Brian D. Leidy, Ph. D. Bronfenbrenner Center for Translational Research Beebe Hall, Cornell University Ithaca, ny 14853 Education

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Brian D. Leidy, Ph.D.

Bronfenbrenner Center for Translational Research

Beebe Hall, Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853
Education Cornell University, Ithaca, NY

1991 Ph.D., Human Service Studies

Major Concentrations: Administration & Program Evaluation
1985 Marywood University, Scranton, PA. Master of Public Administration
1972 Mansfield State University, Mansfield, PA.

Bachelor of Arts, Psychology

Associations Member Pi Alpha Alpha, Honorary Society for Public Affairs and


Member American Evaluation Association


Current Position Senior Extension Associate

Bronfenbrenner Center for Translational Research

7/11-Present New York State College of Human Ecology

Cornell University, Ithaca, NY

As the Principal Investigator and Director for the Military Projects in the Bronfenbrenner Center for Translational Research, I have the overall administrative responsibility for the Military Projects including proposal and grant preparation, fiscal management, hiring and supervising staff, and administrative oversight of all the project work. I continue to provide the primary supervision for all the projects’ program evaluation and research activities which are currently carried out for the family support programs at the Department of Defense and in the Army and Army Reserve. I also provide program evaluation, consultation, and training to a variety of projects and programs within and outside the Bronfenbrenner Center for Translational Research. I speak frequently at conferences and workshops nationally and internationally about program evaluation.
Past Employment

4/09- 7/11 Senior Extension Associate, Family Life Development Center
4/95- 4/09 Senior Research Associate, Family Life Development Center
Primary responsibilities included the design and implementation of evaluation strategies for Military family support programs including financial management education and counseling, employment support, relocation support services, deployment support, services for exceptional family members, child safety education, child maltreatment prevention and response, intimate violence prevention and response, sexual assault prevention and response, outreach to survivors of fallen soldiers, support for wounded warriors/warriors in transition, and volunteer services.

3/92-Present Self Employed Managerial Consultant

This work consisted of program evaluation services in a variety of child welfare, mental health, educational, and vocational services.
9/89-9/93 Senior Extension Associate, Department of Social Services Project

Cornell University, Ithaca, NY

Training evaluation, curriculum development, and training for adult protective service supervisors and adult home administrators in New York.

8/81-8/86 Day Treatment Supervisor, Tioga County (PA) Human Service Agency
Administration of the county Title XX Day Care program, two children’s psychiatric partial hospitalization programs, and three children and youth day treatment programs.

9/78-8/81 Director: Children's Services of Tioga County (PA)
Administration of public child welfare agency providing child protective services, foster care, residential care, group home placements and adoption.
9/76-9/78 CPS Supervisor: Children's Services of Tioga County (PA)
Supervision of the county child protection unit.
5/73-9/76 CPS Caseworker: Children's Services of Tioga County (PA)
Carried out child protective investigations and provided on going case management services for children in their own home, foster home, and congregate settings.


Leidy, B., Haugaard, J., Nunno, M., Kwartner, J. (2006) Review of Restraint Data in a

Residential Treatment Center for Adolescent Females, Child and Youth Care Forum

(online journal)

Nunno, M. A., Holden, M. J. & Leidy, B. D. (2003) Evaluating and

monitoring the impact of a crisis intervention system on a residential child care

facility. Children and Youth Services Review, 25 (4). 295-315.

Hamilton, S.F., Leidy, B.D., & Thomas, M.G. (2002). Adding value to youth and family development: The engaged university and professional and academic outreach. In Lerner, R.M., Jacobs, F. & Wertlieb, D. (Eds.) Handbook of Applied Developmental Science, 4, 173-190. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage

Leidy, B. TCI Implementation Project: Case Study, REFOCUS, Cornell University’s Residential Child Care Project Newsletter, Vol. 7, 2002.
Leidy, B. Even Start: An Important Prevention Resource in Child Abuse and Neglect Ohio State University Cooperative Extension, Human Development & Family Life Bulletin, Volume 4 – Issue 3 – Autumn 1998
Nunno, M., Holden, M. & Leidy, B. (1997) Child Maltreatment in Loco Parentis. In Garbarino, J & Eckenrode, J. (eds) Understanding Abusive Families, 131-141. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass
Hadley, R. with Leidy, B.(1996) Community social work in a market environment: A British-American exchange of technologies and experience. British Journal of Social Work, 26, 823-842.

Technical Reports: Resource materials developed for the U.S. Army IMCOM G9 Family and MWR Programs
Army Reserve Family Programs (ARFP)
Needs Assessment Report: This was a summary of needs assessment data collected from Soldiers, Civilian Employees, Family Members, and volunteers across four Commands of the Army Reserve on their need for family support services, where they turn for family support services (ARFP, full service military installation, Veterans Administration, local civilian programs and services), and their assessment of the ARFP services they have used. Responses were analyzed by a variety of demographic and situational characteristics provided by respondents and a report was submitted to Army Reserve Family Programs Headquarters staff in November 2016.
Army Family Advocacy Program (FAP)
Command Support Study: This study summarizes findings from the most recent iteration of the Command Support Study (2015) and compares the latest findings with those from the first two iteration of this study which were completed in 2010 and 2005. Both of the earlier studies strongly validated the Command Support Model which states that if Commanders are briefed by the Family Advocacy Program (FAP) Manager, they will be more likely to attend the Case Review Committee (CRC) meeting that is held when an incident of child or domestic abuse occurs involving a Soldier under their command. The program logic further states that if the Commander attends the CRC, he or she is more likely to endorse the offender and victim treatment plans, and if the Commander endorses the treatment plans it is more likely that the offender and victim will complete treatment and that the family will not experience a subsequent incident of abuse. This latest iteration of this study confirmed all of the earlier findings except for the relationship between treatment completion and subsequent incidents of abuse.

FAP Prevention Resources
Army FAP Guide to Prevention Programming Training (2012): This online self-guided tutorial was revised and adapted from former editions (2005, 2007). The training instructs FAP managers on how to implement a local prevention program plan that covers: Army prevention initiatives and protocols, Army-wide and local demographic trends, a review of risk and protective factors associated with abuse, a review of prevention programs and best practices (e.g., parenting, relationships, fathering, anger management, etc.), strategies for forming partnerships, evaluating programs and services, and updating the prevention plan.
Transitional Compensation (TC) Self-guided Tutorial (2012). This tutorial provides information to FAP service providers on the Army policies and related standards, eligibility requirements, benefits, and the application process for victims of substantiated child abuse or domestic abuse.
Transitional Compensation (TC) Program Tutorial for Commanders/Leaders (2013): This tutorial gives guidance to Army commanders regarding their role in helping victims of substantiated incidents of child abuse and domestic abuse receive TC benefits.
Emergency Placement Care (EPC) Manual (2013): This manual, which was updated from the first Edition (2004), provides EPC managers guidance about the policies and procedures to implement the EPC program specific to pre-placement, ongoing placement, termination of placement, and post-placement of a child identified as needing emergency out-of-home care. It also highlights the current research on this topic.
Army FAP Commander’s Desk Guide (2013): This tutorial serves as a reference tool regarding the important role of commanders/leaders in learning about the prevention of child abuse and domestic abuse in accordance with Army policy and related guidance. Working collaboratively with (FAP), the focus is on strengthening Families as well as victim safety, offender accountability, and prompt intervention for at-risk Families or when incidents have occurred. An important section for commanders is the research-based information on risk factors and well-being approaches to suicide prevention, PTSD, traumatic brain injury, and substance abuse.

New Parent Support Program (NPSP) - Home Visitation
Report of findings from the New Parent Support Program Home Visitor Online Survey (2012): The NPSP HV online survey of home visitors included questions about the home visitor’s background/training for home visiting, the resources and curricula they use, their implementation approaches and challenges, and their use of assessment instruments. The report also compared the practices of different types of home visitors (Social Worker/RN/other) and level of experience in home visitation as well as CONUS and OCONUS differences. The response rate was excellent with 78% of home visitors completing the survey. The full report included a comparison of the survey responses with Army Client Tracking System data that home visitors enter for each family on their caseload, from the same time period. This report also examined Family demographics, length of engagement with the program, and other patterns and trends. Beyond providing the Army with information about how home visitors do their jobs and how to better support them, findings from this survey and data analysis were used to inform the development of an evaluation protocol for the program.
New Parent Support Program Home Visitation Manual (2013): This revision completed in 2013 was adapted from an earlier 2006 CD manual and serves as a self-guided tutorial for Army home visitors. This revision was based on a review of the home visiting research and the best practices that incorporated feedback from the survey of NPSP home visitors conducted the year before (2012).
Army Victim Advocacy Program (VAP)
Report of findings from the Domestic Abuse Victim Advocacy Program (DAVAP)

Pilot Study Summary (2015). The key objective of this study was to examine the feasibility and utility of collecting data from both the victim advocate and their client-victim so that the paired ratings could be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the program’s services. Data elements included victim safety information, victim awareness of reporting options and response systems, and the level of engagement with military and civilian resources and informal support networks. Ratings from the advocates indicated large gains for client-victims regarding how well they understand their situation and how the response system works, and are able to identify the resources that are available to assist them and the actions that they can take to improve their safety. Client-victim ratings confirmed more than 70% of the advocate’s assessment, but the response rate from victims who remained married to the offender and continued to live with the offender was very poor. While very encouraging, caution is advised in interpreting findings due the small sample size as well as the lack of representativeness of client-victims who voluntarily participated in the study.
Report of findings from the Victim Advocate Online Survey (2013): The online survey asked victim advocates about their educational background and experience, professional staff development, their current caseload, their use of safety planning and other case activities or services provided, frequency and length of contact during and after the crisis stage, how long cases stay active, reasons for closure, and what support and resources they can rely on. In addition, the survey catalogued their qualitative best practices and the challenges they face in carrying out their work, and how Regional and Headquarters staff can better support them.
Report of findings form the analysis of de-identified Victim Advocacy Domestic Abuse Sexual Assault Tracking System (VADASATS) (2013). VADASATS is the Army data base for clients who seek VAP services due to allegations of domestic abuse. Until recently it has also been used to track sexual assault cases reported in the Army. A report was prepared detailing victim characteristics for restricted and unrestricted reports of domestic abuse. The analysis also examined implementation of the program (e.g., safety planning, engagement patterns, etc.). This report also contained a section detailing the incidents in which one Soldier sexually assaults another and the power dynamic between victim and offender.
Resources developed for the U.S. Army IMCOM G 9 Family and MWR Programs
Ready and Resilient Portfolio Capabilities Assessment (R2 PCA): This project was a review of the Army’s Ready and Resilient Portfolio Capabilities Assessment. It entailed a review of the evaluation plan to assess 120 different Army programs in four portfolios that addressed health promotion and risk reduction for Soldiers, Civilian Employees, and their Family Members. It also included a review of the first four implementations of that plan in 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014. The final report was submitted to the Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management (OACSIM) in March 2016
Army Community Services Needs Assessment: During the past three years, the Military Projects have continued to assist Army Community Service (ACS) Centers at the installation level with preparation for their tri-annual accreditation process by helping them gain community input for their needs assessment. The needs assessment survey that we developed in 2003 was revised extensively in 2012 and the Military Projects assisted 77 installations with their needs assessment in 2011, 2012, and 2013. For each installation a sampling plan was developed for surveying their populations both electronically and with paper copies of the survey. The survey was personalized for their installation and additional questions were added to the standardized core survey as needed. When installations completed the data collection process, the paper copy data was scanned and merged with electronic data, analyzed, and the findings were used to prepare a written report for the ACS Director at the installation.
Army Community Services Outcomes Review Summary: We completed work with Program Managers and Division Chiefs within U.S. Army IMCOM G9 Family and MWR Programs on program evaluation in 2013. Many of these programs have been successful in identifying outcome metrics for the Soldiers and Family Members they serve, have completed a piloting process to validate these measures, and have either incorporated them into their client tracking system or have under taken periodic studies to assess program performance. Some programs and services have made less progress in establishing outcome metrics, validating them, and incorporating them into their data collection processes. This work culminated in August 2013 with a series of meetings and the draft of an Outcomes Review Summary which detailed a process for piloting and validating outcome metrics that were identified for 11 of the Army Family Programs that either did not have outcome metrics or wished to collect additional outcome data.

Report submitted to Department of Defense Office of Military Community & Family Policy
Exceptional Family Member Program Process and Outcome Metrics (2016): This report summarized data collected at eight location across the Department of Defense, two locations in each of the four Services. The feedback survey used to collect data was the product of an evaluation capacity building initiative in collaboration with the military Exceptional Family Member Program-Family Support (EFMP – FS) leadership from each Service and from the Office of Community Support for Military Families with Special Needs (OSN) at the Department of Defense. This process included the development of logic and pathway models, concept mapping, and the development of evaluation questions and an evaluation plan. The resulting survey was intended to generate feedback on various components of the EFMP – FS non-clinical case management process which included information and referral, intake and service planning, and ongoing non-clinical case management designed to support families in their efforts to meet the educational, health care, housing, financial, behavioral health, and other needs of their family members with special needs. Data was also collected on several of the demographic and situational characteristics that were thought to be most relevant to program participant needs and their experience using EFMP-FS services.
DoD Exceptional Family Member Program Benchmark Report (2012): This study summarizes findings from an extensive literature review, a series of interviews with family support programs for families with special needs within the military and civilian sectors, and focus groups and individual interviews with Service members, Family members, and service providers at eight installations, two from each military service. This work was carried out in 2011 and 2012. The report detailed the experiences of military families with special needs, the military and civilian supports available to them, and the ways in which family members with special needs impact the service member’s career. It also highlighted best practices in both the military and civilian programs and the recommendations of families with special needs for strengthening the support system and facilitating the active duty member’s continued service.
Healthy Base Initiative (HBI) Climate and Resource Assessment Report (2015):  This study looked at the level of awareness, engagement, and satisfaction members of the military community reported about each of the Healthy Base Initiatives offered at their location in relation to the changes they said they made in their eating, exercising, and tobacco use behaviors. In general, a positive association was found between improvements reported in eating, exercising, and tobacco use behaviors and the level of engagement that was reported with many of the HBI initiatives. However, the greatest amount of change was reported by those who most needed to change their eating, exercising, or tobacco use behaviors. Among those who already engaged in a healthy life style, many of the open-ended comments indicated that the programs offered through the Healthy Base Initiative were helpful to them in maintaining a healthy diet, regular exercise, and reduction or cessation of tobacco use.

Resource materials developed for the U.S. Air Force, Family Advocacy Program (FAP)
This project’s deliverables were to design three research/evidence based Special Emphasis Month (SEM) packages to be used by the USAF Family Advocacy Program Outreach Managers around the themes of Child Abuse Prevention, Domestic Abuse Prevention and Teen Dating Violence Prevention. HQ USAF FAP wanted standardized materials for all their bases, including the joint base environments which meant that the materials were produced in two versions. Version 1was designed to be used at USAF installations only and Version 2 at joint base environments featuring seals and photos for Army, Navy, Marine Corps and Air Force.  Each set of materials included a review of the most current prevention research for each topic that could be used for briefings, classes, workshops, public service announcements, social media distribution and various forms of print media. The visual components include posters, bookmarks, tip sheets and wallet cards.  We also developed general marketing materials and made the decision jointly with HQ USAF FAP staff that while the materials would be highlighted during the special emphasis months (February, April and October) they would also be designed to be used throughout the year.   Materials were delivered on CD for commercial and desk side print formats and are also housed on the USAF FAP staff website.

Selected Conferences, Professional Meetings; Invited Lectures
2016: November 2016, presented a BCTR Talk @ Twelve on the Command Support Study at Cornell University

January 2016, presented at the DoD-USDA Partnership for Military Families Project Directors Meeting.

2015: November 2015, presented at the annual American Evaluation Conference held in Chicago, IL

February 2015, presented at the USC Military Research Center Summit held at the University of Southern California.

January 2015, presented at the DoD-USDA Partnership for Military Families Project Directors Meeting.
2014: November 2014, presented at the Women Veterans Roundtable, “From Service Boots to Civilian Shoes”, at Cornell University
2013: September 2013, presented as part of a panel on the future of military families at the Military Families in Transition: Stress, Resilience, and Well-being Forum held at Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, Silver Spring, MD.
September 2013, assisted with one day workshop on developing an evaluation plan with the leadership of the military Exceptional Family Member Programs in Washington, DC.
August 2013, assisted with a one day workshop on developing pathway models and evaluation plans with the leadership of the Army Reserve Family Programs in Chicago, IL.
July/August 2013, presented program evaluation strategy to leadership of Army Family Programs and developed evaluation plans for 11 Family Programs in San Antonio, TX.

June 2013, was the discussant for a panel on Parenting and Child Outcomes at the Purdue University Military Family Research Institute International Research Symposium on Military and Veteran Families in Indianapolis, IN.

April 2013, assisted with a three day workshop on evaluation with the leadership of the Army Reserve Family Programs in Ithaca, NY.
January 2013, presented the planned program evaluation strategy to leadership of Army Reserve Family Programs at their quarterly meeting in Raleigh, NC.

Awards, Sub-Awards and Grants September 1, 2013 to December 31, 2016
Principal Investigator, Army Reserve Family Programs, National Institute for Food and Agriculture/USDA ($909,091) 9/1/2014 to 3/31/2017
Principal Investigator, Army Family Advocacy Program (FAP) National Institute for Food and Agriculture/USDA ($459,441) 9/1/2012-8/31/2014
Principal Investigator, Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) Process and Outcome Metrics, National Institute for Food and Agriculture/USDA ($290,909) 10/9/2012 to 8/31/2014
Sub Award through the University of Minnesota, Principal Investigator at Cornell, Military Family Support Training System, National Institute for Food and Agriculture/USDA ($282,501) 10/1/2011 to 8/31/2014

Sub Award through Kansas State University, Principal Investigator at Cornell, USAF Violence Campaign Project, National Institute for Food and Agriculture/USDA ($95,000) 3/11/2013 to 8/31/2015

Principal Investigator, Superstar Practitioner, three year Hatch award ($66,000): 10/1/2012 to 9/30/2015
Principal Investigator, Army Reserve Family Programs, National Institute for Food and Agriculture/USDA ($909,091) 4/1/2013 to 3/31/2015
Principal Investigator, Healthy Base Initiative Measurement and Evaluation Strategy, National Institute for Food and Agriculture/USDA ($500,000): 10/1/2013 to 12/31/2015
Principal Investigator, Ready and Resilient Portfolio Capabilities Assessment, National Institute for Food and Agriculture/USDA ($185,597): 9/1/2014 to 8/31/2015
Principal Investigator, FAP Victim Advocacy Program Tutorial, National Institute for Food and Agriculture/USDA ($143,606): 9/1/2014 to 8/31/2015

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