Braunton parish council

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Minutes of the Meeting of Full Council held in the Council Chamber

at 7.00pm on Monday, 14 May 2012


Cllr Mrs Shapland in the Chair, Cllrs Mrs Chesters, Mrs Chugg, Lucas, Mrs Smith, Anderson, Mrs Blackmore, Cornick, Mrs Woodford, Bonds, Gilbert, Spear and Mrs Spear.


Election of Chairman and Declaration of Acceptance of Office

There were two nominations, Cllrs Mrs Shapland and Mrs Spear. A ballot was held and Cllr Mrs Spear was duly elected and took the Chair.
The Chairman’s Declaration of Office was signed and witnessed by the Clerk, and received by members.


Election of Vice Chairman

There were two nominations, Cllrs Anderson and Cllr Mrs Blackmore. A ballot was held and Cllr Mrs Blackmore was duly elected.


Election of

Chairman of

Finance &


There were 2 nominations, Cllrs Mrs Chesters and Cornick. A ballot was held and Cllr Mrs Chesters was duly elected.


Election of

Chairman of


There was 1 nomination; Cllr Mrs Smith who was duly elected.


Election of

Vice Chairman

of Planning

There was 1 nomination; Cllr Bonds who was duly elected.


Election of

Finance and Administration


There were 4 nominations; Cllrs Mrs Smith, Lucas, Spear and Cornick who were duly elected.


Election of

Parks &



There were 4 nominations; Cllrs Lucas, Mrs Chugg, Mrs Shapland and Mrs Smith who were duly elected.


Election of



There were 4 nominations; Cllrs Mrs Shapland, Cornick, Spear and Bonds who were duly elected.



There were none.


Questions from the Public

There were none.


Items not on the agenda, which in the opinion of the Chairman should be brought to the attention of the Council

There were none.


Declarations of Interest

Councillor Gilbert declared a Personal interest in minute number 019/2012/13, as he has a boat moored at Vellator Quay.
Councillor Gilbert declared a Personal interest in minute number 016/2012/13(b), as the applicant is known to him.
Councillor Lucas declared a Personal interest in minute number 021/2012/13, as he is a member of the Rotary Caen Club.
Councillor Mrs Shapland declared a Personal interest in minute number 016/2012/13 (e), as she is a governor at Southmead School.
Councillor Anderson declared a Personal interest in minute number 016/2012/13 (g), as the applicant is known to him.
All Members of Council declared a Personal and Prejudicial interest in minute number 016/2012/13 (g), as they support the extension of the Tarka Trail from Willingcott to Braunton.
Councillor Mrs Chesters declared a Personal and Prejudicial interest in minute number 027/2012/13, as she is the Chairman of the Braunton and District Publicity Association.
Councillor Mrs Blackmore declared a Personal interest in minute number 027/2012/13, as she is the Councils representative on the Braunton and District Museum.
Councillor Mrs Smith declared a Personal interest in minute number 027/2012/13, as she is the Councils representative on the Braunton and District Publicity Association.
Councillor Lucas declared a Personal and Prejudicial in minute number 027/2012/13, as he is the Chairman of the Braunton and District Museum.



(a) RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Council meeting held on 10 April 2012 be approved and signed as a correct record

(b) RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Additional Council meeting held on 26 April 2012 be approved and signed as a correct record, subject to Cllr Mrs Blackmore being removed from Apologies and being added as Present.

(c) RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Finance and Administration Committee meeting held on 1 May 2012 be ratified and adopted by the Council.


Police Representation

The Chairman informed Members that PC Langworthy was unable to attend, but had sent a written report regarding crime statistics in Braunton for the past month. There have been a total of 19 crimes reported which include 3 thefts from motor vehicles, 1 criminal damage caused to a motor vehicle, 3 thefts, 3 common assaults, 2 assaults causing actual bodily harm, 1 arson, 5 criminal damage to buildings and 1 burglary of a bicycle.



  1. The cheques on the schedule were approved

and drawn in the total sum of £7,849.97.

(b) Statement of Accounts for May 2012 was

deferred until the next meeting.



Action Sheet

RESOLVED: That the action sheet be noted.




The Chairman asked the Chairman of Planning, Cllr Mrs Smith, to present the planning applications to the meeting as per the attached sheet.


Report from Devon County Councillor

Councillor Mrs Chugg reported that she was on the Committee for the Atlantic Array and had recently visited neighbouring wind turbine sites. The Committee has been formed to get the best deal for the locality it has limited power with regard to influencing whether the turbines should go ahead. There could be larger turbines on the agenda but the there are still complications with the technology. Councillor Mrs Chugg reported that she would bring the visual impact report for the Parish Council to view and comment on, but again reiterated that the Committee had limited powers to influence as the project has already be granted outline planning approval. The technology is also being developed much more rapidly than first thought.
Regen SW are due to speak with the Atlantic Array Committee to discuss why other forms of renewable such as tidal hub are not suitable for the area. Tide energy technology seems to be more concentrated on the Cornwall coasts, but Members felt that the SW coasts would also be a good opportunity because of the strong currents in the area.


Report from North Devon District Councillors

Councillor Mrs Chesters reported that an appeal for 9 wind turbines in the parish would be starting in June. Councillor Lucas reported that there were no problems with the Licencing and Personnel Committees. He commented that Cllr Spear and himself had been involved in the Knowle Industrial Estate planning application and that the Planning Authority had received letters of objections and that enforcement officers at North Devon Council would be acting shortly.
Councillor Spear reported that the AONB was now in a good position. North Devon Council, Torridge District Council and Devon County Council have agreed that the AONB and Biosphere be housed at the Civic Centre, and Devon County Council will fund the hosting costs. North Devon Council has also attended joint meetings with Barnstaple Town Council, North Devon Homes and Torridge District Council to discuss efficiency saving options.
Cllr Spear also reported to Members that the refurbishment scheme at the North Devon Leisure Centre had now been successfully completed.
Councillor Gilbert declared a personal interest.


Vellator Quay Improvements and Enhancements

Councillor Gilbert reported that he had meet with Simon Hill from Devon County Council to discuss the project management of the naturalisation and enhancements to Vellator Quay. Mr Hill has agreed to provide a presentation for Members regarding the proposed works.
Cllr Gilbert informed Members that he and the Parish Clerk would be attended a meeting with the Marsh Inspectors on Thursday 17 May 2012 to discuss arrangements for the lay-by and the improvements and enhancements to the quay.


Summer Planting in the Village

Members considered quotation provided for summer planting in the village. It was noted that the colour theme would red, white and blue to celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee.
RESOLVED: That the summer planting be purchased for the cost of £979 plus VAT.
Councillor Lucas declared a Personal interest.


Dedication Bench in the Memorial Gardens

Members considered a request from The Rotary Club of Braunton to sponsor a new dedication bench in the Memorial Gardens.
RESOLVED: That the Rotary Club of Braunton be granted permission to place a memorial bench in the Memorial Gardens and the Parish Clerk to agree the positioning of the bench with the Rotary Club.



Annual Review of Councils Insurance

a) Members considered its annual insurance renewal the Parish Clerk reported that if it were to enter into a Long Term Agreement over 5 years it would make a considerable saving, it would also make the annual budgeting process easier. The Council requested that the Parish Clerk confirm with Zurich Insurance Plc that there is no hidden disclaimer, which could increase the renewal premium during the five year agreement period.
RESOLVED: That the Council agrees to enter into a Long Term Agreement over five years with Zurich Insurance Plc the renewal premium being £7034.26 per annum, subject to there being no hidden disclaimers.

b) Members considered its annual insurance renewal for the ride-on lawn mower.

RESOLVED: That the Council renews its annual insurance with Aviva at the renewal premium of £111.31.



Braunton’s Big Tidy Up

The Parish Clerk reported that the bags and tabards had been provided free of charge by Keep Britain Tidy. The groups taking part had not requested the use of any litter picks. The Rotary Clubs of Braunton and Caen would be carrying out a tidy up on Sunday 20 May 2012 in Knowle. The Scouts have also shown an interest in taking part in a tidy up along Chaloners Road but this will probably take place later in the year. The Soroptimists would be interested in tidying up a small area in the village and would like the Council give them an area to do.
RESOLVED: That the Soroptimists be requested to carry out a tidy up in Caen Street.



Tree Works in Braunton

Members considered three quotations to fell a tree on grounds of health and safety as it is situated on the embankment in the overflow car park and is overhanging the river Caen and a neighbouring property.
RESOLVED: That Martin Ivall Tree Services be appointed to carryout the felling of the tree at a cost of £180.



Caen Street Car Park Coin Machines

The Parish Clerk informed Members that there was new 5p and 10p coinage in circulation that is not compatible with the there coin machines in Caen Street car park. Members considered a quotation to update the software in three machines to enable them to accept the new coins.
RESOLVED: That Council authorises for the software in all three pay and display machines to be update by Parkeon at the cost of £576.



Items to Note

Items (a) to (k) were received and noted.

It was AGREED that, in view of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, the following matters be taken in the absence of press and public (Public(Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960) as the items contain exempt information as defined by the Local Government Act 1972 Sch. 12a Pt (3).
Councillor Lucas and Mrs Chester declared a Personal and Prejudicial Interest and left the meeting.
Councillors Mrs Smith and Mrs Blackmore declared a Personal interest.
Councillor Bonds left the meeting at this point.


Bakehouse Centre

Members considered a letter from the Braunton and District Museum dated 27 April 2012 regarding the intruder alarm being disabled when the phone line for the Tourist Information Centre was uninstalled.
RESOLVED: The Council agrees to reimburse the Braunton and District Museum for 50% of the bill on behalf of the Braunton and District Publicity Association, as an interim measure.


The meeting closed at 9.17 p.m.

...................................................The Chairman

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