallurgical and Materials Transactions, 33A, 3661-3672, 2002.
(107) Chumlyakov, Y., I. Kireeva, E. Zakharova, N. Luzginova, H. Sehitoglu, and I. Karaman, “Strain Hardening and Fracture of Austenitic Steel Single Crystals with High Concentration of Interstitial Atoms,” Russian Physics Journal, 45, 3, 2002.
(108) Su, X., M. Zubeck, J. Lasecki, H. Sehitoglu, C. Engler, C. Tang, and J. Allison, "Thermo-mechanical Analysis of Cast Aluminum Engine Components," ASTM STP, 1428, 2003.
(109) Newman, M, B. Robinson, H. Sehitoglu, and J. Dantzig, “Deformation Residual Stress and Constitutive Relations for Quenched W319 Aluminum,” Metallurgical Transactions, 34A:7, 1483-1491, 2003.
(110) Canadinc, D., I. Karaman, H. Sehitoglu, Y. Chumlyakov, and H. J. Maier, "The Role of Nitrogen on the Deformation Response of Hadfield Steel Single Crystals," Metallurgical and Materials Transactions, 34A:9, 1821-1831, 2003.
(111) EnglerPinto Jr., C. C., H. Sehitoglu, and H. J. Maier, "Cyclic Behavior of AL319T7B Under Isothermal and Nonisothermal Conditions," ASTM STP, 1428, 45-64, 2003.
(112) Sehitoglu, H., D. Canadinc, R. Hamilton, X. Y. Zhang, K. Gall, I. Karaman, Y. Chumlyakov, and H. J. Maier, "Detwinning in NiTi Alloys," Metallurgical and Materials Transactions, 34A:1, 5-13, 2003.
(113) Panchenko, E. Y., I. V. Kireeva, Y. I. Chumlyakov, V. B. Aksenov, S. P. Efimenko, I. Karaman, and H. Sehitoglu, “Features of Thermoelastic Martenstic Transformations in [001] Titanium-Nickel Single Crystals,” Doklady Physics, 48, 34-37, 2003.
(114) Kotil T., H. Sehitoglu, H. J. Maier, and Y. I. Chumlyakov, “Transformation and Detwinning Induced Electrical Resistance Variations in NiTiCu,” Materials and Engineering, A359, 280-289, 2003.
(115) Chumlyakov, Y., I. V. Kireeva, E. Y. Panchenko, V. B. Aksenov, V. A. Kirillov, A. V. Ovsyannikov, E. G. Zakharova, and H. Sehitoglu, “Shape Memory Effect and Superelasticity in Ti-Ni and Fe-Ni-Co-Ti Single Crystals,” Russian Physics Journal, 46:8, 811-823, 2003.
(116) Chumlyakov, Y., E. Y. Panchenko, I. V. Kireeva, D. A. Shaporov, V. B. Aksenov, H. Sehitoglu, I. Karaman, K. Gall, and H. Maier, “The Shape Memory Effect and Superelasticity in Nickel-Titanium Single Crystals Aged Under Applied Stress,” J. de Physique IV, 112, 799-802, 2003.

(117) Sehitoglu, H., R. Hamilton, H. J. Maier, and Y. Chumlyakov, “Hysteresis in Ni-Ti Alloys,” J. de Physique IV, 115, 3-10, 2003.

(118) Hamilton, R. F., H. Sehitoglu, Y. Chumlyakov, and H. J. Maier, “Stress Dependence of the Hysteresis in Single Crystal Ni-Ti Alloys,” Acta Materialia, 52, 3383-3402, 2004.

(119) Zhang, X. and H. Sehitoglu, “Crystallography of the B2→R→B19’ Phase Transformations of NiTi,” Materials Science and Engineering., A374, 292-302, 2004.

(120) Efstathiou, C., H. Sehitoglu, A. J. Wagoner Johnson, R. F. Hamilton, H. J. Maier, and Y. Chumlyakov, “Large Reduction in Critical Stress in Co-Ni-AL upon Repeated Transformation,” Scripta Materialia, 51, 979-985, 2004.
(121) Chumlyakov, Y I.., I. V. Kireeva, E. Y. Panchenko, E. G. Zakharova, V. A. Kirillov, S. P. Efimenko, and H. Sehitoglu, “Shape Memory Effects in FeNiCoTi Single Crystals Undergoing Gamma to Alpha Thermoelastic Martensitic Transformations,” Doklady Physics, 49:1, 47-59, 2004.
(122) Alaca, E., Sehitoglu, H. and T. Saif, “Guided Self-assembly of Metallic Nanowires and Channels,” Appl. Phys. Letters, 84:23, 4669-4671, 2004.
(123) Kibey, S., H. Sehitoglu, and D. Pecknold, “Modeling of Fatigue Crack Closure in Inclined and Deflected Cracks,” Int. J. Fracture, 129:3, 279-308, 2004.
(124) Chumlyakov, Y. I., E. Y. Panchenko, V. B. Aksenor, I. V. Kireeva, M. P. Kulesa, I. Karaman, and H. Sehitoglu, “The Shape Memory Effect and Superelasticity in Ti-Ni Single Crystals with One Variant Dispersed Particles,” J. de Physique IV, 115, 21-28, 2004.
(125) Karaman, I., E. G. Zakharova, I. V. Kireeva, Y. I. Chumlyakov, A. Shulmina, and H. Sehitoglu, “The Effect of Aluminum on Strength and Deformation Mechanisms in Hadfield Steel Single Crystals,” J. de Physique IV, 115, 243-250, 2004.
(126) Sehitoglu, H., T. Foglesong, and H. J. Maier, “Precipitate Effects on the Mechanical Behavior of Aluminum Copper Alloys – Part I: Experiments,” Metal. and Materials Trans., 36A, 749-761, 2005.
(127) Sehitoglu, H. T. Foglesong, and H. J. Maier, “Precipitate Effects on the Mechanical Behavior of Aluminum Copper Alloys – Part II: Modeling,” Metal and Materials Trans., 36A, 763-770, 2005.
(128) Canadinc, D., H. Sehitoglu, H. J. Maier, and Y. Chumlyakov, “Strain Hardening Behavior of Aluminum Alloyed Hadfield Steel Single Crystals,” Acta Materialia, 53, 1831-1842, 2005.
(129) Sehitoglu, H., C. Efstathiou, H. J. Maier, and Y. Chumlyakov, “Magnetization, Shape Memory and Hysteresis Behavior of Single and Polycrystalline FeNiCoTi,” J. Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 292, 89-99, 2005.
(130) Wagoner Johnson, A., R. F. Hamilton, H. Sehitoglu, G. Baillas, H. J. Maier, Y. I. Chumlyakov, and H. S. Woo, “Analysis of Multistep Transformations in Single Crystal NiTi,” Met. and Materials Trans., 36A:4, 919-928, 2005.
(131) Hamilton, R. F., H. Sehitoglu., C. Efstathiou, H. J. Maier, Y. Chumlyakov, and X. Y. Zhang, “Transformation of Co-Ni-Al Single Crystals in Tension,” Scripta Materialia, 53:1, 131-136, 2005.
(132) Sehitoglu, H., C. Efstathiou, H. J. Maier, and Y. Chumlyakov, “Hysteresis and Deformation Mechanisms of Transforming FeNiCoTi,” Mechanics of Materials, 38, 538-550, 2006.
(133) Hamilton, R. F., C. Efstathiou, H. Sehitoglu, and Y. Chumlyakov, “Thermal and Stress-Induced Martensitic Transformations in NiFeGa Single Crystals under Tension and Compression,” Scripta Materialia, 54:3, 465-469, 2006.
(134) Hamilton, R. F., H. Sehitoglu, C. Efstathiou, H. J. Maier, and Y. Chumlyakov, “Pseudoelasticity in Co-Ni-AL Single and Polycrystals,” Acta. Materialia, 54, 587-599, 2006.
(135) Kibey, S., J. B. Liu, M. J. Curtis, D. D. Johnson, and H. Sehitoglu, “Effect of Nitrogen on Generalized Staking Fault Energy and Stacking Fault Widths in High Nitrogen Steels, “Acta Materialia, 54, 2991-3001, 2006.
(136) Callaway, J. D., H. Sehitoglu, R. F. Hamilton, K. Aslantas, N. Miller, H. J. Maier, and Y. Chumlyakov, “Magnetic Shape Memory in Ni2MnGa as Influenced by the Deformation Response” Applied Physics Letters, 89:22, 221905, 2006.
(137) Kibey, S., J. B. Liu, D. D. Johnson, and H. Sehitoglu, “Generalized Planar Fault Energies and Twinning in Cu-AL Alloys,” Applied Physics Letters, 89:19, 191911, 2006.
(138) Kuznetsov, E. Y., A. V. Tverdokhlebova, Y. I. Chumlyakov, I. Karaman, and H. Sehitoglu, “Thermoelastic Martensitic Transformations, Shape Memory Effect, and Superelasticity in Ni54 Fe19 Ga27 Ferromagnetic Single Crystals,” Panchenko, Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics, 70:9, 1549-1553, 2006.
(139) Callaway, J. D., R. F. Hamilton, H. Sehitoglu, N. Miller, H. J. Maier, and Y. Chumlyakov, “Shape Memory and Martensitic Deformation Response of Ni2Mn Ga,” Smart Materials and Structures, 16, S108-S114, 2007.
(140) Canadinc, D., H. Sehitoglu, H. J. Maier, D. Niklasch, and Y. Chumlyakov, “Orientation Evolution in Hadfield Steel Single Crystals under Combined Slip and Twinning,” International Journal Solids and Structures, 44, 34-50, 2007.
(141) Canadinc, D., H. Sehitoglu, and H. J. Maier, “The Role of Dense Dislocation Walls on the Deformation Response of Aluminum Alloyed Hadfield Steel Polycrystals,” Materials Science and Engineering, 454, 662-666, 2007.
(142) Astafurova, E. G., I. V. Kireeva, Y. I. Chumlyakov, H. J. Maier, and H. Sehitoglu, “The Influence of Orientation and Aluminum Content on the Deformation Mechanisms of Hadfield Steel Single Crystals,” International Journal of Materials Research, 98:2, 144-149, 2007.
(143) Chumlyakov, Y., E. Panchenko, I. Kireeva, I. Karaman, H. Sehitoglu, H. J. Maier, A. Tverdokhlebova and A. Ovsyannikov, “Orientation Dependence and Tension/Compression Asymmetry of Shape Memory Effect and Superelasticity in Ferromagnetic Co 40 Ni 33 Al 27, Co 49 Ni 21 Ga 30 and Ni 54 Fe 19 Ga 27 Single Crystals,” Materials Science and Engineering: A, in Press, 2007.


(144) Hamilton, R. F., H. Sehitoglu, C. Efstathiou and H. J. Maier, “Inter-martensitic transitions in Ni-Fe-Ga single crystals,” Acta Materialia, Volume 55, Issue 14,  Pages 4867-4876, August 2007.

(145) Canadinc, D., H. Sehitoglu, H. J. Maier, and P. Kurath, ”On the Incorporation of Length Scales Associated with Pearlitic and Bainitic Microstructures into a Visco-Plastic Self-Consistent Model,” Materials Science and Engineering: A,  In Press, Available online 26 August 2007.
(146) Hamilton, R. F., H. Sehitoglu, C. Efstathiou, and H .J. Maier, “Mechanical Response of NiFeGa Alloys Containing Second-phase Particles,“ Scripta Materialia, 57:6, 497-499, September 2007.


(147) Efstathiou, C., H. Sehitoglu, P. Kurath, S. Foletti, and P. Davoli, “Fatigue Response of NiFeGa Single Crystals,” Scripta Materialia, 57:5, 409-412, September 2007.

(148) Kibey, S., J. B. Liu, D.D. Johnson, and H. Sehitoglu, “Predicting Twinning Stress in FCC Metals: Linking Twin-energy Pathways to Twin Nucleation,” Acta Materialia, 55, 6843-6851, 2007.
(149) Kibey, S., J. B. Liu, D. D. Johnson, and H. Sehitoglu, "Energy Pathways and Directionality in Deformation Twinning,” Applied Physics Letters, 91, 181916, 2007.
(150) Canadinc, D., H. Sehitoglu, and K. Verzal, “Analysis of Surface Crack Growth under Rolling Contact Fatigue,” accepted to the International Journal of Fatigue, 2008.
(151) Hamilton, R. F., H. Sehitoglu, K. Aslantas, C. Efstathiou, and H. J. Maier, “Inter-martensite Strain Evolution in NiMnGa Single Crystals” accepted for publication to Acta Materialia, 2008.
(152) C. Efstathiou, H. Sehitoglu, J. Carroll, J. Lambros, H. J. Maier.Full-Field Strain Evolution during Intermartensitic Transformations in Single Crystal NiFeGa. 56,15, 3791-3799, Acta Materialia, 2008
(153) Y. Chumlyakov, E. Panchenko, I. Kireeva, I. Karaman, H. Sehitoglu, H.J. Maier, A. Tverdokhlebova, A. Ovsyannikov, Orientation dependence and tension/compression asymmetry of shape memory effect and superelasticity in ferromagnetic Co40Ni33Al27, Co49Ni21Ga30 and Ni54Fe19Ga27 single crystals.,481, 95-100, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2008
(154) D.Canadinc, C. Efstahiou, H. Sehitoglu, On the Negative Strain Rate Sensitivity of Hadfield Steel, Scripta Materialia,59,10, 1103-1106, 2008
(155) C. Efstathiou, H. Sehitoglu, Local Transformation Strain Measurements in Precipitated NiTi Single Crystals, Scripta Materialia, 59, 1263-1266, 2008

(156) E.Y.Panchenko, Y.I.Chumlyakov,I.V.Kireeva,A.V. Ovsyannikov, H. Sehitoglu, I.Karaman, H.J.Maier, Effect of Disperse Ti3Ni4 Particles on the Martensitic Transformations in Titanium Nickelide Single Crystals, Physics Metals and Metallography, 106,6,577-589,2008

(157) C. Efstathiou, H. Sehitoglu, Strengthening Hadfield steel welds by nitrogen alloying, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 506,1-2,174-179, 2009
(158) S. Kibey, H. Sehitoglu, D.D. Johnson, Energy landscape for martensitic phase transformation in shape memory NiTi, Acta Materialia,57,5, 1624-1629, 2009
(159)  Carroll, J, C. Efstathiou, J. Lambros, and H. Sehitoglu, R. Haber, S. Spottswood, and R. Chona, “Investigation of Fatigue Crack Closure using Mulitscale Image Correlation Experiments,” Engineering Fracture Mechanics,76,2384-2398, 2009

  1. Kibey, S., L. L. Wang, J. B. Liu, H. T. Johnson, H. Sehitoglu, and D. D. Johnson, “Quantitative Prediction of Twinning Stresses in FCC Alloys: Applications to Cu- AL,” Physical Review, 79, 214202, 2009

(161) C. Efstathiou, H. Sehitoglu, J. Lambros, Multiscale strain measurements of plastically deforming polycrystalline titanium: Role of deformation hetererogeneities, International J. Plasticity, 26,1, 93-106, 2010

(162) C. Efstathiou, H. Sehitoglu, Strain hardening and heterogeneous deformation during twinning in Hadfield steel, Acta Materialia, 58,5,1479-1488, 2010
(163) Sangid, M.D., H. Sehitoglu, H. J. Maier, and T. Niendorf, "Grain Boundary Characterization and Energetics of Superalloys," Materials Science and Engineering: A, 527, 26, 7115-7125, 2010.

(164)  Carroll J., W. Abuzaid, J. Lambros, H. Sehitoglu, "An Experimental Methodology to Relate Local Strain to Microstructural Texture," Rev. Sci. Instrum. 81, 083703, 2010

(165) Sangid, M.D., H.J.Maier, and H. Sehitoglu, "The Role of Grain Boundaries on Fatigue Crack Initiation - An Energy Approach," to appear in I. J. Plasticity, 2011.

(166) Sangid, M. D., T. Ezaz, H. Sehitoglu, and I. M. Robertson, "Energy of Slip Transmission and Nucleation at Grain Boundaries," Acta Materialia,59,1, 283-296, 2011.

(167) Sangid, M.D., H. J. Maier, and H. Sehitoglu, "Physically-based Fatigue Model for Prediction of Crack Initiation from Persistent Slip Bands in Polycrystals," Acta Materialia, 59,1,328-341, 2011.

(168) Dilibal, S., H. Sehitoglu, R. Hamilton, H.J.Maier, Y. Chumlyakov,"On the Volume Change in Co-Ni-Al during Pseudoelasticity", Materials Science and Engineering A, 528, 6, 2875-2881, 2011.

(169) Sangid, M.D., H. Sehitoglu, H.J. Maier, An energy-based microstructure model to account for fatigue scatter in polycrystals", J. Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 59,3, 595-609, 2011.

(170) Ezaz,T., M.D. Sangid, H. Sehitoglu, Energy Barriers Associated with Slip-Twin Interactions, Philosophical Magazine A, 91, 10, 1, 1464–1488, 2011.

(171) Hamilton, R.F., S.Dilibal, H. Sehitoglu, H.J.Maier, Underlying Mechanism of Dual Hysteresisin NiMnGa single crystals, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 528, 3, 1877-1881, 2011.

(172) Ezaz T., H.Sehitoglu, Type II Detwinning in NiTi, Applied Physics Letters, 98,14, 2011.

(173) Ezaz,T., and H. Sehitoglu, "Coupled Shear and Shuffle Modes During Twin Growth in B2-NiTi," Applied Physics Letters, 98, 241906, 2011.

(174) Ezaz, T., H. Sehitoglu, and H. J. Maier, "Energetics of Twinning in Martensitic NiTi," Acta Materialia, 59, 15893-5904, 2011.

(175) Sangid, M., G. J. Pataky, H. Sehitoglu, R. G. Rateick, T. Niendorf, and H. J. Maier, "Superior Fatigue Crack Growth Resistance, Irreversibility, and Fatigue Crack Growth“Microstructure Relationship of Nanocrystalline Alloys Acta Materialia," 59:19, 7340-7355,2011.

(176) Ezaz, T., H. Sehitoglu, and H. J. Maier, "Energetics of (114) Twinning in B2 NiTi under Coupled Shear and Shuffle," Acta Materialia, 60, 1, 339-348, 2012.

(177) Sangid, M., G. J. Pataky, H. Sehitoglu, R. F. Hamilton, and H. J. Maier, "High Resolution Analysis of Opening and Sliding in Fatigue Crack Growth," appear in International Journal of Fatigue, 2012.

Articles in Conference Proceedings

Not included for the sake of brevity

Invited Lectures (only presentations after 2010 are included)

  1. Invited Keynote Speaker (declined), International Symposium on Superelastic Materials 2010 at Gyeongsang National University (GNU) on June 1-2, 2010

  2. Invited Speaker, Therm0-mechanical Fatigue, University of Calabria, Italy, May, 2010

  3. Invited Keynote Speaker (declined), International Symposium on Superelastic Materials 2010, Gyeongsang National University (GNU), June 1-2, 2010

  4. Invited Speaker, TMS Symposium, Physical and Mechanical Metallurgy of Shape Memory Alloys for Actuator Applications, San Diego, February 27-March 3, 2011

  5. Invited Speaker, International Symposium of Plasticity, Micromechanics-based Approaches for Inelastic Deformation of Solids, “Recent Advances in Modeling of Fatigue and Twinning in Metals,” Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, January 2011

  6. Invited Speaker, TMS Symposium, Physical and Mechanical Metallurgy of Shape Memory Alloys for Actuator Applications, San Diego, February 27-March 3, 2011

  7. Invited Speaker, IUTAM, International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, University of Cachan, Paris, France, July 3-8, 2011

  8. Invited Speaker, ICOMAT, International Conference on Martensitic Transformations, Osaka, Japan, 4-9 September 2011

  9. Invited Speaker, MS&T Meeting, Columbus, Ohio, October 16-20, 2011

  10. Invited Speaker, European Mechanics Conference, Austria, July 9-12, 2012

  11. Advisory Committee, Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland, February 22-25, 2012

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