Bmecs class list 2015 Welcome to the bmecs class List for 2015

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BMECS CLass list 2015

Welcome to the BMECS Class List for 2015

We are proud to announce that we have more chances for you to take home a Rosette this year.

The OF, CM & AR have been split into group sections and three horses from each of these groups will be picked to go through to the Overall Top Ten. You will receive a rosette for your placing in the Group sections for the Top Three Horses only . These sections have been split by Breed.

The CTF section has also been split into groups though this time by make. Please see the schedule below for details on this. Three horses from these group sections will go through to the overall Top Ten.

Every other Division has been kept the same as at this moment in time they do not warrant the bigger split, we will review this year on year.

We hope you like what we have done with the schedule this year, it is a learning curve for the Team and we will be grateful for all feedback after BMECS this year.

Performance Classes

1 Scene
2 Driving

Forward seat

3 Other performance not listed below

4 X country
5 Show jumping
6 Gymkhana games
7 Dressage
8 Racing
9 Ridden Horse

10 Ridden Pony

11In-hand showing


12 Western Cow events

13 Western Games
14 Reining
15 Other Western
16 Western trail - natural
17 Western trail - arena
18 Western Pleasure
19 Western Showmanship


20 Arab Costume

21 Native American Costume
22 Other Costume


23 Scene
24 Driving

25 Show Ridden
26 Other Forward Seat Performance
27 Western Pleasure
28 Other Western Performance
29 Other Performance

Top of Form

The Class List below is for OF, CM & AR ONLY.
Group One

  1. Arab Stallion

  2. Arab Mare/Gelding

  3. PBA

  4. NSH

Group Two

  1. TB

  2. Warmblood

  3. Sporthorse

  4. Carriage

Group Three

  1. Andalusian

  2. Lusitano

  3. Other Spanish

Group Four

  1. UK Purebred Light Horse

  2. Other Euro Purebred Light Horse

  3. Other Foreign Purebred

  4. Partbred Light Horse

  5. Partbred Middleweight Horse

Group Five

  1. AQH Mare/Gelding

  2. AQH Stallion

  3. Paint Mare/Gelding

  4. Paint Stallion

  5. Appaloosa Mare/Gelding

  6. Appaloosa Stallion

Group six

  1. ASB

  2. TWH

  3. Other Gaited

Group Seven

  1. Morgan

  2. South American

  3. Other American (Non Gaited)

  4. Mustang/Feral

Group Eight

  1. UK Heavy

  2. Euro Heavy

  3. US Heavy

  4. Other Pure Heavy

  5. Cob/Vanner

  6. PB Heavy

Group Nine
  1. Small British Native

  2. Large British Native

  3. Welsh A & B

  4. Welsh C &D

  5. Euro Native

  6. Other Native Type Pony

Group Ten

  1. Show Pony

  2. British Spotted Pony

  3. American Pony

  4. Other Purebred Pony

  5. PB Pony

Group Eleven

  1. Light Youngstock

  2. Stock Youngstock

  3. Native Type Pony Youngstock

  4. Show Pony Type

  5. Other Pony Youngstock

  6. Heavy Youngstock

  7. PB Youngstock

Group Twelve

  1. Donkey

  2. Mule

  3. Exotic

  4. Donkey/Mule Youngstock

  5. Exotic/Fantasy Youngstock

  6. Fantasy

  7. Decorator

Artist China

  1. Arab

  2. PBA

  3. TB

  4. Spanish

  5. UK Light Horse

  6. Other Euro/Foreign Light Horse

  7. American Non Gaited

  8. Gaited

  9. Cob/Vanner

  10. British Heavy

  11. Other Heavy

  12. Partbred Horse

  13. Welsh A/B

  14. Welsh C/D

  15. British Native

  16. Other Pure Pony

  17. Partbred Pony

  18. Donkey/Mule/Exotic

  19. Youngstock

  20. Fantasy

Bottom of Form


  1. Arab

  2. PBA

  3. TB

  4. Spanish

  5. UK Light Horse

  6. Other Euro/Foreign Light Horse

  7. American Non Gaited

  8. Gaited

  9. Cob/Vanner

  10. UK Heavy

  11. Other Heavy

  12. Partbred Horse

  13. Welsh A/B

  14. Welsh C/D

  15. British Native

  16. Other Pure Pony

  17. Partbred Pony

  18. Donkey/Mule/Exotic

  19. Youngstock

  20. Fantasy

CRAFT COLLECTIBLE - Equorum (newer moulds and OOAK sculptures), Rydal, Rubbernedz

  1. Arab

  2. PBA

  3. Spanish

  4. American

  5. Gaited

  6. Other Purebred Light Horse

  7. British Heavy

  8. Other Heavy

  9. Cob/Vanner

  10. British Native

  11. Welsh

  12. Other Pure Pony

  13. Partbred Horse/Pony

  14. Donkey/Mule/Exotic

  15. Youngstock

  16. Fantasy

COMMERCIAL CHINA & RESIN– all models produced in china and resin that are commercially made and readily available in shops/stores. This includes china or resin models produced by Breyer; Beswick; Royal Worcester; BFA (Border Fine Arts) and so on.

  1. Arab

  2. Partbred Arab

  3. Thoroughbred

  4. Spanish Breeds

  5. Warmblood/Sporthorse

  6. American Breeds

  7. Feral

  8. Other Purebred Light Horse

  9. Cob/Vanner

  10. British Heavy

  11. Other Heavy

  12. Partbred Horse

  13. British Native

  14. Welsh

  15. Other Purebred Pony

  16. Partbred Pony

  17. Donkey/Mule/Exotic

  18. Youngstock Male

  19. Youngstock Female

  20. Fantasy

Craft and Toy (CT) - See each group for each make in this section

Group One Julip

  1. Arab

  2. UK Light Horse

  3. American

  4. Other Pure Horse

  5. Cob/Heavy

  6. Pony

  7. Partbred Horse/Pony

  8. Donkey/Mule/Exotic

  9. Youngstock

Group Two CollectA

  1. Arab

  2. TB

  3. Spanish

  4. American

  5. Other Purebred Light

  6. Partbred Horse

  7. British Native

  8. Other Pure/Partbred Pony

  9. Heavy

  10. Donkey/Mule/Exotic

  11. Youngstock

Group Three Mini Whinnie

  1. PBA

  2. TB

  3. Stock

  4. Gaited

  5. Arab

  6. Other Purebred Light

  7. Heavy/pony

  8. Youngstock

Group Four Schleich

  1. UK Light Horse

  2. Spanish/Lipizzaner

  3. Stock Breed

  4. Other American

  5. Other Purebred Light

  6. British Native

  7. Other Purebred Pony

  8. Heavy

  9. Cob/Vanner

  10. Partbred Horse/Pony

  11. Donkey/Mule/Exotic

  12. Youngstock Male

  13. Youngstock Female

  14. Fantasy

Group Five Magpie/Dream/Grand Champion

  1. Purebred Horse

  2. Purebred Pony

  3. Partbred Horse/Pony

  4. Long Ear

  5. Youngstock

Group Six Handmade

  1. Felt

  2. Knitted

  3. Apis

  4. Fimo

  5. Crystal Moon – Fantasy

  6. Crystal Moon – Character

  7. Crystal Moon – Other

  8. Other medium

Group Seven Other Make

  1. Light Horse

  2. Pony

  3. Heavy/Cob/Vanner

  4. Donkey/Mule/Exotic

  5. Youngstock

  6. Fantasy

Group Eight Foundation Equorum

  1. Light Horse

  2. American

  3. British Native Pony

  4. Other pure Pony

  5. Heavy

  6. Partbred Horse/Pony

  7. Youngstock

  8. Donkey/Mule/Exotic

In each group 3 horses will be chosen these horses will gain a rosette each and proceed through to the Top Ten of the Division they are entered in.

Group Five will go in with Group Seven if there is not enough entries

In the case of Craft and Toy

Group Eight will go in with Julip if not enough entries

Reserve the right to combine classes as necessary, according to entries

WORKMANSHIP – these classes will be judged on colour and finish work of customised models, artist resin models and animal artistry models.

  1. Grey

  2. Bay

  3. Chestnut

  4. Black

  5. Brown

  6. Dun (Inc Grulla)

  7. Buckskin

  8. Palomino

  9. Roan

  10. Spotted

  11. Paint/Pinto

  12. Sabino

  13. Other Colour

  14. Fantasy

  15. Decorator

  16. Medallion/Bust

  1. BRITISH ARTIST AWARD - will be judged from any 1st or 2nd place model from the other classes that are painted by a British Artist or a separate class entirely

  1. BRITISH SCULPTING ARTIST AWARD – any model sculpted by a British Artist ( this class is ONLY OPEN to the original artist )

  1. BRITISH TACK/PROP MAKER AWARD – any item of tack or props made by a British Artist (this class is ONLY OPEN to the Original Prop/Tack maker)

We reserve the right to merge and split classes stated in the class list if they are too small or too big, you will be provided with a clear and correct class list in your show pack. This is the core list we will be working from.

Please see attached letter for all information and rules regarding showing at BMECS.

The BMECS Team
Bottom of Form


BEST NEWCOMER/NOVICE – Rosette to any entrant who has not entered BMECS before and has NOT won a Supreme Championship at ANY Live show.

BEST BAKER – to be judged on the best CAKE/CUPCAKE OR COOKIE – use voting slips (one per entrant) One competition on each day – Surprise Baking Set to be given to the winner on each day.



Where does my horse go?

There are many different breeds of horse and pony, some are common in the show ring, some are less well known.

Please note Knabstrup can be classed as a Sport or Carriage breed depending on body type; British Spotted Pony can be of Native or Show type, please use your initiative for these breeds and enter classes accordingly. Anglo-Arabian (incl. all registires) will be in Sporthorse

Show Cobs should be placed in partbred classes, along with Hunters, Polo Ponies.

PBA should have not less than 25% Arabian blood, otherwise they should be shown in Partbred classes not PBA.

For the less well known breeds, here is a list of where they would be expected to be entered:

UK Pure breeds

Cleveland Bay

Irish Draught

Hackney Horse


American Warmblood

Austrian Warmblood (Austria)

Bavarian Warmblood (Bavaria/Germany)

Belgian Warmblood (Belgium)

Brandenberger (Germany)

British Warmblood (UK)

Budyonny (Russia)

Czech Warmblood (Czech Republic)

Danish Warmblood (Denmark)

Dutch Warmblood (Netherlands)

East Bulgarian (Bulgaria)

Finnish Universal (Finland)

Frederiksborg (Denmark)

Hanoverian (Germany)

Holstein (Germany)

Hungarian Warmblood (Hungary)

Irish Draft/Draught (Ireland)

Irish warmblood (Ireland)

Kisber Felver (Hungary)

Malapolski (Poland)

Mecklenburg (Germany)

Oldenburg (Germany)

Rhinelander/Zweibrucker (Germany)

Russian Don (Russia)

Selle Francais (France)

Swedish Warmblood (Sweden)

Swiss Warmblood (Switzerland)

Trakehner (Germany)

Ukrainian Riding Horse (Ukraine)

Wielkopolski (Poland)

Wurttemberg (Germany)

Carriage & Driving Breeds

Belorussian Harness Horse (Belarus)

Dolahest (aka Dole Gudbrandsal & Dole) (Norway)

Dutch Harness Horse (aka Tuigpaard) (Netherlands)

East Freisian (Germany)

Freisian (Netherlands)

Gelderlander (Netherlands)

Georgian Grande

Groningen (Netherlands)

Hackney Horse (England)



Latvian Harness Horse (Latvia)

Moriesian (United States)

Norman/Normandy Cob (France)

European Heavy Breeds

Ardennes (France)

Auxios (France)

Belgian (aka Brabant) (Belgium)

Black Forest Horse (aka Noriker) (Austria)

Boulonnais (France)

Breton (France)

Comtois (France)

Dutch Heavy Draft (Netherlands)

Estonian Draft (Estonia)

Finnish Draft (Finland)

Frances-Montagnes (aka Frieberger) (Switzerland)

Furioso (aka Furioso-North Star) (Hungary)

German Warmblood (Germany)

Italian Heavy Draft (Italy)

Jutland (Denmark)

Lithuanian Heavy Draft (Lithuania)

Mulassier (aka Poitevin) (France)

Murakozi (Hungary)

Noriker (aka Oberlander, Pinzgauer) (Austria)

North Swedish Draft (Sweden)

Percheron (France)

Rhineland Draft (Germany)

Russian Heavy draft (Ukraine)

Schleswig Heavy Draft (Germany)

Sokolsky (Poland)

Soviet Heavy Draft (Russia)

Swedish Ardennes (Sweden)

Toric (Estonia)

Trait du Nord (France)

Vladmir Heavy Draft (Russian Draft)

American Heavy

American Cream Draft

North American Spotted Draft

American Belgian

Sugarbrush Draft



Castilian (Iberian Peninsula)

Extremeno (Iberian Peninsula)

Hispano-Arab (aka Peninsula Horse) (Spain)

Lippizzaner (Slovenia/Austria)

Lusitano/PSL/Alter Real (Portugal)

Menoquina (Menorca/Spain)

Sorraia (Portugal)

Spanish Barb (Spain)

Spanish Jennet (Spain)

Spanish Sulpher Horse (Spain)

Zapatero (Spain)

Feral Breeds

Kiger Mustang (United States)

American Mustang (United States)

Spanish Mustang (United States)

Camargue (France)

Mustang (United States)

South American

Azteca (Mexico)

Chilean Corralero (Chile)

Chilean Horse (Chile)

Criollo (Argentina)

Kiger Mustang (United States)

Mangalarga Marchador (Brazil)

Pampas Horse (Brazil)

Pantanerio Horse (Brazil)

Paso Fino

Peruvian Paso (Peru)

Other North American

American Cream

Bashkir Curly

Cayuse (Canada)

Colorado Rangerbred

Canadian Pacer

Carolina Marsh Tacky (United States)

Florida Cracker Horse (US)

Lac La Croix Indian pony (Canada)

Moyle (United States)

Camarillo White Horse (United States)

Canadian Horse (Canada)

Morgan (United States)



National Show Horse


Nez Perce Horse


Stock Breeds


Appendix Quarter Horse


American Quarter Horse

Other Foreign Purebred

Akhal Teke

Anglo-Kabarda (Russia)

Australian Stock Horse

Australian Waler



Metis Trotter (aka Russian Trotter) (Russia)

Orlov Trotter


Barb (not Spanish)

Iomud (Turkmenistan)

Moroccan Barb (North Africa)

Persian Arabian (Iran)

Turkoman (Turkmenistan)

Other Euro Light Breeds

French trotter (France)

Gidran Arabian

Gidran Sport Horse


Shagya Arabian

Partbred Light Horse

Polo ponies


Any other Light partbred

Partbred Middleweight Horse


Show Cobs

Any Other Partbred Middleweights

Gaited Breeds

American Saddlebred (United States)

Kentucky Saddle Horse (United States)

McCurdy Plantation Horse (United States)

Missouri Fox Trotter (United States)

North American Single-Footer (United States)

Rocky Mountain Horse (United States)

Spotted Saddle Horse (United States)

Tennessee walking Horse (United States)

Tennuvian (United States)

Tiger Horse

Virginia Highlander (United States)

Walkaloosa (United States)

American Pony (incl. North & South America)

American Shetland Pony (all divisions) (United States)

American Walking Pony (United States)

Assateague Pony (United States)

Banker Pony (aka Shackleford) (United States)

Chincoteague Pony (United States)


Galiceno Pony (Mexico)

Miniature Horse (United States)

Newfoundland Pony (Newfoundland)

Petiso Argentino (Argentina)

Pony of the Americas (United States)

Quarter Pony (United States)

Sable Island Pony (Canada)

Welara Pony (United States)

European Pony

Albanian (Albania)

Ariegeois (France)

Astercon (aka Asturian & Galician) (Spain)

Avelignese Pony (Austria)

Balearic (Majorca/Spain)

Bardigiano Pony (Italy)

Bashkir Pony (Russia)

Basque Pony (aka Pottock) (France/Spain)

Bosnian Pony (Bosnia)

Camargue (France)

Carpathian Pony (aka Hucul) (Poland)

Dulman Pony (Germany)

Faeros (Faeroe Isalnds)

French Saddle Pony (France)

Galician pony (aka Asturian & Astercon) (Spain)

Garrano (Portugal)

German Riding Pony (Germany)

Gotland Pony (aka Skorgruss) (Sweden)

Hackney Pony (England)

Haflinger (Austria)

Icelandic (Iceland)

Konik Pony (Poland)

Landais Pony (France)

Lyngshest (aka Nordlandshest) (Norway)

Manchurian (Siberia) Merens Pony (France)

Northlands Pony (Norway)

Norwegian Fjord (Norway)

Ob (aka Priob) (Siberia)

Peneia Pony (Greece)

Pindos (aka Thessalian) (Greece)

Sardinian Pony (Sardinia)

Sykros Pony (Greece)

Viatka Pony (Russia)

Yakut (Siberia)

Zemaituka Pony (Lithuania)

Other Pony

Basotho (aka Basuto) (South Africa)

Fleuvre (aka Fouta & M’Bayar) (Senegal)

Kirdi (Camaroon)

Nooitgedacht (South Africa)

Poney Mousseye (Cameroon)

Asian Pony

Batak Pony (Indonesia)

Bhutia (aka Spiti) Pony (India)

Burmese Pony (aka Shan) (former Burma)

Caspian Pony (Iran)

Cheju (Korea)

Chinese Guoxia Pony (China)

Flores (aka Timor) (Indonesia)

Gayoe (Sumatra/Indonesia)

Guangxi (China)

Guizhou (China)

Hokkaido (Japan)

Java Pony (aka Kumingan) (Indonesia)

Kazakh Pony (Kazakhstan)

Lijiang (China)

Manipuri Pony (India)

Misaki (Japan)

Noma (Japan)

Sandalwood Pony (Indonesia)

Sumba (aka Sumbawa) (Indonesia)

Syrian Pony (Syria)

Taishuh (Japan)

Tibetan Pony (Tibet)

Tokara (Japan)

Yangi (China)

Anadolu (aka Ati) (Turkey)

Australian Pony (Australia)

Kaimanawa (New Zealand)

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