Upload the Fiori App
In this step, you upload the above adapted app to the SAP Gateway system (frontend server).
In SAP GUI, access the following transaction:
Choose Enter.
On the Initial Screen, make the following entry:
Field Name
Entry Value
Choose Execute.
Enter the name of the application:
Field Name
Entry Value
Name of SAPUI5 Application
Choose Upload option.
Choose Execute.
In the Browse For Folder pop-up, choose the WebContent folder from your project.
Choose OK.
Scroll down to the bottom of the page.
Choose the Click here to Upload text.
If a pop-up window appears, choose Allow.
In the pop-up window, make the following entries:
Field Name
Entry Value
(in case you do not want to transport you can use $tmp)
Transport Request
In case you do not use $tmp, maintain a number of a workbench request here. You can create a new request using transaction se10.
External Codepage
; in case of error enter Cp1252
Choose Continue.
If you are asked for a developer code, enter the requested code.
If a SAP GUI Security pop-up window appears, select Remember My Decision and choose Allow.
When you are back on the screen from point 5 and, at the bottom, there is the amount of data transferred, the upload is complete.
You have uploaded an SAP Fiori app to the chosen location.
Configure the Custom Application on the Fiori Launchpad
Within the above sections different applications were extended. Additional configuration in the SAP Frontend Server (SAP Gateway) and settings in the Launchpad Designer are required.
This chapter is required independently from the fact how you extended your app (SAP Web IDE or Eclipse IDE).
In order to avoid confusion, for each app an own launch pad will be created using example values that can be replaced by customer specific values of course.
Create a New Launchpad
In this step, you create a new custom Launchpad.
Search and open your uploaded app in the ABAP Development Workbench (transaction Code SE80) as described in chapter ‘Retrieving the Fiori App Name’ using the values of your own extended app.
Expand the folder Page Fragments.
Select the file Component.js.
Keep this modus open for further references.
In SAP GUI, access the following transaction in a new modus:
Transaction Code
Choose Enter.
Choose New Launchpad.
In the Enter Values for a New Launchpad enter the following information (leave the fields not mentioned as is):
Field Name
Entry Value
Quotation Example:
Track Purchase Order Example:
Quotation Example:
Track Purchase Order Example:
Choose Continue.
If the Namespace required? window appears, choose Yes.
Choose New Application and make the following entry:
Field Name
Entry Value
Link Text
Quotation Example:
Track Purchase Order Example:
Application Type
Quotation Example:
The App name that was uploaded in step ‘Upload the Fiori App’ needs to be maintained here.
Track Purchase Order Example:
The value to be maintained here is the name of the BSP application which was created either during upload via the report (Eclipse example) or via deployment from SAP Web IDE.
Choose the Edit icon next to the URL field.
Choose the Show Advanced (Optional) Parameters option and make the following entry:
Field Name
Entry Value
Application Alias
Quotation Example:
Track Purchase Order Example:
The application alias can be chosen as you want. However – this parameter is used later during Catalog creation.
Additional Information
Quotation Example:
Track Purchase Order Example:
SAPUI5.Component= ui.s2p.mm.purord.tracking.MM_PURORD_TPOExtension
You can derive the parameter like this:
Open your BSP application as described in chapter ‘Retrieving the Fiori App Name’
Open the folder Page Fragments -> WebContent
Select Components.js
The first codeline has the following format:
XYZ is a placeholder of the name to be maintained. In the above mentioned examples it is zcus.sd.myquotations or ui.s2p.mm.purord.tracking.MM_PURORD_TPOExtension.
The full parameter to be maintained here:
Choose Save.
You have created a custom Launchpad so that you can use your adapted SAP Fiori app.
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